The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 22, 1940, Image 1

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    I * ^ *•' I f * ^
DIAL 4-5444
or THI cmr or
DIAL 4-5444^ fg
rtXA* ARM.
vol i m
zm noTT*
Watson Replaces Moore As Commandant, P.M.S.&T.
* ROTC Contracts
Exempt Aggies
. From Army Draft
Ictonitiic froim WwluafftM, D.
C., vImn U tea bMM working m
of Um NatkMiol Comumti-
Ml Up IR11 * * n ff h t p of R4§OM^JSMl
to Mmmo. Trmidmi T. a Wnl-
ton ttoto* Utot Um amondmont a-
tnptinc Mdoto anroUad ta Um ad'
oasoad —or— Roaorvt Offtoon
Traliunt Corps to —aior taoUlo-
tiofit km km* MkM to Um mme*
polaory milllary tratninf MU whkh
k ia offtotaUp known as I. 41*4
' Asmrdinc to Dr Waltoa, Uts,
mitaf plas— adhaarod iralaiaf
■adMs la A A M so an squal fool
i lag wtUi «mWu la Um UaHodl
Btotos Milltorp Asadomy at Woof
Fatal aad Um Vattod Autoo Naval
Aeadomy at AaapolN Froporly
•tolad Uw —attoa roads as follow*
offloor* , , tadolo. t’nllod Rial—
Mllllory Arodomy mtdahlpiwon,
t’nllod Rtolos Naval Aradotny , , .
and endoto of Um advanrvd mar—,
aonlor division, Ro—rvs Offifvr*
Train Carps . . . shall not bv rt
™ puirod to ho rvffistorod undor soe-
tian 2 Bartton 2 Is Um part whi«|
raquirm all aliriblo malo rlttssaa
I to rvfister with military hand-
Record EnroUment Looms Next Year
qaarton on a dot# sot by thorn
7>»is MU, with tho proposed
amondmont. has now roooivod thr
approval of tho Senate Committee ^ ^
on Military Affairs, of which Mor
rts Sheppard of Texas is rhsirnum.
and ha* been presented to the
Senate for debate.
In commentm* on the amend
me fit that he M larpely resp»m*ihle
for having inserted into the bfU,
Dr Walton —id, “When military
training ia required in a srhoei
as N la her*, it only makes sense
Coated Book
U«ed For
M TexRi Forwt
Coatod beok paper iwUod from
amehin— of Um Campioa Paper aad
Fibre Ce-paap at ita plant near
laaatoa for Um firm time last
week and was t—ad ia printing Um
Jalp-August issue of Um ^010$
For—t Nava", M-monthly puMirs
Men of the Texas Far—t Rarvire.
ARM < ollege
] Ths (’hamphin Fapae and flhro
Omapaap manufasturiaf palp from
fosas forest Its— sines lMl, com
) Rtetod Um pspsr makiag unit far
its mill la Juns The mashine was
designed far manufart*— <»f paper
far "Ufa’* magaalns and paper aa-
ad for tho adHien of Um "Texas
For—1 Naas’* M from the tnltlsl
run of this hear stork
Company offietals —y ths new
paper mill probably la tho most
modem In this country and report
that the paper machine la the long-
t in the world, measuring 41#
I feel in length
Besides the * pert* I msrh me mol
ed book paper, the company wil
also make bond, envelope and tab
let papera
Students Urged
To Get Rooms As
Soon As Possible
R«ffctratkMi Alrnady Mora
Tlkan SOO Over What It Waa
Tkit Hama Time Loot Yaar
If advance regietration is an
indhmtion of the enrollment for
next year, then • aew reseed will
b* —t on registration dap ia lop
telabor Already there have been
toll more room —rvatlaa* made
than ware made at this same period
prior |o the opeatag of arhoel last
Retaratag ■lodewts whs Rssir* is
Nve la qaarters with thalr f—msr
orfanissitona art arged la mats
reaaevattoas tmawdiately heraass
ptaeea—nls are bstog mads "first
rwme first served'*.
