The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 25, 1940, Image 4

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1 WWt :
Official Notices
1. TV r«fttUr nilM of fOMtio-
mu+lf MNMlWt Ml (MlMtobMl hi
CdU«* Vff«kUoM will V o4-
HTrV V •» •t«VnU P»rt>a»Ur
■■phMil to < oo Umm por»
(•nbiiaff Mid
powoMing intostesting
• wf) W koyt in n Mat
f eondttion. Fro if—t
•f dorwitonM will bo
by • ropr—Utivo from tb*
it'i Offiet ^
t AH •tudonta will bo nllowod
H«bU not m ox— of Tl wotu
per poison Cooking in tbo dorm
Mary in ntriotly ogotamt tbo rogo
to toon*, nod porno— vbo rtoinU
tbi* rognioli— m«y bn rnpnirnd
to mo«o —t of tbo dormitory Tbo
noo of oWotrknl nppHo—oo other
than a fan or radio in not pormit
4. Stinienta not reaiding in tbo
dormitory arc cautionad to consult
tbo Bulletin Board in tbo Rotunda
of tbo Academic Building doily
They will bo bold responsible for
proper oboe nr anre of oil orders and
inotrurOons posted thereon. Fail
ure to conAilt this Bulletin Board
will not be accepted os an eicuae
for non-compliance with such or
ders or umtructiona.
ft. Tb# Battalion carries Import
ant announcement*, and all atu
dents will bo held responsible for
proper observance of notices and
instruct tuna appearing In The Bat
4 Regulations governing traf
fW and the operation of motor
vohtries on the campus la offset
during tb# regular soaelon will bo
adhered to during summer school
(Rodents who desire to beep a
motor vehicle during summoi
school must register it at the
Commandant's* Office for that
1, Students staytn^Nn taw
Puryoar, Blsaell, and Ngii Malls
will parb thaw ears In the parbing
lot between the Petroleum Engl
nsertng Budding and the Petrol
eum Engineering Field. Motor
vohirlas for this parbing aiwa will
enter and leave the campus through
the gravui street entrance ad
front to the parbing area
II The parbing lot immediate
ly south of Walton Hall will be
Upon for cars belonging to occu
'pent* of Walton Hall. Motor ve
Paulantha Produces
Milk Record WHh
14.551 Pounds Milk
ft. Motor vehicles will not be
di+e— ( — say streets — tbo cam
pus o4sr than the two that art
designated in Paragraphs T and I
of this order
Nemeraadam: Far AR Field
Artillery Cadets
1. Far the session 1»40-1»41
the Field Artillery Regiasent will
be reorganised as fellows; in or
der to conform to the pres—t or
ganisation of a 7ft mm gun regi
Regimental Headquarters
Band (will drill Thursday, 1-S
First Battalion (will drill Tues
day. 1-ft p. m.)
Hqa. Brry, 1st Bn (ssotor-drawn)
Btry A, (horse drawn*
Btry B. (truck-drawn)
Btry C, (horse-drawn)
.Second Battalion (will drill WTed
nendap. 14 9 » )
Hqa. Btry, td Bn (bo rue-drawn)
Btry D, (truck-drawn)
Btry E, (truck-drawn)
Buy F, (horse-drawn)
Third Battalion (will drill Thun
fday, 14 p. m )
Hqa. BUy, trd Ba (horse-drawn)
Btry G, (horse-drawn)
Btry H, (truck-drawn)
1, (truck-drawn)
t. In ordwr to have twa horse
drawn and two truck-drawn bat
tor tat la each battalion, sertotn or-
gamaatloba will be redeatgnatod
as follows
New desigWaM—i
Hqa Buy, 1st Bn
Btry G
Btry H
Btry I.
Pori—r designation
1st C Tn
Hqa Btry, 1st Bn
Ind C Tn
By order of Colonel MOORE
Captain, F. A Adjutant
of the
Aggies Are Unappreciative Of Maneuvers;
They 1 Say Too Much Sand and Early Rising
-THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1640
»aa. “War lad
M. and
Paulantha Aggie Peach, junior
three year old Holstein, milked
three times daily, gave 14.&61
pounds of milk with IB2 4 pounds
butter fat, which ia nearly three
and one-half times that of the
average dairy cow, according to
U. 8. Department of Agriculture
might ge ae far — to my that
Sherman didn't put it strong
enough Them beys are hi the
Cavalry and in the Inf—try.
