The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 25, 1940, Image 3

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Collefre Has Better Softball Players
Than Bryan Despite Tournament Results
We h«ec been toM that Bryan
karl better softball players than
College, b«rt this Is the tamk Take
the tmumaasent tor an example
Gulf at Bryan slipped out a 4 3
eietory from lipooonth Pharmacy
Lipsremb should never have loot
that v*W« One man’s sms takes
coat the Cdlege team the fame
Taro of the Gulf stars in that semi
final game were boys who should
he playing for College teams Bill
Gar I and Newt Williamson have
Twentieth Century
Recreation Club
Aggie Operated hy
Gall Yaaag and C. C. Taylor
M mi
boon playing out here for
eevefal years and are definitely
1 nliege players who have been
playing ia town borauee they could
play at night Of course there
are otfeer reasons why they play
with Bryan. If they want to that
k where they should he playing
The league at Collage will never
be mudh more than It is now un
til the City of College Station is
able to put ta a lighted field.
Getting back to the tournament
game* though, Campus Cleaners
came back and heat Lipscomb and
looked murk better doing it than
did Gulf Gulf, by virtue of the
way tournament* run, played the
Ax-men for first and second place
The Ax men, who by the way,
have one of the best clubs ia the
business, soundly defeated the
Gulf s a try.
The Ax-^en’s first beseman was
Jimmy Hallmark Jim was at A
A M in 1934 as a freshman end
3-2 IN TUT
ClMiiera, Bizzcll Hall
And Pkarmacints I/mnu An
Team Ta Baal Nett Tana
By Hanny Campbell THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1940
Earle Hawthorne’s Campus
/ PAGE 3
Bull Stansel former Rice Inati
tatr tackle, had his right han^
severed above the wrist and ia in
a critical condition after a crash
with a truck as he and Quincy
Cougar, also a former Rice star,
were en route to Columbus to ac
cept a Job with an oil company
Bull was one of the beat tackles
in Rice Institute’s history.
Cleaners came through when the
chips wore down to win the first
term Twilight League Champion
ship and 3rd place in the District
Softball Tourney held in Bryan
They edged out Pugh's Lipacomb < 3-2 Friday night. Extracurricular activities arc se
The Pharmacists wore virtually im P oft * nt for * imm * r • cho ° 1 itu
champs after having defeated the <*" u *• for thoee of the long
Cleaners prrvioua$; but Maurice' *"«• •» A A M those along
Bryant’, surprising Bitsell Hall ^ , P ortj ™" k h «« h
boys slipped up and pasted them h » n tournament, have been popular
« to &, knocking them back into toT rw aad new the ten
a tie with the Cleaners, who re-'"« «"»mming contests, begun
reived a forfeit from Seeboard lMt ,umn> * r ’ P^*"^
yj, equally important
Both the Cleaners and the', ^ tM,n “ tournament for the
Pharmacists were defeated in the •* con< * term will start as soon as
semi finals of the tournament In P OM,bl * Entr * Wf ’" out
Bryen. and by mutual agreement durin « registration Monday mom
decided to let their play off for **«• ^ ^ ** ^
3rd place in the tournament count Y M C A the small box on top
Norton to Lecture
To 400 High School
Coaches at Austin
A ostia, Texas, July M,—This
capital city ia preparing to enter
taia the biggest football r»o<-hmg
school in the world and enjoy the
first footbal game of the season,
come August MO.
The Texas High School Football
Coaches Association will hold its
annual gridiron clinic on University
of Texas premises during that
big J. B. Callahan pounding into
the lias aad fleet harka like Travis
Raven of Austin, Jay Praasis of
Midland, aad OUie Clark ed Taylor
la othor words, Norton can make
believe that Callahan ia John Kim
brough and utilise the same type of
running offense that featured the
Aggies’ march to Southwest Con
ference and Sugar Bowl glory last
men'* doubles The mixed doubles period, end se ususl the school will
soatrhes were not completed wind up with sn ell-stsr foot-
The swimming tournament will bail game between hi* school oen-
be held in three or four weeks, iors of north end south Texas,
in the college pool. The first House Psrk. Austin high school's
semester meet wss s success both lighted field, will be the game sue
from the spectator's and the par- on Saturday night, August 10.
