The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1940, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Official Notices
All students who are contemplating
C.A.A. secondary training and who have
completed the C.A.A. primary stage flight
training elsewhere than at A. & M.
College are requested to leave the follow
ing information at Dean Gilchrist’s office:
(1) name of student, (2) place where pri
mary course was taken, (3) name of di
rector of primary course, and (4) name
and address of flight operator and flight
This should be done at once in order to
facilitate participation in the secondary
Howard W. Barlow, Head
Department of Aeronautical
This week, October 1, through the 13,
is your week for having your Longhorn
class pictures made.
Ele Badgett
the South Branch of the Y.M.C.A. and
make their arrangements with him.
Regular rehearsals are starting tonite in
Guion Hall. Every one is urged to be
there, as a permanent roll will be made.
Rehearsals are held on Monday, Tues
day and Thursday, immediately after yell
There will be a meeting of the Shreve
port Club Tuesday night at 7:00 o’clock
in room 318, Hall No. 4. Both old and
new members are urged to be present.
The Horticulture Society will have a
steak fry at Cashion’s Cabin on Friday
night, October 11, at 5:15 p. m. Mr.
Cashion will be the head chef.
This will be an informal meeting en
abling the Horticulture men to plan for
the Annual Horticulture Show. All Horti
culture majors and men interested in
Horticulture are urged to attend.
All pre-medical students who expect to
apply for admission to medical college in
1941 are required to take the Medical
Apitude Test at 2 P. M. November 8, 1940.
Forms for the test must be ordered in ad
vance. Each person desiring to take this
test should leave his order with me not
later than Tuesday, October 8, 1940.
Professor G. E. Potter
Pre-medical advisor
Room 13, Science Bldg.
An Eastern Panhandle Club meeting
has been called for Wednesday night,
October 9, 1940, in room 110 Academic
building at 7:30. All boys from the fol
lowing counties are urged to attend: Ochil
tree, Lipscomb, Roberts, Hemphill, Gray,
Wheeler, Donley, Collingsworth, Hall, and
Any clubs desiring to obtain a regular
meeting place should see A. C. Payne in
Select your Junior Slacks
now, from our complete
assortment of stock
Regulation Elastique . . .
all wool . . . finely tailor
ed with Polo Back. Stop
in and try on a pair.
Regulation Cotton Slacks
f . . . Genuine Cramerton
| Army Cloth . . . Tailored
i by Pool. Polo back and I
made with cuffs.
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
All students from Lampasas County and
adjacent territory interested in forming
a club will meet in room 25, Leggett
on Wednesday night at 7:30.
The Literature group of the College
Social Club will meet Wednesday morn
ing at 9:30 in the home of Mrs. Paul
Talley. The books to be discussed are
“Eyeless in Gaza” by Aldous Huxley
and “Huntsman, What Quarry" by Edna
St. Vincent Millay.
There will be an A. S. M. E. meeting
Tuesday night in the E. E. lecture room
immediately after yell practice. H. L.
Hall will talk on “Production of Air
planes”, and F. M. McCullar on “Fatigue
of Metals.”
The Architectural Society will hold their
first official meeting Tuesday night, in
the Architectural Library at 7:30. All
freshmen architectural students are re
quested to attend for the purpose of class
Called meeting Brazos Union Lodge No
129 tonight at 7:30. There will be work
in the Master’s Degree. All
members and visiting breth
ren and cordially invited to
be present.
E. J. Howell, W. M.
J. W. Hall, Sec.
FOR RENT—Good room. 2 men. Pre
fer Instructors or Faculty members. Twin
beds, hardwood floors, Simmons springs.
An ideal cool room with pleasant sur
roundings. J. B. Lauterstein.
ROOM FOR RENT—in new modern
home. Two students desired. 409 Foster
Ave., College Hills, College Station.
FOR RENT—Bedroom with adjoining
bath. Garage. Noon meal. May use kitchen
to prepare others. Apply 412 Mont
clair after five.
