The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1940, Image 6
H ! THE BATTALION Official Notices <* •-tMtai «« )«■«— Mi fltai « «k* W Um u. a. aacuuut far MImM Waal m M. I Mi wW ha Mi W wil ha Sr i -iij’ 1 - ttaa la a*a toattai la at tfca OaOaa i Mi la la Ma AaMala a< U M » m.. |n |Z ••it (Mahar «. far lha "‘m ^ "J* aa Aa trala artr TVN m wparturw af wtii h. l aa a . taMaT mmIm. OaT ^ m . * tlaMii MU ha taaarai aa Uh "*•** *■**»**• »“• AaMMa at liM ^•StZ^uiSf * ^ 1 Tha i The Mi ha Naatha A_fWa af the COMMANDANT JOB K. OAVli. AaaMaat 1 1. Tha CIBCULAl NO I pa tana aTiUm an ■traaalliaa. aai la hit Mrlag lha M MNnaa Mak. Br arMr ai tha IOMHANKaNT JOB T. DATU. Of CADBTB flMlMhv M. 1MI OKNULAL. OBd3 MO Ii ' . X. Be ataah af Oaaaral Oriar Na A •arc U. IMi. la m Call la 1 :tl a. *. L U . i ^ Ll _, ipw la the' XMaaahh^MlT"aa’*!^ Mil ha er*a a# tha COMMANDANT JOMT. DAVIS. AU are ■aitral talma aha npat la •h*lr far afhaMlaa la ■aMaal aalla«a la 1*41 era raaairai la Uha tha Maitaal ArHaia Tat at t F M Naaaaihar I. IMI Farm* far lha tat aiat ha ariaaai la ai- •aara Baah aataoa 4atrta« la lake thla tat aheali laa*a hh ariar with ate at taur thaa Tatiaa. Ortahar A IMA Frafhaaar t U Pattar I Ma Oaa Jr Than MU ha a taah rat Frliar ■«ht altar tha rar*aaa «f oraaaial Oaathr Oh*. Classified LOST laaaatir Will W Wttaaa. Chat 111. Chat Mia 111. PalroWaai aaarta* Bite *** t a hear 4 aa* wari. FoaHlraljr aa atharaatant LOST I pkBBS of tfcs BteMteis Sflh* ployed by tha asatpaekiBC mduat tj ta marhrttnf aaMta, agfi, poul try.. buttor, sad Mwms. It is M( fostad that tha Mssy eovor tho distHbutiofi of all that s group rathor th about tho haadliac of say om of a. Litoratare sad will bo ferula hod by Swift and Com pany, Chicafo, Ill., upon roqnoot. Oas of tbo intoroatinf foatarw of Um contost Is that all rsMyi will b# jadgod by a froup of pi •oas froai A A M ColUft sad thora will bo oim roprosonUtivc aol artod front this sebool. Soparata eantMt* sro bring bold at all other loading agricultural coUsffw the United State* A Urc will be arlncted from each and all winners will take port in th* offer of Swift and Company Any atudent in taros tod in the contest ta requested to contact B R Dana at the Animal Htubandry office, or read th* provisiona of the contost which are posted on the A H bulletin board in the Animal Industrie* building (Continued from Page I) it 8tattoo. Dr. A. B. Kuhlmon of Oklohomo A . A M . wfil dtecuoa of tho fcoding probloma which hirymon is likoly to oBeoutor. In tho poet aororol yaors Knhlmoa United Science Qubs Will Hold Meeting Tonight i I t 1. » -THUB8DAY, OCTOBER A 1M0 Will th* Aaalr vM Mr a Lealh m JerkrT left la Mr tar lari v«th-«il pkaaa ralara H ta M B. Mltehrll la 4IT Ms * or M Mllaar K*»*rO UOST—Satariaji •MipMI honh. N« Ml n Dorm No'S Bum* LOST Ali*t rale, la C. g Site tea M aa Em Mth Br*aM for rtaam ta C M DalUaaa FMar HmO EOTW. , TO NgW STL’DMNTS llartMla* tSaar aha aarolh ‘ TT TM Prrrholaalaai Tatar far aaSar CraSuata rtuSHiu will ta at tha Aa- raablr Ball aaal Fritef Orlrhrt A All frarbana elarar* »UI M »arr«aCM Frv Car auarainr Ataaaf af ail a4*aa<M ataMlat rtaSratr »hu art to taka th* Prrrhokactaal To* wtD raaat