Completing a Mx weeks active
duty trataing course, the maneuvers
ware thought up by Coi. Keyes
to give the cadets—trainees they
were styled a factual picture of !
the life that an enlisted man lends
in time of war. He thought that
figures. with this knowledge, the cadets
Tenting was supervised by the ae future officers would appreciate
Holstein-Fresian Association of the situation of the men under
America. Battle boro, Vt, in coop their command. According to the
rration with the college trainees, the pirtar* was
j vivid, and many howls were thrown
to the air about such trivial things
as mosquitos, sleeping on the
ground. sand ia the food, and
Gets His Wing,
The United States Civil Service Mr |y rising 3 90
C<unmission has announced open Since most of the
competitive examination* for the
positloaa hated below. Application*
must be on file with the Commie
•urn's Washington office not later
than August 6 if received from
States east of Colorado, and not
later than August ft, 1940, if re-
Aggies in
camp fought with the Red Army,
it ia fairly safe to any that the
I.ieutowAt Alvi— V. Reyee. of the 9tth Bombardment Squadron
Ia4 Wmg. GH Q Air Force, ia a brother ef “Teay" Reyee of B Field
Saturday «** “tevauftesa”
with Jackie Ceofpqr tad Betty
Tuesday ‘ Johnsy Apollo*'
with Tyrone Power, Dorothy
Lea»our, Edward Arnold, Mid
Ueyd Nolan
Priday and Saturday—
“Little OM New York*’ with
Alice Pays, Fred Mac Murray,
Richard Greene, and Brenda
Preview Saturday night,
Sunday and Monday That*#
Right—You're Wrong" with
Kay Kyarr and bis orchestra
and Adolph Menjou
Tuesday Tha Day the
Book lee Wept" with Joe Fen
Wednesday and Thursday
"The Hunchback of Notre
Dame” with Ckarlet Laugh
Reds won the war, but speaking ArMBary, gad is. kiamsM, a former student of A. A M
from s vantage point in the Field
Artillery, well to the rear of any
fighting, the war took a different
aspect from that picture in movie*
FOR BALE: Registered Pug
bitch, (Mnipples three weeks old
at reaPhable price See Bob
Watkins at A-S Hart
Unique Welding
—IN4 fPam Catorado and States Mafanne*. candy bars, and snores Short Course Is
Progressing Fast
westward The salaries given tn
each ease art subject to s deduc
tk>a of ftW percent
Engiaoenng draftsman (aero
were very much m evidence al
though that particular group was
highly rompliaaentod for its effi
ciency The trouble was that there
nautkal), ftl.SOO a yoar, chief, was just no competition from the
ftl.Mo a year; principal, £1.900 a
yvar; aanior, ftl.000 a year, a*
•'•hint, 11,430 a year Applicants
must have had certain btgh-achool
study, and, except for the subetl
tutton of study In aero—uttael on
glnperlag, mutt have had elemep.
tary drafting training or sapor-
'•nee. end aeronautieal drafung as.
perienre They must not have pose
ed their fifty third birthday
other artillery batteries from Okla
Cal. Bevslry la the subject of
a much told tale about hit use of
s -fifth columnist" to obtain la- ^ ^
formation. It a««m. that an old Protrnm
Indian who had just returned course i* sttonded by IS men
from watching the activities of the from Tessa. UuUiana, and New
One of the moat unoaaal short
courses to be held on tho A. A M
campus la the 90 - day Welding
Short Course which is being con.
ducted by R E Cook in connection
other army and who. since he wa*
a tivillan, was not molested In pass
ing through the front linos, vnl
Engineer. ftU.MM) a year; senior, untoered the information as to the
M.ftoo a year, associate, ftft.ltw a
year, ssetstant. I2.4M) a year; va.
moss optional branches Applicants
must have had study in an rngi*
neeemf eoure* in a recognised cel-
l*fa, and professional engineering
wpwMMP. They must not have
paa^d their fifty-fifth birthday
Aenihf inspector, boat construe
tion (wood hulls), ft2,4(l0 a yea?;
inspector. Tmat construction (wood
hullsi, 13.0(H) a year; Navy De
partment FiOtpt for the subeti-
j tution of college study in naval
j architecture, or apprenticeship as
i ship fitter or hoatbuiMer, sppli
location of ihe Ohlahoma battery
With "There’s no use In pretend
ing we don't know where they
are," the Colonel promptly pfo
reeded to ley down a bun age of
shrapnel atiout their heads
Wouldn't It be nice if such could
be used by the War Department?
