The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 02, 1940, Image 1

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Ihe Battalion
NEWSCAST, 4:30-5:30
VOL. 39
NO. 82
Junior Yell-Leaders For 1940-41 To Be Named Tonight
Juniors And
New Campus Theater Opens Tonight New Plan Would Distribute
u p. , , Student Jobs More Evenly Sophomores
Has Finest A - & ^ Newest Theater - Opens Tonight „ _ ndations which havetSocial Secretary , VntPQ
# — Wn nnnrnvpH hv t.hp Ac- Advertising Manager, Battalion 8 V'ClkJ L f U LCkJ
‘Buddy’ Walker Is
Manager of Newest
Civic Enterprise
By A. J. Robinson
At last! After long waiting,
Aggieland will tonight see the
opening of the grand and new
sixty-five-thousand-dollar modern
air-conditioned theater, the Cam
pus. Originally scheduled to open
at the beginning of the year, the
Campus has found difficulty in
securing film, but will open to
night with a newly-released pic
ture entitled “Son of the Navy,”
starring James Dunn and Jean
Although the show is a first-
run picture, it is not an assurance
of first-run pictures In the fu
ture. It was not obtained by a
contract, but was secured on a
“spotting” basis, that is, the book
ing of only one picture at a time,
Manager V. A. (Buddy) Walker
stated. Although the movie is not
rated as being of first class, we
are informed that the Campus
Theater management is trying
desperately to secure first-run,
first-class pictures for College Sta
The doors of the Campus will
open tonight at 7:15, the first
show beginning at 7:30 and the
second at 9:15. The same picture
will be run also Friday and Sat
urday with a new show presented
at the midnight show to be held
Saturday night. The Campus
Theater will operate from 1:00 p.
m. until 11:00 o’clock p. m. daily,
with prices of 10 cents for chil
dren and 25 cents for adults.
According to the management
the opening will not be accom-
(Continued on page 4)
Tuesday night the Press Club,
composed of members of the staffs
on The Battalion, the Longhorn, and
the Scientific Review, were given
a banquet by the Student Publica
tions Board, and following the
feast, the club elected Jeff Mont
gomery, Bill Becker, and A.. J.
Robinson as club officers for the
coming year. Montgomery will be
president; Becker will be vice-pres
ident^ and Robinson will be secre
tary. .
Following a repast of sirloin
steak with trimmings, toastmaster
George Smith introduced George
Wilcox, professor in the Education
Department and member of the
Publications Board, who made the
address of the evening. Mr. Wil
cox spoke in the absence of Pres
ident Walton, who was scheduled
to address the group but who was
Dr. F. C. Bolton, Dean of the
College and chairman of the Pub
lications Board, presented awards
to. various members of the staffs
for outstanding service to their
respective publications. Bronze
keys, silver keys, and gold keys
were given to men of one, two,
and three years’ service.
Senior editors of the publications
Bill Murray, George Smith, James
Critz, J. C. Schultz, Larry Wehrle,
and Doug Watson, received gold
Elgin pocket or wrist watches. An
award was made by the students
on tfye staff to E. L. Angell,
known to the staff as “Chief” and
who is manager of Student Pub
lications, in expression of their
appreciation for his able and steady
assistance to them in their various
Bronze keys were given to the
following: W. C. Davis, Ed Doug-
(Continued on page 4)
Above is pictured the Campus Theater, College Station’s new motion picture house, a $65,000
structure newly completed and opening for its first audience tonight at 7:30.
Manager of the theater is V. A. (Buddy) Walker, now of College Station, originally of Norman, Okla
homa. Partners with Walker in the local enterprise are L. M. Threet and Sam Hyman, both of Lufkin.
The owners declare that without any exaggeration the Campus is the finest and best equipped
theater between Dallas and Houston.
