The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
VOL. 39
NO. 89
First Housing Conference
At A. &M. Closes Today
Important Topics
Under Discussion
At Two-Day Session
Many Prominent Speakers
Here From All Over USA
The first conference of its kind
ever to be held on the A. & M.
campus and the first one of im
portance ever to be held in the
South, is the Conference on Low-
Cost Housing, sponsored by the
Department of Architecture and
the Architectural Club of the col
lege, which began Friday morn
ing and extends through today.
The welcoming address was giv
en by Col. Ike Ashburn and was
followed by a discussion on “Why
Can’t I Have a House?” which
was divided into three divisions:
(a) The problem of the rural
dweller; (b) The problem of the
urban dweller; and (c) What kind
of low-cost house.
Yesterday afternoon’s program
was centered around the “Prac
tical Problems of the Low-Cost
House.” Richard J. Neutra, A. I.
A., well-known architect of Los
Angeles, Calif., spoke on “Archi
tectural Evolution of Habitation,
Its Functions and Structure”
which was followed by a discussion
of the architect, general contractor,
realtor, financial agency, materials
company, lumber yard, and the
Last night the Architectural Club
was host to the visitors at a din
ner. Maury Maverick, Mayor of
San Antonio, was the principal
speaker of the evening, giving
an address on “Society and Shel
This morning the theme of the
program is “What Can the Build
ing Industry Do For the Low-
Cost House?” At 9:30, Ray Crow,
Engineer, Sales Production Divi
sion, Tennessee C. I. & R. Co.,
Birmingham, Alabama, will address
the conference on “Home Owner
ship and the Building Industry.”
The discussions which follow will
be centered on prefabrication in
the building industry, standardi
zation of materials and construc-
(Continued on page 4)
Commencement invitations
will be placed on sale again,
next Monday afternoon from
1 to 5, in the Commandant’s
Office in the Academic
Building, senior president
Max McCullar has announc
Seniors may get their call
ing cards from Arch Grieg
in 55 Legett this weekend, or
in the Commandant’s Office,
Monday afternoon.
Richard J. Neutra, one of the
country’s best-known architects,
from Los Angeles, California, is
main speaker at the Conference on
Low-Cost Housing being held by
the Department of Architecture of
the A. & M. School of Engineering.
Prizes To Be Awarded At
Math-English Dinner
Eleven sophomores and twenty
freshmen who took the English
Contest examinations on May 9
will be among the guests of honor
at the Mathematics-English Con
test Dinner in Sbisa Hall on May
21, at which two sophomore prizes
and two freshmen prizes will be
The following are eligible for the
cash prizes ($20 and $5) offered
by Mr. William Morriss of Dallas:
Roland Bing, Oakwood; Arnold R.
Boemer, College Station; Richard
C. Burns, Mexico City; Don Gabriel,
Fort Worth, winner of second place
in the Freshman English Contest
last year; R. L. Gulley, San An
tonio, winner of first freshman
prize in 1939; Bradford Hardie,
Dallas; William H. Harshey, Hous
ton; Max M. Kirby, Amarillo;
Rufus B. Pearce, Dallas; Alton W.
Sissom, Alvai'ado; Paul J. Wolfe,
Students who took the examina
tion in competition for the fresh
man prizes ($20 and $5) offered
by Mr. F. M. Law of Houston,
President of the Board of Direc
tors, are Kenneth C. Bresnen, Dal
las; Walter W. Cardwell, Luling;
Russell L. Chatham, Baird; David
Brooks Gofer Jr., College Station;
O. L. Culberson, Luling; J. C.
Denney, Italy, Texas; James Sher
man Durell, Wills Point; M. P.
Ellzey, Cuero; William J. Gallo
way, Throckmorton; Jean Glen
(Continued on page 4)
Winners of Cotton Contest
Traveling Fellowships Named
The final examination for the
ninth annual A. & M. Cotton
Study Tour traveling fellowships
have been completed and upon
averaging- the different examina
tions, the following A. and M. stu
dents were decided to be the 1940
winners: H. L. Rucker of Santo,
H. L. Petty of Santo, H. C. Forbes
of Waxahachie, and C. L. Mason
of New Boston. These boys were
granted winning awards as a re
sult of establishing the highest
averages among all contestants
throughout a series of examina
tions covering ten different phases
of cotton production.
The winners, accompanied by
Professor Tilden Easley of the De
partment of Agronomy, will leave
during the early part of June on
a tour which will carry them
through the southern states to
Canada by way of New England
and New York. The primary pur
pose of the tour will be to study
cotton production, marketing, re
search, and consumption. The par
ty will travel by automobile and
will spend several days studying
cotton interests in Houston, Gal
veston, and Dallas before starting
on their extended trip.