at **»u**d atararrr ACaaerM rtanCtaa rtadaeU who ha** tahra lha tart at th* laatMutloa thr» fttalowalT attaaSM thou Id write at •ara to th* lto*ltarar af tha larmuttoa aaC r«au*ta that th* tfl ■•>■** aiadr hr th* ttuhMit ta th* Aairrlraa (auacil oa BSaratuMi PtrrtoW«teai Tata hr rant to tk* Brctatrar • Offtar at A * H A ra- •or4har alrraCr ham rranvKl In tha of ftotaAf th* tr«4r mad* W thom MaSmU tr»(®*rrw., froai th* Narth Tmar A*rv cultarai I v 1 l *«a » A M to 1C A N All a*w rtaSmto whoa* •umamrt ara^ A to K inrlurtv* will Oita in th* Aa- wabir Nall for th* PirChuloateai Tata. • Am S AU nrw rtudrnto whom rurnamm ar* L to l larlurivr will bmM la Uultai Hall for an miwihlr j !• A M to |t NOON All n*w •ludmu whom aurnaaM* »r* L to Z laelu*iv* will m**l In th* A»r*wil>l> Hall fur th* I’lrrhutucMOl Tint It A. IB All n*w taudrnla wh<a* lurnaain ar* A to h iMlurivr will mart la Gutoa Hall fur an nnwmhlt Pima* h» primal M rrpartinc to th* ArarmhU HrP nnd to Gama Hall a**ord- m# to th* arMSul* a* H Is not ptmihlr for ■ atudrnt |» hr lato and tab* th* tort Th* o-'jrrtalon of all ronsrrnM 0 NSamtaC K J HOWKLL For tha Rxrrutl** Commttto* LOST—A brown Imthrr Jerhst. Laft la T MC A tafrte pall tratatti lata Priday n«ht Uaual rrward Tad Grarsa, 111 Na. U. FOB SALB- «M M d* No AC rmarrt •UM Br* M K Ct I. or phoo* l-dl 14 IM* Einr. TO SAN ANTONIO IM* Old* ahtlr radio muipasd Lasria* Saturday •rwlM Rrtumln* Sundnr niakt Err Tn Ftpaa. IT Nilarr ar wrlto Son 1*4* MBA LA OpsortaaNr for 4 tawdmu Nrair oalp Frojrta Hour* » lit M p*' mmtk Blbl TO SAN ANTONIO temnd Trip tZM Em A L- Tobias btawrrn It and I o’- clock oa Thursday or Friday aftoraooti In th* YMCA parlor FOR MKT Irond room t mm fr- fsr Inrtrurtnm or Faculty msmhm Twin b*d* hardwood rtaom Mmmoo* •prin*. An ideal cool room with pwarant tar round i rift J B leotcratrln newt reel agencies have been con tacted to com* down for the chow After you get ushered in by some of the second year Animal Husbandry students you will be greeted by all the cowboy* and cowgirls in the Grand Entrance before the ropin' and buckin' be gins in earnest Among this herd will be R T “Cape” Caperton and M R CnliS- ham who will he the dukes for the show, After tt'i all over the pay will be counted up and used to stake the Livestock Judging team on their trips to Kansas City and Chi- eago. 1 .Ast year the cowhands made over $700 on the show and they ain't expectin’ a let-down this time irk ta this floid sad is axpoetad bring valuable information to •m attending tbs short eouros. Tbo fint dairyman's short course as bold tn 1M4 with an attend mo of II dairymen Each sue cuuding short course has soon on increase in tha attendance until thora is promise of a record at tendance this your. Tbo five pre vious short courses have bean mat with much enthusiasm and ail sec tkms of Taxna have boon wall rap rasontod In an effort to ranch us many persons as th* facilities bar* will bundle, county agents from each of the more populous dairy counties of the state are urged to send as many a« BIX representatives By so doing, they will not only help tha dairy industry of the state in general, but will receive more def inite service in