The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 25, 1940, Image 2

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    - 4
gg | # HiUr thia country arv cabM from London, whore
Jne Battalion ru^-T , .r:^~Trt:
[] : ;•! nfi
,r i !
tn*a a. * ■
fraa I an* Omw—> AaowA
mm m*+r .t th. PaM OMW at OaL
F Uw A»t a< C«a«aa«i <d liar A A UM
fact alone pree—U a dangaroua napect ia riww
of tW fact that Eaffiand la tryin* oeery Method at
her diepoeal to draw the United fttatee into war
with her acainet Germany
Wert it aet far radio hreadeaete from the aeeae
af action te keep a cheek ea newt flaahee, there ia
he teUmc juat what kind ef bunk the Aamricaa
people would he fed. And for bank, I refer yen to
aJmeet anH^mpap" durinf the yean ItU-ltll
v«a car
to NtotoHi
% tttl
1%Jh Mew tor 4*40
Phtocdbd Cnloerfe
W a iMMMWrWk
r 'W A M>mM> Jr
C. Oetaa
W. a
P-wer CeertowN-
J« •>. JulMi Mbm
< imilMlne !■••>•*• r
ttaff nweuemetor
A»«M»rei'»t» nenar
a." *» aeit..r
aaiirwi ammmi
aeituruu ammumi
•Aurt < Mem E4Ht«r
■n>r < .4taM. Jerk
rm.i MNiara
Dr T P Mer- Dr A* t HrlMie B
Staff Members
of toot aemootrr Jeep Oh tee, for
the aeeoad time ia two men the. announced hu fin
lah At the job of Sport* Editor Now for the
aoeond time in almost the aame time he has ptrked
ap the rood work and ia earryinc on a ram Eurene
Oatea has been a member of The Battalion staff
ahtoe way bark ja 1934 Tbs past two ysars he has
keen Sports Editor -that mean* lots of copy has
ten finrers. So we
Geographic Notes
Few of us know much about reofrapby. except
ia a moat earue way, and this beinr the ease a
little imtuiry into the latitude and lonfitude of
rartous places often reveal* facto which arc some
what surprisinr. as s few examples may illustrate
We think of “tunny Italy" as a warm, south
ern country, yet Rome and Chicago are in exactly
the same latitude. Other pairs of places of equal
latitur* are Paris and Quebec; Berlin and Attu
Island. Alaska; New York and Istanbul (Constan
tinople >; Florence, Italy and Toronto. Canada Ven
ice, famed for its canals, ia in the aame latitude as
In the matter of lonfitude, also, our casual im-
preasions often might be found faulty. A classic
example, pretty well known by this time is that
the Pacific end of the Panama Canal is father east
than the Atlantit end, owing to the peculiar cure*
of the isthmus.
Due to the eastward sweep ot' South America's
western coast, we find Santiago, Chili, to be 200
miles farther east than New York. Reno, Nev , ia
father west than I am Angeles Washington, D. C. is
due north of Nassau, Barama Islands.
A good many persons, when the first heard of
it, were surprised to learn that Tokyo, Japan, is
some 1,100 miles farther east than Manilla, Philip
pine Islands.
• aw
"Mr. Withtn, I represent the Acme Shoe leather Company."
taoe tuennan
take eut this time and space to Kami Jarp this Summer Redding...
bouquet with our compliments, eongratulatiens. *“ J 0
our thanks for taking over again.
By way of explaining. Huh Johnson, who was
announeod as second some*ter Sports Editor, found
it asors convenient to live at home in Houston and
take his work ia the University of Houston Cant
•ay as we blame him because the University is an
ap and coming school Anyway Hub’ll be around
aoxt year,
Earle Shields, oi* of last year’s able Junior
Editors and one of n#xt year’s Managing Editors,
has followed the crowd from Built* to C'oHege Sta
tion and will be the Managing Editor for thif se
mester in order to pick up s little extra teehmqae’V
Nothing To Do?
