The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 20, 1940, Image 3

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Twilight League Begins Season With Ten Entries
W*mm* P»n lu StMt T.
m»w Hmrnm 8Urt * Heftfeil
TW Twi-Lifht Imf nhooM
Ihiv* fotun mmUr w*jr Monday
afternoon at aix •‘dock, tuit Um
rain* cam* and Um torranta vaak-
ad Um opaaiag frayi oat
Mara art UM raiaa for Um aaft-
ball iaafua Altar playinf on*
taaM a ptayar aay not ckaaff*
to aaotkor eatry. A taam may net
add mart playart altar Um firat
vaak. A roam muat fa four fall
iaaiaft bafort It b over aad altar
It haa font faar or amra matafa,
tka aeort of tka famt will b*
Um aeort at tka timt of tka laat
ram pit tad iVaaM. Tka playinf raiaa
will k* tka tama aa baaaball raiaa
•leapt that of rourta tka pitlkar
daiitara Um ball undarkand and k*
la allow*d to balk Playara art al-
lowad to a tool, play off tk* baft.
Haada fttratkar Paid ttrkaal A
Viait. b Now A Tkird Mato
far tkia
»am mar will fat under way la
aaraaot nail Monday, wkan Um
Heat tama* far aoftbail aad taa-
nla will ka played Um tomnia tour
nament waa put ap a week, aa H
♦O /aL 11
Vie For Honors In
Round-Robin Meet
far •
riaude Strotkar, former South
weat Confaraoaa champion two-
mibr, waa ia to tat ua Sunday
(laadt fradoatad in 1039 and ra-
tumad to the tea where he ia third
mate on on* of the larfett boat*
that phea bet warn Teiaa and the
Eaat He came tkroufk ia a big
»u K k M* M Mtom fc. i. ~Jnn,
the chip* . Tka former athlete
waa on h« way to Dallaa to mv*a
tifato kia rhanret af fatting ia the
natal flying achool.
Bob Stone. Agfie baseball eo-
caplain ol Um poat aaoaon, ia kit-
Ung In tka aombar four alat with
Um Waea Dona. Date Aleobrook,
Um atkar Cadet eo-raptam. waa Mt that more antriaa would
hitting In that spot until ha puliad k* filed after tka nmk of tk* firat
■take* aad want to Hooaton Dave W tka *rh< M >! waa ottr Tka
la warkii* arith Hagkaa Tool Co ' deodltaa for filing mitriaa has bean
aad playing kail with tk* Rapid ertandad to mid night Sunday, and
Haa Pript team pinying will begin Monday, with
. . tk* alaglaa being playad firat
Irkilielir Reaper Fails T* Schadule* of tk* tournament will
Gat Vamity Faatkall Player. ^ Aaadamic Build
mg aad ia tk* TJf.C.A^ and eon-
A ehark aa tka apriag grades «f teataats will alao be aatiflad by
A. A M. vanity football pteyan mail tka name of their opponent
mmale that all tka vanity man and tk* data at which their fame
earn* through la good shape So muat be played. Lake Harrison
tkd Affla* an In aa good shape sammar sports director, baa urged
now aa they war* when the aaa that more contestant* an tor, eapa-
aoi aad ad laat January Tk# loaaaa dally ia tk* women's diviaion. Ha
thdt may b* fait are All-A marie* poiatod out the fact that than is
Jaa Boyd at tackla, Wabmon Pries little chance of anyone's runnii*
at guartorkaek, and AB-Confar- up against a champion, which
anc* Hvrb Smith at and Boyd wil seams to be the reason for consid
b* replaced by Chip Routt, a big «rtbis hesitancy.
Tl® pound two-lattarman Price | Than an ftw rules to the eon-
will b* replaced by Marion Pugh teat Anyone may enter who is con
who quarterbacked Um Aggie* nactad with the collage in any ea
moat of the aeaaon laat year while parity; student, faculty member.
Price was hart. Buchanan will re- employee, or a member of the fam
plan Smith at the wing petition, ily of on* of these. Games may be
Buck lettered laat season, his fint playad on either tka clay or con-
yaar with the Aggie*. crat* courts, and must be played
*■ ■ ry within the time limit set in the
Heine Wier, head coach at schedule Ekitry blanks may be
Schmnar Institute, is one of the found at tha Y M C A , on top of
w&o is at- lb* mail box just outside the
tending school this summer This f">nt office, and enn be dropped
writer had s kid brother who play »n th« box there
ed football and ran track for Wil- The winners will receive regular
ligm C. at the Karrvill* achool last intramural medals They will be
sMtoon. but you can bet he will be rv*a to winners in all classes,
throwing his lot with the Aggie* single*, double*, and mixed dou-
THUR8DAY, JUNE 20, 1940
from now oa.