A large Mock of rooms sealtsred
throughout the various military or
ganiutlons has been reserved foi
freshmen this year, and upperrlass-
men may find it difficult to obtain
quarters unless they make rearr-
vatlons quickly
Each year since lb.12 the enroll-
Complete Aviation Setup To Be
Offered During Next Long Session
Manufacture of the new paper V meat of the college has increased
marks another step in the develop-1 approximately ten per cent, and
ment of the pulp aad paper mdus- j prospect* for next year mdirste a
similar increase Addition of 1315
new dormitory rooms in twelve new
buildings last pear alleviated the
crowded dormitory situation to
some extent, but all room* were
fillad by last year's record entoil
men! of 6,424 students
Construction of four more dor
mi tones at a coat of RRM.toM will
begin immediately, but an increase
in enrollment in excess of the usual! r ’’*rhed a
that this course should lead the
students to something definite
Cert inly there n no use in calling
men for training who are getting
that training where they are."
Concerning the number of ad-
<Continued on page 4)
25 ‘Opportunity Awards’ To Be Made
By Association of Former Students
The Association of Former Rtn
dents of the A R M. College, in
reopnratlon with the col leg* and
wMfc A A M club* and A A M |
man, la offering II Opportunity
Awards to outstanding high school
or junior relief* students The—
swards will provide a mmpleto fl
nanetal program to cover the stu
dent's college care*i The original
agreement will remain in for— for
the fall —liege career, provided the
student continue* to meet require
ments set out by the Opportunity
Award plan ;
The Opportunity Award* will
combine a student yob through
which the student may —rn 1150
E 0. Siecke, Tcx-^
as Forest Service dir—tor, —id H*
pointed out that newsprint from
the pine forests ef East Texas find
was produced ia January by the
Southland Paper Mills, who— fac
tory l* located near Uifktn. With
finished type* of paper now also
available. Texas is in a better posi
tion to sapply the paper need* of
the Southwest, he staled
The paper industry place* new
emphasis on Teas* forest*, creot |
iqg aew joba, wages, products, and
t new market for T«a* tree spe ■- —
ctes tv two mills abo win create p Wallace Taber W ins
mew taxable *»*>•!* for state and . .
Writers rellowHhip
F Wallace Tabei. who took his
> ai—tor’s degree in the department
1 of fish and game at A. R M last
y—r, has been awarded the Outdooi
Writers’ Training Cour— fellow
t ship for one y—r, according to
graduating cla- H* and/or his word roreived Vis TaV», who-
famtly must V able to provide 1110 horn# is Hon Dingo, Calif., won the
A new —vtng will ha made avail
able to Um students of A A M
this earning yoar J C Hotaed
manager of the me— hall, has an
nouncod Thie —vtng ia the food
MU will ha aeonmpllahad by the
redaction of the prl— ef thr—
meals daily by tM per man. or a
111 savings per year TV daily
price la to he induced from #4 to
Mr Hotard also painted nut that
this saving will cnahls sorb hoy to
Have M guests at IV new thirty-
cent rate <>n the money thus — ved,
if he cheo—* to spend the money
in this way.
TV new thirty-rent charge for
visitors was recommended by an
•utatde effirwiic) expert who— re
port was recently handed in to thr
Boaid of Directors The expert’s
report stated that the guest pnvi
lege was being abused by a minor
ity of the students, but thr abuse
ia aa<
_ ha
of Mi xta-
I the national defense
its students and the no-
#•— needs of Am nation,
4 xf Iftfin—ring of the
Marhaaical Col
let* "? ThRRd trill (iff— a complete
aviation —M iAMmAr jatm
-tod in all phaa— af flyiag aad
aeronaut Mai engine—faf t»A— Am
*4th aa—ton begins ne«l m—Mh, A
was announced —day by Itoaa (JRto
(illrhrlat, who h— worked tlrel—
ly toward —Uhllahmani af the new
division af the —lleg* throughout
the summer Dean Olifhrlst left
for Washington, there to remain
until final governmental sanction
te given plans for establishment of
one of the fin—t airports In the
state which nr cup toe a 500-acre site
on tV A R M ( ollege campus
TV master plan for establish
■lent of the Class 3 airport, sec
ond largest in all Civil Aeronautics
Authority cla—ification. has re>
reived the approval of the district
headquarters, and it now only re
mains for final approval at Wash
ington before some $360,000 will
This Lady Toted Lots
Of Water In 50 Years
How a—ay mil— ia K from the
bouse to the well on the average
An sngto—r far the tlnitod Rul
es Department af Agriculture re
cently found that • farm
Um was hem and who died on the
—• firm after an aettoe 50 years
af agae—g the pto— had b*
•RAvn# to MM* mi an •—rage af
fm tripa • day from the hen- to
the aqRI |a ypaviAa,wgter f- the
household. TV we# w— »0 feet
fra— the h.w— aa# waa M feet
lower, so that s waft AW— hR MM
up was neeesasry
TV engineer ralctllatod th— dar-
i inf 50 year* this woman he#
Moore Terminates
Three Year Service
By larle A. BMeiie, Jr. -
Lieutenant Co tone! Jam— A.