To the new students who enter the gate* »f
this unique and otherwise unusual school and also
to the old students who aiw beard every now ami
then to complain about "aothing to do here", a
word of advice
Of course the first purpo*e of all *tudents en
rolled should be to devote s sufficient antount of
time to their course of study, but even the most
persistent bookworm takes off an occasional moment
for leisure Frankly there’s so much te do that
it ia hard to find a place te start
In the first place, if and when you make a
date, get out of the old rut of calling at 7:30, going
to a show, and then juat sitting or driving (if you
are lacky enough to have a car* Vary the diet —
make afternoon dates to the swimming pool or the
tennis courts Why not eater a tournament with
her aa your partner Show the girl just how much
you know and teach her to howl or maybe she
can heat ywu at your own game It is no sin for
a firi to play an occasional game of billiards. Ping
pong is lota of fun or if she loves good music, the
library makes mgkt reservations of the muatr
reom Then, too, don't forget the Juke Box Proms
every Saturday night, and the softball game* to
watch. There might be a chance to take her horae
bark riding Rent or borrow a couple of Bicycles It
la true that there are no night clubs to give College
Station a “big city" effect, but the idea is to do
the beat with what is at hand
For spare hours between classes, hull sessions
•re fine, but sometimes when it is running rather
•tala, there’s many a pleasant hour to be spent in
the Asbury Browsing Room in the Library Dr Mayo
or Don Henneasee can make some excellent sug
gestions Drop into the Y MCA lobby once in
a while and keep up with the world’ and the war
by means of the daily papers Too, it might be
B good idea to write that letter you should have
written ages ago and juat never could find time
fer -the “Y" has stationery and sells stamps
The heat mental relaxation next to sleep ia
doing something different, and that is the answer
to thoae who get "mentally tired " Never he caught
doing “nothing’'. Ufa ia far too short at boot to
waste on idleness
Nobody living ran spin better yams than
Somerset Maughaai I “Of Human Bondage". ‘‘Rain’’,
“The Lettor’’, etc.) That gentleman's choice of the
best yams of all countries and all ages is worth
looking at His recent little "Books and Yoa** men
tions and comments, conversationally and pointedly,
upon about forty books, including a few essays and
poems, but consisting largely of novels
Mr Maughsm sternly refuses to recommend s
single “groat" book that it not readable and enter
taining Consequently, if you will let “Hooks and
Yau" guide your casual leading for a year or so,
you are in for a good deni ot elegant fun
Fot one thing, you will make the acquaintance,
from the inside, of s lot of people, some entertain
mg. others disturbing, still others inspiring The
heroic gold-digger, Becky Sharp, for example, is
enough by herself to season highly the page* of
Vault) Fair' ’, even if she wete not supported by
three or four of the best, and involved in situations
ranging from love nest tnangles to the Hattie of
The terrific family of “The Brothers Karama
aov" just about runs the gamut of human person
ality. fiom the bestial father, through the self tor
turing intellectuahsm and the ungovernable im
pulse* of the two elder brother*, to the radiant
humanity of young Alyosha Halxac’s heartless
monsters in "<Md GortoC' make you shudder because
their (aces aie human like ours and are not easily
Y'ou can trust Mr Maugham's Hooks sad >nu“.
In the first place, of counw, he picks all the juiciest
book* But v hat definitely wins his reader's con
fidence is the fact that he badly and hones'l}’ ad
vacate* skipping!
As the World Turns...
The way of thiags . . , Earl
Vexey becomes the first Texas Ag
gte to go navy under the new 30-
day cruise plan He reports in
New York City on
August 19, and a
month later he'll
have an opportu
nity to take a
three-month shore
course at the end
of which he will be
eligible for a re
serve commission
! as an ens'ga . . .
Aegielaad Orches
tra's maestro Jack Littlejeha will
proha hit mi return to A. A M.
Fred Wolcott
Friday sad Satarday at the
Campus is -title OW Now Yark“
with Alice Faye, Fred MacMarray.
Richard Greene, and Brenda Joyce.
It brings bark theae days "way
back when" cows roamed Fifth
Avenue, grog was a penny a swig,
and the Aston and the Reoeeveils
were just getting on their way
Although the picture deals basical
ly with the drama of the steam
boat, the historical aspects are
overshadowed by the story of a
barmaid belle of the brawling
waterfront who fought the whole
town to win the love and share
in the glory of such s man as Rob
ert Fulton.
