The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1940, Image 5
f i * TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1940- THE BATTALION College Executives Plan Big Students Should Meet And Know Their College Administrative Officials The men who are responsible for the administration of the affairs of any school are its officials. Ten men at Texas A. & M. college have these duties, and these responsibilities. Guided by President T. O. Walton, these men direct the course of the school. Believing that all the students should know them and what they do, we print their pictures on this page with accompanying thumb-nail sketches of their individual accomplishments. These men welcome and encourage visits from students who would avail themselves of this oppor tunity for guidance and counsel and for valuable contacts with men pre eminent in their respective fields. T. O. WALTON President of the college since 1925, Dr. Walton came to A. & M. in 1916 as state agent with the Extension Service. He was made director of same in 1918, retaining that position until his selection as president of the college. Eminent in national affairs, he has held this position during the period of A. & M.’s greatest growth and most rad ical changes. • F. C. BOLTON Dean Bolton was once a major in the cadet corps of Mississippi A. & M. and also served as com mandant one year. He was brought to this college as a professor of physics and electrical engineering. In 1922 he was made dean of en gineering and served until 1927. Now he is vice-president and dean of the college. • COL. IKE ASHBURN Executive assistant to the pres ident, he was appointed to that post in 1937, when he resigned as head of the Texas Good Roads As sociation and publisher of the Tex as Parade. First connected with the Liberal Arts Dean ' £ ' ^ J\ DR. T. D. BROOKS college in 1913 as director of pub licity, he has been commandant of the school and executive secretary of the Former Students Associa tion. Is Your Lowest Priced Domestic Servant Will cook a good dinner for 3 people Will operate a bathroom heater for 2 hours Will heat enough water for 2 baths Will operate a living room heater 45 minutes Will make 33 cups of coffee Will heat etiough water for 14 morning shaves Will operate a laundry dryer 45 minutes Will operate an incinerator 15 minutes Will run a gas refrigerator from 8 to 10 hours Lone Star £11 Gas Co. A. & M. President Vice President DR. T. O. WALTON Agriculture Leader DR. F. C. BOLTON Engineering Head DEAN E. J. KYLE The Registrar E. J. HOWELL E. J. KYLE A graduate of A. & M. in 1889, Dean Kyle first became a member of the teaching staff in 1902. He has been head of a department and was made dean of agriculture in 1911. His master of science degree is from Cornell University. He has authored numerous bulletins and texts on agricultural subjects and is an outstanding figure in the — <r\ that EXTRA TOUCH ■AT OUR FOUNTAIN DRINKS THAT SATISFY! SANDWICHES - TOBACCO CANDY - PIPES George's Confectionerg In The New “Y” President’s Aide COL. IKE ASHBURN Veterinary Chief DEAN GIBB GILCHRIST Student Publications E. L. ANGELL, MANAGER Alumni Secretary DEAN R. P. MARSTELLER State Normal College of Oklahoma, and as Mayor of the city of Waco during his employment as a pro fessor at Baylor University. • R. P. MARSTELLER Dean Marsteller attended Ohio State University, receiving the de gree of Doctor of Veterinary Med icine in 1905. He came to A. & M. in November of that year as in structor and assistant veterinarian for the Agricultural Experiment Station. He succeeds Dr. Mark Francis as dean of veterinary med icine. E. J. HOWELL Registrar of the college, E. J. Howell took his B. S. degree in chemical engineering at A. & M. He taught chemistry a year at John Tarleton Agricultural College, and was also registrar and commandant there. Mr. Howell has been in the registrar’s office at A. & M. since 1930. He is now president of the Eighth Corps Area Council of the Reserve Officers Association. • E. L. ANGELL Last year E. L. Angell had added to his position of manager of stu dent publications the title of bus iness consultant for student acti vities at A. & M. He has been in this former office sice 1936. Having Page 5 done graduate work in Chicago University, he has been a reporter on a daily paper, a school official, a school superintendent as well as a representative of the State De partment of Education before com ing here. O E. E. McQUILLEN Present executive secretary of the Former Students Association, E. E. Me Quillen was a cadet lieu tenant colonel his senior year when he graduated in 1920 in animal hus bandry. Also that year he played on A. & M.’s outstanding basket ball team. He sold insurance in Dal las after graduation, but was brought back to the college as as sistant to Col. Ike Ashburn, who was then executive secretary of the association. Mr. McQuillen was made secretary upon Col. Ike’s res ignation in 1926, and has held that position since that date. mao W® (..Or Your Girl’s) Of course you are going to give leer a birth day gift. Send your Mother (or your gir) something that she can use, something prac tical-, and that certainly will be no problem if you select it from the Smart Shop. We will V)e gtad to assist you in every way possible in choosing her gilt. We have a beautiful stock of fine merchan dise, things that women appreciate, so when you’need something to send to your Mother or Sister, Cousin, (or your girl) get it at the Smart Shop. you know, “It Will Please Them More Rronv a Ladies Store. A®VfHflRT/H«p Our chef is a mighty particular fellow- uses only choice quality foods to make up a varied menu served as you like it. GOOD FOOD meets LOW PRICE at CHEF JOHN'S STEAK HOUSE On Highway 6 — Next to Grant’s Service Station E. E. McQUILLEN growth and development of agri culture in the South. • GIBB GILCHRIST In his career, Dean Gilchrist has held many jobs of importance throughout the state of Texas. Graduating from the University of Texas in 1909, he was assistant en gineer and head engineer of the Santa Fe Railroad, and has served as division engineer of the highway department at San Antonio. In 1924 he was made state highway engi neer. He also has served as an of ficer in the Engineer Corps during the World War I. He was made dean of engineering at Texas A. & M. in 1937 and is devoting his efforts to placing more A. & M. engineers in modem industries. • T. D. BROOKS Dean of the School of arts and Sciences and of the Graduate School, a graduate of Baylor, Dr. Brooks has served as principal and superintendent of schools at Hills boro, president of Southwestern 15^ to 5 p. m. CAMPUS 200 After 5 TODAY - - THURSDAY The Dead End Kids —in— “YOU'RE NOT SO TOUCH” with NAN GREY FRIDAY - - SATURDAY Richard Arlen and Andy Devine —in— “DANGER ON WHEELS” —Also- LATEST WAR NEWS - - CARTOON PREVUE SATURDAY NIGHT - - SUNDAY - - MONDAY Joan Bennett - Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. —in— “GREEN HELL”