The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1940, Image 4

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October 19—Football game—Texas A. &
M. vs. T. C. U.—Kyle Field—2 :30 P. M.
October 19—Corps Dance—Mess Hall.
October 17 to 19 inc.—Texas Sheep and
Goat Raisers’ Association.
October 26—Round Table Club—Show—
Assembly Hall—3 :15 and 6:30 P. M.
October 31 to November 2—Texas Nur
seryman’s Short Course (Mr. J. F. Ros-
November 1—Poultry Science Club Bene
fit Show—3:16 and 6:30 P. M. (Assembly
November 4—Town Hall—Fisk Jubilee
Singers—Guion Hall—7 :30 P. M.
The Library would like to secure a
copy of the April, 1940, issue of FORTUNE
(Mrs.) A. A. Barnard
Order and Periodical Librarian
The President’s Office is holding one
sheet of Decalcomania numbers from The
Palm Bros. Decalcomania Co. Will the
person ordering these please call for same.
Ground school will begin Monday, Oc
tober 21, at 7 p. m., Room 207, Mechani
cal Engineering building.
Howard W. Barlow
Professor and Head
Aeronautical Engineering Dept.
When in Doubt About
Your Eyes or Your
Glasses, Consult
Masonic Bdlg. - Bryan
Let Us Fix Your
Applicants for the C.A.A. advanced
flight training who have passed the re
quired physical examination are request
ed to report at once to the Fiscal Depart
ment and pay the fees for insurance,
transportation and registration (Total
A list of eligibles has been furnished
the Fiscal Department. Those who have
passed the examination but have not re
ported to my office should report btfjore
attempting to pay fees.
Howard W. Barlow, Head
Department of Aeronautical
Any Junior interested in working on
Advertising Staff of the Battalion come
to Stodent Publications Office as soon
as possible.
Coach Art Adamson wishes to see all the
football ushers at Kyle Field Stadium,
Saturday, October 19.
October 14, 1940
NO. 10:
1. Breakfast will be served to students
who enter the mess halls between 7:30
A. M. and 7:50 A. M. on Sundays.
2. In order that all concerned may take
advantage of this privilege, there will
be no breakfast formation on Sun
3. All students who are not exempt from
wearing the uniform will be required
to wear No. 2 uniform for breakfast
on Sunday mornings. Students out of
uniform will not be allowed to enter
the mess halls during the breakfast
For the Commandant.
Assistant Commandant
NO. 11:
1. All cadets who are required to walk
the area on week-end Tour Duty will
wear No. 2 (khaki) uniform when
they report.
Assistant Commandant
The AAUP will meet Monday, October
21 at 7:30 p. m. in the parlor at Sbisa
Hall. Members and prospective members
are urged to attend. Refreshments will be
The ASAE will hold its regular meeting
in the Ag Engineering lecture room Mon
day night, October 21 at 7:30. It is im
portant that all students taking Ag En
gineering be present.
(Continued from Page 1)
final plans of selection, induction,
and placement. For instance the
order is that college students will
no be called until July 1941, yet
no one knows whether juniors or
seniors will be allowed to go ahead
and graduate or not. As expressed
by Lt. Col. W. A. Watson, Com
mandant, “The matter seems to be
either very secretive, or else the
final plans have not as yet been
(Continued from page 1)
a flight surgeon. For the advanced
work, the students must have sat
isfactorily completed the primary,
have had two years of college work,
and have passed rigid physical ex
amination and a special eye exam
ination by a flight surgeon.
Upon completion of the primary
course the student will receive his
private pilot rating and a restrict
ed commercial rating will be given
for completion of the advanced
New Office—
(Continued from Page 1)
ned by the Corps Headquarters.
It is hoped that in the near fu
ture a student employee will be
hired to take care of the detail
work of the department. Until that
time, however, one of the three
student officers will be in the of
fice during every off hour between
eight in the morning and five in
the afternoon. If the office is clos
ed during these hours, all inquir
ies should be taken to the comman
North Gate
Drive up and let us
serve you from our
tempting menu.
^«//// %
Trench and
Storm Coats
We have just received
another large shipment
of Trench Coats and of
fer a fine assortment for
your approval.