1I2U kc—247 7 meters
Meatco, It a fee of ftttl ftO pei pet
son under the sponsorship of the
Mechanical and Induatrtkl Engtn
aerlng Degartmento and th« Ptato
Viwational department The fee
rovers both the coat of supplies sml
the salary of (he Instructor
Mechanics, welders, tool-d re seers,
blacksmiths, production foremen,
construction men on raflnery pro
ducts. and other highly skilled
workmen are taking the course
which is offered both to beginners
and advanced welders. The course
was designed tn instruct men in
the skilled trades of gss and elec
tric welding as these workmen will
26 to Receive
First Semester
Graduate Degrees
TwentfrviH students, the largest
number ever to do so ia tiie first:
six weeks of summer school, will!
receive a degree of either Master
of Science or Master of Education
this semester Of Ull number. 17
will receive the degree of Master of
Education, and ft will receive the
degree of Mastor of Mctence
Thane receiving the Mftatpi of
Education degrees are BalMy. E
J .I E . Butler, W, L, I E.jCleve.
land Mam M . I. E, Hafrtaon, P,
H., Ed ; Her risen, J L., Ed , Wb-
neeny, F J„ I E., Ualia, H R.
I E ; l-ock, J R, Kd ; Mrnalland.
W H . Ed . MKlahey O L. I, K ;
MrPeters, M A. Ax F.d.; Martin,
J W., Ed. Rngvrf*. R H . Af
F.d . Stork, J A.. Ag Bd Tftylor, :
J E , Ed.; Tyson. K M , I E ; and
Wrtner, Mai. Ed
Those receiving the master of
science degree are' Andersen, Lips
comb, I R.; BetU. J. I.^E ;
« handiramtni, S. V , Gen.; Gist, H
W'., Ag Ed.r Loving. R 0., Math ,
Thursday, July 25, 1340
11 26 s m -Sign On; Weather,
11 It) a m.-Trias Farm and
Program (^N) Open
It it now poMihle to
nuke genuine saving* on
Men's Furnishing* . . .
Hit* ... Shot* .. Sum
mer Suits ... LAdies Ac-
ceMohe* and CatalinA
Swim Tog* . . . Stop in
and *ee our *plendid aa-
■ortment . . . now at
clearance pricta
Faahion-Park . . . Mi
chaala-Stem and Coro
nado suita
Manhattan Shirta and
Shirtcraft Shirta and
Catalina Swim Suit*
Kay nee Boy* Wear
lEdgerton and Fortune
Thirty-two states, < anada, Mei
ico, Puerto Hico, China, and cants must have had experience in
Cserhoaievakia are represented by the mapection or tostihg of wood
the 3.321 people signing guest hull construction work They must
books snsre January in the front ! not haee passed their fift^-third Hom **
foyer of new Pat Neff Hall at birthday Forum
Baylor University j Senior artistic lithographer, |t,- 1146 * m
—•—— 000 a year; artistic lithograph*;, | Folk »" to*»rity Admims-
An l^ist Texas farmer con- MMO a year, assistont artiatici tr#l,on ' l-^* 1
tracts annually with one of the lithographer, $1,420 a year; junior 12 00 noon Signoff
largest food packets to grow 200 artistic lithographer. fl,440 a year; Friday, July 94, lft44
acres of asparagus, and the packer negative cutter, I1.M00 a year, jun- , 1T.25 a m — Sign t)n, Weather,
sends a portable cannery into the j »or copper plate New*.
be very much in .lemand in the, Ml|l „ (>than#n p H ; Montf(>m
map engraver,
East Texas field
asparagus under a
verttaed name
and packs the
nationally ad-
There are 660 species of native
grasses found in Texas, which is
approximately half of the total
species found in the entire United
11 K> a m.—Texas Farm and
f ^ Home Phograi* (TAJN) L A.
tioas Applicant* must have reach Machemehf, Farm Security Admin
11,440 a year Appropriate exper
ience is necessary for these poti
Ladle* Bag* . . . Glove*
and Balt*
Dobba and Hopkina
Straw Hat*
Twa ( anveniant Store*
CaOcga Station Bryaa
Ta I P M
' m
Alice Faya
Fred Mar Murray
Richard Greene
“Little 0M
New York"
’That’s Right
You’re Wrong”
Adolphe Menjou
Ladle Ball
Donald Duck Cartoon
Lata New*
154- ALL DAY
Joe Fenner
“The Day The
Bookies Wept”
Charlea Uugh Ion
‘The Hunchback
Of Notre Dame
ed their twentieth but not haw
passed their fifty third birthday
Apprentice copper plate map en
graver, $1,2*0 a year; apprentice
artistic lithographer, $1,244) a year
Applicants must have had 4 months
of appropriate experience, which
may include apprenticeship They
muat haw reached their sixteenth
but muat not have passed their
twenty-firat birthday.
Psyrhophystologist, ftftJMM) a
y»*r; principal. $6,400 a year; sen
tor, $4,400 a year; associate ftft,
20* t year, assistant, $2,400 a y«r ;
National Institute of Health, Pub^
lie Health Service Applicants most
haw completed certain college
•tody and muat haw had appro
prkto research or teaching viper
knea. or graduate study They
must not have passed their fifty
third birthday
Full information as to the re
quirements for thoov examinations,
•ad application forma, may be ob-
Ufcod from Mrs Ana* V Smith.
