f. *4 * PAGE 6 THE BATTALION - ' j. i, -FRIDAY, JUNE U. 1*40 Souvenir Booklets of New Dormitory Dedicatory Services Reveal Story Behind Naming of Buildings By W. A Mmv* MnrtM for Um mv dermitoriM mi 4t«in( ball baU at A. A M. NowmUr 90, 1M§ tmf “What to Do After Classes and StudyingT-lf You Study! That’s Easy-From Dancin’ to Opery, Entertainment Comes Easy By J«ff Ctarta tractfoM ami enterUinoiMt MMagb tba tifoml at thaaa trba wtab fo myrnm. TV p-x l wfU ha eiaaad iadalca in a friawffy cama of Ml- da, SuruLyv however That Tfeankafflvtnc Day aad tba traoi* tonal football gan tba UaioaraK, of Taaaa •mi tba Taxaa Ann* *»• dadieat ad by tba Board of Dtrartora la a aar • aoa^n a® aiam^^a^a a^a wba, aa abatman al tl BtrurUeti Finance Corporation and later Fadaral Loan Adminiatrator, ■ade poaaiMa a loan of 114100,000 for tba eanatvartton at A. A M of twelea now dormitonaa and a new -dirut, ball Tba dadkatury program planned far thia celebration waa not held brrauae of tba inclement weather The aoaeanir booklet oontaina re- mai ka of tboae acbaduled to appear on the program, a brief introdact- ien by Preaident T. 0. Walton, and a page dedicated to each of the ln- div idea la who were honored by having building* on the A. A M campoa named for them mg, and now la Vto# Praaidaat aad Dana of the Collage A W. Brig fa Hall waa named for aaa of tba newer rnamhan of the Board of |Hroctor*. Mr. Brigga, a baado a genera to the paata to mT daatl Columnist on tba Eiponmanf Button and la- gialativ* commit tea* of tba Board of Dire< tor* Brigga has booa helpful U stu dent* at the college alnaa bis gra duation la 1917. Ho has extended aerial aid to a auaahar of on* gtoeenng studonta orbs have later become associated with him in bio Tba Charles A DeWaro Field House waa named for an* of the all-tims groats of Aggie athletic history DeWar* was an All-South west ( onfeaenr* and and eaptoin af the football team In 1908 as jin honor of Byrd K well as a fine baseball player and Dallas, who served A bald from 1919 1917. Tba aait hall wa# aaaaad for Joeeph Utoy It was sidiroty fitting that tbs man who balds tbs sll Urns noard for offirtaffog st Southwest Ceaferenr* footbsll games should return to bto alma ttoa in 198ft when Jot Utay, Dal- umpbs on tba gr far fur- thsr seprice Such w*» the situa- tton la 1996 when Joe Utay Dal las attorney and eaptoin of the Ag gie football team in 1907, return sd as a member of the Board of Directors. Byrd E. White Hell waa earned Whit* of A M for track w»*n J twelve years aa a member of the gnty Jane Winkler. University In 1918 he met with an accident board of directors, during which ^ Teaas sophomore aad reiemaist while driving bis car and from than time be acted as vicechairman of The Sommer Bat Lei toe Her ,-t ri on was paralysed from his waist town. Thia, however, did not prs- Cal. Ike Aahbum, Executive As- wn * Wi * ftom ***** »» Aggie sis'ant to the Preaident. Byron on * ot th « f »’ the Board and as chairmen of the re | Hai |. Areend the ( ampas. will committee on the endowment di appear threat host the remainder vision between A. A M. end the d the first eemester and tempor- Univeraity of Texa*. He was sp- Wmstead, Director of Pahlicity. and E. L Angell, Manager of Stu dent Publication*, sdited the sou venir booklet. miliar sights st sll game* waa his pointed to the A. A M Board in car parked along the sideline* of Kyle Field Willmin A. Duncan Hall waa la Dr. Walton's remarks to Jone* f9r th * who w *» Su he extended the rollege * appre ciation for his service to the young manhood of Texas anr his confi dence in the college Jones highly praised A. A M pervisor of the Subsistence Depart ment of A. A M from 1920 to 1937, when he was placed in rharge of the Board of IhrectorS (Quarters and the Aggieland Inn. 1922 and held that appointment until ^984. Studpnu of A A M. in the fu- arily replaces Backwash. 