U. S. All Weather
Lightweight Trench
Coat $4.95
Alligator Slickers
Lightweight $5.95
Alligator Gabardine
Trench Coats—
Officers’ Model with
Epaulets $14.75
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
There will be a meeting of the Abilene
Club Monday night at 7:30 in Room 213,
Academic Building.
There will be a regular open meeting
of the Hillel Club in the lounge in Sbisa
Hall at 7 :15 Sunday night, October 20. Dr.
Joseph S. Werlin of the Department of
Sociology at the University of Houston
will be the principal speaker.
There will be an important meeting of
all boys from Llano, Mason, Brady, Eden,
Menard, Junction, Fredericksburg, Boerne,
Kerrville, Rocksprings, Comfort and San
Saba in Room 110 Academic Building im
mediately after supper Sunday night. New
men are urged to attend.
The A. & M. Lutheran Walther League
will meet in the Y Chapel Sunday after
noon at four o’clock. Church services will
be held immediately after the meeting.
All Missouri synod Lutherans are urged
to attend.
R. L. Brown, Pastor
Harvey Hatcher, Ed. and Music Director
Sunday School 9 :45 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:45 A. M.
Training Union 6:45 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:45 P. M.
A Cordial Welcome To AH
William Harvey Andrew, Pastor
A cordial welcome awaits every Aggie
here at all the services.
Sunday School - Dan Russell
"A. & M. Class” 9:46 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:60 A. M.
Baptist Training Union 6:40 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P. M.
Free busses to the Church leave both
Y.M.C.A.’s and Project House Area at
9:20 every Sunday morning.
First Presbyterian Church, College Sta
tion, Norman Anderson, Pastor.
9 :45, Sunday School
11:00, Morning Worship. Sermon Topic:
“Guarding Our Loyalties”.
7 :00, Student League.
8:00, Evening Devotions and Fellow
All services in the Y.M.C.A. Chapel. A
cordial welcome to all.
LOST—25 or 30 pound white marked,
brown mixed terrier. Wide, studded col
lar. Name: “Neb”. Reward. Sgt. M. E.
Thomas, Coast Artillery Armory.
LOST—Left in Geology Lecture Room
Tuesday, one Dobbs hat with red cord.
For reward return to Joe Kelsey, Hall 10
Room No. 115.
LOST—A light brown leather jacket,
left in men’s rest room, basement of
Chemistry Bldg. Will finder please return
it to Head of Chemistry Dept.
Will pay good price for motorcycle in
good condition. Write Box 1833, College
Station, Texas.
ROOM FOR 4 BOYS—(students) $8.00
each per month. Hot and cold running
water. See F. G. Ormsby, 1st house back
of Grant’s Gulf Service Station on High
way 6.
Answer to division problem.
63 | 8694
There are 3 other solutions, can
you find them?
Have you got your girl
a Chrysanthemum?
We have them in school
We have beautiful
Old College Road
Phone Bryan 672
One of the distasteful duties of
the office will be its position as
the site for the Senior Court ses
sions. Yes sir, that little white
card above the door will certainly
attract attention.
Wool Plant—
(Continued from Page 1)
estimated clean yield (scoured) ba
sis, it is important that producers
should be in a position to gain a
rather accurate knowledge of the
grades and shrinkages of their clips.
The facilities of this new plant
are open to any person who desires
information concerning the type
and grade of wool he is growing.
The information so gained will be
of educational value and may be
used to guide the breeding program
designed systematically to improve
the weight and quality of Texas
There is a small charge for this
service, and this charge is taken
from the sale price of each per
son’s scoured wool and the remain
ing money is returned to the pro
ducer. The money taken in by the
plant is sent to Austin to the
(Continued from Page 1)
appears from nowhere—he has been
following us around—and suggests
that we visit the interesting cur-
rios of the city. We again pat
ronize his open car. He takes us
through the richer residential parts
of Havana. Beautiful homes and
lovely gardens are the rule. Some
of the architecture is superb, and
all appears to be of solid construct
Occasionally we see a poete co-
chere ajar and catch a glimpse of
one of those ravishing patios, rich
in tropical plans, to characteristic
of Latin-American countries.