Wateen, Inf , will —axd Colonel
F. Moore as Cea—ndaaft
•f A. A M. and a* Frafaaa— of
MUHary Acton— and Tacti— far
the earning yaar, it waa annoanced
(atonal Watson hx«en hia miH*
tory trainlpc the National
Ouard of W—t Virgiato to HIA.
During thg World War ha want hi
Fran— wife the *"h Infantry of
(he Fifth Dirtoton and wax with
Ihto unit — part «f the American
Army of Occupation In Oermenf,
Than an July let, IttO, he enters#
Rr ragalar Army aa a Major af
tV Infantry
t Watson w a graduate ef
"”»e*w--s ce*-wi T ^ V ■ * —WX-US W —a
rtod 7.000 barrels of water frntA Um Ofcfcnand and Oaneral Staff
tV well to tV hou—, had walked
a distance equivalent te that from
New York to San Franftaoo and
back, and had climbed up • distance
equal to 100 tripe up and doom
Pike'* P—k
waa of such magnitude that some i b* spent on runways, hangars. Work To lie Done By
remedy was ncces—ry
“Other method* of reducing the
roet of food to tV *tudenta trv
being nought, but tV thirty-cent
charge on visitors a—al* ie not one
of these" Mr Hotard statod
8me* the term of 193! 32, wVn
tV daily charge for meals had
ten pei cent would severely
present dormitory facilities
clas* room space
shops and instruction quarter* TV j ^ U t r jtCommittf?
airport will V so equipped as to'
qualify for both primary and sw ] ^ Texas nutrition committoe
ondary flight training, Dean Gil-' *kich »»« w »' k »ith oUte and na
*hnst announced j t,on *l government* toward effect-
Vublirshment of tV Department "•* sod distnVtlbn of food re-
of Aeronautical Engineenng was j »<»««^s m u ™+* of iationsl emer-
authorwed by tV A R M Board I f^cy ha* been appointed by Dr
of Dirertora and an mitial sppro j T O. WWton, president of A R M.,
Pnation of $25,000 was made to | •"d »‘U for the first time
to* hall ha* Meadily i f0sU 0 f matltuting tV new j Thursday in Dallas Similar stato-
reduce tV eost of j durational department A complete i w,(W committee* are Vmg appoint
faculty ia authorised and Dean •‘d to •! the 48 states by pr—i-
»ak of K3 7 cents per
student. tV manage
day for esc
ment of theR
been able to
food to tV student body every year
This reduction has taken place
through cooperation with the stu
dent body, rutting wastes, and
mare ectonttfic buying Surveys are
conducted to enable tV me** hall
to us* ita tremendous buying power
'to the Vst advantage
each year, V must need such —
•totanre aa thia award gives; V
must posse— good character, good
reputation, food appearance, ami
must have demonstrated real qual
it Ms of leadership aad pers—iality
He muet have the endorsement of
Am A R M. Hub of hie community,
er to the ah—are of such dab. IV
snRorsement of five to ten memhwt *
ef tV Aeeactatlon uf F. rmer Mtu
(and ida to* for opportunity
award* mast make application to
tV Association of Former A—
dents. Collage Station, Texae— such
applications to V accompanied by
award to open compel it um with
others evet tV nation and will en
joy IV fellowship sponsored by tV
Outdoor Wrltar’s Aisocistion of
America in r—peialian with tV
American Wildlife Institute, Wash
ington. D C.
