The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1940, Image 7

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58 Gridiron Candidates Report
To Norton For Varsity Practice
First String Are
Varsity Lettermen
Thursday morning, August 29,
at 9 o’clock a total of 58 Texas
Aggie grid candidates reported to
Head Coach Homer Norton and his
staff of assistants to begin the
grind which they all hope will lead
them to their second national cham
pionship. However, recalling the
strength of the 25-year old tradi
tion, “Southwest Conference Cham
pions don’t repeat”, none of them
would prophesy a 1940 title, much
as they intend to go after it.
The Aggies of 1940 will present
almost the same team they had in
1939 with the exception of All-
America Tackle Joe Boyd, All-Con
ference End Herb Smith, Quarter
back Walemon Price, Ends Joe
White and Bill Duncan, and Backs
Bill Audish and Frank Wood, all
of whom graduated. Several prom
ising sophomores will come up from
last year’s freshman team and will
include such names as Willie Zap-
alac, Bellville high scoring ace;
Jake Webster, Sweetwater; Wood-
row (Butch) Bando, Beaumont, all
backs; Elvis (Boots) Simmons,
Somerville, end, and Bill Sibley,
Abilene, center. There are several
other soph prospects but they will
be developed mainly for future ser
vice since all jobs are lined up about
three deep.
Pre-season plans outlined by
Coach Norton call for all of the
starters to be lettermen and only
two of them Juniors, Derace Mo
ser, back, Stephenville; and Jim
Sterling, Panhandle, end, falling
into that class. All of the others
will be playing out their eligibility
as seniors.
For the first time in his coach-
Sankey Park
Watch and Jewelry
Bryan, Texas
ing career Norton says he will be
in position to substitute in team
waves although he does not plan
to do so, and if the need arose he
probably could put out a pretty
fair third team on the field.
For the starting team, as it
looks from this far off the open
ing game with Texas A. & I. here
Sept. 28, the backfield probably
will include Jarrin’ Jawn Kim
brough, Haskell, fullbacjc; Jim
Thomason, Brownwood, right half;
Moser, or Conatser, left half; and
Marion Pugh, Fort Worth, quarter
back, replacing Price.
The line probably will include
Bill Buchanan, Weatherford, right
end; Chip Routt, Chapel Hill, right
tackle; Charlie Henke, Kerrville,
right guard; Tommie Vaughn,
Brownwood, center; Marshall Rob-
nett, Klondike, left guard; Ernie
Pannell, Waco, left tackle; and
Sterling, left end. Routt will prob
ably win Boyd’s position over Mar
tin Ruby, Waco; and Euel Wesson,
Temple, both Juniors and letter-
men, but that promises to be the
toughest battle for a job on the
team. Sterling, moved over from
right end, replaces Smith.
The second wave looks like it
will include: Webster, fb; Zapalac,
rhb; Moser or Conatser, Ihb; Mar-
land Jeffrey, Port Arthur, qb. The
line will include: Simmons, re;
Ruby or Wesson, rt; Leon Rahn,
Dayton, rg; Odell Herman, Abi
lene, c; Roy Bucek, Schulenburg,
Ig; Henry Hauser, Kerrville, rt;
and Harold Cowley, Freer, le.
Norton plans to alternate Web
ster and Zapalac at full and right
half preparing them to take over
from Kimbrough and Thomason
next year and wants them ready
for either job. Lettermen in that
second wave include: Moser, Con
atser (which ever does not get
the starting nod), Jeffrey, Ruby,
Wesson, Rahn, Herman, Bucek and
Hauser. In all there will be 23
lettermen back along with 15
squadmen of at least one year’s
Other candidates for positions
will include: Right halfback—Jim
Abbott, Corpus Christi squadman;
Joe Rothe, Hondo, Carl Geer, Mc
Kinney; Finis White, Cleburne, all
two-year squadmen; Kyle Drake,
Laredo, sophomore. Left halfback—
Earl (Bama) Smith, Frisco City,
Ala., squadman; Bando, spomho-
more; Bud Force, Orange, two-year
squadman; and Bob Mansfield, San
Angelo, squadman. Quarterbacks—
Marshall Spivey, . Lufkin, letter-
man; and George Williams, Eldo
rado, squadman. There are no extra
fullbacks behind Webster and Zap
Right ends—Jack Kimbrough,
Haskell, letterman; Bill Hender
son, Houston, squadman; Jamie
Wilson, Belton, soph; Bill Blessing,
Dallas, squadman; and H. C. Teub-
ner, Dallas, junior college transfer
from N.T.A.C. Left ends—Bill Daw
son, Crockett, two-letterman; Jim
mie Knight, LaGrange, sophomore
and Jim Williams, Marlin, squad
Left tackles—Leonard Joeris,
Abilene, squadman; Jim Brewer,
Bryan, soph; and Bill Gerner, Dal
las, junior college transfer from
N.T.A.C. There are no other right
Page 7
Banquet For Managers
Closes 193940 Season
Students: We can renovate your old campaign hats
to look like new.
