The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1940, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Legal Notices
An Ordinance to establish the office
of Electrical Inspection in and for the
City of College Station, to regulate and
define the duties of such office and to
establish rules and regulations concerning
the installation, operation and maintenance
of electrical wiring and apparatus, to fix
penalties for the violation of its provis
ions and repealing all laws in conflict
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City' of College Station, Texas:
SECTION 1. The office of Electrical
Inspector in and for the City of College
Station, is hereby created and said office
shall be filled by appointment by the
Mayor, by and with the consent of the
Council within sixty days after the pas
sage and publication of this ordinance,
and said Electrical Inspector shall hold of
fice during good behavior and shall not
be removed except for failure properly to
perform his duties as prescribed in this
ordinance or any ordinance or part of the
ordinance regulating electric wires or ap
paratus now in force or which may be
adopted. Said Electrical Inspector shall
be a person well versed in the rules and
requirements of the National Electric
Code. Before assuming authority confer
red by this ordinance the Electrical In
spector shall take an oath usually ad
ministered to other city officials, and
shall give bond to the City of College
Station in the penal sum of One Thou
sand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned up
on the faithful performance of his duties.
SECTION 2. Every corporation, co-part
nership, association or individual owning
or operating a line of wires over streets,
alleys or buildings in this city, shall use
Let Us Fix
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Midnight Blue or Black
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$19.95 up
Aggie Military
1 Block West of
North Gate
only wires that are suitable and strong:
shall suitably and safely attach them to
strong and sufficient supports and insu
late them at all points of attachment: shall
remove all wires abandoned for use: shall
suitably insulate every wire where it en
ters a building, and, if such wire is other
than a wire designated to carry an elec
tric light or power current, shall attach
it to at suitable and convenient points in
the circuit calculated to prevent danger
from fire and near the place of entering
the building, an appliance calculated to
prevent at all times a current of elec
tricity of such intensity or volume as to
be capable of injuring electrical instru
ments or causing fire from entering the
building by means of such wire beyond
the point at which such appliance is at
SECTION 3. No corporation, no co
partnership, association or individual shall
engaged in the business of installing elec
tric wiring and apparatus within any build
ing in the City of College Station for
use in connection with electric light or
power unless he shall have a “Master
Electrician’s License” to engage in such
a business, said license to be issued in the
following manner: An examining board
shall be appointed by the Mayor to con
sist of the city engineer as chairman and
two other persons, one of whom shall be
an electrician, these two persons to hold
office at the pleasure of the Mayor. The
examining board shall receive applications
for licenses and examine the applicants in
such manner as it may see fit. If a
majority of the board favors granting a
license, the chairman shall so certify to
the city secretary who shall then, after
payment of the fees specified in Section
4, issue a license to the applicant.
SECTION 4. No “Master Electrician’s
License” shall be issued except upon
payment of a fee of Fifteen Dollars
($15.00) to the City Secretary, together
with the filing of a bond of Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) conditioned upon com
pliance with the ordinance of the city
regulating electric wiring and apparatus
and the faithful performance of all con
tracts entered into for the installation
of electric wiring and apparatus inside
any building for use in connection with
electric light, heat or power. The license
shall be renewed each year after date of
issue upon payment of Five Dollars ($5.00).
SECTION 5. Any failure on the part of
the holder of a “Master Electrician’s Li
cense” to comply with the provisions of
any brdinance of the City regulating elec
tric wiring and apparatus or to faithfully
carry out the conditions of a contract for
installing electric wiring and apparatus
shall be deemed sufficient cause for re
voking said “Master Electrician’s License”
together with all rights and privileges
thereunder and the forfeiture of the bond
filed pursuant to the requirements of
Section 4 of this ordinance.
The City Secretary is hereby authorized
to refuse to issue a “Master Electrician’s
License” to any previous holder or one
which has been revoked or to any cor
poration, co-partnership, association or in
dividual with which said holder is asso
SECTION G. The amount realized upon
the forfeiture of any bond over and above
the expense involved' in its forfeiture shall
be expended in making the necessary
changes in the electric wiring and appar
atus found to be contrary to the pro
visions of this ordinance or deficient in
quality or other particulars as specified in
the contract or contracts entered into
and covered by the bond, and the unused
balance, if any, shall be paid into the
City Treasury.
