The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 21, 1940, Image 6
Page 6 Official Notices OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM TO DAY STUDENTS 1. Day students are cautioned to consult the bulletin board in the rotunda of the Academic building daily. They will be held responsible for proper observance of all orders and instructions posted thereon. Failure to consult this bulletin board will not be accepted as an ex cuse for non-compliance with such or ders or instructions. 2. The Battalion carries important an nouncements and each issue should be read. Day students will be held respon sible for proper observance of notices and instructions appearing in The Battalion. 8. All passes must be in the Office of the Commandant not later than 9:00 A. M. on the day they are to become effective. 4. Schedule of cclasses will be submitted to the Office of the Commandant not later than noon, Saturday, September 28, 1940. JAMES A. WATSON Lt. Colonel, U. S. Army Commandant OFFICIAL The Library will be closed until Sunday evening, September 22, at 7:00 P. M. The addition of a new level of bookstacks has made necessary the shifting of the whole collection of 80,000 books, which cannot be completed before Sunday. T. F. Mayo Librarian OFFICIAL NOTICE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Genetics 804, Plant Breeding, Section 600K will be offered in the first semester at Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-Thursday 8-5. E. J. Howell Registrar * iMULi \SSI2WULY HALL Sat., Sept. 21 6:30 - 8:30 MICKEY MOUSE - SHORTS DARRYL F. ZANUCK’S mmjAm RTOSELL ALICE FAYE • DON AMECHE HENRY FONDA Mon. - Tue., Sept. 23-24 3:30 & 6:45 Each Day OFFICIAL NOTICE Formal opening for old students will be held Saturday, September 21st. Juniors and Seniors will assemble in Guion Hall at 10 a. m. and Sophomores at 11 a. m. Classes for Saturday morning, Septem ber 21, will be held on the following basis: First period—8:00 to 8:20 a. m. Second period—8:30 to 8:50 a. m. Third period—9:00 to 9:20 a. m. Fourth period—9 :30 to 9:50 a. m. F. C. BOLTON, Dean OFFICIAL NOTICE Seniors in Engineering Administration should register for Industrial Engineer ing 405 (1-0) and come to this office af ter registration to check their schedules. Students requiring M. E. 419 should register for Industrial Engineering 401. GIBB GILCHRIST, Dean of Engineering AVIATION COURSES Since we have not received definite in formation as to the ground school and flying courses, registration for these cours es will be deferred until after school be gins. Ground school courses will not start until after October 1. We expect to have a quota of not less than fifty students for the primary and twenty for the advanced training. It is expected that the ground school and fly ing, both primary and advanced, will be arranged within the time limit for adjust ing schedules. It is suggested that students hoping to take aviation courses will register for their regular work and if accepted later, ad justments in schedules will be made. Watch the Engineering School Bulletin Board in the Academic Building and read official Battalion notices for information and instructions. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Students desiring to change to Aero nautical Engineering should carefully watch the School of Engineering Bulletin Board in the Academic Building and Battalion notices. An outstanding aeronautical engineer has accepted the proposal to come to the College as department head and will be here shortly after school opens. Freshmen desiring to take Aeronautical Engineering should register at this time in Mechanical Engineering. Others should continue their course of study, and when the Department has been organized, ad justments to take Aeronautical Engineer ing will be made prior to expiration of the time limit for adding and dropping cours es. In the interest of time, students de siring to change the Aeronautical Engin eering should write home now for permis sion. GIBB GILCHRIST, Dean of Engineering Lutheran Church services will be held Sunday, September 22, at 7:00 p. m. in the Y. M. C. A. Parlor. The Lutheran League will hold a devo tional meeting Sunday morning at 10:00 a. m. in the parlor of the old mess hall. Lutheran Students are cordially invited to attend both services. Rev. Kurt Hartman, Pastor Dormitory Laundry Service All laundry from old dormitories will be turned in at laundry sta tion in two west rooms of Austin Hall. All laundry from the twelve new dormitories will be turned in at the laundry station north end of dormitory 12. Laundry slips will be secured from 1st Sgt. The name, address etc., will be placed in the space designated. It is very essential' that the surname be written first on the laundry slip in order that the old students may retain their same laundry mark and marks be assigned new students. If you were in school last year please put your laundry mark on your list. The stub is then torn from the slip and presented to the agent at the time the laundry is turned on. When stamped, the stub is your check for your laundry. The stub is stamped only when presented with laundry bundle. If stub is lost a duplicate copy may be secured at laundry for 5tf. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Austin Hall ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A. B. C. D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 3-6 P. M. E, F, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Wednesday 3-6 P. M. Thank You Aggies! The Personnel of our two stores wishes to take this opportunity to thank our many Aggie Friends for their splendid patronage. Due to our increased business— some items in our stocks have been depleted — however we have rushed fill-in orders to our manufacturers for additional merchandise, and we will be able to take care of all your needs in a few days. SERVING AGGIES has been a tra dition with us for the past forty- five years. ‘Two Convenient Stores” COLLEGE STATION - BRYAN j J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Thursday 3-6 P. M. O, P, Q, R, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 3-6 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundle in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 3-6 P. M. Students will be allowed 23 piec es per week with limit of 4 shirts, 2 pants, 1 coverall and 3 polo shorts. Shirts may be exchanged for pants. There will be a charge on all ex cess pieces above the regular 23 pieces. Shirts lOtf, pants 15tf, cov eralls lOtf, polo shirts 5tf, all small pieces 2^. An extra 23 piece bundle may be sent in for 55^. Small extra bundles are charged by list prices. The 1st Sergeant may secure laundry lists from the Laundry. SCHEDULE FOR DAY STUDENTS Turn in laundry Friday 7-8 A. M. Call for Saturday 12-2 P. M. We will not accept any day stu dent bundles any other day. Turn in bundles at North wing of laundry. Day students POSITIVELY will not be allowed to tum in laundry at the laundry stations. Please do not club your bundles as this is very confusing and makes it hard for us to keep your cloth es straight. SCHEDULE FOR GROUP PRO JECT HOUSE AND AMERICAN LEGION HALL Laundry will be picked up Thurs day 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Fri day 3-6 P. M. SCHEDULE FOR ARMY BAR RACKS, SMITH, DALLAS, AN DERSON CO., POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM Pick up Thursday 7-8 A. M. De livered back Saturday Momrning. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Dormitory 12 ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A, B, C, D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 11-2 P. M. E, F, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Wednesday 11-2 P. M. J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Thursday 11-2 P. M. O, P, Q, R, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 11-2 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundles in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 10-1 P. M. Laundry must be turned in and called for as scheduled as other laundry will be coming back on the following days and unless cleared there will be congestion at the laundry rooms. Students please note your respective dates and cooperate with us to avoid confusion and mix ups. All late or out of place bundles will have a charge of 15tf. Bundles positively will not be 'ac cepted from dormitory students at the laundry. APPRECIATION The Kream and Kow Klub wish es to express its sincere thanks and gratitude to the cadet corps for their splendid patronage dur ing registration. A total of 7,695 bottles of choco late milk was sold and out of this amount only 278 empty bottles were broken. The proceeds of all chocolate milk sales, by the club, goes to defray the expenses of the Dairy Husbandry Judging Teams which will represent A. & M. College at the National Dairy contest at Harrisburg, Pennsylania, Octo ber 12. KKK Members OFFICIAL NOTICE The Saddle and Sirloin Club will hold its first meeting Monday eve ning immediately after yell prac tice in the Animal Industry lec ture room. It is urged that all members be present as plans for the Rodeo and other activities of the year will be discussed. Classified FOR RENT—New