The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1940, Image 2
PAGE 2 New Longhorn— (Continued from page 1) On Record— (Continued from page 1) The “Vanity Fair” and “Senior Favorites” section add the right touch of femininity to the book, keeping it from being entirely a “men’s book”. The “Greenhorn” section has been eliminated this year to make room for the activities at Aggie- land. Longhorn Editor George Smith today made the following state ment: “There has been some misunder standing concerning the fact that the seniors this year are not re ceiving annuals with padded covers —except for a few which were presented to the senior editors and managers of publications. (These few were padded as a surprise gift by the Gulf Printing Company, printers of the book). “It has just been three years that the Student Publications Of fice has tried to favor the senior class by presenting senior books with padded covers. It has been found impossible to determine ex actly those who were graduating seniors at the time this list.had to be made up. For that reason the practice has been discontinued. “This year’s cover design lends itself to a flat cover. Flat covers have been found to be more dur able and more strongly bound.” In order to get the Longhorn it will be necessary to present a re ceipt showing the payment of stu dent activities fee or payment for a Longhorn. This receipt must be presented at room 22 Administration Build ing where a card will be issued. This card should be taken to room 31 where a copy of the annual may be obtained. If a student has lost his receipt, a copy may be ob tained Monday at the Student Pub lications Office. RECORDS “It’s A Lovely Day Tomorrow” ‘‘You Can’t Brush Me Off” Freddy Martin and his Orchestra “The Fable of the Rose” “The Breeze and I” Charlie Barnet and his Orchestra “Mother Machree” “Write a Letter to Your Mother” Dick Todd, Baritone with Orchestra “Little Curly Hair in a High Chair” “Old Grand Dad” , “Fats” Waller and his Rhythm “Secrets in the Moonlight” “They Ought to Write a Book About You” Bob Chester and his Orchestra “Wait ’Til the Sun Shines, Nellie” “In the Evening by The Moonlight” Golden Memory Boys Male Quartet with Orchestra “Alice Blue Gown” “Wonderful One” Glenn Miller and his Orchestra HASWELL’S Bryan, Texas came up. “There’s a record of the War Hymn, all right,” he remi nisces with a pained grin. “It’s by a covey of champion buskers call ed the Colonial Club Orchestra and four vitamin-deficient tenors take the ‘Hullabaloo’ yell as well as the vocal. . . Yeah— there IS a record!” But it was impossible to do much about it. Nobody was offer ing the band railroad fares and excused absences while they traip sed off to a recording studio, and WTAW was fresh out of $5000 recording machines. Then came the brainstorm that solved the prob lem. It’ll be done today at 11:45 a. m., central standard time. And, if you’ve got a radio, you can be “backstage” on the whole thing by tuning to station WTAW. The deal: The Former Students Association is financing the un dertaking; the concert unit of the Aggie Band, the Singing Cadets, and Jack Littlejohn and his Ag- gieland Orchestra will make the music go—not round and round, but straight as an ion to a pair of recording turntables on the other end of a 180-mile wire to Dallas. The whole proceedings, since they happen to coincide with WTAW’k broadcasting schedule, will perforce be substituted for the regular 11:45 program. Thereby hangs this tale. It’s a funny way to make a record—in fact, probably the first time any body ever went at it in just this fashion. Usually the music and the recording machinery are under the same roof. But not so here! The music-making will be picked up in WTAW’s studio, fed over the high- fidelity broadcast line of the Texas Quality Network (idle, once it has done its stint for the Texas Farm and Home Program) to Dallas, where the “master” will be cut with high-quality equipment not available in College Station. Then—after the first hundred “subscription” copies destined for the archives and for officials and prominent exes—you can buy ’em, and for less than a dollar. On one side of the record you’ll get the band and the glee club working together on “The Aggie War Hymn” and “The Spirit of Aggieland”. The still-on-the-up- grade “I’d Rather Be A Texas Aggie” backs the disc. The Aggie land Orchestra does that part of it with the lyrics sung by composer and maestro Jack who has been polishing up his familiar arrange ment for the benefit of “juke box” customers. T-"—— ~T I Congratulations High School Graduates WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF: School Supplies R.C.A. Radios Records Record Players Electric Razors Stationery I.E.S. Lamps Gifts Typewriters & Supplies Paints Picture Framing “52 Years of Continuous Service to A. and M.” HASWELL’S Bryan, Texas I FUTURE AGGIES WELCOME F It will be our pleasure next fall to greet and serve each of you in any nature within our capacity. We welcome you to the greatest men’s college in our nation and invite your patronage when commuting between College Station and Bryan. RIDE THE BUSES — RIDE WITH SAFETY SAFE - DEPENDABLE - COURTEOUS BRYAN - COLLEGE TRACTION CO. —INC.