tKipant’s viewpoint, sad is expect- a week of entertainment as
ed to turn out equally as well this well ss instruction has been prom
torm Luke Harmon, director of iMd the 400-odd coaches expected i
summer sports, says that meets in to hear Texas A A M s Homer;
golf, bowling, or some other sport Norton and Texas Christian's Leo!
may be arranged if those inter 1 Dutch” Meyer lecture on their
Three thousand ressrved seat
tickets were placed on sale here
this week for convenience of fans,
particularly thoee frem out of
teem, who will not want to scram
ble for general admission tickets
on game night Both types of
tickets will be 91. Mail orders are
being taken at the athletic office
of the University of Texan.
ested will get in touch with him.
Fdtew A*fk»
TwcuUdlk Century
Recreation Club
as the Twilight league Champion
ship play-off
of the mail box Just outside the
rhapel doer Extra blanks will be
W ah 2 out in the first, Bosco ^ 80 f » r th *"
Netherlands walked and scored on
Hobert's homerun to give the
Cleaners a 2-nin lead.
The Cleaners picked up another
run when Grady Elms, who had
signled, scored on Netherlsnd’s
•cratch hit After little Msxie
Bloods worth held the Phsrmaclsts
to two scratch hits sad a double
through the first five frames.
been sn excellent turn-out among
the men, but not very many women
have been playing, and it ia
urged that more of them sign up
for the women's aad mind doubles
classes Entry blanks should be
turned in by Sunday night, July
2k The first term tournament
ended with X. H Fernandes de
feating P 0. Mayberry for the
amnu auaaswtmtourrtUw >»iai
u«« s tarns
7:30 P. M
Thur., July 25th
Our Cook
Is a I’h.l).!
We mean that he knows just
about EVERYTHING there
is to knew about the science
ef malting food that's just
simply DELICIOUS! Follow
our tip and come in! You'll
get more food, better food,
and pay less
Oa Highest Ne. 4
First Course In
Range Management
Completed Here
in the
Joe Boyd, the All-American
tackle of the Aggies last season.
It certain to be one of the tackles y p,^ up * uUy th , , men's singles championship, and
on the college all-star squad that g|Ith wh#fl Audish. safe by error, * Fernandes and A H Kreadom car
scored on Marion Pugh s scream r y m « ® ff ^ ebsmiponskip in the
mg drive that wss dropped by i
the Cleaners’ short fielder Wildlife ProbleillH
In the first of the seventh Hay ^ j* .
doubled and Barry was safe on vJOIlWCIerefl 111
error but both died on base Going Defense Program
into the last of the seventh only
5 runs down, the Pharmacists fell ^ or national defense
one man short Handley was emphasises the vital significance
safe oa an infield mias-cue. and conservation movement." Dr
went to third on Jim Carden's Walter P. Taylor, head of the
single Ogdee lifted s long fly Texas A A M College fish and
to deep left which was tabled for department, said here this
1 a homer, but for s beautiful catch discussing opportunities
by Dan Kelly The drive scored > n the field of wildlife conserve
Handley, but Carden died on third t,on
as Stump grounded out. "The conservation movement
| Kelly not only pulled the field- j covers s wide field." he said, “and
mg gem of the night, but hit three it includes minerals, soils, waters,
for three Extra base hits includ- j forage, forest, wildlife, and human
ed Holbert s homerun and doubles life
by Hay and Barry of the Cleaner. •• Wt u,, tfg conservation Is a phase
and D Carden of Lipacomb. | „f t h„ |. r ger movement, and con
Most teams have added strength lc thought of some, it
for the second semester, and at includes much more than game,
this writing it appear* that the f„h, birds snd mammsla; jn fact,
champion Cleaners, Lipacomb, and the largest interests srv in the
Biixell Hall will be the teams to taft of «oil organisms, insects.