TaVr will r—um* study towards
hia d—tor’s degree at IV Itolver
•ity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, upon
completion of the year's fellowship
Associates at Texas ARM. wVre
V was graduate aeeMiant In tV
department of fish and gam*. V
I lev* Tabor will go far in his rhoa-
en field of raaoarch and study
annually, a student loan of $100 - IVRf/"* a a HIX’tvr
annually, tV student's own fman s tianarnpt <rf cradlto. completed 1 Ml A \ ABliNrTT
cial parttripathm in the amount of application for entrance to tV A !|(ICETS AT (iAYS
$150 annually, payable on or Vfora R M ( ollege ac—mpamed by a
SeptemVr 1 of each y—r. recent picture of applicant, s let
This total annual income of #400 t,r fro" 1 l be pnncpal of applicant s
will dover the student's normal ex- • r b° 0 L cvrtifpinf kis need of the
penada His mdebtodrws. to the opportunity, his p-ition in tV
loan fund ia to V liquidated b*i« l “»’ *»“ tractor, activiti-. etc
monthly payments following grad'! If applicant Vs been check
ed and faund eligible by tV Col-
Last Friday night nine members
ef tV —mor Y. M. C. A Cabinet
who arc attending summer school
see re invited to an we cream party
at the home of J. Gordon Gay in
Tho— who attended and helped
To V eligible a student mast
have ranked in tV top 25% of hie
Registrar • Office, bis name j turT) th^ f—eaer were Preston Bo I
(Continaed on page 4)
Fxhirntion Phis Pleasure
Hail On Colton Contest Tour
By W. O. Brimberry
Imagine one winning a free trip
to New York, through New Eng
land, and into Canada. Thia to just
the pn— that awaited four A. A
H agricultural seniors last Spring
when they won. by making the
highest grad— on a aerie* of ex
aminations pertaining to rattan, •
fra* tour span—red by the Student
Agronomy Society and the Student
Agronomy Society and the Agron
omy Depart—ant
Accompanied by Fralaaa— Tildor
Easily whe waa to charge af 4i
—ettog the tour, the group H L
Rucker H. L Fatty, C. L
and 11 C FWbeo acted wteely
♦what the industry bad to off^ at
bon—. <>x June $ and 4, tV group
visitad many large compress and
bagging companies to Houston and
Galveston While there, of cour—.
they bad the opportunity to ms port
the large Anderson, Clayton and
Company's srarehou—s The Texas
tour waa completed with a trip to
Dali— where the bays had the op
portunity to viait the government
cotton finding and cla—ing lab
Na time w— Mat by the group
aft— todving Tex—, f— an Juan 7
they war* to Utg Mi—toMppi DalU
—to—v Isiki kra——itti—
IFlf — wwv ^^wwwUrgv —v^^^MR 5e^p I
ton. L— (arson, Bob Cockrel, J—
Floyd, Paul Hainea. Frank Loving
Bob Nlabel, RoVrt Powell, and
Paul Stack A J. Robinson of San
Antonio was a guest to tV affair
Several points of business were
discus—d for the forthcoming year
It was decided to continue to hold
w—kty cabinet m—tings on Mon
day night, and if a room —n V
to the oM high -bool
building, the chib plans to hold
m—ting aKemating weekly ft
the Y. M C. A parlor to tV old
high school
The possibility of creating a clo#
— relationship botw—n the <
dents and the profeasor* of
coltoge waa #iara—ad. aad it was
Raridsd that various commit
would ha aaatgned to invite a teach
ar af theur aoqualntaa— to all
jfrRiftg^ a ! _
Next yaar the senior cabinet will
md* and af
Four Agricultural
Eng. Students To
Take Special Trip
Four Texas A A M ( «!!*§* agii
cultural engine*! Ing students, ar
com pan led by Fred Jon—, bead
of that department, will leave Hep
temhet I to att—trf the 1940 In
dustry Seminar Mensn—d by the '
American JWiets of Agrtrultural
Engineei * and gte Farm Equip
ment Institute H W Kimball, to
•tractor in Ag'» dltuis! Economic*
III Join this gnpip st Moline, II-
Tho— students making tV trip
are W. D Fitch, s Juntor from
Della*. W Mupsa, a Junior from
Puerto Rico; H G. Talbot, a se
nior from Big Siring; and H V
Vaaquet, s Junior from Mexico City.