SECTION 7. All wiring for electric
light or power hereafter installed in
churches, theatres, other places used for
public gatherings and all buildings with
in the fire limits in the city of College
Station shall be installed in suitable ap
proved metallic conduits, and all such
wires hereafter installed in unfinished
basements in all buildings other than
dwellings designed for the occupancy of
not more than three families, shall be
likewise placed in similar conduits.
SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of
the Electrical inspector to enforce the
provisions of this ordinance or any ordi
nance or ordinances now in force or which
may hereafter be adopted concerning elec
tric wiring or apparatus.
SECTION 9. No wire or wires shall
be installed, operated or maintained over
any street,
in this ci
ously interfere with the work of the Fire
Department in the use of ladders or other
apparatus, or which shall obstruct or ren
der hazardous the use of fire escapes, and
on complaint of the fire chief, said ob
struction interfering or hazardous wires
shall be removed or properly rearranged.
SECTION 10. Wherever possible and
expedient signal wires shall not be carried
on the same pole with or in dangerous
proximity to high potential electric light
or power wires and where a joint occu
pancy pole line composed of these two
classes of system is necessary, or where
the routine traversed by these systems
cross each other, the high potential elec
tric light or power wires shall be placed
and maintained not less than four feet
above every signal wire, and where it is
impossible to provide for such a separa
tion it shall be the duty of the Elec
trical Inspector to arrange and enforce an
equitable and safe alternative plan.
SECTION 11. The said Electrical In
spector shall make a thorough inspection
of all electric wires and apparatus with
in the City of College Station at least
once in each year, and where wires or
apparatus are in dangerous or unsafe con
dition, or are deemed to be an interference
with the work of the Fire Department, he
shall notify the person, firm or company
owning, using or operating them to place
them in a safe, secure and non-inter
fering condition. Any corporation, co
partnership, association or individual or
lied, operated or maintained over
set, alley, sidewalk, or building
city which shall be liable to seri-
A complete tailoring
department to give
you perfect alter
ations at popular
Two thousand Baptist students
from all of Texas’ colleges will at
tend the annual Texas Baptist Stu
dent Convention at Baylor Univer
sity, Waco, next week-end (Oct.
18-20). Featured speakers will be
dynamic Charles A. Wells (lower
left), international traveler and
newspaper cartoonist, and J. W.
Bill Marshall (center right), state
secretary of the student group,
who has just returned from four
months of volunteer missionary
work among Chinese young peo
ple. Bill Kent (upper right), stu
dent in Texas A. and M. college,
is state B. S. U. president. Special
music will be furnished by two
Baylor groups, a trio (upper left)
composed of LaRue Richards of
Dalhart, Mary Hughes of Abilene
and Mary Lee Dearen of Quanah;
and the Vincent sisters (lower
right)—Alyce, Agnes, Alma and
Margie—of Nunez, La.
jurpose he shall be given prompt
all buildings, private or public.
- mm —
Aggie Military
1 Block West of
North Gate
For Cleaning and Pressing
You Can’t Lose on—
In New Y Over Exchange Store
agent thereof failing, neglecting, or re
fusing within a reasonable time to make
the necessary repairs or changes, and have
the necessary work completed within a
reasonable time after the receipt of said
notice, shall be deemed guilty of violation
of this ordinance and every day which shall
elapse after the expiration of said reason
able time until said wires and apparatus
are repaired, removed or changed as re
quired by said Electrical Inspector, shall
be considered a separate offense within
the intent and meaning of this ordi
SECTION 12. The Electrical Inspector
by and with the consent of the Mayor and
City Council shall have power to depu
tize one or more assistants, and each one
of said assistants shall in every case be
known to be competent to discharge the
duties of Electrical inspector and the
rights and privileges conferred upon the
Electrical Inspector are hereby conferred
upon each assistant to the Electrical In
spector when properly appointed.