In the past this group has tra
veled in the United States and then
spent sometime abroad; however,
this year the tour is being trans
formed into an All-American af
fair in an effort to keep from
coming in contact with any kind
of disturbance that might be caus
ed by the war in Europe. The field
trip will cover approximately six
weeks and will afford the students
an opportunity to see and study all
phases of the cotton industry.
Noted Attorney Speaks To Economics
Club At Last Meeting; Officers Elected
The last Economics Club pro-,
gram for this school year brought
Arthur J. Mandell, Houston at
torney, to speak to the club on
“Government by Injunction,” es
pecially as it affected the labor
situation. Mr. Mandell spoke in the
Physics lecture room Thursday
night at a meeting presided over
by the club’s new president for
next year, Paul Lowry.
Mr. Mandell’s talk concerned the
issuance of injunctions by courts
of equity which enjoined labor
leaders from calling strikes or in
any way interfering with the nor
mal operation of the employer’s
business, regardless of the cause.
He urged the passage of a state
law similar to the Norris-La-
Guardia Act passed by Congress
in 1932.
JUNE 18 TO 26
A Board of Navy Officers from
the “Annapolis of the Air”—the
U. S. Navy’s Aviation Training
Station, located at Pensacola, Flor
ida, will meet in Dallas, Texas,
from June 18 to 26, for the pur
pose of examining candidates for
appointment as Naval Aviation
Cadet. This Board is headed by
Lieutenant A. Laverents, veteran
war-time flyer, as senior member.
Lieutenant Laverents states that
all candidates -Who apply who meet
the necessary general requirements,
will be given a personal interview
and a thorough flight physical
Candidates must be American
citizens, betwen 20 and 27, unmar
ried, of sound physical condition,
including a minimum height of five
feet, six inches, and a minimum
weight of 132 pounds, and must
have perfect vision in both eyes
without the aid of glasses. They
must have a minimum of two full
years of college education.
A. & M. Will Lose Likable Professor When
A. K. Mackey Departs for New Position Soon
For fifteen years courses in-
sheep and goat production at A. &
M. College have been synonymous
with the name of Professor A. K.
Mackey. Not only is he a familiar
figure on the campus at Aggieland
but he is equally well known by
thousands of ex-Aggies, ranch
men, and livestock and agricultural
men everywhere.
But in June, A. & M. will lose
the professor who has taught hun
dreds of now Texas livestock men
the principles of sheep and goat
husbandry, when Mr. Mackey leav
es College Station for San Angelo
to assume his new duties as sec
retary of the Texas Sheep and
Goat Raisers’ Association.
At A^ & M. Mr. Mackey has been
in charge of the sheep and Angora
goat division of the Animal Hus
bandry Department. He has taught
such courses as sheep and goat pro
duction, wool and mohair, market
types and classes of livestock, ad
vanced studies of animal husband
ry, and livestock judging. He is
credited with having been influen
tial in establishing the wool lab
oratory at A. & M. for student use,
and with having promoted the
study of range sheep production
for the benefit of West Texas stu
A. K. Mackey
Aggies and ex-Aggies who have
had work under Mr. Mackey de
scribe him as being “conscientious, |
thorough, and complete” in all his j
undertakings, and all mention his
“good nature.” In his instruction, J
say these former students, he has 1
stressed the part legislation plays
in development of the industry, and
always has emphasized the value
of co-operation among producers.
Mr. Mackey entered Purdue Uni
versity, Lafayette, Indiana, in 1915.
His major work was in Animal
Husbandry, and it was there he de
cided to follow sheep work as
much as possible. He spent two
years in the United States army
during the World War, from 1917
to 1919. After the signing of the
Armistice to end the first World
War he returned to Purdue and
completed his last two years of
work, graduating in 1921.
During his summer vacations in
1920 and 1921 he worked with Tom
Bradbourne, an old shepherd who
came to this country from Eng
land. After that, Dean Coffey, who
was then professor of Sheep Hus
bandry at the University of Hlinois,
employed Mackey to work with him
in instructional and experimental
work with sheep. Dean Coffey left
Illinois in the fall of 1921, and
Mackey spent the next four years
with Dr. W. G. Kammlade, who is
now in charge of sheep work at
the University of Illinois. In 1923,
Mr. Mackey received his M.S. de
gree in Animal Husbandry from the
University of Dlinols.