We are equipped to fit any head shapes.
Hatmakers for Over 40 Years
Waco, Texas
College Station, Texas
By Bob Myers
As the season closed last June
all intramural managers were
feasted and feted at the annual
Sbisa Hall at which time the final
results for the 1939-40 season
were announced.
Battery E. Field Artillery was
announced as the winner of the
Class A flag with a total of 747
points. Second and third places in
the Class A divis
ion were captured
by Company F, En
gineers and Bat
tery C, Field Ar
tillery with 702 and
685 points, respec
In the Class B
division, Battery F,
Field Artillery
walked away with
with 701.6 points.
They were trailed by Battery C,
Field Artillery with 681.6 points
and by Company G, Infantry with
670 points to their credit.
W. L. Penberthy presented a-
wards to C. F. Dwyer as manager
of the Class A champion and to
Jack Nagel as manager of the
Class B champion. Awards were
also given to J. S. Critz, manager
of Battery C, Field Artillery,
whose teams did not receive a sin
gle forfeit throughout the season
in the Class A division.
the pennant
Presto Johnson
And Ray Mallouf
Are S.M.U.’s Stars
Matty Bell’s more than half a
hundred potential 1940 Mustangs
donned the pads and cleats in Dal
las this week for their first work
out in preparation for their role
as the question mark of the hotly-
debated Southwest Conference grid
chase. Kicking, passing, and signal
drills mixed with body-banging
under a blazing sun was the menu
for the opening days.
The major portion of the squad
reported for duty in good,non-prac
tice condition and there was not a
single vacation injury to mar the
scene. Some of the squadmen lost
weight during the summer, a few
picked up poundage, but on the
whole the squad tipped the scales
about normal.
Preston “Presto” Johnson, 187-
pound Newcastle fullback, and Ray
Mallouf, hipper-dipper Syrian from
Sayre, Oklahoma, took the first-
day drills in fine form. These two
boys are the offensive cogs around
with Coach Bell hopes to mold a
powerful conference and intersect
ional threat.
Mustang pre-season drills will be
held behind closed gates. Coach
Bell intends to put a lot of polish
ing on the boys before they open
their season against U.C.L.A. at
Los Angeles the night of Sept. 27.
The first home tilt is scheduled
against the perennially potent
North Texas State Teachers in Dal
las, Oct. 5.
Coach Bell started the season’s
first practice with a warning to
the men considered regulars that
“no matter where you are placed
in practice if you can show me
tackles save Routt, Ruby and Wes
Right guards—Pete Henry, Lake
Charles, La., soph; Ray Mulhollan,
Belton; and Freeman Thompson,
Texarkana, both sophomores; Zo-
lus Motley, Abilene, squadman; and
Harris Browder, Groesbeck, two-
year squadman. Left guards—
Felix Bucek, brother of Roy, Schul
enburg, soph; John (Bubba) Reev
es, San Antonio, letterman; and
Les Richardson, Houston, squad
The center reserves will include:
Sibley, Howard Shelton, Hillsboro,
two-year squadman; Sam Rankin,
Brenham, soph; and Newton Craig,
Miami ,out for the first year.
Ed Robnett, letterman guard and
brother of Marshall, is not expected
to enter school this year as he will
not have recovered from an ap
pendectomy in time to be of much
service so will lay out one year
and save that eligibility.
Dean Puryear,
Father of Aggie
Football Is Dead
This summer a grand old man
left the earth and behind him he
left many friends who could sit
hours swapping yarns.
Dean Charles Puryear was the
father of football at A. & M. for
it was back in 1893 when the first
pages of Aggie football experi
ences were written. The following
year the cadets tangled with Tex
as University for the first time.