the dairy program from each county. Th# detailed program for the abort course will be available for distribution November 1. It has been tentatively prepared and con ■ist* of dis<?usaiona and demon strations on newer developments in feeding dairy cattle, selection, breeding, management, and the eco nomics of dairy farming. The en tire program will be full, including night sessions devoted to a discus ■ion of general dairy farm prob lems presented by the dairymen at tending the short course Plans for tho United Scionc* Qate of A. A Mu soloction of of fteors for tho dab ts fill s num. bar of vacancies which have oe carted, and futura spank ora will bo the principal topics for disco*- lion at tha meeting of th* A. A M Biology Club in the Science Hall lecture room tonight after yell practice Th* Biology dab la la charge of i program for Mm Aral sMOling of tho United Science dabs te bn hold te November Speaker* oa Um prognua, who ars te ho student*, will hero tho opportunity of so tar ing competition for a place om tho Texas Academy of Sri raw pro* gram whors they will again ba listed against students from other collages for a cask prteo. Tho*# members of the dab wish ing to become profkteat te tho aoa of Um operation of tho Id asm. sound projector owned by Um dub will ba asked to tern te their schedules to Dr. Char las La Mott* who is the examiner af sparmtora. GET WINDOW SHADES HERE! 6 ft x 36 in. Paper 25< 6 ft x 36 in. Fabric 35< 7 ft x 28 in. Fabric 40< 7 ft x 32 in. Fabric 40* 7 ft x 48 in. Fabric 75< euro viRim store “NORTH GATE” c~ KARL J WILLIAMS. GRAD uate assistant in the Poultry Hus bandry department, judged a poul try exhibit at Schulenberg last Saturday, October 28. The exhibit was a medium-sited show, housing approximately 250 birds which were largely of the American or Mediterranean breeds r INTM^I ATTXNTIO* CRN ions Within th* iv**t' w**k th* FtsMBsnt Hurasu sill vtart dwtrlhsttns s*r*o«n*l fssnrd hlnnhi to tmivrs. Th*** rssortb. whsn rsaruts*. sill h* usrd to aarist urn lor* mrurr rtopiovavsst aftor frsdue- tloa T* *oa*».*t* th* nsorS all Muiior* auta furnish th* rteta—ta Burmu with ■ rsrsnt (kM*)i print phytosmph applveo Uon rtn* Thu mar hr Meumi froa th* Asa I* tan <1 EtuSh' for M r*nU nnd M M •<a(e**i»i that rah nrCsr tha pbutucmpb whrr ruu hs.r four pirtur* tshsn for th* Mniu* MWt4i« of th* !>>n*hom liUCMva M Hortan Dtrartor Fteslte* Surmu AmucHSiwn of Furmor StuSanU Rodeo (Continued from Page 1) at three o’clock on October 18, but if you don’t get through with your branding until night you will have to pay 50 cents. Or you can reserve a seat far six-bit*; which might be a good idea if you want some free publicity because some picture men men from “Life” and ■ passel of DTFD9 _ - HATTTOS AMERICAN STEAM DRY-CLEANERS PHONE 585 BRYAN I’atronizf Your Agent in Your Organization UNIFORM HEADQUARTERS Fish and Sophomore Slacka Junior Uniforms Boot Breeches Made By Mendl & Homak Your assurance of the best in Hand Made Uniforms MENDL & HORNAK’S UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP NORTH GATE Model 15X $17.95 L Ru. Ciaiiasuml teyU PtaaUc Ctemal L Sis RCA Prsfarrad Type Tabes A RF Stags— tef tensr