In the summer of 1923, Mackey
(Continued on page 4)
Mr. Mandell was born in Bar-
lad, Roumania, in 1903. There he
received most of his education ex
cept for some time spent in this
country at the Johns Hopkins Uni
versity at Baltimore, Md., and
Cumberland University at Leban
on, Tenn., where he got his LL.B.
degree. He began his law prac
tice in Houston in 1930, and the
majority of his practice has been
in the field of labor laws and the
employer - employee relationship,
branches of various labor unions of
both the American Federation of
Labor and the Committee for In
dustrial Organization. He has had
extensive experience in this field
before all types of courts and
Arthur J. Mandell, noted Houston
attorney who addressed the Eco
nomics Club at its last meeting.
The directors of the Economics
Club for next year met last Mon
day afternoon to elect their officers
for next year and to make fur
ther plans for their activities. Paul
Lowry was elected president for
the 1940-41 session. The other of
ficers are Gibb Michalk, vice-pres
ident; Jordan Wolf, secretary-
treasurer; and Tom Gillis, social
secretary and publicity chairman.
R. L. Elkins is the faculty mem
ber and sponsor of the directors and
the club. Other directors for the
club will be Mayo Thompson, Paul
Haines, Davis Angell, Bob Gulley,
and James Rominger.
Wednesday, May 22, is the date
that has been set aside for the an
nual Reserve Day Program which
is sponsored under the organized
effort of the State Department and
the Brazos County Chapter of the
Reserve Officers Association.
The program that has been sche
duled for this year should be of
particular interest to all graduat
ing seniors, as well as anyone in
terested in the work of the Re
serve Corps, for tradition has been
broken this year by planning to
present the program on a week
night. In the past the event has
been held on Saturday or Sun
day and consequently conflicted
with the scheduled activities of the
spring social calendar. This new
date was established as a means
of creating more interest within
the senior class.
The primary purpose of the af
fair is to stimulate considerable
interest and encourage cadets to
(Continued on page 4)
Scientific Review To Be
Changed To 2 Magazines
Mural on Lecture Room Wall
Shown above is one of the huge murals at the front of the lecture
room in the Agricultural Engineering Building. Their painter, Miss
Gertrude Babcock, is shown at the work on which she has spent nearly
a year, just completing it recently.
Murals Now Adorn Wall of A. E.
Building; Depict Farming Advance
By Bob Nisbet
Now adorning the front wall of
the Agricultural Engineering lec
ture room is a huge five-panel
mural, painted by Miss Gertrude
Babcock, a Texas artist and a
graduate of T. S. C. W., depicting
the advance of agriculture, farm
ing methods, and of farm machin
ery from the days of the yoke
of oxen to the present days of
modern equipment.
The idea of the murals was
formed in the mind of Dan
Scoates, late head of the Depart
ment of Agricultural Engineering,
who laid the plan before several
manufacturers of farm machinery.
Unfortunately he died before the
mural was completed, so now,
though not the original purpose,
the mural remains to honor his
One of the larger manufacturers
thought well of Mr. Scoates idea
and commissioned Miss Babcock
to do the work, largely because
they thought that since she was
from the state, she better than
anyone else could put in the detail
and the expression.
Before making the sketches for
the murals, Miss Babcock visited
several parts of the state, making
drawings of various types of farms
and types of farming. Her
sketches were accepted with few
changes. Her beginning was just
about one year ago.
As before mentioned, the mural
is divided into five panels. The
story of the murals begins with
the left-front panel. Here is
shown a yoke of oxen, indicating
-f-one of the earliest types of Amer
ican farms. Also in the picture
is a long gully showing that at
that time there was no knowledge
available on terracing to prevent
soil erosion.
The right-front panel is next in
line. Terracing has appeared in
the scene. Also the farm in gen
eral looks more progressive than
did the one in the first panel. The
machinery on this farm is not me
chanized, but nevertheless it is
machinery. The farmer is driving
a two-row cultivator with two
mules furnishing the power.
Panels three and four on the
inside walls both carry the same
(Continued on page 4)
Two Aggies Engaged
To Work With World
Fair Dairy Exhibits
Elbert Lavard Pierce of Gold-
thwaite and W. C. Foster of Tulia
have been engaged by the Borden
Company as members of the “Dairy
World of Tomorrow” exhibit at
the New York World’s Fair, ac
cording to an announcement just
made. The project on which they
will work is an advanced demon
stration of scientific dairying re
volving around a herd of selected
Both Pierce and Foster are jun
ior dairy husbandry students here,
and were engaged upon the rec
ommendation of the college author
Summer School Enrollment Expected To Reach
2000 In Twenty-first Session This Summer
Engineers And Ag
Students To Have
Own Publications
Tom Power Selected As
Head of Ag Magazine
The division of the Scientific
Review into two separate and dis
tinct technical magazines for next
year has been announced by the
Student Publications Board. Both
the Agricultural and Engineering
schools will have their own publi
cation, written and edited by stu
dents, instead of having both
schools combine the news of the de
velopments in their departments in
the Scientific Review, as has been
done in the past.