AQ the flavor and appeal of
Booth Tsrkington’s famous story
•re retained ia tke picture “Sevea
teen." which will be at the As
sembly Hall Saturday. Jackie
Cpoper. as the small town Indians
boy. engaging in his first romance,
captures audience sympathy from
the start. Butty Field, who play
ed a dramsntic role in “Of Mice
and Men," deaionstrates her versa
tility as the visiting Chicago glam
our girl who makes Jackie's heart
beat faster. This picture is an
ideal attraction for all types of
Preview Saturday night, Sanday,
and Monday at The Campus is
“Tkats Right lou'rr Wrong,"
starring Kay Kyser with his or
chestra and Adolph Menjou. The
l Thu picture ia eliaaaxed
ot the moot thrillii* Jail
i at Uaton
Y„ ia eor.
would have made
blush with envy
Life’s minor tragedies— Na. 1
Ts-wit: The Texas University
student valedictorian of his high
school graduating class a year ago
—who, by way of showing that hii picture breaks sharply away from
is the “whole-hof-or-none“ route, the conventional boy meet* girl
managed to stumble and falter theme on which most band leader
films have beea based Instead,
the story deals with the hihnous
but futile efforts of s big Molly
wikmj film company to make a pic
ture with the famous orchestra
leader I’ll probably see the pic
ture a third time just to laugh at
the gondola scene and hear Ginny
Censoring America’s News
IBaadocs and slurs art hoard from ovary aid*
sad from many person* concerning the utter un-
dopundabitty ot newspaper reports as ia particular
regards the war news The sad part of the situation
ia that m mam theae people speak the truth.
To road the proto releases from newspapers on
asm aids would produce quit# a different picture
thaa that pamtod by the other la fact at times it
•aesas that some big-city papers have res sad to be
■aught but propaganda organa. For instance it
would bo ot mtorast to cowat the number af dead
Russians from Urn luaas Finnish conflict, as re
ported by BnUah sad American newspapers or the
number af Gormans reported at dead ia the Polish
l frrgndW fbr atttmpte at rrusaii
But bet us not be too busty to to
'•papers fur being piam liars ^nttl
of tha
today are un
it 1 DR Al. H NELSON
French Nati-dominated government has ordered
the arrest of former Premier Edouard Deladier. the
mpn who headed the French Government at the
time of itk declaration of war on Germany Others
were arrested with him.
Andre Girsud the French new* rwUmntst who
has written for many years under
the name “Pertinax” has arrived
in the United States. Giraud. a real
French patriot is faced with ar
rest and death if he goes hack to
his own country The degradation
of France is complete when ber
people are arrested, imprisoned, or
put to death simply because they
were patriotic enough to fight or
write for their own country
The Amariraa Nat lens are ia
conference at Havana, capitol of Cuba, in un attempt
to further define their economic and political at
titude toward the new political situation in Europe
At the present moment the public diecuamoa centers
around the disposition to be made of the European
possessions in the Cam boon which are threatened
with Nasi domination, such aa the French and Dutch
Some very odd persons in the United States
Congress are still blocking the proposed fortification
of our island of Guam which would be an invaluable
naval and air bum in the event of war with Japan.
Their reason ia that it might make tha Japanese
angy They avertook tha tort that the Japanese
are already aa angry at us and they can he and
that the fortification of this island cannot make
them asore so. If war does not come the forttfieattoM
will he hamlcos, in the event of war they would be
F. D. R. came eai Tuoaday with a blast al
“turncoat" Democrats but it ia peculiar, if voting
for another party ia such a terrible offense, that
the president should have insisted on having a
forumr Republican nominated by the Democrats
far the rioc-presidency.
along the poths of T. U.*s scholastic
endeavor to the non-valedictory
tune of passing NONE of hu fresh
man work this past semester
One of A A M '• summer school
enrollee* this semester, he's here
to try and recuperate his higher
education Quoth a fellow frater-
next long Mwaioa which brings nity-ite, “He's really brilliant, it's Simms ung “I'm Fit to be Tied."