Engineers and Architects To Hear
Distinguished Lecturers Here In May
In line with the policy of bring--
ing distinguished engineers and
architects to the campus for lec
tures, the School of Engineering of
the A. & M. College has plan
ned an extremely busy month of
On May 3 L. A. Hawkins, Ex
ecutive Engineer of the Research
Laboratories of the General Elec
tric Company, will lecture on “Re
search Versus Engineering” to an
audience composed of all junior
and senior engineering students,
members of the engineering staff,
and others who might be interest
On May 6 Colonel Willard
Chevalier will begin a busy week
on the campus during which he
will deliver three lectures as fol
lows: “A Young Engineer Sizes Up
His Outlook,” “The Engineer as a
Community Servant,” and “The
Engineer’s New Place in Indus
try.” He brings in his lectures
that part of an engineer’s train
ing, education, and experience
that might be termed “non-techni-
cal.” Colonel Chevalier is a dis
tinguished civil engineer, a World
War veteran, and at present is the
publisher of “Business Week.” He
is a typical American and while he
resides in New York City, his
travels each year carry him over
the United States. He was Com
mencement speaker at Texas A.
& M. last June and has appeared
on the campus a number of times.-fulty are expected to attend. To
Each spring a dinner is given in
honor of the students in the School
of Engineering who have merited
a place for themselves on the Dis
tinguished Student Register. The
dinner this spring is scheduled for
the evening of May 8 and the group
will be addressed by Colonel
Aside from the distinguished
engineer plan, Engineers’ Day is
observed annually at Texas A. &
M. On this occasion students in
all departments of the School of
Engineering co-ordinate their activ
ities to present their Engineers’
Show and Open House. The Elev
enth Annual Engineers’ Day is
scheduled this year for May 11.
Beginning May 15 A. F. Dick
erson, Manager of the Lighting
Division of the General Electric
Company, will begin a week of
lectures on the campus. Mr. Dick
erson is an A. & M. graduate and
has made a distinguished record
with the General Electric Com
pany. He will deliver three lec
tures in addition to sitting in on
a Low-Cost Housing Conference
sponsored by the Department of
Architecture. Mr. Dickerson’s
principal lecture will be on the
“Illumination of the Golden Gate
Exposition.” This lecture will be
accompanied by the showing of
natural-colored slides. Some 2,500
students and members of the fac-
smaller groups, Mr. Dickerson will
lecture on “Modern Illuminants”
and “Street Lighting.”
The Department of Architecture
will hold a conference on Low-
Cost Housing on May 17 and 18.
The principal lecturer will be
Richard J. Neutra, one of the out
standing leaders in the architec
tural profession. Mr. Neutra is
not only a designer and planner of
high repute, but he is also an
(Continued on page 4)
been approved by the Student Ac
tivities Committee are approved by
the faculty, students next year
and thereafter will be limited as
to the number of student offices
and other activities in which they
may participate.
According to the recommenda
tions of a committee of seniors,
which have been passed on by
the Student Activities Committee,
the various student jobs and activ
ities will be distributed among as
many students as possible, and at
the same time prevent any one
student from having more to do
than time will permit. The basis
for the limitation is a point sys
tem; points are determined by the
amount of work required for a
position and the importance it car
ries; and no student may be per
mitted to carry more than 10
The points as recommended by
the committee for the various
offices are:
Cadet Colonel 10
Editor, Battalion 10
Editor, Longhorn 10
Advertising Manager, Battalion 8
Advertising Manager, Longhorn 8
President Senior Class 8
Editor, Scientific Review 6
President Junior Class 6
President Sophomore Class 6
President Freshman Class 6
Town Hall Manager 6
Associate Editor, Longhorn 6
Associate Editor, Battalion 6
Senior Yell-Leaders 6
President of Student Club 4
Managing Editor, Battalion 4
Junior Yell-Leader 4
Vice-President of Student Clubs 2
Secretary-Treasurer of Student
Clubs 2
To go into effect, the system
must be passed by the faculty. It
will come before the Student Wel
fare Committee for consideration
at its monthly meeting tonight.