The first claas in Range Man
agement ever offered at Texas
M was recently completed
Department of Agronomy
and aatablished some interesting
Half of the class of sixteen were
mature and established profession
al workers who came back into
thl* course to get a type of train
ing badly needed in their pmfea
favorite formations
Coaches respectively of national i
championship teams in ’39 and '33,
Norton and Meyer will be assist-1
ed by Marty Karow of A. A M, (
Mike Brumbelow and Walter loach
of T.C.U, Dali Morgan of Rica
and Dutchy Smith of Texas Tech,
aa well as various demonstrators
and the 50 high school players who
will work out daily under their di
Meyer will have the North team
and Norton the South, and oddly
the squads seem to suit each
coach’s system.
While the South is not devoid
of s passing threat, its hast of
fensive weapon is likely to be t
Aggie Operated hy
Gail Yaaag aad C. C. Taylor
stonal work, five of these men Senor Grille Speak*
.r, in lA, Mtiploy „f U» Soil Cnn-! Xo Analyst* Onl
•ervatton Service, one ta with the __ , •'
Texas Agricultural Extension Ser- Brazil, Agriculture
vice; one with the State Fish,: . . .
Came, and Oyster Commission, and PP^M'^a y amen rciT
... u istered for the annual Sood
one is a vocational agriculture . . . ^ ^
1 Analysts Short Course which open-
teacher; two others are graduate
assistants in this institution, and,
ed here Tuesday morning and
of the remainder; three are gra
duate students and three under
graduate students
Although Texas ia an enormous
state, men in this class represent
were welcomed to the campus hy
j Dr E P Humbert, bead af the
| college genetics department who
also explained the purpose of the
course and told the visitors that
. _ .. he hoped that immediate and prac-
ed evary section of Texas, aa wdl , [. ... ,
ttcal help wt be given those who
as other states One student was
from El Paso, approximately 800
miles west of College Station. One
headquarters at Perryton. approxi
mately 800 miles north of College
Station. Another headquarters at
Victoria, 180 miles south, and his
professional territory reaches to
the Mexican border. One of the
handle field seeds
Morning session* are devotes!
mainly to discus*tens on various
phases of the seed industry while
a good pert of the aftemoona
art given over to laboratory work
Evening meeting* consist of
additional talks by leaders in the
field, both educators and seed
7:30 P. M.
Tue^ July 30th
For Your Picnic Lunchea We Hare
Cold Meat
OpfMmite ExrhftAft Store
fishes, reptiles, amphibians, birds
snd mammal* which are not re
will meet the Green Bay Packer* garded a* game at all Many
in Chicago Augu*t 2V He is in phases of conservation of natural
first place with Nick Cutlich of; organic resources, whether plant
Northwestern running a close sec- or animal nature. run point
ond blank into some of these so-called
It is certain that Joe will get wildlife’ problems," Taylor ex
enough vote* to place him on the plained
team and if he does It is assumed While A A M ha* many »tu-
that his employer will allow him ; (fonta taking fish and game courses ; College on the east, with other
the tune off so that he may partic- a * their major study, Dr Taylor state institutions and other Texas
' ! pointed out that other students colleges in between.
might do well to include some o# i The Instructor. Dr. W. C. Mc-
The football players who are at- the course* as elective studies ; Gmaiee, Chief of Range Research.
graduate student* was from East, _
TV... ind anottor (ran, N „ P**--**
Iberia, Louisiana, about 450 miles
East of College Station.