SECTION 13. The said Electrical In
spector or competent assistant appointed
by him shall have the right during rea
sonable hours to enter any building, man
hole or subway in the discharge of his
official duties, or for the purpose of
making any test of the electrical appa
ratus or appliances therein contained, and
for that purposi
access to
and to all manholes and subways on ap
plication to the company or individual
owning or in charge or control of same.
SECTION 14. The words or terms
“Electric Wiring and Apparatus” as used
in this ordinance shall be construed to
include all materials, devices, machinery,
appliances, appurtenances or conductors
used in connection with the production
of electric lights, heat or power or the
transmission of electrical signals except
where specifically limited to one or more
of them and then only as specifically
SECTION 15. The Electrical Inspector
shall decide all questions not provided for
in this ordinance pertaining to the instal
lation, operation or maintenance of elec
trical wiring and apparatus.
SECTION 16. All electric signs shall be
erected under the supervision of the Elec
trical Inspector.
SECTION 17. No corporation, co-part
nership, association or individual or agent
thereof shall hereafter conceal or cause
to "be concealed any electric wiring or ap
paratus mentioned in this ordinance ex
cept with the express permission of the
Electrical Inspector and he is hereby auth
orized and directed to remove any floor
ing, lathing or plaster, sheet metal or other
material which may conceal any electric
wiring or apparatus contrary to the pro
visions of this ordinance.
On completion of the inspection of any
electric wiring or apparatus designed to
be concealed and found to be in full com
pliance with the provisions of this ordi
nance, it shall be the duty of the Electri
cal Inspector to post a notice to that effect
at the main cutout center, and said notice
shall be considered as an express per
mission to conceal said electric wiring
and apparatus, but no concealment shall
take place until such notice has been post
ed by the Electrical Inspector.
SECTION 18. The chief Engineer of the
Fire Department or said Electrical Inspec
tor, or a competent person delegated by
them or either of them shall have the
power to at once cause the removal of all
wires, or the turning off of all electric
current where the circuits interfere with
the work of the Fire Department during
the progress of a i»re. The said Electrical
inspector is hereby authorized and em
powered to cause the turning off of elec
tric current from all conductors or appar
atus which are deemed by him to be in an
unsafe condition or which have not been
installed in conformity with the provisions
of this ordinance and from which the said
Electrical Inspector has caused the elec
tric current to be turned off.
SECTION 19. No alteration or change
shall be made in the electric wiring or
apparatus located within a building for
use in connection with the production of
electric light, or power, nor shall any such
electric wiring or apparatus be installed
in any building without first securing
from the said Electric Inspector a permit
therefor, nor shall any change be made
in any wiring or apparatus after inspection
without notifying the said Electrical In
spector and securing a permit therefor.
SECTION 20. Before issuing a permit'
for the installation of any wiring or ap
paratus or the alteration or change of any
wiring or apparatus as provided in Sec
tion 19, an application shall be filed
with the Electrical Inspector describing
with plans and sketches such installation
or the alteration or changes to be made,
including the apparatus and material
used. No deviation shall be made in the
details for wiring or apparatus as shown
on application without permission from
the Electrical Inspector in writing. In pan
els or electrical installations the person,
firm, or corporation, doing the work
shall post a legend showing the name of
said person, firm, or corporation and a
diagram showing what work was done.
SECTION 21. Upon the completion of
the installation of electric wires and ap
paratus in any building for use in con
nection with electric light, heat or pow
er, it shall be the duty of the corpora
tion, co-partnership, association or indi
vidual doing the same to notify said Elec
tric Inspector or competent assistant de
putized by him who shall at once inspect
the same, and if approved by him shall
issue a certificate of satisfactory inspec
tion which shall contain the date of in
spection and outline of the results of
such examination, but no certficiate shall
be issued unless all apparatus until a cer
tificate of satisfactory inspection is is
sued. All electrical construction, all ma
terial and all apparatus used in connec
tion with electrical construction, all ma
terial and all apparatus used in connec
tion with electric work, and the operation
of all electrical apparatus, shall be in
conformity with the rules and regula
tions set down in what is known as the
“National Electrical Code”, a copy of
which is on file in the office of the City
Secretary of the City of College Station.