— THE BATTALION A. & M.’s Noted Co-op House System Affords Many Boys College Careers The largest cooperative student housing program in the United States and the largest cooperative consumers project in Texas—that is the project-house system at A. & M. The history of this housing plan is relatively short. The Texas A. & M. cooperative housing program for college students was first con ceived, organized and sponsored in 1932 by the Department of Rural Sociology, chiefly through the ef forts of Dan Russell, head of the department. From a humble be ginning with ten members this or ganization has almost trebled it self in number for each year till 1939. In the 1938-39 session there were some 1600 student and some 60 housing units. This year because of the addition of twelve new dor mitories fewer project bouses were pressed into use. This cooperative movement, con ceived during the days of the de pression, served as a means of bringing a higher education within reach of the ambitious, yet eco nomically handicapped youth of the rural areas. Today this stu dent organization serves its origi nal purpose, but has been modified to meet the educational needs of handicapped youth in both urban and rural areas. - An attempt has been made to tie all the A. & M. projects into the local community by some type of local sponsorship. Student groups may be sponsored by county agents, vocational agriculture teachers, parent-teacher associa tions, Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, denominational groups, chambers of commerce, women’s clubs, the American Legion, county school superintendents, Former Students Clubs, or numerous other civic or ganizations. These groups are or ganized on a basis of common in terest of locality or social ties. Sponsors lend moral support and leadership in contacting and or ganizing those financially handi capped high-school graduates of a locality who desire to further their education. One sponsoring group, Washington County, financed the building of a home to house their student groups; the students in turn repay the loan with interest through the payment of house rents over a period of years. Sponsors are responsible for leadership, planning, and fostering of groups before the students are sent to col lege. The average size of a cooperative group is 22 members. Groups vary from six to 80 members. Each house has a matron or “house mother.” She creates a “home-like” •stability and is responsible for serving well-prepared and balanc ed meals. Hers is a myriad role of mediator, a giver of advice, a fos ter-mother, and a purchaser of kit chen supplies. The success of a co operative group very frequently hinges on her leadership, foresight, management, understanding of youth and knowledge of an econom ical yet well-prepared serving of foods. The members of each house elect a student manager and a treasurer. The student manager is responsible for discipline, house orderliness, in spection of students’ rooms, col lections of rents and money for payment of household bills. The treasurer keeps books and pays all utility, rent, and grocery bills. This student treasurer determines the amount to be paid by each stu dent as his pro-rata share of the total expenses for a given period. The expense account of each coop erative group is filed at the De partment of Rural Sociology each month. The household account is open for inspection by students of a group at any time. Each student is responsible for a clean and orderly room. Students in cooperative houses observe all college rules in addition to special house rules which have been for mulated by Daniel Russell. Municipal and Sanitary Engineering PEER M iN V r™LD Jr Dept. Meets Needs of Growing Cities of minor sports The Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering was es tablished in 1925, particularly to meet the needs of Texas cities. Tex as cities have been growing very fast and at the same time they have been exceptionally progres sive in the furnishing of city ser vices. They have had to meet the problems of water supply, sewer age, general sanitation, mosquito control, etc. Proper solution of these problems has necessitated the employment of engineers, san itarians, and inspectors, many of whom have been trained by the Municipal and Sanitary Engineer ing Department of A. & M., which is headed by Professor E. W. Steel. Texas cities have also been lead ers in adoption of the highly