**«rvto»7 »f the Board of U. 8
Qetl Service Examiners, at the
post office er customhouse in this
ftMgi from the secretary of the
Board of U. 8. Civil Service Ex
aminer* at any first or second
elnm poet office.
M*)er and Mrs I. G. Walker
who wore ot one time pooted at
Collage Station, arrived on the
rampua Tuesday to visit friends
here until Friday Frwm tore the
Walkers will trawl to Ft Blias
in El Paso
The Sunday magutine sections
annual near* stout this being the
age ef insect* has been blasted by
remereb entomologists, who say
that inoocta as a whole tow reach
•d the pmk of ttoir
and that ttoir period of
to* akaady art k.
miration, A D. Jackson, Experi
ment Sutton; Tolbert Patteraon,
Deputy Stole Superintendent.
11:46 a. m.—Federal Music Pro
gram (Works Project Administra
12 00 noon Signoff
4 90-6 90 pm — Tto Aggie
HaUrday. July 27. Ift44
11 26 a m —Sign-On; Weattor.
1190 a. m —Texas Farm and
Home Program (TQN) Mrs F. L.
Thomas, Farm and Home Book
Reviewer, George MpCarthy, Ex
tension Service; RbpresenUUvs
from Agricultural Education De
11 46 a m—“Drama of Food”
(Farm (rodit Adminiatration),
12 00 noon—Signoff
Meeds) July 2* Ift4ft
8 90 a. m.—Sign-On; Musical
I 46 a. m — Roans Chapel Sing-
near future, a* a result of the na
tional defense program
Special attention is given to
each student in order to make cer
tain that each may learn every ^
Pleasantdale ,t *' P th * P"***^"* ot welding,
and in order that this be accom
plished, the students were divided
into three shifts of eight hours
each The facilities and equipment
are limited and the shop is amall.
and for this reason many requests
for admittance were refused As
many men as possible were ad
mitted and Cook devised the 24-
hour plan to prevent disappoint
mg the 18 men who were able to
The fifth and longest welding
school to he held at A A M , this
welding course avails the students
nothing but the information which
he may obtain and ia the most
expensive short course offered.
The first course ever to be held on
the campus was during the long-
session of 1 ft3ft-ftft and was also
) conducted at night by Cook.
cry. J T,
H . I E.
Ed.; and Wright, H
Whrthfr you’f* point
off for Mit wtok-gnd, or
juat expect to Ukv lima
off for a little golf, you'll
•njoy yourself a lot mor*
If you havg n#w amartlv
atylml apparel that will
bear cloae InapecUuti.
Wp carry Summer
8p<irtgw«ir for Bctlvg or
apectator aporta Hhlrta
and trouarra. of ciurae,
with new atyle ‘.ourhea
that you arc bound, to
12.00 to *7.50
Protection For
Every prescription com
pounder! here receives
skilled exacting care.
Only the freshest drugs
art used!
Visit Our Fountain
Canty Hurgnut BMg
ft 00 a. m.—
ft 90 a m-Signoff
t Your Neigh-
(ampua life at University of
Kansas is portrayed in a motion
picture now bell* filmed
Univeraity af Califumn's cam
pus has a iww $326,000 library
administration building
DePaul University's pkm
bureau reports 43 par cant
has la 1M|.
Fellow Afries
Twenttotk Ceatary
Rerreation Qab
Aggie Operated by
Geil Yewag aud C C Taykr
l* la difficult for a human being
to Ike with more then one-fourth
of hit skin ares seriously dam
aged That la why sunburn can
ba so dangerous.
More than om-tenth of all tto
people in tto I'tqted States depend
dtrettly on cotton for their living
We Caa Supply Yeti
With Year Summrr
See Us Before You Buy
North Goto
In the peat it has boon the practice of subftcribere
on the dial section of our Coilefe Station exchange to
leave off the fint digit of the number they dial tn
ettempting to reach other subscribers
Due to changes rqpently made in connection with
new dial equipment now being installed at Collage
Station it will not be possible for subscribers to dial
their number* by leaving off the first digit.
It will be necessary in all instances for the num
ber as listod in the directory to be dialed in order to
secure party called. •/
The Telephone Company desires the cooperation
of all of our subscribers and request that the full
directory number be dialed in attempting to secure
the party called.
\ i J s
It b our plan to cut over College station to 100%
dial service between Auguat 1st and Auguat 6th. Due*
notice of exact date will be given College Station sub
scribers prior U) cot-over.
II. CATKINS, District
\ >