FOR RENT—6-room house, large rooms
with large hall. East 23rd St., Bryan. Call
Bryan 18.
day noon, arrive Los Angeles Friday
night, return to College Station Sun
day afternoon. 1940 Chrysler—room for
4 or 6. $25.00 round trip Phone or wire
collect to I. C. Schooler. Phone Garfield
3673, 150 South St. San Antonio, Texas.
(Continued from page 1)
(Continued from page 1)
first of the year,” he added.
“We are particularly anxious,”
Fuermann concluded, “to impress
on the corps the fact that it should
not expect the first edition of Ag-
gietone News to be flawless. The
staff has done the best work in
its power and we are sincerely anx
ious to receive any and all criti
cism which the corps may have to
offer following the first showing.”
To concern Aggie aetivites on
and off the campus, the first edit
ion of Aggietone News will include
pictures of the Aggie-A. & I. game,
the San Antonio corps trip, regis
tration, College Night, intramural
games, and general scenes around
the campus.
Aggietone News is financed by
Ben S. Ferguson, Dallas and College
Station theatre man who is owner
of the Campus Theatre.
Special equipment has been pur
chased which will show Aggietone
News on the screen similar to reg
ular newsreels. Fuermann said that
the screen-size of the news reel
would be the same as other screen-
sizes, and, in respect to reproduc
tion on the screen, it would be the
near-equal of feature length pic
Come by and see our quality merchan
dise. We can help you save money on
your home.
Kyle, Alexander Write
High School Textbook
About Agriculture
A new textbook on agriculture
for high school students titled “Ag
riculture In the Southwest”, writ
ten • by E. J. Kyle, dean of the
school of agriculture, Texas A. &
M. college, and Prof. E. R. Alex
ander, head of the A. & M. depart
ment of agricultural education, will
come before the Text Book Com
mission for approval at its October
meeting, Dean Kyle has been ad
The book has been prepared in
response to requests for such a
textbook by teachers of vocational
agriculture, county agricultural ag
ents, soil conservation service of
ficers and others dealing with farm
Members of the Texas A. & M.
college system who are recognized
•authorities in their fields have
written the chapters of the book
dealing with the phase of agri
culture in which they are outstand
ing. A total of 19 such men con
tributed to the book which was
finally edited by W. R. Sherrill,
assistant professor of agricultural
education at the college.
Those men cooperating in the
preparation of the book and the
chapter which they have written
include: Henry Ross, “The Agri
cultural Situation”; R. L. Hunt,
“Planning the Farm Business’; W.
E. Paulson, “Marketing Farm Com
modities”; L. G. Jones, “Soil Con
servation”; D. T. Killough and J.
S. Mogford, “Cotton”; P. C. Man-
gelsdorf, “Com”; R. E. Karper,
“The Sorghums”; R. C. Potts,
“Small Grains and Forage Crops
and Pastures”; Fred Brison, “Veg
etable Growing”; Guy W. Adriance,
“Fruit Growing”; N. G. Schuessler,
“Beef Cattle Production”; C. N.
Shepardson, “Dairying”; A. K.
Mackey, “Sheep and Angora
Goats”; Fred Hale, “Hog Produc
tion”; D. H. Reid, “Poultry”; D. W.
Williams, “Horses and Mules”;
Fred Jones, “Farm Power and Me
chanical Equipment”; and Walter
P. Taylor, “Wild Life as a Farm
Rip Snortin'
Rodeo Promised
Bronc Busters
Come on you so called Texas
Aggie Cowboys. Here’s your chance
again to get a share of the Texas
Aggie” Rodeo purse when on Oct
ober 18, one of the biggest shows
of its kind in the southwest will
get underway.
Entries will be taken Wednesday
night October 9 in the Animal In
dustries lecture room and every
student who can rope, ride or bull
dog is invited to attend. The entry
fees will probably be the same
as last year although there may be
a slight change.
