The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1940, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
■SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1940
TBe Battalion
Th« Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, IS a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1939 Member 1940
Dissociated GoUe&iate Press
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Circulation Manager
James Criti
E. O. (Jeep) Oates
K. G. Howard
Tommy Henderson Asst. Circulation Manager
•Hub’ Johnson Asst. Sports Editor
Philip Golman Staff Photographer
James Carpenter Assistant Photographer
John J. Moseley Staff Artist
Junior Editors
Billy Clarkson George Fuermann Bob Nisbet
A. J. Robinson — Earle A. Shields
James Critz ..
Don Burk
W. C. Carter
R. V. (Red)
Acting Managing Editor
Asst. Advertising Manager
Editorial Assistant
Myers Jr. Sports Assistant
Junior Advertising Solicitors
J. M. Sedberry
G. M. Woodman
Reportorial Staff
E. M. Rosenthal, Lee Rogers, Glenn Mattox, W. A. Moore,
Bob Parker, L. B. Tennison
Welcome, Parents!
Texas A. & M. extends a sincere and
hearty welcome to the parents of her stu
dents for this week-end.
Engineers’ Day and Parents’ Day this
week-end will offer these parents excellent
opportunities to witness the educational side
of the school which their sons are attending.
Sunday will be observed everywhere
else as Mothers’ Day; here it is designated
Parents’ Day, not to detract from the debt
which we owe our mothers, but to observe
at the same time a period of honor for our
fathers. It seems altogether fitting that in
any large group of sons this procedure be
You parents will find on the A. & M.
campus the most democratic group of stu
dents in Texas, all of them glad to have you
here and more than happy to be of any as
sistance they can.
We sincerely hope and believe that you,
foo, will get a touch of the “Aggie spirit”
before you leave A. & M.
^Mothers’ ( Day
Just a colored little flower,
In the lapel of a coat,
Worn upon a May-day Sabbath,
We would have you all take note.
Or perhaps a pure white one,
Is the flower that you wear;
But they all will cherish Mother
With us or over there.
Beauty, fresh and dainty tinted,
Like the bloom of Mother’s heart;
Sweet in fragrance like the spirit
Precious Mother does impart.
Mother bonds are ever sacred;
Closer ties we’ll never know.
For the clinging love of Mother
Goes with us where’er we go.
These returns in flowers given
Are but meaningless we know;
Rather make the flowers a token,
Pulsing, throbbing to and fro
Of a love now rich and tender
Streaming forth as on we go;
Blessing her, protect, defend her,
Tenderest love we now bestow.
Here on earth or up in heaven
Let us cherish all she’s done,
And enshrine her winsome counsel
As the warmth of flowing sun.
—Dean Dutton,
In “Quests and Conquests”
If War Should Come ...
If the worst should come and this country
should find itself unable to continue in the even
tenor of its peaceful way, young people who now
complain of inconsequental things might learn to
appreciate how easy their opportunities have been
made for them.
Education, among the many things handed to
them today on a silver platter, so to speak, might
come to have a more significant meaning to our
pampered boys and girls.
Boys who are playing their time avfcay at school
and girls who think they are mistreated if they
can’t have every luxury might learn a lesson from
what has happened to young people in warring
Any sacrifice American boys and girls are
asked to make these days is nothing compared to the
hardships facing boys and girls whose countries
are being over-run by invading armies.
The ancestors of China’s sheltered girls pro
bably would turn in their graves to see them break
ing rocks with heavy picks, hammering away at
bamboo scaffolding on school buildings and doing
other manual labor for the sake of an education.
That is what college girls in China are doing
today—^principally so they can continue their studies,
which were interrupted when the current war be
The students in the Liangkiang Girls college
have written an heroic Chapter in the history of
that institution. The college was once famous in
China. It was located in Shanghai.
When its campus was razed during the battle of
Shanghai in 1937, the girls and their teachers
packed their belongings, boarded river boats and
moved themselves back into the interior.
There, with their own hands, they built a new
college. The 650 students and 33 faculty members
broke rocks for a road to the main highway, built
20 cottages, laid stone paths and cleared ground for
vegetable gardens.
Without electricity, running water or class
rooms, to all of which they were accustomed in
Shanghai, the student body is carrying on as usual.