It would be no easy thing to
start a successful revolution in
Cuba—that thought cames to our
mind as we drive along into the
populous suburbs of Havana and
note the many policemen—one sees
a blue coat every few yards—and
the uiquitors and well built pre
cinct police stations, and the dove
of which is stationed invariably a
“cop” on sentry-go-rifle and all.
About fifty percent, it appears, are
colored. They wear caps of a size
which impress the tourist. As a
member of our party said: “I can’t
get over the cop’s caps in Havana,”
the rest echoed the same impres
sion, and added to it with remarks
about the size of the policemen’s
The guides tell you there are
2,500 policemen in Havana. We be
lieve it; you almost stumble over
them. They are smartly dressed in
blue and present well, and court-
sey to the stranger is not the least
of their qualities. Some of them
speak good English.
Cabmen and taxi drivers are the
same all over the world—in the
larger cities. They want to take
you where they would like you to
go, and it is not an easy thing to
stop them! Notwithstanding the
presence of ladies in our party, our
chauffeur had evidently had his
orders. At any rate, he suddenly
“Pike” Netherwood Went Up
The Hard Way-Buck Private
To Brigadier General in Army
(From The Texas Aggie)
Most older A. & M. men know
the story of D. B. “Pipe” Nether
wood, ’08, now Brigadier General
and Wing Commander in the U. S.
Army Air Corps. It is a thrilling
story as told by one of “Pike’s”
classmates in a letter to the Texas
Aggie, Former Students’ publica
tion of A. & M. College.
At the present time Brigadier
General Netherwood is Command-
drove into a by-road, and all at
once we found ourselves on the
threshold of . . . for all the world!
as the Sunday School superintend
ent would say—a large rum manu 1
_ We were met by two officials
trained for the task—urbane, tact
ful, ingratiating to a degree. They
told us to enter and inspect their
plant, which was mainly a suc
cession of enormous vats, some of
which contained 35,000 quarts of
rum. So we slowly strolled from
the room to another, our guide who
used to live in Chicago and other
American Cities, repeatedly inter-
ferred his remarks with the obser
vation: “Anybody can make rum;
it is quite simple; nothing to it.”
Then he went on to explain that
the secret lay in the ageing of the
As everybody knows, rum is a
by-product of sugar making. The
sugar crystallizes out on evapora
tion of the juice of the sugarcane,
leaving a brown liquid, molasses,
from which rum is made. The casks
and vats are made of oak, and our
guide explained that the fusel oil
in the new liquor is gradually ab
sorbed by the wood, through the
years, thus removing the object
ionable feature of new liquor, which
is the fusel oil. We were shown
vats that has contained rum for
67 years.
Havana has its Chinatown. We
were driven through it—a conjested
but most picturesque quarter of
the city, with typical Chinese stor
es and shops and Chinamen going
and coming through every door
The Capitol is a fine building.
Indeed one does not need to be an
architect to note the rare tastes
displayed in the erection of Ha
vana’s monuments, public edifices,
and some of the finer residences.
Some of the former are imposing
in size and impressive in design
and execution, notably the Main
monument, and the one erected to
the memory of Gomez, famous Cu
ban patriot, general and liberator.
Despite the ostentative of wealth
on the one hand, one gains the
impression that the struggle for
existence is keen among some of
the lower classes. One is told there
are 700 liquor stores. This estimate
is certainly not exaggerated, as
they bob up at every corner and
several times between in some parts
of the city. Nor does one have to
take many steps before encounter
ing a policeman. As for the liquor
stores with all their paraphernalia
of gaudy colored labels on the bot
tles, it would probably be a good
thing if half of them were swept
away at one cough. Another thing
which might be attenuated in num
bers is the taxi cab—entirely too
numerous it seems in the narrow,
crowded thoroughfares. How acci
dents are avoided is a mystery.
Many of the central streets have
sidewalks about 18 inches or two
feet wide. It is dangerous to step
off the sidewalk.
It is quite impossible for the
tourist to disguise himself in Ha
vana; he is a marked man from
the time he reaches the city. Torets
and other interested persons bob
up everywhere, and when we had
finished our business in one store
or shop we found a small army of
cabmen squabbling among them
selves at the door as to who could
drive us to the next “port of call.”
We were glad to get back to the
ship, but glad we had seen much
of this great and picturesque city.