With “Shorty” Fuller directing
the Show and Johnny Harclin hand
ling the advertising, the rodeo
promises to be one of the high
lights of the year. Others select
ed to handle various events are
Jake Hess in charge of calf rop
ing, Travis Richardson, Steer rid
ing, W. L. Pendleton, bareback
bronc riding, and Jack Cleveland,
Bill Hampton and Bill Ward in
charge of building pens and chutes.
Tommy Stewart is handling the.
programs while Victor Loeffler is
taking charge of the tickets.
Any Aggie who thinks that he
can hang on to a bareback buck
in’ bronc is invited to enter or
throw a Brahma calf is invited to
Sleeping Sickness In
Horses And Mules Found
Recently In Brazos County
Sleeping sickness in horses and
mules which has been found in
North Texas is now making its
way South and has made its ap
pearance in the vicinity of Brazos
county, Dr. A. A. Lenert, head of
the department of veterinary med
icine and surgery at Texas A. & M.
College said Friday.
We have had approximately 20
cases of the disease recently and
they all came from nearby Edge,
Kurten, Normangee and Madison-
ville,” he said. “We do not keep the
animals in the hospital here but
simply give them treatment and
prescribe the nursing to be follow
ed at home”.
He explained that while the dis
ease is infectious it is not con
tagious and can be prevented by
innoculation done by a veterinar
ian. After the animal takes the dis
ease early treatment may save it
but in many cases it dies due to
delayed treatment, he added, in
advising preventative treatment.
“The animal may stand up alone
for five or six days with the dis
ease and still be cured but once it
gets down the chance of recovery
is very small,” he explained.
Team Entrains
For California
Late This Evening
(Continued from page 1)
is expected to be a thriller from
the start to the finish. The two
gie second-stringers for a touch-
teams will send many stars in
to the fray, and the turf should
hold the tread of scintillating runs
and blasting power drives after
the final gun.
The pick of the Southwest sports
writers will accompany the Aggies
on the trip. From Houston will
come Dick Freeman and Bruce
Layer; Dallas will send Charles
Burton; from Waco will come the
indominitable “Jinx” Tucker; and
the Aggies own newspaper, the
Battalion, will send their sports
Editor, H. O. “Hub” Johnson, and
Photographer Phil Golman.
Aggietone News, the A. & M.
newsreel, will be covering the game
to bring back a filmed descrip
tion of the clash.
The Aggies, in their conflict with
the Uclans, will be going after the
third win of the season, and na
tionwide predictions are inclined
to believe that either club will have
to play championship football for
any kind of a victory.
Council Meets
For Organization
The new-born Inter-Church
Council of Texas A. & M. held its
first meeting for organization in
the parlor of the Y.M.C.A. with an
attendance of 18 members. Frank
Loving, senior student in the hand,
the originator of the idea and the
chairman of the group, was in
Formed for the purpose of co
ordinating and combining the ef
forts of all the churches on the
campus in one concentrated drive
toward their common goals, the
Council was formed under the
sponsorship of the Y. M. C. A. and
selected as the faculty advisor, Al
fred C. Payne, newly appointed
secretary in the Y. M. C. A.
Those who attended the meeting
include the following: Harold
Ramsden and W. A. Collins of the
Presbyterian Church; L. J. Smith
and Morris Lichenstein of the Hil-
lel Club; J. T. Duree and Clayton
Collins of the Methodist church;
Charles Baker and H. B. Spring-
field of the Church of Christ; Le
roy Brown and Doc Watley of the
Baptist church; Lynn Maxwell and
Clyde Morgan of the Episcopalian
church; Ralphh Mulvey and Curly
Provost of the Catholic church;
Donald Burrus of the Christian
Kyle Field—
(Continued form Page 3)
times lack the final bit of oomph
to finish the evening in good shape.
After the season they’ll expect a
bit more of the regular routines.
This favor will be greatly ap
preciated by all concerned.