up the question of who will be the j« s t his motto that flips his studies Not since “Jesse James" ha*
new leader? He’ll be picked by a - ‘pleasure before business' ” Tyrone Power had a role like that
vote of the orchestra's returning • of "Johnny Vppolo which will be
members Jack's work with the All this and a kilchen stove too st The Assembly Hall Tuesday
orchestra which followed that of A sign on the Y M C.A. bulletin "Johnny Appolo" is the alias of
brother Tommy—was outstanding board recently made known to all a young college man, s banker's
and it was under the leadership that a woman's purse had been son who turns mobster when the
of the Littlejohn brother* that the found in the building and that father he idolised is sent to prison
orchestra reached Its peak which the owner could have same by and his wealthy friends turn
many persons hoped would rste identifying the thing. Now a great against him Darothy Laihour is
the orchestra a place on Fitch's many people probably wondered more alluring than ever as Lucky
1940 Summer Bandwagon Failure what was in the purse ... A few Dubarry, the hard boiled night
of the orchestra to place on the probably let their imagination club entertainer who understands
Fitch show isn’t a reflection on ran not and imagined that the and loves the boy, no matter what
the orchestra itaelf —It's last the parse contained everything from s
same old story af Damayaakee ia- fifty dollar bill to Trojan Horse
terests heinf little rnnrerned witk plans to blitlkneg A. 4 M Col-
•nytking south of the Masoa-Dixun lege and blow up the Admmistra-
liae . . Colonel 0. E Beexley. tion Building Desiring to en-
wben asked his opinion on the lighten the public st all times,
navy’s new :Ui-day cruise plan Backwash made an investigation -
mentioned above, i don't like the and here's the resulting contest*
water!" . . . Houston Douglas, One Xmas greeting card, poat-
when an Exchange Store employee marked DecemBer 24, 193H; one
asked him whether he wanted s Valentine, unused; one pair dice;
new or second hand text b«>ok. ‘The one compart; one coin purse, con
oid books have more in 'em than I tents one cent; one miniature white
can learn." ivory horae; one fountain pen; one
9 small piece of yellow chalk, two
Hix two aad-evew pencils, both broken; one handkei-
Varsity lettermsn Marion Pugh chief, clean; and one small piece
is an Aggie blessed -or cursed, d* of quarts
pending on your jMiint of view— — - -■ ■ —
with more names than the Dionne CoHeff Park ( (immunity
quintuplets, and thereby hangs (>nter Hah Formal Opening
many s tale Best of the lot.
Our entire stock of men’t
fine quality summer
clothing, straw hats,
sport shoes, and furnish
ings now on sale.
Straw Hato
Vi Price
Vs Price
l /j Price
(White Shirta Excepted)
(Sport Shirts sad Sport
Suits Excepted!
though, is the story behind the
nickname “Dumbie "
Marion and another footballer.
Finis White, were "highwaytng"
through East Texas sot so long
ago and, on passing s flourishing
hnnky tonk, decided to imbibe
therein Being lads with s sense
of humor, the two decided to act
deaf and dumb while in the place.
Seating themselves at a table, they
were approached by a rather thick-
IS the middle breweas who came all
too bluntly to the point by asking.
“WatU ya want?” Much waving
of the hands on the part of the
two Aggies finally relayed to the
unsuspecting victim that they
wanted pencil and paper . .. Which
was shortly produced , . , And on
which Merton scribbled an order
for two boors.
The lass stepped back to the
kitchen to fill the orders and roll
ed to another waitraaa, “Bay honey,
bow'd ya like a data with Dumbie?*
Whereupon Marion came back with,
“Any time, baba, any tune!” Tha
girl turned, her face taking on all
•hadee of the color rod; looked to*
credulously at Marion; dropped the
tray she was carrying; triad to
make her fart aaovo temporarily
couldn’t, and finally rta out the
back door at a rata ot Mad which
The Casey-Burges* Building, the
new community center in College
Park south of the project houses,
had its formal opening on Tues
day, July 23, from J to 9 The
Lilly Creamery served ice cream
in the drug store, and punch ws*
furnished by the Canada Dry con
Thu new building houses the
Southside Food Market, the Made-
ley Pharmacy, the Oakwood Realty
Company heeded by H E Burgess,
Joe Vincent’s general insurance
office, the branch office of the
Seaboard Life Insurance Company
under Sidney J. Lovelorn, and the
office of D W Andres. M D.
Whether you go to the Juke Box
I’rom. on a picnic, or away for the
week-end. you’ll need clean, frenh
I have opened my ot
the aew Caaey-Burgwai
teg. West Park m
•oath ot Kyle PteM.
Dwight W. Am
M. D.
Stop At
worth of uaed books
also -
We Still Have A Stock Of The Following
A. A ft* 202, 301
Ag. Eco. 112. 314
Agr. 10S
them 102. 104
C. E. 201. SOS
Be*. 204, SIO, 403
Educ. 321 A 323
Eig. 104
Hlot. 100. 300
Math. 101, 103. 104. 203,
204. A 30S
M. E. 102. 212
Pfcyrict 202, 208
Nerth Guta
P. 0.
We Allow A Liberal Trade In
On Any Textbook
loopors monte post
M'HTH gate
CW, ’ll
• i;