He was the first manager of
the Aggies and later became a
faculty member in 1889.
Throughout his days he has
seen many fine teams at College
Station, and has seen two teams
those of ’17 and ’19 go undefeat
ed, untied and .unscored on. Six
teams he saw win the conference
championship and then with the
’39 team the greatest ever to rep
resent the Marron and White,
Dean Charles Puryear at that time
dean emeritus of the college, took
his leave from Kyle Field, football
and Aggieland.
A photograph of an 800-foot el
evator shaft in the RCA building
in Rockefeller Center was taken by
placing the camera in the pit of
the shaft and attaching a photo
flood lamp to the top of an elevator
in an adjoining shaft. The elevator
was run to the top, pausing at each
floor for 30 seconds. Down in the
pit, the camera shutter remained
open for IVz hours while the light
plenty of stuff in our scrimmages,
you will go up.” He has 22 out of
last season’s 30 numeral winners
on hand.
Johnnie Clement, San Angelo,
■and “Dandy” Dick Milkr, Long
view, also showed fine first-day
form in the passing drills, herald
ing a possibe Pony aerial show as
of the famed Southern Methodist
Aerial Circus.
The Mustangs will need all the
power they can muster if they hope
to roll through their 10-game slate,
which includes the regular six con
ference foes, the U.C.L.A. tilt, and
other important inter-sectional
clashes with the University of
Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh, Oct. 12
and Auburn at Dallas, Oct. 19.
Two-a-day practice will continue
until registration for classes in
No More Towels
They Call Him "Barge”, But His Real
Name Is James T. Carroll-Retired By
Army 18 Years Before Leaving A. & M.
He was a grand old man and"
will be missed by hundreds of
Aggie athletes and former ath
letes during the coming years.
They call him “Sarge” but his
real name is James T. Carroll, and
he can say that during his long
stay at A. & M. he has never made
an enemy of a ball player.
“Sarge” came to A. & M. in
September, 1922, and took charge
of Bizzell and Goodwin Halls. The
following year he opened the first
student post office, the one which
is now known as the faculty ex
change. During the years of 1924-
25-26 he was a day and night ser
geant on the campus.
In 1927 Coach Dana Bible asked
Sarge to take charge of the equip
ment room, and he has been there
ever since. His first year there he
was with a conference champion.
He saw Bible leave and Matty Bell
struggle through some lean years
before Matty went to S. M. U. He
saw Coach Homer Norton strive
in bringing the Aggies from the
depths to their present position
atop the football world. He came in
with a conference champion and
he is leaving with a national cham
pion. He has seen the student en
rollment grow from a handful to
over 6000.
His long stay at A. & M. came
only after he had put in enough
years to be retired from the army.
He put in enough time for retire
ment from the army, and has put
in 18 years at A. & M., and is still
only 63 years old.
He enlisted in the army in April,
1898, at Salem, Mass, and was
shipped to the Phillipine Islands in
May of ’99. He entered the service
for the Spanish American War and
stayed in. He -was with the 19th
and already many have stuck their
that time he was engaged in 56
fights. In July, 1905, he went to
Mindeanou and stayed till 1907, re
turning then to the States where
he served in Washington and Wy
oming till 1910. In 1910 he return
ed to the Phillipines to stay until
1912 when he came back to the U.
S. for a couple of years. During
1914-15 he was in Vera Cruz, Mex
ico and then came back to the
States to wait until America en
tered the World War. In 1917 he
was with the 1st Division in
France. He stayed there until
Sept., 1918. From then until 1921
he was stationed in Ohio and was
retired in that year. His rank at
that time was master sgt. During
the World War he was a 1st lieut
enant and temporary captain.
In 1900 Sarge was wounded in
service. The duty he was on when
injured made him eligible for mem
bership in the Order of the Purple
Heai't, but because of an over
sight of the War Department he
went through his remaining years
in the army without receiving this
“Gimme a towel, Sarge”.
“Well, I just gave you a towel,
what did you do with it?”
Good luck, Sarge.
We’re physicians by
appointment to your
automobile. Drive up to
day for your car’s thor
ough examination—and
a prescription that will
make it drive safely.
Alemite Overhead
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Phone 4-4684
Cold Drinks
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Used Books and Clothing
Loupot's Trading Post
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