The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 10, 1940, Image 1
3 f ' ’ DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT SUMMER WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OP TEXAS A A ML COLLEGE V i *• V- A OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOL 2 122 ADMINISTRATION BUILOflt IE STATION, TEXAS, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1040 Z726 NO 1 Board Acts On Important Matters At Regular Meet Pledge Support To Walton Policies Aeronaatkal EagiMtriaf it Aatlurtiid 40’j Summer Press Club Will Organize Tomorrow Night SHOKT STARTING JUNE 10 S.VJI.A. OPENS FIRST OF TEN WtTH 140 MEN t MKTEDTO ATTEND Orf«niMtion of Um 1MO Sam ■Mr Pr«M Chib wUl bo oltortod Taoodajr nifbt, Jmo 11 it th* flrot mooting of tbo chib to bo iM^dl this summer f ompof d wll mombon of Tho Hummoi BotUl ton lUff, tbo orgmniMttun ipoa •oro oortooo oorwl funrttont ooch •ummor and lo tbo only club on tbo tnif—. during tbo Mimmor Ton Mg abort mil bo Tbo rogulor mooting of tbo A. 4 M. Board of Dtrortori vno bold Thurodny, May M. vttb all board mombon la attoadaaoo Prooidod otmr by Board Pnoldoat f. M Lav of Moaotoa, tbo dtrootan a apgrooal of tbo badgot for tbo UmK Hr if wi the Hkimilim 1940 At ^ aMaoaaiVlbLa maa v I •Ort{| MNWBHm I nil IWCIliflFR »|» greoal of bodgotod upon too for tbo mala rollogo divlalon. tbo At tbo Tuooday night mooting branch aoltogoa, tbo Bttoaalon off Icon for tbo rarront ooooton lanrloo, tbo Eiporimont lUUon, will bo okrtod. Last oamiaor o and tbo Tooao Porootry lore Icy offlcora von Gotftgo Puormann, Tbo Board of Dtrocton alao rot- proaidont; H O. Juhnoon. vtco- ad onanimoutly to Mppurt with prooidont, Bara Alton (ofor, ooc oao bund rod por coat cooporatton rotary; and Rom Caa, traaaaror. all plana and pollcloa of Proaidont All mombon of tbo Bammor Proao T. 0. Walton [ Hub art eligible to bold off let Tbo board autbortaod tbo ooUb with 4* oieoption of the editor liabmcnt of a imv deportment to Tbo mooting vill begin nt 7:80 bo knovn na tbo AeronmiUcal and Will bo bald In Tbo BatUl ion Knrtnoortng Department and oar- Office, marked ItS.OOU for the development • ■ of the department in cooperation vith tbo C. A A. The installation of a men» lounge in the Academic Boikiing vaa authorised and 91,?M vaa ap propriated to effect tbia move Pifteoa thousand dolian vaa ap propriated to re-floor the mam dining room of Sbiaa Hall and to improve the acroustical qualities of the same room by special treat ment of the ceiling. The board further appropriated $2,6416 to build a radutor tower for station WTAW The old Consoli dated High School building was turned over to the Y M. C. A The “Y" will recondition the building and make it an entertainment and meeting center Pool tables, table tennis table*, and recreational facilities will be in*tailed on the first floor, and meeting rooms for various campus organisations will be on the second floor Folio wing this important meet ing, the members of tile board took part la the commencement e*er- risM starting with the moating of tbo Btals Veterinary Medical Associa tion under the Uodcrabip of the Dr P. P. Jagg! of 'the School of Veterinary Medicine One hun dred and sixty men are expected to attend tbia course which will be bald June 10 through Juno 11 Second en tin liet la the Oil Mill Conference lasting from June 17 until June II. It will be headed by Dr i C. Hedge, bead of th# Chemistry Department and should bring about 41 ail mill sperytort to the campus Other cou» «•» to be held later in the summer are the County Superintendents and Texas Hrhool Administration Conference, June 94 to IT, which will Bra* 900 men Dean T D Brooks and Professor W L. Hughes will be in CAA. Course Offered Free To Summer Students Saturday Night Will See First of . "Juke Box Proms" This Manner, under the direction of W L Panbartby, a new plan is being worked eut by which excel lent entertainment will be avail able for summer sebaal students, faculty members, and residents of Brnsos County This plan calls fur a series of "Juke Box Proms” to be given on Saturday sights throughout the summer in the ban quet room of Sbiaa Rati. This scheme follows tbs sys tem used at Ohio Stole University, and it baa been indicated that bars at A A M there ia a defi nite need for such a plan, one whereby 1,400-odd students and • large number of local residents may