"Pappy" Drennan. former Ag
gw guard who Is now getting ready
to coach at Uvalde, ia another Ca
det who ia in summer school
Thar* art many parsons who we
are sure would like to enter the
tennis tournament that have not
turned in a card Anyone wanting
to enter the tournaments which
start Monday should go by the
A. & M. Gridsters
Issued Numbers For
Dtrortnr Lake
Tan soft ball taam® began their
Mrt fir Twtight Laagwa honors
duriog tk* firat part at this weak
Tk* teams ia tk* fVrat torn league
lad* Earl* HawHtoroab Cam-
pus Cleaners, "Doekie" Pugh’s Lip
scomb Pharmacy, Chapman's Ag
ronomy Oak, Phil Golman's Ag
gialand Pharmaap, and Maunes
Bryant's H ixell Hall Tk* other
five ball club. Include Bill Vkall’s
Hispaao team, George Ogdae’s Lou
pot club, "Dae” Samualaon's fac
ulty, "Satck" Elkin's Boa board Ufa
aggregation, and Jimmy Davis’
Campus Tkaator
According to plana made ky Di
rector Luka Harrison, each team
will play every other taam once, or
a total of nine garnet. During the
first, second, and fearth weeks each
taam plays two games * weak and
during tk* tkird weak each team
will play three gamas. No games
will be playad during final exams.
In the event that games are rain
ed out, they will be playad on Fri
days, tk* open data*. Tk* Bummer
Battalion will rwa an account of all
gam**, the weakly standings, and
a flat of leading hitters
fl.M Hind* Honey A
Almond Crmm _ 49#
Gulf Spray, PtaU 23#
Quarts . 34#
73# FUck Shampag . 44#
2ft# Pltcli Hair Oil „ 19#
Caal Off at Oar
Soda Fountain
PkoM 170
Guy H. Deaton
Typewriter Exchange
Sale* - Repairs • Reutala
Bryan 24ftJ
Next To P. 0.
c/oJifi ^imbrouyb
Coming Grid Season France Only Needed “Big Jawn”
To Help Plow Through German Capital
Saturday, June 22
7:30 p, m.
l-ope — Burk — lac
too murk gaa _ idle too
faat — Die at rmaalnguT
Have your ear iuajMMteti
at «Hir Klertriral Cprbu.
ret um rUnii <*ti June
tftHh A Hal i i .
Free of ('hsrx*
A far tor y eiertrlral amt
rarhuretion eapert will
iHimtttft this I’llnle Re
member tha date-—June
10th to Hat
Chevrolet Co.
Phone 137 A 191
Bryaa. Teiaa
2 suit* or dreBHes
2 slack suits (men or women)
2 pair slacks - X
2 skirt* (plain)
Have You Eaten
One Of Chef
John’s Steaks?
If you haven’t, you have
mined the treat of your
The sthlrtk department is in the
midst of ordering their vast sup
plies for the coming football cam
paign. and as the aniforms must
be cut for each man, they have as
signed the following numbers to
football plagers for 1940
John Abbptt M
Woodrow Bando grt
Jamas Brewer 17
Falla Buask am
Roy Busuk 44
BUI Buakgnan 17
Bill ('naaiMr 49
Harold (>»!•> so
Blit D*w®mi bd
Bwlfwid 14
M*«l» Man set Si
BUI Raodprsna M
[ ( hart** Saok* SB
fata Maofy is
(Mall Merman M
Marlsnd Jeffrey is
I tabard Jaerl* *4
Jaeb K mth*r*u#h 40
J«hn Kintbmugh W
Jimmie Knight ®f
itomo* Mwwr 41
Ray Mulftollan 71
Ernie PnUeR 54
Marion nigh 30
I-eon Rahn 50
Bagi Rankin 7S
Bubba Reeve* 24
Lauter Rkhardson 27
F-d. Robottt AA
Marshall Robnett 43
Joe Roth* 46
Chip Roiltt 58
Martin fejby 85
Howard Skelton 74
Bill Siblgy 33
Boots Simmons 29
Earl Smibh 32
Marshall Spivey 25
Jim Sto^ag i 87
Jim Tkomaaon 47
Freeman Thompaaa * 77
Tommie Vaughn 80
Jake Weftator 48
Eual Wepaon 83
Fkiia WQto 1 38
Georg* WHhanu 70
, Jama* Wilhams 71
Jomto Wilson 78
WUH* Zgpalac 48
Number ft has net been aaalgn-
*d, and Eolps Motley, Bill BMaaing,
Newt Crata, Kyi* Ehnk*. Cart Gaar
and Bab Ranaftald will have to
buttle far R
All France needed to beat Ger
many waa John Kimbrough and a
few members of th* 193® Aggie
football machine
Give Coach Norton John Kim
brough, Marshall Robnett. Ernest
Pannall, Joe Bayd, Charles Hanks,
Jim Thomason and five mar* man
and the jovial coach could havs da
•ignad aa attack that would havs
earriad through th* dafansiv* I (has
into Berlin
Klmbraugh. running bakind that
'•uH#h af stalwarts, wmild havs
four yarded Mittal into sukmissia*
snd tka Franck, nailed ky Ik* Hng
ilsk mmM kav* walkad Into Iks
Herman capital
Three • Week
Poultry Short
Course in Session
Tanks would not be in the ques
tion as they can be atopped. but
no one has designed * detenu* to
stop “Big Jo^n" yot, and some of
th* greatest masters of defensive
tactics havs spent many tie*pleas
night* in preparing defensive po
siuons to stop tha human tank.