We left port during the night,
but not before we watched for a
long time the unloading of much
of “Tolva’s” freight.
Cuba has two or three products
which we buy. Sugar, of course, is
the chief export. We buy some
tobacco, principally cigar leaf, but
not a great deal. A certain amount
of tropical products find their way
to American ports, but it would
appear that Cuba is much more
beholden to us than we are to the
Cubans. One has only to watch the
unloading operatives of our steam
er to note this. Hour after hour we
put on the dock side dried peas, |
beans, rice and salt pork or bacon—
the kind commonly termed “sow
belly”. One wonders how Cuba can
pay for all the food stuffs put
ashore, to be sure the American
tourist pays for much of it.
ing Officer of Northeast Anti-
Aircraft Defense at Mitchell Field,
L. I., New York, but has received
orders transferring him to the Ca
nal Zone.
This letter from Chas. A. Bur-
meister, ’08, tells of the determina
tion and dogged persistance of a
man who knew what he wanted
and was out to get it. Quoting
from the letter:
“I presume you have read about
the promotion of “Pike” Nether
wood (D. B.) ’08, to the rank of
Brigadier General and Wing Com
mander in the Air Corps. There is
a real story in that advancement
in the army of an A. & M. cadet.
“ ‘Pike’ was the greatest country
boys that ever came to A. & M.
but he had character and determi
nation and his fellow students were
quick to recognize it, even though
he probably was subjected to the
severest hazing that was ever giv
en any man there. If he resented
any of the treatment, he never let
anyone know it because he always
met the boys with a smile. He like
wise never deviated from what he
believed to be right, and because
of his sincerity and honesty, he
won the respect of every man in
the college.
“In his freshman year he re
ceived a large number of votes in
competition with the seniors in the
selection of outstanding students
having certain traits or qualifica
tions of merit. You will find his
name mentioned in every “Long
horn” from 1905 to 1908—often in
a spirit of fun—but it was because
the editors recognized his good
qualities and knew that he had the
character to take a little joshing
in the right spirit.
“It was a very hot September
afternoon in 1904 when ‘Pike’ got
off the train at College Station and
probably the first time he had ever
ventured that far from the little
unknown post-office out in the
sheep country of West Texas. He
carried one of those canvas and
pasteboard telescope bags, which
the present generation never saw—
the true identification of the rustic
in that period. Seeing Uncle Dan
(Jackson) with his wagon and mule
who was hauling trunks to the
dormitories, he climbed up on the
load and thus was transported to
the college buildings. As he came
up the drive with Uncle Dan, some
cadets sitting on the steps of north
end Foster Hall spied him and one
of them remarked, ‘Look, there
comes Uncle Pike.’ Thus he receiv
ed the nickname by which he was
known throughout his four years
at A. & M. and by which he will
always be known to those who
knew him.
“ ‘Pike’ took to the military like
a duck takes to water and the Bull
(Captain-Sergeant) was quick to
recognize his real qualities. One
afternoon when drill call was
sounded, ‘Pike’ was at the steam
plant where he had a job firing the
boilers. He had forgotten about
drill and was dressed in his overalls
and jumper and was covered with
soot and coal dust. He wasn’t go
ing to let that situation prevent
him from reporting for drill so he
dashed across the campus, and re
ported with his rifle, and when his
name was called, he was table to
answer ‘here’. Of course he was
‘rammed’ for reporting for drill in
improper uniform but that was
better in his opinion that being
‘rammed’ for being absent from
“The most difficult ordeal he
had was when he was on sentinel
duty. When he was assigned to a
post, the boys did everything pos
sible to make his job unpleasant.