Other routine matters were discuss
ed at the meeting of the Student
Activities Committee, of which D.
W. Williams is chairman.
The committee also announced
that the price of Town Hall tick
ets for next year will be $2.00 for
students and $4.00 for reserved
WTAW Featuring Weekly Series
On Nation’s Wool-Growing Industry
The story of how sheep first-fwoolies were brought from Old
came to America, the early de
velopment of the wool-growing in
dustry in the range and farm flock
States, and the rise of farmers’
wool marketing associations is dra
matically told in a series of Farm
Credit Administration radio pro
grams which is being presented by
Radio Station WTAW every Tues
day at 11:45 a. m.
The series, which is in 12 epi
sodes, is called The Story of Wool
and is set to music with “Home on
the Range” as the theme song.
Contrasting with the usual East-
to-West movement in American
history, The Story of Wool de
velops the romantic West-to-East
saga of sheep; tells how the first
Mexico to California by the Span
ish conquistadores more than 300
years ago and gradually spread
through the Western, Central, and
Eastern States.
Today on the western mountain
ranges and in the farm flocks of
the Central and Eastern States
there are more than 50,000,000
sheep, producing nearly half a bil
lion pounds of wool each year. Ful
ly as interesting as the saga of
sheep is the story of the rise of
farmer’s wool marketing associa
tions, which for 30 years have set
the pace in the wool industry, form
ing a vital link between the iso
lated wool producers and the east-
(Continued from page 1)
Six Candidates
Will Make Speeches
A joint meeting of the Sopho
more and Junior classes will be
held tonight at 7:00 in Guion
Hall for the purpose of selecting
the two Junior yell-leaders for
next year’s “twelfth man”.
At a previous meeting of the
sophomores, held last week, twelve
candidates submitted their names
for consideration for the job by
their classmates. Six of that num
ber were eliminated. Those boys left
are Skeen Staley, Bill Beck, James
Borden, Ed Allen, J. O. Alexander,
and Bill Davis.
Woody Varner, cadet colonel of
the corps and chairman of the
student elections committee, will
be in charge of the meeting and
will introduce the candidates. Each
prospective yell leader will make
a speech to the two-class audience
using his most persuasive facili
ties for vote-getting. Following the
speeches, printed ballots will be
passed out to all in attendance.
Each voter will mark one ballot
scratching all but the names of
the two men of his selection, and
each voter will sign his name at
the bottom of the ballot.
Class officers request that every
one who plans to attend the meet
ing be on time in order that can
didates will have an equal chance
to talk to as many boys as possi
ble and that the man who speaks
first will not be slighted.
Rules of elections state that bal
lots shall be marked by scratching
through all but the names of the
voter’s choice. Votes that are cir
cled, checked, or cut, will not be
counted. Also votes for candidates
other than those listed will not
be accepted, and ballots should
not be folded.
Beginning with this issue and
continuing to the end of the term,
the new staff is putting out The
Battalion newspaper.
Headed by editor-elect Bob Nis-
bet and with each of the junior
editors serving in succession as
managing editors, the junior staff
is being allowed to do the actual
work of editing so that it may gain
some of the experience needed to
publish next year’s Battalion. Ju
nior editor George Fuermann man
aged today’s issue.
The present editors are serving
from now on mainly as supervisors
and guides. But the editorial col
umns, the policies, and the proof
reading of the paper still remain
in their hands.
They’ll Sing Here Friday Night
Many Army Men Will Be On Campus for R.O.A. Day May
22; Outstanding Cadet Officer To Get Saber; Plan Smoker
Of particular interest to all-ffit of all senior R.O.T.C. students.-fular over the country that he has
graduating seniors, as well as to
anyone interested in the work of
the Reserve Corps, will be the Re
serve Day program which has been
scheduled for Wednesday, May 22.