Classes are held in the open air, vegetable-oil
lamps are used for lighting and mimeographed
sheets serve in place of textbooks.
The students grow their own vegetables, sew
their own clothes and do their own laundry.
Their life is Spartan in its regime. They get
up at 5 a. m. for morning drill. Classes are held
from 6 a. m. to noon with an hour’s interval for
breakfast. Lunch is followed by a two-hour rest
and classes continue until 4:30 p. m., after which
the gardening and other tasks must be done.
These war-made Spartans, remember, were the
pale and sheltered beauties of a peaceful China.
Christianity, Fire Insurance
Policy or Way of Life?
Is Christianity a fire insurance policy or a
way of life? The size of present-day congregations
and the size of the church rolls would cause one
to think that Christianity is only something to
keep people out of Hell and get them into Heaven.
Most people believe in immortality and profess
Christianity on that basis. However, as we examine
Christianity we find that it is more than a prep
aration for eternity. It is also an aggressive mode
of life' by which the individual becomes the master of
his environment, not its complacent victim. Empty
pews and church attendance raise a question in
the minds of preachers as well as non-Christians.
What is the cause of this condition ? Sherwood
Eddy declares that “it is sudden indifference on
the part of Christians.” Mr. Eddy is partly right
in his declaration. However, upon questioning stu
dents as to their objection to attending church, we
find several factors presented.
First, some say, there are too many hypocrites
in the church. But the church is not only for good
folks, but also for the improvement or imperfect
humanity. Christians who are honest will admit that
their activities are not the whole of good works,
but there is a determination on their part to strive
toward a degree of perfection, at least.
Some others say that the sermons are dry and
uninteresting. Certainly, there is nothing so dull as
to sit for 45 minutes on a hot Sunday morning
listening to the monotonous drone and delivery of
a sermon with meaningless theme. Yet empty pews
cannot inspire a preacher. It is possible that if
there were more interest in the pews, there would
be more inspiration from the pulpit. As we consider
the reasons for non-church attendance, we will
admit there is a basis for them. But what can
be done?
The world agrees that the church as an organ
ization is the chief, though imperfect, vehicle of
religious truths. Shall we abandon it, ignore it, or
will the youth of today take its rightful place in
the church, overcoming the many imperfections
with their sincerity and enthusiasm and crowding
out the hypocrisy with true Christian living?
Let us hope and ask that it be so.—College Star
Members of the Byrd expedition are said to
get along without bathing, which may help to ex
plain the ambition of every small boy to grow up
and become an explorer.
As the World Turns...
A1 B. Nelson
Cotton Farmers were hit another heavy blow by
the New Dead leader during the past week when the
President vetoed the crop insurance plan for cot
ton. The same plan is already in effect for wheat
farmers in order to get the votes of the great wheat
producing areas of the middle west but the Cot
ton Farmer, having already lost his
foreign market through a New Deal
experiment, was given a kick in the
face by being refused the same pro
tection already given the wheat far
mer. Of course cotton is raised only
in the south which will vote the
straight ticket no matter who is
on the ballot, therefore money can
be saved to spend in areas where
the vote is doubtful.
Prime Minister Chamberlain re
ceived a real kick in the seat of the
trousers when the British Parliament failed to give
him his usual vote of confidence after his failure
in Norway. As the paper goes to press it is ex
pected that Chamberlain will be forced to resign to
allow a coalition government to be formed to push
the war with vigor.
It is triplets now—At first Germany was con
tent to swallow nations one at a time, then Hitler
became more impatient and took in twins, Denmark
and Norway, this time it is triplets with German
troops invading Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg.
If this try is successful Hitler will probably try to
copy Papa Dionne (nationally speaking). However,
if Chamberlain is kicked out of office in time the
British and French may interfere effectively.
The U. S. Battle Fleet is now concentrated at
Pearl Harbor in Hawaii to prevent the Japanese
from taking over the Dutch East Indies and a
late radio news item indicates that the U. S. fleet
is also guarding the Dutch islands in the West
Indies since they command the Atlantic entrance to
the Panama Canal.
Chamberlain has resigned according to a radio
report just received and Winston Churchill is the
new Prime Minister.