Provided also that no roonex, steel tubes
or box cables shall be used.
SECTION 22. Any corporation, co-part
nership, association or individual or agent
thereof desiring to place any pipe, sheet
metal or other material within six inches
of any electric wire or wires installed for
use in connection with electric light, heat
or power shall, before proceeding with
the execution of the work, obtain from
the Electrical Inspector a permit therefor,
and in completion of said work and said
corporation, co-partnership, or association
or individual or agent thereof shall notify
said Electrical Inspector who shall inspect
the same and cause all wires to be placed
in a safe and secure condition. Provided
however, that nothing in this section shall
be construed to refer to wires installed in
approved iron conduit or armored cable.
SECTION 23. No corporation, no co
partnership, association or individual or
agent thereof shall interfere with the
Electrical Inspector or any competent per
son or persons lawfully deputized to assist
ference shall be deemed to constitute
separae offence within the intent and
meaning of this ordinance.
SECTION 24. The said Electrical In
spector shall keep a full and complete re
cord of all work done, permits issued,
examinations made or other official work
performed as required by this ordinance
and shall be so arranged as to afford
prompt information concerning the con
dition and general arrangement of any
electrical equipment at the time of the
Electrical Inspector’s last visit.
SECTION 25. This ordinance shall not
be construed to relieve from or lessen
the responsibility of any corporation, co
partnership, association, individual or agent
thereof; installing, operating or control
ling any electric wiring or apparatus
for damages to anyone injured thereby,
nor shall the city be held as assuming
any liability by reason of the inspection
herein or certificate or permit issued pur
suant to the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 26. Any corporation, co
partnership, association, individual or agent
thereof found guilty of violation of any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall
be fined not less than Five Dollars
($5.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars
($50.00) and the cost of prosecution for
each and every offense.
SECTION 27. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 28. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
its passage, approval and publication.
More than 80 per cent of the
boys on teh Boston university foot
ball squad are members of the
R. 0. T. C.
Civil Service Exams
that there is an urgent need to
fill these positions. Qualified per
sons are urged to apply at once.
There are three grades of posi
tions as follows: The full grade,
paying $2,300 a year; senior grade,
$2,600 a year; and the assistant
grade, $2,000 a year. The examina
tion includes six branches of in
spection work—aircraft, engines,
instruments, parachutes, aircraft
propellers, and tools and gauges.
Applicants will not be given a
written test. They will be rated
upon their education and experi
ence as shown in their applications,
subject to verification by the Com
mission. Senior inspector appli
cants must have had at least sev
en years, inspectors at least six
years, and assistants at least four
years, of (a) mechanical experience
(which may include apprentice
ship), in one of the major skilled
trades in the optional branch chos-
him as herein before provided, while in the J en w ith an aircraft manufacturing
performance of duty and each such inter- . . °
ment inspection; or any time-equi-
valent combination of the two. Ap
plicants may substitute college
course in engineering for the ex
Persons experienced and inter
ested in this type of work should
apply for details and the proper ap
plication forms to the Secretary,
Board of U. S. Civil Servicd Ex
aminers, Wright Field—Fairfield
Air Depot, Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio; to the Secretary, Board of
United States Civil Service Exam
iners at any first- or second-class
post office; to the United States
Civil Service Commission, Wash
ington, D. C., or to any of the
Commission’s district offices.
Novelist Sinclair Lewis has join
ed the University of Wisconsin fac
ulty as a teacher of creative writ
ing with the rank of professor.
University of Minnesota ranks
seventeenth among 218 colleges
and universities in number of grad
uates in foreign service.
Old: 42^ New: 35^
North Gate
Joe Sosolik
Placement Bureau Prepares To
Distribute Blank Forms To Seniors
Continuing its work of helping
senior students and ex-students se
cure desirable employment, the
Placement Bureau of the Associa
tion of Former Students, is pre
paring to distribute to all mem
bers of the class of 1941 a form for
the Placement Bureau and a bulle
tin of information to the seniors,
Lucien M. Morgan, director of the
Placement Bureau, announcd yes
These placement forms will be
distributed through the department
in which the seniors are taking
their major work.