Approximately one hundred ag
rrulturai engineering students and
instructors representing nearly ev
(Continued on page 4)
Gilchrist Will select —veral new
members of bis faculty while in
the East on bis pre—nt trip.
TV cour— in —ronauticsl engi
neering will embrace many of tV
subjects now given in tV median-
icsI engtn—ring department for tV
firet thr— y—rs, with intensive
•penalisation during tV senior
year in order for the student to ob-
tam a barVlor of science degr—
ie srronauticsl engtn—ring Fur
ther * penalised study for a fifth
year will gale for studants tV de
gr— of bachelor of aeronautical
eRgln—ring, D—n Gilchrist ex-
TV cour— will f—lure such sub
Jects as airport design, slrpiane
design, airways management snd
aceounting, advanced aernimutiral
design aerodynamics and airway*
traffic management and radio com
municattofi ami radio beam naviga
For men with a degr— of karV
tor of science in any phase of |n
gineering, tV new Department of
Aeronautknal Engtn—ring will offer
an intensified course of study to
dents of Land Grant Colleges.
Mildred HortAn, College Station,
vice director and state home dem
on stratum agent af tV Extension
Service, has been appointed chair
man of the Texas committee
Discu—ing tV purpose of tV
committoe. Miss Horton —id "In
addition to offering technical as
sistance to tV Advisory Commis
sion far National Defen—, the com
mitt— may also recommend to
Washington needed change in na
tional policies as they ratal* to nu
trttton and the food supply TV
Texas rommltto* will ■Im> V avail
able for advice ng nlher problem*
related to nutrittan, whether they
eoncera food production fer home
u—, tV school lunch prngram. *4
distribution of surplus romnuidill—
in individual famlll—
HV added (hat already en
couragement and iaalsiance are V-
Ing given Texas farm families in
the growing and —il—rvlng of their
own fond supples, Rad there may
fr wfme expansion! of thia pro
gram Chief emphRsis. however,
will likely V given jo education in
ia on the GatMiwI Rtaff
''—pa Kligfrtr Ltat. Hia varied —r-
vica toeHidaa a tour of duty aa
P If a. A T- M the Univwrstty af
Wyoming, Ha MHired from tha
Army in IRRY and Inn returned to
active duty fr JMy dl this jmar.
For the paaft thr— liars Colonti
Moore has settoMl at A. R M Tt
was a form of t^Rf at Rome to
him for V had gra#B—ad f— bare
in H8M He will tqra near Ma du
ll— in the next ww*k — twa Mid
will leave (ollege Rtati—l Ra Baft.
Pth or 10th for p month’s I— af
sb—ncr-. TVn on Ort 17 ha wM
—il from Chari—|pn, S Car
for Hawaii wVre V will take
Hm duties as Regimental and Ha—
bor Defense Commander of the
Separate Coaat Artillery Brigade.
WVn asked for a statement
about his leaving Colonel Moor#
said. “I have enjoyed my —rvt—
here tremendously and regret that
my —rvt—• are to be terminated
at this time. I am very ■ ppreriati—
of the cooperation I ha— had from
the cadet corps during my dutiaa
bare, and 1 know and bop* that
Colonel Watson will ra—i— tha
—me consideration"
equip tVm m ten weeks as junior j nutrition and confection with ag-
aefonautical engineers. Desn Gil- enciea in charge of ^distribution to
chriat declared. j assure an adequate |nod supply for
TV master airport plan now j all.