Seven colleges or universities
other than Texas A. A M were
represented by this group
institutions where these men
their undergraduate work ranged
from Colorado State Collage on the
west to the University of Missouri
on the north and Mississippi State
with s variety of sub
tending the second term of summer they are so cloaely related Southwest Forwst and Range Ex I
school are Jim Thomason. All-Con- j to the fields of agronomy, soil penmont Station was from Tuc
ference back; Tommie Vaughn, conservation, vocational agriml-
semor center; J R Sterling, jun-j ture. landscape art, animal bus
ior end; and Marion Pugh, senior bandry, entomology, agricultural
You’ll find all of this at the
V. f. (Shorty)
Coach Homer Norton will be
back next week He will be around
a few days before going to Aus
tin for the Texas High School
Football Associations coaching
school Norton will be the head
instructor at the school and will
coach the Southern All-Stars ta
the Nortit-Bouth game After that
he will return to College and get
ready for the A A M coaching
enginering, rural sociology, agri
cultural administration, bio logy,
engineering, education and veteri
nary medieme
( each Harry Paalhaer went to
Gslvestea last week-end aad ended
ap eating breakfast with ereheetra
leader Gten Gray whs was playing
at the Hollyweod Ouh. Harry
had a let ef treutae Hading a
room there. He eatd he thought
everyone la Texas took that wash
to ge to GaNeoton.
Col. Moore estimate# that A. A
M will he allowed about 1.000 «
tracts for Juniors aad ssnisrs en
rolled in the advanced courses in
M. S. A M. Whan he came to A
A M there wore only IIS con
tralto, tart tost year we had over
»0t. It la thought hy mihti
auttarltiat fiat if a hey has cc
pletod his bask ft.O.T.C. week tl
he will not he required to take <
Cal Ike Ashbum has Just re
turned from Camp Bui I is whore he
spent two weeks of active duty.
He is one of the few reserve offi
cers who went through the last
war and has remainsd active with
the reserves
While overesaa. he was wounded
ta the neck with a machine gun
bullet, remaining paralysed fur
three hours Two days later, be
■nod to command aad was
ided ta the left thigh hy a
sniper's bullet He then remain
ed in the hospital until January,
llll. whan he rejoined hit regiment
regimental executive officer.
Aa a result ef hie action ovur-
seas, the Colonel was awarded the
iagukhed Servtas Croua; Ord**?
of the Purple Heart by the United
States; Croix de Guerre, with palm
(indicating two swarde), and
a chevalier ef the Leg km ef H
hy Punam
H« came mM ef the Officers'
-staiag Caeea to Itll, ae a
son, Ariiona His wide experience,
together with the background snd
experience of this group of stu
dents. contributed greatly to mak
ing the course a valuable and ef
fective one
A field trip for range manage
meet stud lea was made to Getoe-
ville ta Corvell County where a
number of ranches were visitod
and a SJ00 acre ranch was studied
ta detail The vegetation oa every
pasture was carefully taveutigatod
and analysed and a complete range
management program for that
ranch was developed on the basis
of its forage prodortag ability
Speaker* on the opening da/s
program included Dr Ids P Trot-1
ter, college agronomy department 1
bead; Miss Wyona Robbins, State
Seed Laboratory, Austin; Miss MU
dm! W Pladock, Federal Grans
Nursery, Soil Conservation Service,
San Antonio; George Werner. Tex
as Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion, College Station; and Senor
Heitor Grille, director of the Na
tional School of Agriculture ta
Bratil, S. A.
.Senor Grille will show motion
pictures depicting Agri
culture ta the Animal Husbandry
Pavilion at 7.10 this eveniag
All lectures are being held
in the same building starting at
8 o’clock each morning. The
course will last through Friday.
cur's ranks uatil hs was au
co tonal ef Hto Ulth Infantry ragb
maut ta IMl Hs still balds
I rmnk
Lamar Library, University of
Texas, is the thirteenth largest
college library in the U. 8., with
more than 880,000 volumes
Barber Shop
O’Conner • Jones
Bryan, Tcxaa
mm—r pMtnra
In >—Hi Tnrfclnf—ti
i a* mm asm • to** •• a* la* i
7:3S P. M.
Sat, July 27th
lobert M. Dsuhardt, Assistant
Profeaaor ia the Department of
Agricultural Economics, will have
bis headquarters to Fart Worth
during tbs summer as he is to he
active Secretary «f the Amerkaa
Quarter Horae
The Amerkaa Quarter Horae Aa-
satiation has recently bean organ-
toed aad Mr. Denhardt ha
vary active hi aasietiag the
iaatioa of this
Dr. A. Benbow
On Your Ttiior BUI