Firewood was dropped down the
stairways and buckets of water
tossed at him but it never phased
him. The Bull gave him recogni
tion by promoting him through the
various ranks and in his senior
year, he was a staff officer—First
Lieutenant and Quartermaster, I
“The real test of ‘Pike’ came af
ter he graduated in 1908. ‘Bull’
Moses got him a commission as
Second Lieutenant in the army or
at least a chance to get it. But
when the check-up was made it
was discovered that ‘pike’ was not
(Continued from Page 3)
action that saw Henry Crews of
Orange, get up after a couple of
jumps brushing the dirt from his
Calf-roping came next on an af
ternoon program of excitement and
thrills, and Caddo Wright took
first money with the time of 32
seconds flat. Frank Courtney grab
bed second and Don Carlson,
Georgetown, finished with show
Bursting from the chute in a
surge of frenzy and fight, “Chero
kee” took to the air in a blast of
pitching and bucking, but rider
Bill Ward of Juno, Texas handled
him with the greatest of ease to
take first place in the saddled
bronc contest. Bob Frazier refused
to tell “Goodbye Dan” goodbye
and came in for second honors. The
pride of Fort Bliss, Jack Irving,
got third place with his ride on
“Free Wheeling”.
The skillful art of goat-roping
was next on the program and Jack
Taylor snared his in time to gar
ner the first place position. Ray
Thomas and Don Carlson worked
the rope in time for second and
third. All of these men are from
Georgetown, as was Tainey Towns
who had some very hard luck w’hen
his goat got into the stands.
Plenty of boys got gravel in
their pockets in the final event of
the afternoon, but after the dust
had settled, Ed Rafferty of Gru-
ver had made an angel out of
“Angleface” to take first. The
“McLean Rose”, Jake Hess, scrat
ched and fanned “San Antonio
Rose” into second place with Jack
Jones taking over the third place.
An aftermath of the afternoon
of climaxes was a touch of South
American bull-fighting by Pedro
Chacon who took over Jupe Al
len’s red flag and gave a swell
show at the expense of “Stardust”,
an ornery looking bull of question
able descent.
a citizen of the United States. His
parents had come over here from
England when he was two years of
age and apparently they had never
been naturalized.
“An obstacle of this kind would
have discouraged most men but not
‘Pike*! It would take five years to
become naturalized in the usual
way but it could be shortened to
two years by joining the army.
‘Pike’ chose the latten even if he
did have a college degree and the
army pay was only $15 a month.
So into the army he went and at
the end of two years (1910),he
took the examination and got his
commission. In 32 years, therefore,
he has risen from private to Brig
adier General, and yet some of our
modern youth say there are no
opportunities any more. The coun
try boy from the sheep country
proves that it can be done and I
have confidence in the A. & M.
spirit to believe that no true son
of A. & M. believes that kind of
bunk either.
The 1940-41 season is the fourth
consecutive year that the world
supply (carry-over plus product
ion) of American cotton has been
close to 25 million bales.
Stomach Comfort
Why suffer with Indi
gestion, Gas, Gall Blad
der Pains or High Blood
Pressure ? Restore your
Potassium balance with
Alkalosine-A and these
troubles will disappear.
Sold by
Lipscomb’s Pharmacy
You don’t want to get
stuck with a “dead” bat
tery — that means lost
time and inconvenience.
Better let us service your
car’s battery, and save
before you start.
209 S. College - Bryan
Everything in nature goes by
steps, nothing by leaps.
Good society wants good morals,
and whenever they can’t be, wants
them kept out of sight.
Approximately 111,000 children
in 1,684 Texas schools benefitted
from the Texas free school lunch
program last year.
After the game, come
and eat a delicious chick
en dinner.
Y Chicken Shanty
Your Patronage
Y In Bryan
Drive in at our sign of the Fly
ing Red Horse for a tankful of
Mobilgas. You’ll like the quick
response . . . smooth accelera
tion ... full power and long
mileage that Mobilgas gives. In
traffic, or on the highway, Mo
bilgas delivers Balanced Per
formance. Let us fill ’er up with
Mobilgas, today!
East Gate - Hwy. 6
The “Hit"-Tunes
Of The Week
“The One I Love”
Tommy Dorsey
“Beat Me Daddy”
Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller
“You’re Nearer”
Tony Pastor
“Two Dreams Met”
Tommy Dorsey
“I Give You My Word”
Mitchel Ayers
“You’re Breaking My
Heart Again”
Tommy Dorsey
“I Could Make You Care”
Bea Wayne
“Shadows on The Sand”
Tommy Dorsey
Come In and play
them at
Highway No. 6, Next To Grant’s Gulf Service Station
Complete Steak Dinners 50?
Gobs of Crisp Shoe String Potatoes
Our Student Special 25?
j Highway No. 6
Phone 4-8174