effi cient city manager plan of city government. Since a large propor tion of outstandingly successful professional city managers are men with engineering training, it has been a logical development to combine instruction in municipal administration and city manage ment with the engineering training which peculiarly fits graduates to occupy positions as city man agers and executives in city utili ties, finance, engineering and health departments. Short courses have been given for the benefit of men in practical work who wish some instruction in theory and recent advances in their fields. Three short courses for peace officers have been given. The annual water works short course, first established in 1917 by the State Health Department, has now been permanently established at the college by reason of the facilities furnished and cooperation rendered by this department. Mosquito control on the college campus and other sanitary inspect ion work are other duties of the department. These duties are per formed by L. E. Winder. Wide Sports Variety Is Offered Students If a student is interested in any kind of sport that has been intro duced to the South, other than those peculiar to the sea shores or some other special places, he is likely to find it in the broad physical education and athletics program at A. & M. College. Take Your Choice Even with the four major and nine minor sports failing to inter est him, he still has a chance in the intramural program, for W. L. Penberthy and his co-workers in clude a variety of activities cal culated to reach nearly any boy. The tumbling team, an organiza tion without coach and without special backing, has won rather wide recognition. Then there are swimming, cross-country, rifle shooting, water polo, basketball, speedball, tennis, handball, volley ball, horse-shoe pitching, wrestling, boxing, track, playground ball— almost anything except football, which is replaced by touch foot- Housing- Meet— (Continued from page 1) public housing will be shown both Friday and Saturday. The conference is open to the public. The final program is as follows: Friday, May 17 The theme for the morning will be , “Why Can’t I Have a House?” with Professor C. J. Finney, De partment of Architecture, A. & M. College, presiding. 8:00 Registration in lobby of Y.M.C.A. 9:30 Address of Welcome: Col. Ike Ashburn, executive assistant to the president, A. & M. College, in the chapel of the Y.M.C.A. 10:00 (a) “The Problem of the Rural Dweller,” Mrs. T. J. Carroll, farm wife, Brazos Co., Texas. (b) “The Problem of the Urban Dweller,” Mrs. Barry Colson, of fice worker, Bryan, Texas, (c) “What kind of a Low Cost House?” Mary A. Mason, professor of home economics, Texas State College for Women, Denton, Texas. The theme for the afternoon will be “Practical Problems of the Low- Cost House,” with S. B. Zisman, assistant professor of architecture, Dept, of Architecture, A. & M. College presiding, in the Physics lecture room. 2:00 Address — “Architectural Evolution of Habitation, Its Func tions and Structure,” by Richard J. Neutra, A.I.A. Architect, of Los Angeles, California. Discus sion: (a) “The Architect,” O’Neil Ford, architect, Dallas, Texas; (b) “The General Contractor,” Russell W. Nix, president, T. B. Hubbard Construction Co., Houston, Texas; (c) “The Realtor,” E. L. Crain, developer of Garden Oaks, Hous ton, Texas; (d) “The Financial Agency”, J. C. Conway, vice-presi dent, Federal Home Loan Bank, Little Rock, Arkansas; (e) “The Materials Company,” P. M. Wool- worth, housing consultant, Port land Cement Association, Chicago, Illinois; (f) “The Lumber Yard,” Neal Pickett, secretary, Texas Lumbermen’s Association, Hous ton, Texas; (g) “The Laborer,” Cleave Culpepper, president, Dallas Central Labor Council, Dallas, Tex as. Friday evening a dinner will he held in Shisa Hall with the Archi tectural Club as host. Presiding will be E. C. French, head of the Architectural Club, Dept, of Archi tecture and the principal address will be made by Maury Maverick, mayor of San Antonio. Saturday, May 18 The theme for the morning will be: “What can the Building In dustry do for the Low-Cost House?” with T. B. Thompson, as-1 sistant professor of architecture, A. & M. College, presiding in the j J Physics lecture room. 9:30 Address—“Home Owner- j ! ship and the Building Industry”, j Ray Crow, engineer, Sales Pro- I duction Division, Tennessee C. I. ! & R. Company, Birmingham, Ala- | hama. Discussion: (a) “Prefabri cation and Standardization,” Joseph While Texas A. & M. gets plenty of competition in the major sports from other Southwest Conference schools, it is doubtful if any other school in this section of the country except possibly the University of Texas, can seriously rival the Ag gies in the field of minor sports. The school recognizes nine of them: Cross-country, rifle, pistol, swimming, water polo, tennis, golf, polo, and fencing. The Ag gies’ polo team is the only recog nized polo team in the Southwest. Win National Titles Something of the quality of the performances in these not-so-pub- licized fields of athletic endeavor at Aggieland can be realized from the fact that the water polo team, after placing second in the national junior A.A.U. tournament in 1938, won the title in 1939, and that the pistol team also won top honors, taking the national collegiate championship two successive years. Weston, Southwestern representa tive, Douglas Fir Plywood Asso ciation, Los Angeles, California; (b) “Maintenance Factors of the Low Cost House,” Charles W. Oli ver, regional conditioning super visor, Home Owners Loan Corp oration, Dallas, Texas; (c) “The Elements of Design,” Howard Meyer, architect, Dallas. The theme for the afternoon will be “What can Society do for the Low-Cost House?” with Elmer Scott, Director of the Civic Federa tion of Dallas, Texas, presiding in the Physics lecture room. 2:00 Address—“Community Plan ning and Housing,” Richard J. Neutra, A.I.A. Discussion: (a) “Planning for Needs,” Ray Morri son, Holland’s Magazine, Fort Worth, Texas; (b) “Planning Pro fitable Neighborhoods,” G. C. Har mon, land planning consultant, Federal Housing Administration, St. Louis, Missouri; (c) “Financing the Low Cost House,” Rufus Har dy, field representative, Federal Housing Administration, Houston, Texas; (d) “Educational Responsi bilities,” George E. Wilcox, pro fessor of education, A. & M. Col lege. SPECIAL PRICES 11 and TERMS to Students on New PONTIAC Also Good Used Cars Several dandy “Camp” cars priced right. I \ • ZAK PONTIAC COMPANY Main & 28th Sts. ■THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 Improvement— (Continued from page 1) for, and this summer will have in stalled, student and public lounges in the Academic Building, and probably in other class buildings where the need is greatest, thus answering a long-felt want of the student body. General Repairs Will Be Made to Older Halls The Board of Directors, further more, has authorized a survey and estimate for general repairs to the older dormitories, including recal- cimining of walls, repainting of woodwork, repairs to furniture, and general overhauling. It is probable, Dr. Walton stat ed, that students will not be hous ed in Ross and Foster, the two old est of these halls, next session. Military Department Stables Are To Be Moved The Board has also authorized a complete study and development of preliminary plans for stables for the Military Department, which contemplates moving its stables from their present location near the depot to the Military Depart ment’s pasture northeast of the college wells, on the north side of the road connecting the North Gate with highway 6. • President F. M. Law of the Board of Directors has stated that the Board is giving very serious consideration to the need for addi tional classroom, office, and labor- ‘Harvest Day’— (Continued from page 1) pile. The picnic will he held from 5:30 to 7 p. m. on Monday, May 27, in the formal garden in front of the Administration Building. A picnic dinner will he served. The affair will be strictly in formal with only a brief pro gram. Officers of the Former Stu dents’ Association have expressed the hope that this annual “Har vest Picnic” will serve not only as a celebration of a year’s work completed, but will give graduates and members of the teaching staff an opportunity for informal visit ing with each other in order to become better acquainted. atory buildings as well as recrea tional facilities. “Plans are al ready under way,” he declared, “for the construction, at as early as possible, of a new and larger hotel to serve the college, and a combination auditorium and gym nasium with union building facil ities, capable of serving the entire corps.” Members of the College Board of Directors are F. M. Law of Houston; H. C. Schuhmacher of Houston; G. R. White of Brady; R. W. Briggs of Pharr; A. H. Demke of Stephenville; H. L. Kokemot of Alpine; Walter G. Lacy of Waco; Joseph Utay of Dallas; and E. J. Kiest of Dallas. DINE “WHERE GOODFOODISBETTER” . . . and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of a place built for your enjoyment. WILL0W00D Located on Highway No. 6 Between Bryan and College WE WELCOME AGGIES AGGIES... BULLOCK & AKIN ... will make you swell with Pride on any occasion. ... in the smart wear ing' apparel featured in this shop. For College Men - you will find here for your convenience: Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing Arrow Shirts Arrow Underwear Allen A Hose Glover Sportswear Stetson Hats Glover Pajamas Visit Our Miilitary Department Before You Buy... And Save! ■ BULLOCK 4 AKIN THE FRIENDLY STORE FOR AGGIES { BRYAN, TEXAS