unfurnished, extra nice, air-conditioned 5-room home in College Hills Estates. Tel ephone Bryan 1095. LOST—Brown billfold contain ing $18.00 cash and a $2.50 check. Please return to 25 Puryear for liberal reward. RADIOS—Models to suit your need, at bargains. Call 4-9444 or inquire in room 69, Milner; room 214 Hall No. 11; room 101 Bizzell. FOR SALE—’30 Model A, prac tically new tires, good shape. Right price. Address Box 664, College Station. FOR SALE CHEAP—One serge shirt and one junior blouse. Size 15-34. See Max Melcher, 218, dorm. 11. THE BATTALION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1940 Senior Ring Orders To S. M. U, Picked— Be Sent Twice 3. IV4onth (Continued from page 3) OFFICIAL NOTICE There will be a meeting on Mon day, September 23, immediately af ter Yell Practice in the Y Chapel of all students who held dormitory candy concessions last year. Ormond R. Simpson, Chairman Student Labor Committee OFFICIAL NOTICE There will be a Kream and Kow Klub meeting at 7:30 p. m. Tues day night, September 24, at the Creamery Lecture room. All students interested in Dairy Husbandry are urged to attend. An important address will be given by Mr. Shepardson. Also, re freshments will be served. K.K.K. Reporter ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr., Student Chaplain 8.30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9.30 a. m. Coffee Club and Discussion Class. 10.45 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. OFFICIAL NOTICE The annual reception for the old and new Episcopalian students will be held Sunday afternoon at St. Thomas Chapel from 4 to 6 p. m. All Episcopalian students are urged to drop in between those hours. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister One block north of the main post- office welcomes all students to the following schedule of ser vices: Sunday: 9:45, Bible Classes; 10:45, Communion and Worship Service; 6:45 p. m., after-supper discussion group; 7:30 p. m., the evening worship. Wednesday: 7:30 p. m., Prayer Meeting. The next order for senior rings will be made on October 1, accord ing to a report received from the registrar’s office Friday. The first order of ninety-three rings was delivered to the seniors Thursday night from 7 to 9 o’clock. So far 44 rings have been ordered for delivery on October 15. Orders will continue to be sent throughout the year on the first and fifteenth of each month. Contract for the senior rings was again let to Jostens, Owaton- na, Minn., through the Southern Engraving Company in Houston. A. & M. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Norman Anderson, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "Beliefs That Matter” 2:00 Student Retreat at sel Park Hen- 7:00 Student League. 8:00 Evening Devotions Fellowship. and All services in the Y Chapel. A cordial welcome to all. one commented. "Any eleven may fall any week. A team may even drop two gamles and win the con ference flag.” Although the Aggies were placed second in the consensus compila tion, several votes offered com ment to the effect that A. & M. has the best chance to repeat for the flag that any team has ever had, at least in recent years. The predicted standings, com pared with the final standings of 1939: 1940 Predictions— S. M. U. A. & M. Baylor Texas T. C. U. Arkansas Rice 1939 Standings— A. & M. Baylor S. M. U. Texas Arkansas T. C. U. Rice Bring Your Shirts and Blouses to Us And Have Stripes and Patches Sewed On. Let Us Clean and Press Your Uniforms. AGGIE CLEANERS NORTH GATE T ‘Y’ Has Recreation Building In New Area The College Y. M. C. A., after a summer expansion and an expendi ture of nearly $1,500, has built its plant to include one new building for dormitory students in the new area, and has remodeled the rec reation room of the old ‘Y’. At. present plans are being made by Y. M. C. A. officials to convert Guion,Hall into a building which will be suitable for showing mov ing pictures. The work done this summer in cludes remodeling the old Con solidated School and installing fa cilities for recreation and meet ings. Hi, Aggies Come Over and Be With The Gang Lunches Drinks Smokes • GEORGE'S Confectionerg New “Y” FOR REAL M/LDNESS AND REEFER FA SEE These are the twin pleasures you look for in a cigarette. You’ll find them in every Chesterfield you smoke...and it takes the right combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos united in Chesterfields to give you the added pleasure of a cooler smokeMake your next pack Chesterfield andjoin the millions of smokers who say Copyright 1940, Liccn? & Mms Tooiccs Co. yrriUKtrs ivvu suy *