nearing approval when completed j Need for cieatimj of a commit-
will provide facilities for training
of 1,000 students per year in both
(ContintMd on Fag* 4)
toe of this nature! was recently
pointed nut by Unit— Stanley chief
(Continued cm page 4)
For Three Days Only - Turn-About Week; When
Milady Foots the Bills and Makes the Date-Requests
By Ivan MacGillirnddy ♦generally accepted as a medium oft
Blitxkneg in England . . . Ylw-
jan Home in France . . . Fifth
column activiU— everywhere from
Conetantinopto to the' Brooklyn
Bridge . . . And now, at last, turn
about week at Aggielaad
Web*ter’* Collegiate Dictionary
— simplified and other* i— _
dee*at have much to say about a
turn-about week, but of tha nous
"turn-about’’ Mr. Webster says,
"A changing from on* side, alle
giance. etc., to aaenher; a person
who chang— ar advocmt— change,
a radical; a Bsnr^r»gn-f—d.*
TV custom daring the paist —v
era! hundred years has VaR far
a young aaaa to aak bis fav—Ha
VRa far • data—a pm
wh4ah generally lavalvaa Cpnaider-
af tVt whieh li
But the boy-versus-girl problem
is becoming more serious of lata.
Sin— the Great Depression of
1929-22 (It’s ■ill going strong aa
far aa MaeGtUieoddy is eoncern-
ed'li tV financial problem baa be
come increasingly difficult TVn.
toe, the matter ef reciprocation has
—a— to adnd aad the resulting
clamanr and outcry on the part af
tV ualanded gentry of our nation
far son— sort of pact with a
tual benefit clau— is finally de
manding an answer
Na laager ia this unh—lthy can-
ditiea to mdai Na longer will this
bhght aa tV Masculine world tar.
ntah R a—W»
far thr— days
John C. Knifht, *40
Killed When Training
Plane Spins to Karth
John Clifford Knight, ’40, Rotan,
Texas, was killed whan the trainiat -
plan# V was piloting crashed nine
miles north af Cerrolton na WedtMt*
day Knight wns snrollad in the
Cnitod Htales Army's primary ’
training arhool at Love Field, Dal*
Ins He became a flying cadet
shortly after V graduated from A.
A M this spring
Air Corps detachment offtciala
at Love Field —id they were not!-
fled tV plane had gone into a spin
at aa altitude of about 300 feet.
Knight waa alone an the night
piloting one of tV new PT-lt
training ships received nt Love
Field recently to replace the old
FT4 models which the student
fliers had been using.
Lieut R. C. Cannon, adjutant
—id tV plane went into a spin na
Knight, who had several solo
flights to his credit, was attempt
ing to make a 360-degree approach
preparatory to landing
Knight was born la ColmeamC
Texas, December 27, 1917, Whfle
at A. A M V took major work In
Agricultural Economics and minor-
ad in Agronomy and Animal Hue-
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday—
August 22, 23, 24,—are IV days
side for the so-called "Turn
about Week” For three days the
b—ux and belle* of CoUeg* Sta —
tion change places For three days Kdth I angford Manrieu
only Dm a—Ie will he tV escortee Annie Lanrn Beckmann
and tV female will V the escort ‘ Mb> Annie I aura Beckmann and
TV idee originated with 0. C Ernest Keith Langford, son of Mr
Gardner. Jet Floyd. Virgiato Cash and Mrs Emeat Laqgfard of Gal-
man. and Tom ye Bowden and, ac atatioa, were married to Bt
cording to tV originators, every Mark's Episcopal Church to Ran
thhxg—far three days—will V la
raver—. IV Jake Box Prom, pic-
tar* shows, drinks, and vthenrto*
will originate from womea-kind
Ra it’a Dm Aggies wVH be sit
ting by tVlr telephones waiting
far • dato-request ... For three
days anly
M tor i iiDicudfi> 5
Antonio, Monday August It.
Among Dm guests who attended
ware Dr and Mrs. T. 0. Walton.
Mr and Mrs. F s W. Hen*! Hilly
Hen—I. Mr. and Mr*. Ivan Lang
ford and daaghfrr, Altos, Mr. Mi
Mrs Charles Edge.
TV eon pie art to—*/manning hi
New Magfra after which tVy will
raetoto la Baytown.