George Fuermann
‘‘Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster.
Texas A. & M. has the distinc-
rru r -D • , „ , . , , , ,. T ,, tion of being served by the only
The way of things . . . Bernie green glass, he pointed out, “It s
Cummins, who maestroed for the called ‘green light.’ Light seen woman student leader in the newly-
Composite Regiment Ball, has an- through red glass is properly call- created extension program of the
nounced that “The Aggie War ed ‘red light,’ and light seen Hillel Foundation.
Hymn” or “I’d Rather Be A Texas through purple glass is known as During the past summer the
Aggies” will be ‘purple light.’ But light coming orbit of the Hillel Foundation pro-
played on his Fitch through brown blass,” he indig- .. .. .. .
, ,, ,, , , . , gram was considerably widened.
Band Wagon ap- nantly declared, is called amber
pearance late this light.’ It ain’t right—it’s un- Eighteen new colleges and univer-
month or early in American, unorthodox, uncivilized, sities are to receive the benefit of
June. . . From T. and unfair to good old brown the Hillel technique through a
S. C. W. comes the light! All those interested in carefully planned extension service,
following letter— joining the RBLM (Recognition of The p ur po se of this Hillel Foun-
devoted to “How to Brown Light Movement) may do dation is to bring a measure of
Study for Final so by sending in a new $10 bill Jewish influence into the lives of
Fuermann Exams” or “Why or a possable facsimile thereof, students who otherwise would be
They Made a Mil- 10,000 sweet peas: completely cut away from Jewish
lion on Coca Cola”: 9,000 red and 1,000 white is the religious and cultural contacts.
....Dear Sir: Little children often number of flowers that will color Through this extension program
climb into my spacious lap and, the lapels of cadets after Sun- more than six thousand students
winding their grimy little fingers day’s annual Mothers’ Day cere- are thereby added to the ten thous-
in my hair, whisper, ‘Tell us, Oh mony. It’ll take 104 seniors’ and who already benefit from the
Muse, how do you study?’ Some- sweethearts to pin teh daisies on operation of the twelve full-fledged
times they even say, ‘Do you the blushing Aggies— and 5,000 Foundations which serve the larg-
study?’ (although this usually straight pins will hold them on for est American universities,
turns out to be a professor, and nn hour or so. The Y. ]M. C. A. Mrs. J. J Taubenhaus of College
one thing leads to another and has been the donor of the flowers station is the first woman in the
there I am in the Dean’s Office for several years and “Y” officials National Hillel set-up. For many
explaining about bad eyes and the can remember when 500 was a y earS) the late Professor Tauben-
unfairness of the marking sys- large order. Cost of the flowers b aus and his wife have been the
tern). is $55 this year. “Y” officials have sponsors of Jewish life on their
“However, this often sets me to tried each year to obtain rose buds, ca mpus, in a purely voluntary
wondering and sometimes I Won- - but thus far they have been un- ca p a<; ity. Mrs. J. J. Taubenhaus
der for hours on end until I have able to find a floral firm who can bas }) ee n the patron saint of Jewish
to make a phone call or someone HU the order. jj-fg on ^ be campus for many col-
needs the chair I’m sitting in. 9 lege generations.
Anyhow, I’ve finally worked up To Austin—the bicycle way: MrSi Taubenhaus is a sister of
the following personal quiz to find And Mack Hodges will back them David de Sola Pool, promi-
“The Yanks are Not Coming”
was the theme of Hunter College’s
peace strike.
Saturday, 6:45 & 8:30—
THE IRISH”, with Priscilla
Lane, Thomas Mitchell, Den
nis Morgan, Alan Hale, Vir
ginia Grey, Henry Armetta.
Saturday—“THE AMAZ
Melvyn Douglas and Joan
Midnight show—“SUEZ”,
featuring Tyrone Power, Lo
retta Young, and Annabella.
out whether or not a person is de- The Texas State Highway De
serving of passing a course. Here partment says that it’s 113 miles
it is: from College Station to Austin . . .