There is a big question on the
top of our note book. That is how
Mr. Williamson can rate the Ag
gies in No. 2 place for this week’s
poll? With a rating of 99.7, the
cadets go to the show spot. South
ern Methodist won two good games,
one from U. C. L. A. and one from
the strong little Denton Teachers
who boast one of the fastest back-
fields in the South.
U. C. L. A. goes far down the
list because of its two losses. Both
were surrendered in the last period.
The first in the last six minutes
and the second in the last four
minutes, and both 9 to 6.
From San Antonio comes a few
red notes and also a few black
marks. Cece Hollinsworth scouting
for the U. C. L. A. Bruins not only
drew out all the plays used by the
Aggies, but also recorded about
eight records with individual char
acteristics of the various players
being noted . . . Joe Rothe follow
ed some beautiful interference on
his punt return . . . ’Bama Smith
seems to love the side lines as he
Corps Trip—
(Continued from page 1)
and the body on the field of clean
sports are to be highly commend
ed and furnish a fine background
for good citizenship.
We extend our most cordial and
sincere good wishes to the group
from A. & M. on this occasion, and
assure them that they will always
receive a hearty welcome in San
Maury Maverick,
Shortly after the Aggie band
assembled and sent the strains of
the “Aggie War Hymn” blasting
down Houston street a large part
of the “Twenfth Man” met before
the Gunter Hotel and gave the
San Antonians a preview of how
Aggies can yell. No small num
ber of people stood awe-struck as
“Buster” Keeton, flanked by his
assistants Bill Beck and Skeen
Staley, hung over the railing on
the Gunter Hotel and led the group
in yells that seemed to rock the
buildings. For the benefit of those
who lived beyond the city limits
of San Antonio and could not hear
the yells directly, KTSA had a
broadcasting set-up to carry the
Then came the afternoon and
the Aggies yelled, swore, sweated,
and yelled some more as 20,000
people saw the Tulsa Hurricanes
turned into a calm. At the half the
band put on its first official per
formance of the year and San
Antonio’s own Betty Jameson wel
comed the crowd in the new Alamo
The week end of events was only
getting into full swing at the close
of the victory. And when night
came again the Aggies scattered
to make the best of it. The San
Antonio A. & M. Mothers Club
furnished dates for the band boys,
and the corps furnished the “bird
And on into the not-so-small
hours of the morning the Aggies
When and if all the boys get
back there will be a unanimous
decision that San Antonio is a
real place for a corps trip.
Draft Bill—
(Continued from page 1)
3. Sec. 5 (a) Students who are
“cadets of the advanced course,
senior division, Reserve Officers’
Training Corps, or Naval Reserve
Officres’ Training Corps, shall not
be required to be registered and
shall be relieved from liability for
training and service” under this
4. Sec. 5(e) Deferment is pro
vided on the basis of dependents,
physical, mental, or moral defic-*
iency and for “those men whose
employment in industry, agricul
ture, or other occupations or em
ployment, or whose activity in other
endeavors is found to be necessary
to the maintance of the national
health, safety, or interest.”
5. Sec. 3 (a) Any person between
the ages of 18 and 36 shall be af
forded an opptortunity to volun
teer for the period of training and
service (12 months) prescribed in
this ^ act.
6. Sec. 3 (a) Foreign students
(male aliens) must register, but
only those who have declared thier
intention to become citizens are
eligible for service.
7. Sec. 5 (d) “Ministers of relig
ion, and students who are preparing
for the ministry in theological or
divinity schools . . . .shall be ex
empt from training and service
(but not from registration) under
this act.
8. Sec. 5 (g) Any person “who,
by reason of religious training
belief, is conscientiously opposed
to participation in war of any
form” is not required, subject to
tore out down the east side for a
score . . . Betty Jameson returned
home and made a public showing
at the stadium . . . “Dookie” Pugh
led the field with a 100 per cent
record in converting . . . On the
black side . . . there were many
non-reg cadets, in so far as they
wore military shirts with civilian
trousers . . . for the first time ever
the fish carried off the yell leaders
(something new?) . . . blocking
could have been a bit better now
and then . ^ . the public diamond
shining looked sorry.