For Th#
At Norik Gate
Oawws to
snssa Twan^ . toaCan 1 o
Tuesday, June 2T)
7:30 p. m.
Dr. L J. TaubenhauH
Here For Short Vlnit
Dr loan J Taukankaus has ra
(MUlly strived !• (allege Mtoliea
fur s skari ***« wlik kls metkai^,
Mrs J, J, Tsubanhsc* Hr Tsu
|agm|| M i|a M** m | A | MaalMaaltaAMd m aamma'w
icmvirvcet®" nffw JWwf wvwvf M gmp f U
•urgiral realdansy si Mauni klsni
Maspllal is New Ycrl Oily Frier
to that he spent twe years as an
I Marne Hi Ike Rings County Hos
pital in New York Ms Is a grad
uato af Tulane Medieal Achool and
of Rica I ns tha to
Dr Tauber boas will return to
New York <m July 1 In order to
take a three months graduate
course In Proctology at th* New
York Poat Graduate Hospital Hs
intends to return to Texas in th*
fall, however, to begin practice ia
Suit* cletned and premied
.... 30c I
PanU cleaned and pmned
Dress** rlesned and pressed
40c up |
CAM canny
i AiurDOTriw
0 ’
S :
Dr. A. Benbow
Phoa# 375 *
Aatin Building • Bryan
Fried Chicken— Home-made Ice Cream
.Plst* Lunches 25* • 30f - foe
On Nlfhway No. | Ntal to tiranfa Rtr. HU.
YMf A and fill ant on application
Thar* art ® bunch af blanks and •
has l» dags sit tkam In an top af
tk* mail i>«i la tka YMCA
•partmant for
•kiMran Thro*
•f Collage Nat Of-
Cal 171
Hatchery man, poultry k readers,
vocational agriculture teachers,
and others Interested In poultry
improvement in Texas are attend
ing a th real week special course
being given |by the Poultry Hus
bandry Department with D. H
Raid, Do partmant Head, in direct j
charge A sal it mg him are E. D citia* represented are Terrell, Rusk.
Parnell, Aaaociat* Profaaaor in Wellington, Olney, Beaumont, Par-
Poultry Husbandry, and Morton rJ rton Comfort, Abernathy, Brown-
Roaenberg, Graduate Assistant fMU'Wlr'ITta Falls, Tyiar, Itaaea,
Special talks kav* boon mad* by Dallas, Tray, Taylor and Whealer
(laorge P. McOorthy, Extension | '
Service poultry man. Gilbert Nagel,
ia charge of poultry improvement
work in Taxes; Ruaaell Couch, poul
try husbandman of th* Experiment
Station, and Ntr Montfort, asso
ciate professor la agricultural en
gineering. Others to appear on the
program during tk* eomiig days
a# tk* school are Dr. R. c Dunn,
Veterinary Pathology Department,
and H H Waatkarky, assistant Ex
tension Service poultry man
Tha 24 members of tha class ore
mooting seven and eight hours a
day and are studying practical
poultry problems that effect the
industry ip Tsxaa, particularly aa
It applies to tka katekary kustoaaa
Tkoas who complete the aeuree
aad make • satisfactory grade on
Mm final
for official fleck
tag agents It***
has stated Three day® will b* giv-
®B ever to PoHemm
week, with McCarthy
feeeor Paroell In Iks wait at tka
College Poultry Farm Towns and
Wg ran for and
— i*-
North Gitc and Bryan