The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1940, Image 3
! tT' tf r 4 . *1 | .. ■ 2}M THURSDAY, OCTOBER S, IMfr f Ruasell Returns From Texas Welfare Association Meeting > Dm A. RmmU, HmmI of thr so rtotofy ttfwdid a m- * riaa of oonforoacoa of Um Ttxaa Sotlal Wolfaro Aaaociatkia of wfcicfc ho la proatdont, laot Friday and % Saturday in Aaotta. Approximauly W poroons from tho ontiro sUtr woro prooont far tho mooting orhwh waa hold at Uia DriakUl Hotel Tfcraa of tha flaa eommittoa* callad hold mortiav* during th* morning, the aoatel work tdura- tlaa eommittoa at l it. the lefts lativa and the probation and pa role comasittees at 10 The eom mi tier an affiliated and aaaaeiated groups met at 1 10 The asaoeta k tton's social need* study commit tee convened durmg the dinner which was held at I SO. f »ipi < y . * ^ f wi f* A r \ •;i •* Where Aggies Play the battalion I t 6th Annual Dairymen’s Short Course Scheduled -Pact S f |~HU< to Ag Eco Professors Spend Summer of 14 Varied Activities Several member* of the agricul tural economic* department were engaged in activitlaa of importance in profaaaional improvement and public service during the summer J. Wheeler Barger, head of the marketing and finance department aanred a* a Viaiting profeaaor at C ichigan State College, (i. W kUsaelman, professor m the same department, served a* a vreftinf profeaaoi at the University of Porto Rico During the Summer Tom D. Cherry, instructor, we* engaged a* an investigator for th* Attorney- General's fact-finding committee on the transportation rates affect tng Texas industry -V t* *•!< December 2, 3, and 4 Are Dates of Meet Announcement of the sixth an nual dairymen * short course, which will be held here from December 2 to 4 inclusive, was released by A. L Darnell, professor in the dairy husbandry department Two hundred dairymen are expected to attend this short course which is to be given in cn-operation with the Kxtensmn Service, Agricultural Expenmmt Station, School of Vet. erinary Medicine and Science, and other departments of agnculturo In addition to the discussion of T various subjects by the personnel of th* dairy department, the Ex tension Service, and The Experi- (Continued on page I) Rctxo olfl Here's Hoic to Find Your Way Around the Alamo City w w RAN ANTONIO, Texas, Oct. Sf If you approach San Antonio — For out of town gue*u who may) from the North (Aa*|in, Dalla*, H 1,1 • n ' have sum* difficulty in drivin* i«» > ■— — 11 30 a m.- "Drama of Food* (Farm Credit Admmiatra Man) 11 46 a m Popular Music 12 00 noon -Sign-Off Sunda* Orteher •. 1*40 | ..vm me mortn (Au*tm. Dalla* have some difficulty in driving to etc l you will mm* in at Alamo Alamo Stadium for Saturday’s Height* and ran rut ariosi via gridiron riaaalr between Texas A Dam Boulevard to llevim* Koad and A V and Tulsa Univeraity, this then to the stadium, if you know Sirview picture should be retained the route to Dam Boulevaid But ment* Sign On, Muaical Mo lt 48 a m —Roan’s ('hapel Singers V OG a m — Masterworks * M) a m -Sign-Off Cracked m* will emit glows and flashes of light if cold enough, ac cording to Frances G. Wick of! Vas*ar College GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT We npectalite In DELICIOUS FOODS At Moderate Pric** HARRY’S CAFE At Y Honda Hwv. No. 6 ! MMk jVENETIAN BLINDS) NATIONAL n__ a.-iUe ka.utUJ .nA f IWev, vv^r^wl^DW| wsv^w 'mdeshuctible NsHonaTt new '^ar ** fet*r s * ^ ^^4 e* * (* * r* *1 p * r \ o I * country. Th* cost is cemper- *pt* ced* t * , ♦he seme Netienei Querent** *4 Qe**y FHONE US TO DAY FOB A ’’NATIONAl’’ HU ISTIMATl’’ R. T. DENNIS C0 n Inc. Bryan, Texaa as a guide If you have lockets in Section A through M you will want to park near (jie main entrance on the west sidk. For Section* M through Y t|e east entrance is your objective- in parking your car LA SALLE HOTEL * BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Room* • 100 Baths Fire Proof R W HOWELL, Mgr. Class *97 Robert Denkardt, associate pro fessor, held a position which re sulted in vxteSsive traveling over Texas. Colorado, New Mexico. An ion*. and California He acted a* secretary of the American Quarter Horne Association with headquart er* in Fort Worth, Pre*ton W, Kimble wa« enrolled m graduate work at the University of Illinois; following which he rep- rewented the department in an in-i dustnal seminar for agricultural er gincer* and agricultural eceno- i mists which was conducted by the American Society of Agricultural, Engineer* Dr. R L Hunt, profeaaor in th* , marketing and finance department,' spent the majority of th* summer making observations on marketing problems in Texas It will lie easier to continue down Broadway to Incarnate Word Acad emy and turn right on Hildebrand Avenue to the Devine Road en trance to Stadium ( irde Coming out from town you couM follow Broadway to M'ddebrand. but thebe*t route south from the business section is via South St Mary's street to Alameda Avenue, then to the Circle Or you can approach the circle from tl^e South by driving through Brakenridge Park and taking the Alpine Drive up around the Sunk en Garden and Open Air Theatre, the latter being directly below the aouth exit. — OnWTAW 1IM kc. — M?7 meter* 6*3 Art Yo4| Ronnrd by a Budget ’ Then IMenae Your Tuten at Penney’a LIGHTWEIGHT OVERCOATS Fine Coata at Only 14.75 Here'* one time your en* ihuaiaam for grand cioth- ea won’t be aquelched by a price tag! You’ll find all the splen did workmanahip, the Uateful pattern*, the supreme ityling you’ve been envying in expen sive shop windows—at the low price your bud- get indicate* I Deep burly fleecee. color ful tweeds and handsome chevoit* are at their smartest in this selection —fabric* with stamina gnd warmth to spare! J. C. PENNEY COMP, C. E. GRIE8SER FRIG1DAIRE SALES AND SERVICE FL0M8CSNT LIGHTING Bnan • I'hone 23 Desk - Chairs Study I-amps, etc. McCULLOCH- DANSBY CO. ‘Yoa^lete Home Furnish era” Phone Bryan 164 Thersda>, October 1, 1*40 via Text* Quality Network (not earned on WTAW) (5 16 - h 30 a m —Tcxa* Farm and Home Program E N Holmgreen, Triple A Dr F. P Humbert. Head Genetira Department ill 25 a m —Sign-On; Weather, New* I 11:30 a m —Muaical Momenta 11 45 a m —Popular Music 12 00 noon—Sign-Off Friday, October 4, 1*4# via Texas Quality Network (not carried on WTAW’l 6 15 (I 30 a na.—Texas Farm and Home Program Newell N. Newman, Farm Security Administration A D Jackson. Expenmrnt Station II 26 a m—Sign-On; Weather, New* jll'So a m-Musical Moments | 11 45 a m —Popular Mutn 12 :00 noon - Sign-Off 4 30 - 6 30 p ■.—TIE AGGIE CLAMBAKE Saturday, October ft. 1940 via Texas Quality Network (not earned on WTAW'i • :1ft - (UBO a m.—Texas Farm and Home Program Mr* F L Thomas. Farm 6 Home Book Reviewer Tyni* R Timm, Extension Service J M Orchard, Ag Education Department 11:2ft a. m—Sign-On; Weather. News * . - . PLEASING PARTICULAR PEOPLE.. Wt Off* You s Expert Workmanship Half-Day Ser\ia* HOWTO WATCH A FOOTBALL GAME Do you watch the ball on kicks? Punts? Foru'ard passes? (Experts say you should not!/ If your team is kicking from behind its own goal, do you watch your team? Or the opponents? Are you always missing the referee's signals? What player do coaches agree is most exciting to watch? You'll get twice as much fun out of a football game if you let Referee William H. (Red) Frieaell tell you where to park your eye from play to play. Get your copy of thii week's Saturday Evening Post and turn to page 36. P - , ALSO mi INTIMATE LIFE STORY OF WILL ROGERS- ? the human story of a great American and world idol, told by his first sweetheart, his wife and lifelong companion, Betty Blake Rogers. What waa the secret of the thousand* of friend ships Will found time for in hia busy life? Read Unde Clem's Boy. First of eight inatailmenta this weak... ALSO a dozen or more other fsaturae-abort stories, aerials, articles, cartoons. SITWUHV me and in N*» V