200 Cotton Mill— (Continued from page 1) rbat with tba baginning of I the numts-. Mm0M Ml it BUVnflMT is, "What to da after classes iytog yea toady. Tba tfca kb a few paapfta bald to there foet isn't much to da at A. bet tbay'r* all wet and bers's why To begin with, 1940’s aummei entertainment will get ander may thia Saturday with a rip-roaring atari at the first “Juke Bex Prem M Tba recordings played la Sbtaa Hall will net b* used this time, but to* stand a regular "Juba Box’* will supply the bet licks and sweet ■wing There will also ha an an* limited supply of recordings to re plenish the machine Admission will bo Iftc, or two for 2ftc. TV dance to to be held in the Banquet Room of Sbisa Hall and will begin at ■me and end at twelve o'clock. TV official uniform for thee* dance* will he sport clothes. But there’s more to do than just dancing The College swimming hole opened Tuesday afternoon and will be open every afternoon at three o'clock and close at five, and open every night from seven tilt nine A cool refreshing splash, along with the bevy of attractive girls, flowered bathing suite, and trim figure* will be featured at- The music room af the Memorial Library wuHttog order a| weeks ttoa virtrola baa bi order Mat Aa room will n week aad follow tba old The roam may ba reai parties aad “seesioas” A until tea on week ntohts the luaarvatian to madi of the same weak. r-r rj: eat of for Mon-lsi To you tennis foaa. It might be la know dmt the tennis will V open at an hour* aad that the note will remain ap at all tiasea. Battalion editorials are now advocating that the plans for Ugh ting the clay courts be that they remain lighted t 10:18. If the lighting system to to- •tolled there will be plenty of time to piny night games and get rid of the monotony of books and quix- Stil more entertainment la in stove for summer school students with the Assembly Hall running on i Area. No definite time has been regular schedule Flan* for the ate- for the garnet but they will oad semester may make some al- probably start around all o’clock, tarntkma in thia schedule, but only For those lovtrs of fine enter- in a manner which will give more uinment, the regular Summer En- rntertainment for the students and tertoinment Series promises to ho resident* of College Station. The one of the beet ever presented on new Campus Theater will continue the A A M campus. From opera to its schedule of regular productions the hillarfoua productions of the for the entertainment of all. Cass County Kids, the program The table-tennis table* are in W® be of interest to all students the lobby of the Y M C. A and If and resident* of College Station, yoii eat in a hurry you might be t that the soft bail games are to get under way next Monday afternoon. The games will be played an tba drill field of tV Old Dormitory able to get one after supper. Later this summer there will be a table- tennis tournament for the experts at the game. The bowling alleys are going full blast and the pool table* are at and its place in teaching the young C. P Fountain Hall waa named men of Texas to he leaders in the for Dr C. P. Fountain who came many fields of service to A A M as chaplain and inatruc- First among the group of new tor * n English on January 1, 1890. dormitories to V named was num *■ he became Vad of the Vr t, which was named Edwin J ®»«itoh Ikpertment which poei Kieet Hail for Edwin J. Kie.t of he held until tV day of his Dallas, owner of tV Dallas Time# death. Chnstmaa Day. 1921 Herald and Radio Station KRI.D. C S Gainer Hal) was named for and member of the Board of Di- State Senator C. 8 Gainer who is rector# who gave the fund* for the another friend of this institution equipment of the ladies lounge lo- whose work In behalf of the eol rated ta that hall leg* was qo outstanding that the F C. Holton Hall wa. named for Bo^d of birector* named on# of r C. Bolton Dean Holton became »h# new dermitorte* In his honor, **in.Tted with the rollege In IWU Hv wa. a member of IV Mute Hen when V capie here as head of the «»• •» • time when a number of Electrical Engineering Itepartment *««« potentiany *ory harmful to and V* One# been sureeeetvely ‘he rollege were pendtm TVt V Director of Military Education. ••• •orcumfol tn seeing tVt only Dean of the Hehoni of Engineer IvgfUDon Vnefleial to the college wa* enacted marked him a helpful friend and follower Henry Hill Harrington Hall wa* named for Dr