This annual event is sponsored
under the organized effort of the
State Department and the Brazos
County Chapter of the Reserve Of
ficers Association.
In the past this program has
been held on Saturday or Sunday
and consequently conflicted with
the events of the spring social cal
endar, but this year it has been
changed to a week night in an ef
fort to prevent any conflict with
any scheduled activity. This new
date was established as a means
of creating more interest within
the senior class, for after all the
program is presented for the bene-
The primary purpose of the af
fair is to stimulate considerable in
terest and encourage cadets to take
up regular Reserve work after
graduation from A. & M.
There will be over 100 visiting
Reserve Officers and Regular
Army Officers on the campus on
the day of the event. They will
arrive shortly after lunch in time
to witness the scheduled drill of
the various units that afternoon.
That afternoon the officers will be
guests of designated cadet offi
At seven o’clock the entire group
will meet in the banquet room of
Sbisa Hall for an informal smoker.
Stanley Foran, an advertising ex
ecutive from Dallas, will deliver
the only speech that has been
scheduled. Mr. Foran’s speech,
“Americanism,” has proved so pop-
repeated it more than 150 times
in the past year.
The State Department of Re
serve Officers will, as is custom
ary, present a beautifully engraved
saber to the outstanding A. & M.
cadet officer for the year.
After these brief ceremonies, the
attending seniors will be requested
to meet with the instructors of the
Reserve units to which they will
be assigned upon graduation.
There will be no admission
charged for the smoker, and it will
not last longer than two hours.
No particular uniform will be re
quired for the informal gathering.
Anyone who is interested in this
type of work may attend, but sen
ior cadets are especially urged
to attend this party which is given
solely for their pleasure and en
The sixty-five lovely members of the University of Texas Girls’ Glee Club above will present a
concert of familiar and popular songs here Friday night in the Assembly Hall at the benefit show of the
Saddle and Sirloin and Kream and Kow Clubs.
U. T. Girls To Serenade Before
Friday’s 'Cowhand’ Festivities
Sixty-five lovely feminine mem-fcompanied by Frances Stripling, -fthe day’s work of a cow-puncher
bers of the University of Texas
Girls’ Glee Club will open week
end festivities for The Saddle and
Sirloin and Kream and Kow Clubs
when they present their annual
A. & M. concert Friday night at
6:30 in the Assembly Hall. The
club is one of the most outstand
ing of its kind, and programs at
A. & M. in the past have been
very well received.
The glee club will sing a num
ber of familiar and popular songs
and in addition will offer novelty
arrangements and numbers. Songs
by the Glee Club Sextet and the
Glee Club Trio will also be on
the program as well as several
solos. Members of the trio are
Carlie Barnes, Roberta Struss, and
Mary Sue Ries. They will be ac-
The program will also consist
of a show, “Jamaica Inn”, with
Charles Laughton and Maureen
O’Hara, and selected short sub
jects. The concert by the Univer
sity Glee Club will be staged im
mediately after the film shorts
and will be followed by the main
At 9:00 p. m. the glee club will
be guests of honor at the annual
Cattleman’s Ball in Sbisa Hall
when Aggie “cowhands” celebrate
to the music of the Aggieland Or
chestra. Only members of the
Saddle and Sirloin Club and the
Kream and Kow Klub and their
guests will be allowed to attend
the dance.
Decorations for the dance will
carry out the traditional cowboy
theme in such a way as to depict
in all its glamour and hardship.
In keeping with the name and
decorations, regulation attire for
the members of the two clubs will
be white slacks, bright, flashy
rodeo shirts, white shoes, and a
colorful Spanish vaquero sash. All
students attending the dance will
be clothed in this colorful rodeo
The dance, which is given in hon
or of the graduating seniors of the
two clubs, will also honor the
members of the senior livestock
judging team and other winning
teams of the two clubs. During
the intermission of the dance med
als will be awarded to members
of the teams and winners in live
stock and dairy judging contests
held at the college throughout the