Full cooperation is asked of the
seniors in order that better re
sults may be obtained through the
Placement Bureau, Mr. Morgan
stated. Even though a senior has
secured employment after grad
uation, he is asked to fill out the
Placement Bureau forms in order
that his parmanent record may be
After the placement forms have
been filled out and turned in to
the placement office, a condensed
personnel record is printed in the
form of a leaflet which contains
a photograph of the senior and all
information necessary to to a pros
pective employer. This leaflet is
turned over to the various depart-
An examination has been an
nounced, and is now open until
further notice, for procurement in
spectors in the Materiel Division,
Air Corps, War Department, at
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. The
Civil Service Commission states j more goals for A. & M. Williams
A & M Polo Team
Beats Lampasas
For 9-3 Victory
The Texas Aggie Polo team rode
to their first victory of the year
Saturday when they trounced Lam
pasas 9 to 3 on the College field.
While showing plenty of talent and
ability, the A. & M. horsemen
scored at will and found no dif
ficulty in overcoming the Lam
pasas club.
Getting off to a running start,
the Cadets scored in the first chuk-
ker on McGowen’s spirited ride
downfield and goal making shot.
The scoring was just beginning
when the second period came along
as Hart and Braid scored four
more goals on precision teamwork
and lots of hustle.
McGowen coupled with Braid
in the third chukker to count two
added another in the fourth and
Buie garnered the nineth in the
fifth period.
Lee Rice, Aggie reserve, played
a position on the Lampasas team
and ran two of the three Lampasas
goals over against his teammates.
From the moment he saddled he
was trouble for the Aggies and
the improvement in his play should
put him closer to the top.
Lampasas was primarily a team
of Gilliens as it is composed of
several of the well-known polo
enthusiasts from Lampasas. W. C.
Gillen, Sr., is playing manager of
the team, and his son and nephew
are other regulars.
Lt. Col. Wynn and Captain El-
wood, U. S. Army, officiated.
Starting lineups:
A. & M. Position Lampasas
McGowen 1 C.V. Gillen,Sr.
Maloney 2 W. C. Gillen, Sr.
Braid 3 Hays
Hart 4 V. D. Gillen
ments of the college who make
them up into booklets to be mailed
to prospective employers.
Cost of the leaflets is $4, the on
ly charge made by the placement
bureau; it covers only the cost of
printing. One hundred and fifty
leaflets are printed and become the
property of the senior. A recent
photograph is necessary to [be
printed on the leaflet.
The form to be filled out in
cludes all (the information for
the leaflet, and also additional in
formation to be kept by the Place
ment Bureau.
The Placement Bureau was es
tablished last year by the Associ
ation of Former Students and the
faculty. It is financed by the dues
of members of the Association.
Watch Repairing
See Us For Service,
Efficiency and
College and Bryan
Make Her Evening
Complete with a
Corsage From
College Road
Phone Bryan 672
100 Rooms - 100 Baths
Fire Proof
R. W. HOWELL, Mgr.
Class ’97
1939 PLYMOUTH, 4 Door—Radio—Fine Condition
1937 PLYMOUTH—Radio—Low Mileage
1935 PONTIAC—Fine Motor—Good Paint
1935 CHEVROLET Coupe—Look and Runs Like New
1934 CHEVROLET 4 Door—New Paint—Motor Good
1933 CHEVROLET—2 Door—More than worth the
1933 OLDSMOBILE 4 Door—Fine Running Car
1932 FORD Coupe—Has ’36 Motor—Clean
All Above Cars Carry Our Quality
1931 PONTIAC 2 Door — 1931 CHEV. 4 Door
1931 BUICK 4 Door—1930 CHEV. Coupe
1929 CHEV. 2 Door — 1929 PONTIAC 4 Door
1929 FORD Sedan — 1934 AUBURN Sedan
Bryan — Phone 1344 or 349