H. H Harrington, oho •erved a* premdent of the rol lege from 1906 until 190* when he resigned to become director of the Texa« Agricultural Experiment Sution. I resignation of Dormitory Num ber 6 a* Walter G Lacy Hall in honor of the Vice President of the A * M Hoard of Directors met with approval of everyone in a position to know of the many sor- vice* performed by this outstand ing Wsroon. s graduate of A * M in the claas of 1KV6 The Civil Engineering Building ha* been named Jame* C. Nagle hall for J C. Nagle who was long connected with the Civil Engineer ,mg I>eportmerit at A. A M tore may entor Donp.tory number elUn<1 j ng f n .m 8.30 a m. to 12:88 10 and feel that its Assignation as noon and from I :30 5 ©o p m Q. R Whits Hall ha* boon one pn>grani will which waa ontirely deserved and ^ discussion until 10:00 a m each bear* the name of a true friend ^y F rorn 10 00 until 5:90 p m and Worker for the best interest* the study will be devoted to the of the institution operation of the cotton seed oil Mr White ia another graduate J mill and the chemical study of the who "came back h« Sw* a. ■*. T*nS*i Rai 1 sag* asr • /te* <•** (. 0 \arther an WfWWl wKlew. w,.l ».Or« aaS wto |W er^ita xafte* aS* aeW W traeskl •* ewlM W U P*etorthr r HattsIlM OffW* k? I ' If rtrr *r» (• aseear to All stuSrnU who *rr inlrwwted to ^Mtoa. AB Mttow ■ m* to Mtotas etoeiher* of Tto Sumtoto a vacto lalkNt ataff *r» urt«S to grl to touch TT.. ’ with Ctonre* ruema*. or fhtl l^rto. a» UMtoioiu with tto M*l Wm. Tto Se*- Tto Battolurti Offto*. mom IM ASwUnto- mTn.n.'Z- will to totoOtoto - Thwr» tr.ttoo Hulld.u. 4.,. rttiw, than griSar* a* *r**toa*h ** r Tto Culhe* Library will ruaSurl a tour ' for traduatr •tuSeat* aa* farultr mea. Patr-HM ot tto Taramto Mu.Mr R.«mb tor. who are mtoretoe* to tto InUaSar- 1a the 1 u.hirve Mrowwial Library aia ! tM*a o< the arraagtobeot an* fwilltiw of to - uuCT.. ,.-..hto wtok ItU tor>wto Tto tourl are Prtoay at 4 uJne the roow. w> to n d.tourh stu- P n »n* M..«4ay at I p m , June 1 h ments will add th# most new cours- -Rxtraction md pres* M n#xt yMiT a t the University of 1. W’ Hoover, Abilene, HOW BROADWAY # $ HOT SPOTS SIZZLE . .. 94am 1me me fmLm jp fl^pagpl vv **"11 fliv Jvfxfsjm# fmEw 0 Uin € ittBC W U HO’ TO \\\V SIGNATURE THl RHIIAY. JI NK SBU 7:SO I*. M. ment 1 30 p. m operations. New Hampshire, erst ion. 6 40 p m Banquet in Sbisa Hall. Speaker, G. A Simmons, President, Texas Cottonseed Crush ers’ Associations. Friday June 21 8:90 a m.~ Hulling and separa tion- (Tuirles Cantrell, Fort Worth. Texas 10:00 a. m.—Discussion. Suggested Meals For Summer Frind CWIdiMi —Mtikmn Dinnem W E 8EEVE THE BEST 8 J. E-TEX CAFE * + CnUtfc Ax«. Bryan, Ttxan ths student oOege. Clin- ...NOTICE... CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Bun leaves Brynn nt 7 a. m. to mnke firat clnaa period during summer aepaion. Phone Brynn }9 For other pnrticulnrs nnd rates BRYAN - COLLEGE TRACTION C0 M Inc. (rood Food Good Health Add to your enjoyment of the good thing* of life by thrilling your pul- nte with good food—nnd enjoying the tenae of luxury that Ia yours with good lervice. Stop in after the Mmmm. ... We serve THE BUT. DE LUXE CAFE Main Street Bryan, Texan Bluebird Popular RECORDS 35T ’ “The Neamepa of You" “Winter Meadowlark*' Glen Miller and Hi* Orchentra • “A lA»ver'* Lullaby" Vocadance “Java Jive"—Yocadanre The Four King Sixters with orchestra conducteti bv Alvino Hey • “On A Simmerrv Sum mer Day” “I Bought a Wooden Whiatle" Tony Pa*tor and Hi* ()rrhe*tra Ml LAU0NIS AT Ml OWN WII0IIMI * tmt mm** pW • < * Pah. .ha ptrtPWgdl ifpi ae If s 'fhmm a Mb .N A POINT tint itrxiii ti* itta* mtmmm/s nmhmmm// mm mm H ! >»'>!—< tows \\ rvtM* aSVfMfl M TI ESDAY, JUNE 7:30 P. ,W. IHtk rOMANCE III YOUTKTIME... with romr Danciag Co-£d ' ftting Bromi- wmr e« fjr# / "Sunnin’ In The , Summer Sun" “Grpay Team" fVeddy Martin and HI* Orche*tra • "Mighty Flue" "Eep, Ipe Wanna I*teee of Pie” “Fat**’ Waller and hi* • Rhythm • "Forgive My Heart" ia TW Hweetent Thlat" Ziggy Elman and Hi* Orcheatra H ASWELL’S Book Store . • Bryaa, Texas TURNER BLONDEU MURPHY I sent Taylor m SATURDAY. JUNE 15th 7:30 P. M.