Then there is one you can
call for yourself—St. Mary turned
back the 23rd Infantry 100 to 0.
Let Us Fix Your
North Gate
approval of his claim, to be subject
to combatant service but is sub
ject to either non-combatant ser
vice or to “work of national im
portance under civilian direction
The President has set October
16 as the date for registration. It
will be conducted by election offic
ials or such other individuals as the
county clerk may appoint for each
election district. The county clerk
may, upon the request of a school
or college, appoint a special reg
istrar to conduct the registration
within such institution. The stu
dent may register at any conven
ient place regardless of legal res
idence or domicile. The county
clerk will mail his registration card
to the local selective service (draft)
board having jurisdiction over the
area which the student indicates as
his place of residence.
Each student (as well as other
men 21 to 36) will be assigned a
number and will be subect to call
for classification. Prior to receipt
of call he will receive a personal
data sheet, one section of which
provides for recording the indi
vidual’s education and includes a
specific question relating to at
tendance at school or college dur
ing the current academic year. If
the student requests deferment and
if his attendance during 1940 is
verified by the college, his train
ing may be deferred until July 1,
1941, or until the end of the aca
demic year. Although a literal in
terpretation of the Act,a s worded,
might exclude some students from
its deferment clause, there is no
reason to think that the Act will
be liberally interpreted through
rules and regulations now being
drawn, to carry out a policy of de
ferring those students whose maj
or occupation is the pursuit of a
program of studies leading to a
degree or certificate. Local boards
will have discretion in deferring
students in educational institutions
or in courses of study not clearly
within the Act (see par. 2 above),
and part-time students, who may or
may not be deferred because of
their course of study, or other
occupation. Authority for classi
fying any individual, subject to
the process of appeal, lies with the
local board.
Some have felt that the exemp
tion from registration of students
in the advanced ROTC course will
jeopardize colleges and univers
ities without ROTC. The follow
ing facts should be borne in mind:
(1) The War Department does not
now contemplate the establishment
of additional ROTC units. (2) In
establsihed ROTC units the num
ber of men permitted to continue in
to the advanced course is only one
in four of those who take the bas
ic course (84,000 in the basic Army
ROTC course, 19,000 in the ad
vanced). (3) The young man who
received his ROTC commission
will be subject to active duty for
such time after graduation as the
Army or Navy may then require.
(4) The War Department contem
plates setting up officer training
facilities in selected Army camps.
W. J. Douglas, Jr.
General Insurance
Commerce Bldg
Phone Bryan 160
The adding of three is a bit of
camouflage and since you must
multiply the three by five and then
by ten, you must subtract one
hundred fifty. The other multi
plications merely move the num
bers to the left into their proper
A good furniture wood should be
hard and strong enough to resist
normal stress and strain, yet soft
enough that nails and screws won’t
split it; resistant to denting under
ordinary use; an attractive figure,
able to take strain without spoil
ing its natural appearance; and
resistant to warping, swelling and
Nearly 11 years ago Dr. C. W.
Root, head of Syracuse University’s
bacteriology department placed a
hermetically sealed flask of cows
milk, along with a flask of nu
trient agar, both purified of bac
teria, in the cornerstone of Hen
dricks Chapel.
Collicr'i Magazine Story by Richard Connell
Wed. - Thurs.
Oct. 9th & 10th
3:30 & 6:45 Each Day
Gene Autry
Smiley Burnett
Baby Sandy
with Nan Grey
Eugene Pallette
Aggietone News
Railway Express!
Direct as a “touchdown pass” is the campus-to-home
laundry service offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. We
call for your laundry, take it home... and then bring
it back to you at your college address. It’s as quick
and convenient as that! You may send your laundry
prepaid or collect, as you prefer.
Low rates include calling for and delivering in all cities
and principal towns. Use RAILWAY EXPRESS, too, for
swift shipment of all packages and luggage. Just phone
Phone 9 College Station, Texas
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