be entertained during the summer when organisation dances sad corps dances are off the so cial calendar According to Penberthy. tbia aartee of dances, sponsored by tbs Intramural Department, will be bold at first every other Satur day night and afterwards as often 1,400 Students Due As Registration Begins for 32nd A. & M. Summer School Thousands Of Aggies Throughout ^ ans foEP^M Nation Aiding Fitch Band Wagon Goal * , ° r 1940 Summer Session By Winkler j charge. A Poultry Short Course »• »• necessary to meet the de will be held from June 94 to 2V un mend Admission to the dances der the directian of D H Reid. 9RB be 19c per person or 26r for head of the Poultry Husbandry **<> *<»•* will be furnished Department, ami 26 persons are Hther by a nickelodeon or by rec- r«pec ted to attend The Farmer* «rds played over the public ad Courae will be attended by some dr**» system 2,000 boy* and girls and 2,5410 The Intramural Department w adults. Administration chairman not attempting to make a profit will be D L Weddmgton and the o" the dances, and any money clear, program chairman wUl be R W cd will be used to obtain an orrhes- Snyder The epurse still last July tr * fw • big dance to be held at 1 7 to 19. Following the Farmers 1b' "k of the summer Rx tbauaaud Taaal Aggtos . . Twenty thousand farm sc Texas Aggtos . , . Aad thousands af Ag fie supporters throughout the na tiea . .. They’re all palling far the aaaw goal—to have Jack Little John's Aggie land Orchestra on IMO’a Pitch Summer Band Wagon It all started when the Pitch Company began featuring unknown bands during the summer months Several college bands appeared and the question was asked. ’’Why not the Aggisland?" Jack Little John then conferred with Cal. Ike Ash bum who became interested and offered to help in any way poaei Me A very favorable answer was received to a recent letter sent tbe Music Corporation of America, quoted in part as follows: "Just advised they are going to do everything they can to put this attraction on the Fitch Bandwagon this summer ” As yet no definite answer has been received, but /Wf of fay from all indications it appears a * ^ certainty K that tbe Agfielsnd will To Offer Special Jack IJf lie John Courses First Term Three special courses will be of A A M has been authorised by the Civil Aeronautics Authority to offer its second pilot training pro gram this summer, according to word received by Dean Gibb Gil christ. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age and not over 28 They must be citisens of the United States, and must have had no previous solo nights experience The acceptance of the applicants will depend largely upon their passing s rigid physical exami- nation However, those who have been In school longer and have j made the best record will be given j first consideration In contrast with the course as offered during the previous semes (Continued on page 41 (Continued on page 4) be placed on the Summer Band wagon. The Fitch plan is to feature the band on their 34) minute Sun- The Intramural Department ia n, fbt program At the end fered by the Department of Agri- planning these dance* in order to of *** • surprise pack cultural Economics of the Texas ... , ^ ... **** th€ students s place to go In ,K * for,n of * thr ** j A A M College during the Sum Work Begins On Water •» Jr** achottisehea, square dances, and l *®* l * r * swarded the orchestra # _ . the Conga will take their places th *' n ^ * t,, up 10 ^ b*™ 1 h *‘* d of department has an- among the fox trots and waits*-* 1® rn *^ , ‘ f 0 *"' f* r RssE- jamMaad. next Saturday night, June 16 when The Summer Battalion will keep “Development of Commerce and tbe first summer dance will be *** readers posted with the latest Industries" is the title of s course KegiNtratton DmMMm I* Jom IS A* ChM Btfia ToMorrow Momiitf Equaling tbe recurd-braaktac enrollment af 1999 summer aaatiM, tbs currant ataalou wR enroll ap- proxtmstely 1,400 atudonts far Urn first semester The total aurall- ment for both seme stars M oxpoft- •d to be approximutaiy IJOO, Reg istrar E i Howell baa announced A full day Mouday, Juaa 10 from R a. m to I p. ■« will be davaiad to registration la Um paat only a half day waa given to the regia- t rat km with claaaao start lag la tbs afttrnoon, thus making It iaaoa- vanlent for thoea who had after noon claasaa Thursday, Juaa II will be tbs dead-line far ragiatra- tkm in tbe College Division to ob tain credit for ftret term. Claaaao officially begin Tuesday morning at 7:90 Five dormitories wUl be made | available to summer studenta Walton Hall arid house married couples and (ingle women; Hart still house graduate students; and Biasell, Law, and Puryear anil ae- rommodate all others. Expenses for the first semester include 916.00 matriculation fee. Fountain Presented A.&M. By Class Of '38 Texas Veterinarians Open Two-Day Meeting Tomorrow; Exams Given Today The School of Veterinary Medi ♦pictures will be shown at all sea- cine at Texas A. A M. College will sions On Wednesday noon the piny host to the State Veterinary 1 Alums Association will hold a Medical Association Tuesday aad luncheon in Sbiaa Hall . Wednesday June 11 and It. when that organisation holds its semi annual meeting at the college The opening session on Tuesday morning still be devoted to the usual welcoming address by Dr R P Marsteller, Asnn of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the col lege and response by Dr W F Hayes, president of the aasocia ties A business session will take up tbe remainder of tbe morning During tbe afternoon tbe veteri- notions wiU get down to class work with clinics and asotion pictures the order of tbe program That evening tbe usual banquet wiU be bald in Sbiaa Hail on tbe campus with Dr. Marsteller serving as The Wednesday morning sees ion will be devoted to clinical work on Inrge animals and during the afternoon tbe veterinarians will complete their business meeting and bold a final dune Motion While the doctors are busy with their sessions tbe Ladies Auxiliary will be making the social rounds and still be entertained by the local committee of women headed by Mrs F. P Jaggi They will be honored at a luncheon Oaks on Tuesday at noon breakfast ia Sue Has we II Psrk Wednesday morning While tbe veterinarians aad their ladies are busy with their pro gram the State Veterinary Examin ing Board will be giving examine Work has been started on s fountain formulated by a commit tee of the rlags of ’ttl headed by John Bone, pi#*ident of the class of 1939, which they have given to A A M College. The fountain is located south of Sbiaa Hall The ; firm of Atkinson and Sanders, ! architects, are designer* of the fountain and 4 Bonifan and Sons i sre modelei* The fountaih is of classic de sign made of past stone and com prises of a reflecting pool approx imately 19 fegt in diameter, In the middle of the pool is super im posed a howl and pedestal From the bowl a spray of water will flow The reflect tog pool and bowl will be IH by submarine flood lights of varMOs colors The fountain is expected to be finished in about two weeks held in tbe banquet of Sbiaa developments Hall Member* of tbe faculty as — well as studenta sre cordially in All persons interested In becom tiled to attend and launch the new mg members of The Summer Bat "Juke Box Prom*" on a success talion staff will meet m The Bat ful season ! taii<>a office Tuesday night at 7:30 Pfaff Heads Former Students As Bell, Motile, McQuillen Take Office tiler Session, J Wheeler Barger. 9^04) medical fee, and 9860 room rent. Meals still he served on the campus in Sbtsa Dining Hnll, nt the coffee shop, dining room, or terrace of the Aggie land Inn, and at the confectionery in the Y. M. C. A Building. The rate for meals . . . . in the dining hall will be 990 00 ‘.''"’.""“"' "7 Jr s inf l« nwnla which will be offered the first six weeks by Dr. S L Rodnguet, will be 40c. New Course In ^ Welding Offered July 1 Tlirough 31 to President T. 0. W alton Library, Hospital And Swimming Pool Hours For Summer Session A new course in welding wiM be offered at Texas A A M Col lege July 1 and lasting through tJns for licenses to the'graduate. ** month, aegording to Bob Cook, in veterinary medicine The Board of Veterinary Medical Examiner* will meet Monday. June 10. Dr. P P Starr of Gaines vtlle ia prsaident and Dr. Paul Boreakie is secretary licenses to practice veterinary medicine Among thooe to take tbe examinations will be many Aggie graduates. welding instructor in tbe Meehan K-al Engineer tog Department The college has tbe latest types of gas and sleet rtr welding equip ment and it Will be used in teach ing the course to the welders. Examinations will'be given for blacksmiths, sheet metal workers, steam fit ters, mechanics and others who en roll for the tostrwrtion. In addi tion to the practice welding of ■lx hours each day, there will be lectures, moving picture* and dem onstrations «r types of welding jobs, equipment and technical in formation Cost of tha four week courae will he 991 60 which will include ♦arranged to he presented during room, board, enrollment fee and Sartos wUl feature atone of tbe tbe mornings at which time all coat of material* used Any per- nattoa’x finest entertainers. IV glasses would be suspended so that *on who to pm ployed in a craft world famous Imperial Sextet wtIK all student* could attend where welding to used to eligible open the summer ear to* by sing- A too the first series had an to take the dourse. and he should lag • program af rtoeato and admission charge, tort a provision make application at ear* to the 1940 Summer Entertainment Series To Feature Outstanding Numbers The 1940 light opera. TW Imperial lagers are wall known an tha American 4b re »f tbe feature^ pa radio station* out of graam < Teveland. New Y*rk. Chicago, and Ohkbotoa CNf Began la 1991, tbe fcimmer Kertoe has grown with suck wide spread popularity that it la now possible to fit the hast af enter toinment The first prsgraaw ware held at night, hut tolar wart through tbe sam- Department of mdwatml Edm get which takes tton at A. 4 E aaea of these pro* This courae wiU he taught hy iking them free Mr. Cask w|s la • gradaato af Tha 1940 Bumawr Entertain the Lincoln Electric Company ment Series la aa follows: Linde Air Pasdurto Company, aad Wash of July I—A sartoa af various other company and night evening 9es(friuhs to he presented schools. for tha Fanucr’x Short Course If the students of the school da Thee# programs will take pines ; not ear# to stay ia demutortea i at the Assembly Hall. ant hi the cal leg* dining hall < • (Continued aa page 4) east of tha epuras wffl be f00. A G. “Bert" Pfaff. ’26, Tyler,'fyear's attendance at A wa* elected president of tbe Asso ciation of Formet Students climax ing the orgamxation's Annual Membership Meeting held at Com mencement. June I. Tyree L Bell. TS, Dallas, wa* named vice-presi dent T W Mohls. 19, Houston, was elected for a two-year term a* athletic council representative; and E E McQuillen was re-elect ed secretary-treasurer These elections wwre made by the new board of directors in a brief meeting Postponed to the sum mer meeting of the board wa* the election of an Executive Com mittee. Student Loan Fund True toes, and th* transaction of other more detail business affairs The hoard will hold its »uminer meet mg on July 8-9 10 aboard the Tsx- as (ompany's Hoaseboat at Port Arthur and as guests of the Texas OMupeay, New President Pfaff to secre tary-treasurer of tbe Federal Tank Ounpany with headquarters at Tyler He received his degree ia elartricaJ engineering in 1926 He has previously served as ex-student representative on the Athletic Council and was vk* president of tbe Association last year Retiring President C. P Dod ’ll, of Docatar presided over tbe meeting held in the Y M C. A Chapel, and wa* attended by ap pfoxiamtely 200 men The meeting heard reports of tbe president and tbe secretary and approved recommendations af the Auditing. Resolutions, and Norn) nbting Committees TV# **tabliRlim#i!t of tft Qppor taaity Awards inaugurating a new phase af Student Loan activities. authorised by tbe me These awards are ope* only to owt- dtag high school, or Junior Cbltoge, graduates TWy are ef fared by tbe association to co operation af the A AM. Collage and with A- A M. clubs and A. A M man, whore no club# are 4 A M (lass reunions proved s big fea ture of the Annual Meeting with clasee* of 1990. 1196, 1900, 1906. 1910, 1916, 1926, and 1990 all en joying excellent attendance The Annual Joint Faculty Form *r Student Luncheon at noon Sat urday, Saw 660 guests tax the twenty two other Texas colleges the Ualversity of Puerto Rico The course will include the indus trial and rentmetrial developments hi the West Indies and the L«tin- American countries, and the sigmf-, fence of such development* with . ^ respect to trade and cultural rela-1 tions in those areas with the United State* In addition to hit 1 teaching experience. Dr. Rodnguet ha* had commercial experience. I serving for some time as an offi cial eith a firm of commttaion i merchants “Conservation of Natural Re 1 sources' ia the title of another courae to be offered also the first summer term in cooperation with i Under the direction of Dr. C. H. M s 1940 summer session get* under way today with prospects of being the greatest summer school in tbe college's his tory. Plan* for tbe two-semester summer session wore announced by Winkler and many faculty changes and additions vert alao diacloaad. Winkler pointed out that on# ef th# primary purposes of the twelve-week session to to provide a means for regular coll age stu dents to carry on their work banquet hall factlitto- to do honor t*, work will consist of lecture# R*""**^ tbs calendar yuftr; thus to be given by prominent state and national leaders engaged in the conservation of natural and firing, If a student ao desires, aa opportunity to complete college work in considerably toss time than eral, state, college and private agencies Among the topics to be considered are the conservation of fish and game, soil and water, tun her, oil and gat, minerals, and The Library will be open dur health and other human resources mg tbe summer from Is mto 10 "Field Studies" is a travel p m Monday through Friday, courau to be offered tbe second Ham to 12 noon Saturday, 1 to term of the summer session. A 6 p m and 7 to 19 p nt Sunday 7,000 mils trip through the Middle The College Hospital hour* will West, Rocky Mountsfn, Pacific be 10 a. m to twa p m Monday Northwest and Coast, and tbe through Saturday; 9 to 10 a m Southwest areas will be taken un- Sunday. 12 to two p m on holi- der the direction of Professor L. days 8. Paine of the department. Coa- Th# swimming pool will be open ference# will be held and obeerva- to 4 m the afternoon and 7 to tions made of tbe agricuHural and at night daily except Sunday business conditions and problems in Tbe pool will be cloeod Sundays regions visited human resources, representing fed-1 ra^trad To this end, courses art offer- ed in nearly rvery departmeat of tbe college during tbe sutnmer sees ion Tbe catalog for tha current sum mer session, together with tbe rw- cent courae additions, lists a total af 328 esumas covering nearly aa wide a range of courses aa of fered during tbo long aaaatona. a stu partic Dr. Winkler pointed out that the quality af summer achsoi in struction to entirely on par with that of tbo long session* He fur ther stated that the faculties af both sessions to practically tha same, plus tbe fact that there are a number of nstttog profoa- soro associated with the summer (Continued oa page 4) Stidham Fund Reaches $1001.43 As Drive (loses Short Of Expected $2,000 Goal With 91.001 49 deposited mi tbeTly go with a college life. Fsieal Office, tbe drive to raise money for tbe George Stidham Fund concluded Saturday mwa However, reports on donations from Houston had not been received at press time and committeemen ex pressed tbe hope that from two to foer hundred dollars more would be added to tbe funA ebon these Georgs Stidham to tbo Aggie whose back was broken—split—In an accident three weeks ago. Hla mother la da*Mi, and be baaaY seen kto father for several year* aad <jo*rvi i inow wn#rv u> incRu* mm way throagh college; be to tons aad baaat bad money fur any of the aa toltod toxuri t', He l*fW. PanneJl, Graham Purcell, Allan Ellerbee, faculty representative V. K. Sugareff, aad Mum aaaw 8. E. Upacowtb. Tbo drive to rato* fundi tor the injured Aggie baa attracted state wide attention and artistes torn appeared ia many af tbe metropoli tan dal tea to respect to tha world- famous Aggie Spirit behind tbe drive. Bceutes th* A A M cadet faced with a tong period in tbe hospital and tbe possibility of be ing crippled for life He is in tbe Houston Memorial Hospital, being treated by Dr J. B Foster, one af the finest bone specialist* ia the South. Hell be there at toast three amntbs. ia « cast at toast ftv# months, aad maybe the rest of bto life to • steel brace. He hasn’t tbe money to pay for any of R, bet his life depend* on teetering ibis treatment Coltegt frttito ‘mtn iiiwjlmn • Stidham Fuad committee chair- mainessmeu, and many friends ef men Buster Keeton and George ** folteg* throughout the stole Furrmann piiated out that dona- ^* Vf hrdped make toe drive a sue- Mit.w — * Zt mjLt Off toe Other mombon ef tbe studenta bavTX committee Include BIU Murray, E. assisted to tbs drive. . •. 11 ,Tr v 1 L *