1. Have you spent one or two And Mack Hodges will back them
hours in the library this semester ? up on the claim. As mentioned
2. Have you spent one or two in Thursday’s column, Mack’s the
hours in the library this semester Aggie who cycled from college to
studying? Austin last Friday and Saturday
3. Have you bought textbooks —“Just to see if it could be done,”
in at least two of the courses you as Mack explained it. Leaving
are taking? the college at 5 o’clock Friday
4. Do you know what courses afternoon, Mack arrived in Austin
you are taking? 23 hours later—but actually he
Give yourself 25 points for every was only twelve hours on the road
‘yes’.” a s he spent the night in Rockdale.
® He peddled the first 55 miles at
In defense of brown light: an average of 14% m. p. h.—and
One of the truly intellectual this with a side wind. Mack says
and highly informative conversa- that 90 per cent of the work is
tions of the year took place at a pushing against the wind and
college eatery the other night. The fighting the heat. “Was I tired
whole thing got its awful start when I arrived in Austin? Well
when a faculty member decided ... I had a date that night and
that brown light was being neglect- didn’t tell her how I got to Austin
ed. “When light is seen through until I took her home!”
nent New York Hadassah leader.
“THREE CHEERS FOR THE tioned, Henry Armetta has a minor j
IRISH” are heartily voiced by New SU pp 0rt ing role. Scotch and Irish j
Yorkers as they elect the Irish-est, brogues fly thick and furious for |
fightm est ex-policeman ever to j
the job of aldermen for their over- P° litical reasons > and somewhat |
grown city. The ‘foine old flat- more slowly and paternalistically *
foot’ who plays the part of Thomas for council between the father and
Mitchell, an Academy award win- daughters. Wearers of the green
ner, and Scarlet O’Hara’s father will enjoy this human interest show,
in “Gone With The Wind”. His For Aggies with the midnight-
three foine daughters are Priscilla show habit, the Campus is inaugu-
Lane, Irene Hervey, and Virginia rating a close-to-home feature ev-
Grey. ery Saturday night. First one is
The campaign for alderman is “SUEZ”, romantic story of the
complicated by Irene’s acceptance building of the Suez canal. Tyrone
of campaign funds from a gambl- Power is the engineer who digs
er. Another monkey wrench in papa the mighty ditch, but in so doing
Casey’s machinery is the marriage loses his happiness when the glam-
of daughter Priscilla to rookie cop orous Loretta Young marries roy-
Dennis Morgan, intensely disliked alty. His is the bitter pill of ac
hy long-time policeman Casey. In cepting the thanks of his queen
disgust, Casey admits his cam- for his great deed, but the queen is
paign is being conducted dishonest- the woman who should be his wife,
ly, but the admiration of the peo- Annabella does her best to console
pie for his forthrightness and him while working in the desert
frankness sweeps him into office, upon his project. Good show.
A reconciliation with Priscilla
comes when she blesses him with
twin grandchildren.
This story has plenty of human Chicago”
interest and plenty of gags. The
hubbub of political rallies is played
up pretty well, but the feature runs
a trifle long. There is a good cast
Do you want a Ford car ?
We are helping make it
possible for you to have
one in our graduation
present. We are giving a
special discount and
terms on our cars to gra
duating seniors as a gra
duation present.
Come in today and ask
us about it.
Latest Records
Shake Down The Stars
Glen Miller
Adios, Marquita Linda
Artie Shaw’s New
No Name Jive, Part 1
And Part 2
Glen Grey
The Woodpecker Song
Russ Morgan
Glen Miller
Easy Does It
Bob Chester
Kay Kyser
. . . and each following day, the first five customers
in our plant will get one pair of slacks cleaned and
pressed free.
Buttons Sewed Rips Sewed
North Gate at the Green Neon Sign
“Glamour boys” modeled at a
fashion show and tea dance at
The world’s worst thug, Buhran,
Hindu, murdered 931 men in
in this show; besides those men- 40 years.
Buy any 500 Item . . .
Buy any $1.00 Item . . .
Good on Candy for Mothers’ Day
We Pay Postage.
Special One Week Only . . .
“Keep to your right at the North Gate and
you can’t go wrong”
Henry Gines, the man
who knows how to make
boots will be at the Ag-
gieland Inn—
MAY the 13th
14th - 15th
... to take your meas
ure for the famous Cen
tral hand made boots.
The best boots at the
most reasonable price
Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, Texas