sausi- Bvwy 4 Rtg hdge Ughtad Glass Dial i. New Wyla Bull »-ly# Potnttr 4 Maatc hpaark Toes (natrol 7. Plus is f »* Rerord Ptsysr A RCA Timm Hota lUn. * Pewsrtel S-mck Pmnsaeat Magata Spatesr BA mmnaad ^•ps^hstaoedyws Ctemh 1L Papular 1712 Kr Paiiat Bate 11 Emra-Largs Ms#c Aat#vui« 11 Knobs ter Easy Teamg 14 Aesamatta Vstems Gamrsl 11 Vvtsi HeStatotey I F 11 G—arfnm ter Kxtansr C.A.A. 14 16 to 1 V» Fsr/tew m ...BU FtemrJ Toning EB< UNO AST FLIGHT TBAINING AM •tuSnita wlu. tr* rwwtotapIstlM C A A Mcmvtary trslsum tn* who hs*o MtapNaM IS* C.A A prttasry ttosa flWM Uulatns .Uotahae* than at A. S M Cwltoaa ar* ri^.ilirl to to**a tho follow- ias infonuatwa ta Dooa Gltohetott off too (II MOV* al tOMpal. It) plsot whor* pri ■vary *oura* wa* tahoa. (I) aaavo of St of prusary mtm. a»S 14) atato ■■4 aeSrota <4 fMaht oaarstor sa4 flwhl tarwotor Thu •SotaM ho Smve^w owoo ts <vr4r fstalitat* psMirlpoiKJO la tho >a»»a< HnwofS W BmeeOasam XiUiiivSMrtiva So r tow Haw* of Arrurvotto will TNl'MDAT, Ortohor I I* tho iota Say § — ^ A*4%■ ■ m m m A . a - 4*tar tewwM^hSmm r^w mcmximm ^e^f^w mt*m st^o • p • F C 1 OMAN staff af tho Sottaltoo i FwbiWsUowo Off too. B IM Wa cwry a full line of R.C.A. and CROSLEY RADIOS Ttrw* If Dtara* AGGIELAND PHARMACY I At TU North GaU ■ta* ta «ba lawtary of awy taaltary Mo ow Onwaad X BtaStavl Lta INFANTBT SBNIOBS H u pgdbljnr dancb Th* fkrta late Nr Oawo* of th* rowr wfli ir v Dtota* Bawsa 4 tnm t Is 14 ta hoM ta MamrW o*v PvtSm oMK « Tto teteffii I Oi af tha atm*a and bow blitb 4 Krowa sH4 Row Xiob sutataa u aal- M ter TWtmr stteL Ootahor • at T :N la tto 1 ..I w** CiasMry AU stwhaw ate rtTvT. hfOaS ta EXTRA DISTANCE IN HIS DRIVES-EXTRAS IN HIS CIGARETTE YES, LARRUPING LAWSON UTILE, NATIONAL OPEN CHAMPION, PREFERS THE CIGARETTE THAT GIVES THE "EXTRAS” -SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS • WATCH OUT, PAR —her* comet Link/ No, Law too Little is never content unless he can better his golf. his cigarette. "I want mil the mildness I can get,” he says. "Camel* burn slower and give me extra mildness. ,, Yet, Camels give all the qualities you want in a cigarette plus an extra measure of each. The extra flavor of costlier tobaccos preserved by slower burning. The natural mild ness of costlier tobaccos plus freedom from the irritating qualities of too-fast burning. Extra pktmn — and extra value (m right). • YOU WATCH THAT BALL go screaming off the tee sod you shake your head. How does he do it? Form, timing, power, wrist action, control...ha has them all—but Lawson Little has that extra mtmwn of each which makes the differ ence between • good golfer and a champion golfer. Just as the txtrmt in his favorite cigarette...Camel...make the differ ence between smoking and smoking pleasure at its best • EXTRA MILDNESS • EXTRA COOLNESS •EXTRA FLAVOR la recent laboratory tetes, CAMIL5 burned 29% itewvr than the average of th* 19 other tifljm Largest-aelliog breads tested— slower than mmy of chess. That means, oa tha average, A smoking pimt equal to Ttoss wm to • an tat «ie far see eaa Thmim! teUij te te* frSE IiimKha bHv fwtt bbmmIbm GET THE "EXTRAS—WITH SLOWER- THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK!