The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1940, Image 3
Dischmen Defeat Karowmen 19-6 To Claim Pennant tCJeep' dates BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR Eight Aggies Play Final Ball Game In Career On Clark Field In Austin By Hub Johnson Today on Clark Field in Austin the Texas Aggies go to bat for the last time this year. The season can’t be called bad and on the other hand, it isn’t the best it could have been. Poor batting has marred the Aggies’ score books and has tended to keep them out. A loss would be just another ■that might be expected. A win would be a happy ending for the cadets—to defeat the University, the Southwest Conference Chap- pions, in their final tilt of the year on their own Clark Field. So to Lindsey, Conley, Doran, Kirkpatrick, Cooper, Rice, Stone, and Alsobrook our hats are off and the left one’s tight as the umpire yells “play ball.” Minor Sports Teams Wind Up Season As Pistol Team Dines and Fencers Fight Farewell to coach “Soapy” En- slow was the thought behind all that was said by the team mem bers at the dinner in honor of the team at the Captain’s home Thurs day night. The trophies were numerous, with Klint Kennemer receiving a silver pitcher for the high score of the year. Last year he won the honor and was awarded with a silver platter. Talk was that he finishes his last year of team competition this !+: ki4m ■VSS1!.VVKI,\' ill KVII. Tempestuous romance m A BOISTEROUS ERA! SPECTACULAR ENTERTAINMENT! DARRYL Y. ZANUCK S production oi IpSi QUS ■ mace mi FRED MktMimm RICHARD cmc Brack mu ' ANDY DEVINE ’ HENRY STEPHENSON ijMP’ FRITZ PEED "T! ^ , Directed by Henry King A 20th Century-Fox Picture * SATURDAY, MAY 18 6:45 & 8:30 season after firing three or four years around the school on various teams. The rule states something to the effect that a man has five years to play four—one for fun or for the freshmen and three for var sity. That means on a team recog nized by the college. The pistol team was recognized in June of 1937 and has therefore fired three years. Kennemer laid out a half year or a full year. Could it be that he will be able to stop on the firing line again next year and re strengthen the team? Incidentally, for the first time in many a moon, one of your sports correspondents was present ed with something beside a bleed or a key. Yours truly received a swell cigarette box with a gold pistol and wreath decorating the top. Too bad he doesn’t smoke. Off to Austin went the Aggie fencing team to fight it out in an attempt to retain the South west Conference championship two weeks ago and in vain they waved the thin slivers of steel. In the round robin of foil com petition the cadets went down aft er eight hard wins of fifteen matches but the Bears claimed twelve of theirs. Yet in the individual competi tion Tom Akarman faced Gree of the University and went down a notch. The Texas coach and spon sor of the conference meet took it upon himself to judge the meet. Tom is one of the best foilsmen in the South and was defending a title. This seems like there was a wolf in the bush with a coach refereeing his own students match. I’M OPEN ALL DAY ON SUNDAY SHAW’S College Sandwich Shop WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. Tom Adams Barber Shop Ground Floor of Masonic Bldg. - Bryan — RIDE THE BUSES New Reduced Fare Now In Operation In pursuant of our policy to meet the growing demands of transportation in the community we have inaugurated the use of metal token to be used for fare in either direction from College Station or Bryan. The new rate being two (2) token for 15f. We Solicit Your Patronage,.. ... Ride With Safety BRYAH-COLLECE TRACTIOH CO. INC. Amarillo Parents’ Club Donates $15 To Library Fund The college library has received a $15.00 donation for the Stu dent’s General Reading Fund from the Parents’ A. & M. Club of Amarillo, Texas. J. W. Ross is president of the organization. The Student’s General Reading Fund is used to buy recently published fic tion and non-fiction books re quested by the students. The usual letter of acknowledgement and thanks is being sent Mr. Ross and the Parents’ Club. Conference Of Texas Ag Experiment Men The monthly staff conference of the Texas Agricultural Experment Station was held Tuesday in the foods laboratory of the Animal In dustries Building and included an inspection tour under guidance of Dr. Sylvia Cover. TWO PITCHERS TO AID GRAND PRIZE IN SUMMER At the close of the year the Houston Grand Prize team will be strengthened by the addition of Lefty Bumpers and Melvin Deutsch to their pitching staff. This should tie the Post Tourna ment title around a case and close the deal. The team is on a road trip over Texas July 7 to 21 and then play in the tourney from June 7 to June 16. OWL “R” ASSOCIATION ELECT TEAM CAPTAINS Frank Guernsey received the Robert Quinn Memorial at the final meeting of the Rice Lettermen Association this past week. This is the highest honor paid a Rice athlete and the little man of the courts was well deserving of the memorial. For three years he has brought fame to the Rice net team and this year he was the only mem ber of any of the Owl’s athletic teams who stood out in sports as well as in his studies. Joe Blagg of Brownwood was elected captain of the ’41 track team, Dick Morris of Winter Park, Florida, the head of the ten nis team, Harry Crissman was chosen to captain the golf team, and J. P. Wood, “the little gen eral” was chosen to head next- year’s baseball team. TEXAS TRACK STAR TO RETURN FOR ANOTHER GO Coach Littlefield is all smiles as the ruling committee to decide the eligibility of athletes has just passed judgment on the Freddie Ramsdell. It seems that Ramsdell has sur passed his five years limit to com pete three years. He was out of school a year due to serious ill ness and an exception was judged by the committee. He won the 220-yard dash in the Southwest Conference meet and ran the leg on the winning dash relay team. This will add strength to the team that had not been expected. SPORTS WRITER JOB FOR BOY WHO WANTS IT Next year there will be a vacancy on the sports staff which is de sired to be filled by a junior or a sophomore. Anyone having any desire to scribble off a few lines a week can contact me in room 220 dor mitory 6 or at The Battalion Of fice. Beautiful CORSAGES For Final Ball The most important dance of the year and this means special at tention to whom to get the corsage from. We have the prettiest cor sages and at the most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery WYATT’S Flower Shop Bryan Bumper Pitches Great Game, But Errors Lose Game Wired To Battalion By E. C. Oates AUSTIN, May 17.—The Univer sity of Texas Longhorn baseball team clinched the Southwest Con ference title here today by beat ing the Aggies 19 to 6. Lefty Bumpers pitched his heart away for six innings, but Cecil Ballow kicked the ball game away with five errors. Two of the most pitiful umpires ever to work a game gave the Steers another handful of runs. Towards the last of the game the cadets were whipped and the Steers started pounding the ball. Scoggin and Stone hit triples for the Aggies, and Alsobrook and Bumpers clouted homers, but this was still not enough. Score by innings: R H E Aggies 203 001 000— 6 8 8 Steers 411 035 50x—19 16 2 • GAME IN AUSTIN TODAY FINISHES CONFERENCE Texas University is holding its fifth Southwest Conference title this year in its closing game with the Texas Aggies. The game will be played in Austin today and is the last for eight of the Long horn players. The Steers playing their last collegiate series are Captain Clar ence Pfeil and Charley Hass, out fielders; Johnny Hill, first base; Bobby Moers, third base; Fred Everett and Joyce Rawe, catchers, and McDonald and Still, pitchers. Aggies completing their eligibil ity for the baseball series are eight in number and include Ralph Lindsey, Kurten; Snipe Conley, Texon; Charles Kirkpatrick, Hous ton; Jack Doran, Midland; Johnny Rice, Sherman; Jack Cooper, Dal las; and Co-captains Dave Also brook and Bob Stone of Brenham and Holland, respectively. Johnny Rice goes into the army as sec ond lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. Charlie Stevenson or Walter Bass will probably pitch against Bill Demkek, Udell More, Ned McDonald, or Charlie Still in to days game. Texas has already won the track, golf, swmming and cross-country championships for this school year and have only. to lay the cadets low in this two-game series to add yet another crown. INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS By Bob Myers F Engineers wound up the speed- ball season in fine style by de feating E Field Artillery 11 to 8. This final game was the fol low-up of the E Field Artillery— A Signal Corps match that the “Buggy-boys” won by a margin of two points, the final score being 7 to 5. In entering the final play off however, they found the com petition a little tougher and had to be satisfied with second place. One of the few tie games on record came off between 1st Com bat Train Field Artillery and A Signal Corps when they played to a 9 to 9 deadlock. The balanced score could have been broken by an extra inning but circumstances prohibited the additional period play. The Infantry Band split two this time and won a softball game from F Coast Artillery by a score of 5 to 4 only to turn around and drop the other one to G Infantry 10 to 3. Still in the Band Hall the Field Artillery team took a close ball game from the I Infanry boys 3 to 1. The competition was pretty even and plenty tough up until the sixth when the Band cut loose on a winning three run spree. 3rd Combat Train Field Artil lery took an early lead in its game with Headquarters Cavalry and held it throughout seven innings of ball game to come out the vic tor 8 to 3. In a close starting game in which neither team would give ground, A Field Artillery took ad vantage of slacker closing innings to defeat C Cavalry 6 to 4. BATTALIONS SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1940 PAGE 3 Texas High School Boys To Hold Swim Meet At A. & M. Receipt of entries from 10 Tex-.f as towns for the annual Texas high school boys swimming cham pionships to be held at Texas A. & M. College, Saturday, has been announced by Coach Arthur Ad amson, Aggie swim coach, who will be in charge of the meet under Texas A. & M. College spon sorship. For the first time since the an nual affair was started by the col lege, Adamson has received en tries from as far west as El Paso and south as far as Beaumont. Also entered for the first time will be swimmers from Dallas, Bryan and, right at home, from College Station Consolidated high school. C. A. Lewis Elected Pistol Team Captain At Banquet Thursday C. A. Lewis, better known as “Ears” to many of the students, was elected captain of the 1940-41 pistol team at the banquet given in honor of the squad at Coach Captain Phil Enslow’s home Thurs day night. This was also the farewell meet ing of the team with their coach and the graduating seniors, Bob Shiels and Bert Burns and with Lewis Kennemer who will return next year to serve as honorary captain due to his inelligibility. Bill Lewis, another graduating member, was absent from the din ner but sent his thanks for all that had been done for the team this year. Dr. George Summey, Jr., and Colonel Moore were presented with tokens of appreciation and auto graphed pictures for the help they had given this past season. After these presentations, the varsity and freshmen lettermen were awarded trophies and pictures with congratulatory messages from the commandant. Minor T metals and sweaters were awarded the lettermen at the Federal Inspection Review Wednesday. Captain Phil Enslow’s address to the team expressed his re grets for not being able to return next year to again try for another national championship but wished them luck under their new coach. After his talk, Bob Shiels, retir ing team captain presented him with an engraved cigaret case and lighter. In Class B waterpolo we find A Signal Corps climbing up the ladder of championship by defeat ing G Infantry 4 to 0 in a quar ter final game of splashes. Other cities entering teams in clude: Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Denton and the defending city, Austin. Last year Austin high swam off easily with the title but since that time they have graduated some of the winners so will have to depend on some of their new ma terial. Denton is entering a full team for the first time but in the past has always taken two first places with their Bob Gentry who will be back for his final year. Fort Worth Paschal high won the title the previous year and would like nothing better than to get it back this year. Due to the large number of en tries preliminaries will be neces sary and so the qualifying heats will be held this afternoon and the finals tonight. Despite all the tens of trillions of stars in space, the average per son sees only about 9,000 stars in the sky on the starriest night, though he thinks he is seeing mil lions. Is It Your Car’s Fault? One of the first rules of safe driving, is a fre quent check-up of your car’s running condition! Don’t blame your car if your neglect causes cost ly mishaps! Another first rule of safe driving is careful greasing of your car every thousand miles! Drive in here for a dependable, courteous service. MURRAY Chevrolet Co., Inc. Better Service Better Used Cars Bryan, Texas Phones 137 & 191 26th at Parker AGGIE FENCERS TO TRY FOR WIN AT GALVESTON The Galveston Fencing team, members of the Southwest Fenc ing League, will hold their annual open fencing meet in Galveston at the Buccaneer Hotel this after noon. Two Aggie fencing stars, Baird and Rominger, will enter thig meet and both will be favor ed to bring back championships. The saber, foil, and epee con tests will be offered and the Aggie pair will enter all three events. Baird, newly-crowned Southwest Conference saber champion, is favored to come away with the saber and foil contests, while Rominger, former Southwest Con ference epee champion, will be pointing for the epee victory. The meet is sponsored by the Moody Club of Galveston and is headed by D’Albergo. Some of the foremost fencing skill in the south west will be displayed and the competition should prove to be stiff. The lowest temperature ever recorded in the continental United States was at Miles City, Mon tana, where the thermometer fell to 65 degTees below zero. MUSIC! When You Please! TRY THESE RECORDS “Woodpecker Song” Andrew Sisters “So Long” Russ Morgan “The Gorgeous Dancing Doll” Russ Morgan “Rose of the World” Russ Morgan “Just For A Thrill” Russ Morgan “Johnson Rag” Russ Morgan “The Girl With the Pig tails In Her Hair” Russ Morgan HASWELL’S Bryan, Texas C Field Artillery and F Coast Artillery, the two ranking Class B Tennis teams, played yesterday afternoon, too late to make the paper, in a championship match. Delicious Foods Yes, that is right! Treat BUY YOUR JUNIOR UNIFORMS NOW! See Penney’s Junior Uniform dis played by agents on the campus. Guaranteed as good in quality and workmanship as any you see and at lower prices. Let us take your measurement now and make an initial payment now or after you get home and get a pay check. Remember, Aggies, that Penney’s are responsible for the lower pric es now enjoyed by A. & M. Cadets for uniforms. yourself to a tender, de licious steak that you will never forget. Only TAILOR MADE BLOUSE $29.75 TAILOR MADE SLACKS $12.50 Made of best 19 oz. dark English Elastique Patches attached free quality foods are served at . . . SAVE DOLLARS AT PENNEY’S, BE THRIFTY .. BE WISE ... (Your Bus Fare Paid if you buy at PENNEYS) College Courts Coffee Shop ‘Aggie Economy Center” Bryan, Texas