The reason for the action taken
by the board is to stimulate inter
est in these publications for the
members of the two schools. The
matter was discussed by both the
Engineering and Agricultural coun
cils and was enthusiastically en
dorsed by both. The councils are
composed of presidents or repre
sentatives of student agricultural
and engineering clubs. Both bodies
felt that the publication of an in
dividual magazine by each school
would better serve the needs of the
students and the departments.
The publications will be handled
through the Student Publications
Department and will be issued al
ternately each month of next
year, beginning with an October
issue of the Agricultural magazine.
Copies of the Agricultural maga
zine will be issued also in the
months of December, February,
and April. The Engineering mag
azine will be issued in November,
January, March, and May. This
distribution of the issues was made
so that a copy of the engineering
publication will appear on Engi
neers Day.
Separate staffs will work on
and issue the magazines, headed
by men selected by the councils
of the two schools. Each staff will
work independently, but both will
wc rk with the Student Publica
tions Department.
To n Power- A Cavalry, from
Post, Texas, has already been se
lected by the Agricultural Council
to serve as editor of the agricul
ture magazine. The Engineering
Council has not yet acted to se
lect its editor, but the men who
worked on the engineering staff
of the Scientific Review this year
and are eligible for this position
are Jeff Montgomery, B. F.
Roberts, E. L. Santoni, and Boh
The advisory staff for the Agri
cultural magazine will be headed:
by Dean E. J. Kyle. Other mem
bers will be Dr. Ide P. Trotter, Dr-
Guy Adriance, and Prof. C. N.
(Continued on page 4)
By Glenn Mattox
On June 10, of this year, will
begin the college’s twenty-first
session of summer school. The pop
ularity of these sessions have
grown steadily with the years, and
last summer, 1,800 students en
rolled for various courses. This
year it is expected that the en
rollment will top 2,000.
The program of the summer ses
sion offers work in practically all
the different fields of learning
included in the regular long term
of the college. The general pur
pose is to thus extend the activi
ties of the resident teaching divi
sion of the college throughout the
entire year. The large variety of
courses provides instruction for
regular students in the various
schools, and for those engaged
during the winter months in teach
ing, an opportunity to pursue work
for college credit and for further
professional improvement. Courses
for both graduates and undergra
duates are offered by practically
all department of the college.
The organization of the summer
session, of which Dr. C. H. Wink
ler is director, is divided into two
divisions. The college division con
sists of the six and twelve weeks
courses of regular instruction, plus
a number of short unit courses ex
tending over a period of two or
three weeks to meet the needs of
adults (teachers and professionals)
who cannot leave their jobs for a
longer period of time. The non
college division includes: The Sum
mer Cotton School; various admin
istrative conferences; and a num
ber of short courses such as the
Farmers’ Short Course, and the
Firemen’s Training School.
The faculty consists of a por
tion of the same staff employed
during the long terms. All depart
ments participate in these sum
mer sessions and all their equip
ment is available for use. The
College Library is also open dur
ing the summer.
An investigation of the cost
per hour has shown that the sum
mer sessions are approximately
one-half as expensive as the long
term. Enrollees may, register for
from one to seven hours’ work at
an average cost of five dollars
per hour. In the regular term stu
dents normally register for eight
een hours at an average cost of ten
dollars per hour.
■f As in previous summers the Col
lege will provide a variety of in
teresting lectures and entertain
ment at no extra cost to the stu
dents. There are also open forums
and educational conferences. The
Assembly Hall and the Campus
Theatre will provide this summer’s
theatrical entertainment. The col
lege tennis courts, swimming pools,
recreation clubs at the North Gate
and in the Y.M.C.A. are open to
interested students. The softball
league schedules one or more
games daily throughout the sum
mer. Students interested in golf
may obtain a special summer rate
at the Country Club.
The summer sessions are coedu
cational, and a good number of
women students register each sum
mer—with T. S. C. W. being well
represented. With these incentives,
and with as good a climate as
may be found in Texas, the as
pects of the summer sessions are
unusually delightful, pleasant and
educational. Here a student in a
j leisurely fashion may receive cre-
' dit for his needy hours and if he
! studies, an abundance of grade
| points.