The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 11, 1940, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Poll Shows Collegians To Be Against
Lowering of Voting Age From 21 to 18
Although less than one-third of-
college students are eligible to vote
in state or national elections, near
ly nine out of every ten believe
they should not be allowed to go
to the polls before they are 21.
This is shown in a national study
conducted by the Student Opinion
Surveys of America. Asked, “Are
you for or against lowering the
voting agfe from 21 to 18?” only
11 per cent answered “yes.”
That suffrage is for adults only
seems to be a firmly-set tradition
with the American people, voters
as well as non-voting students. A
sampling conducted by the Amer
ican Institute of Public Opinion in
June, 1939, pointed out that 83
per cent of the nation opposed re
ducing the suffrage age to 18.
Interviewing a carefully-select
ed section of students in all types
and sizes of institutions, the Sur
veys found:
For Against
All student 11% 89%
Students 21 or over 12 89
Student less than 21 19 90
The tabulations show that op
inion is heavily in the opposition,
and all student groups agree by al
most identical percentages. It
should be noted that it is the
younger people themselves who are
most opposed to allowing minors
18 to 21 to vote. Students 21 or
over—;a group of nearly half a
million—are slightly less opposed
to such a change, and adult non-
students are the least against. The
usual reason given in the student
poll was that voting should be re
stricted because young people 18
or 19 do not know enough about
goveimment. Survey figures, how
ever, tend to show that sometimes
college students are better inform
ed than the average voter. For
example, an American Institute
poll brought to light that one
third of the voters were not fa
miliar with the activities of the
Dies Committee. The Surveys
found only 17 per cent of the col
legians had no opinion on the same
Whether to give the younger
persons a voice in the government
was brought into the headlines re
cently when the American Youth
Commission pointed out that the
constantly-increasing number of
aged people, who are eligible to
vote, is making possible such pro
grams as the 'Social Security Act,
while youth, which is not enfran
chised, has no power to bring about
government solution of its prob
Above are shown A. & M.’s “Singing Cadets” (formerly known as the A. & M. Glee Club) of 1939-
40, who today are making a trip to Houston to make several appearances. The 68-man, all-cadet or
ganization directed by capable and energetic Professor J. J. Woolket is now in the last stretch of the
most successful and spectacular season in its history.
Officers of the Singing Cadets during 1939-40, besides the director, have been Maynard Curts,
president; Sig Neubert, vice-president; Charlie Zahn, business manager; Gilbert Michalk, publicity
manager; Reynolds Smith, librarian; and Marion Lyle, pianist.
Rice Males Prefer Intelligence Over
‘Ooomph’ in Their Gals; Against Frats
Only eight per cent of Rice In
stitute’s male students prefer red
heads, a survey by the Owl, stu
dent and alumni humor magazine,
has revealed; and intelligence,
beauty and personality won out
over “oomph” and wealth as the
most desirable attributes in women.
Brunettes are preferred by a
majority of the men, with blondes
and brownettes tying for second
place. The average Rice man is on
the conservative side, the poll
showed, and only about half of
the men drink or smoke. Among
those who drink, the preference is
Scotch. The majority prefer
“sweet” dance music to swing
bands, and only 20 per cent enjoy
“jitterbug” dancing.
Two dollars is the average
amount a Rice man spends on a
date, and he usually averages
about one date per week, the sur
vey showed.
About half of the men admit
they are in love, and most of these
say that the girl is not a Rice stu
dent. The majority of the students
believe there are too few coeds
enrolled at Rice.
Most of the men admitted that
they go to church less now than
before they started to college.
Eighty per cent favor house par
ties, but the majority are against
diterary societies for women on
the campus, and do not favor an
attempt to establish fraternities at
About 25 per cent of Rice male
students admit they try to “neck”
on a first date, and the same num
ber believe there is not enough
social life at Rice. The majority
say they would not marry beforfe
graduating from college.
The average Rice man is 5 feet
10 Vz inches tall, weighs about 153
pounds, is about 19 years old, and
has brown hair and either brown
or blue eyes. His favorite sports
are tennis and football. About
half of the students have cars.
f Singing Cadets’ Continue Active Season
In Public Appearances in Houston Thursday
The Junior A. & M. Club of
Dallas was recently organized,
electing its first group of officers
to serve for the initial year. The
club will cooperate with its present
organization, the Dallas A. & M.
Officers were elected as follows:
J. H. Finley, ’38, president; Louis
Pou, ’37, vice-president; Johnny
E. Hewson, ’39, secretary; Harry
V. Percy, ’38, treasurer; and James
Jolley, ’37, parliamentarian and
if rtf re
HOW DO YOU RATE coolness,lightness, anc
comfort in a summer shoe? Well, add Free
man styling and serviceability, and here you
have a “honey” of a hot weather shoe.
SPEC! A If Basket-weave ' special shoe fabric.
S H O E Anchor-lasted all way round so it
FABRIC can’t pull out or fray.
bullock & oAkin
By A. J. Robinson
The Singing Cadets of Aggieland,
climaxing the most successful and
spectacular season in their history,
today are taking a trip to the city
of Houston to make a number of
public appearances.
The club left this morning in
two chartered busses to arrive in
Houston at 9:30' a. m. when the
programs will begin with vocal pre
sentations before two high school
student bodies there. At 11:30 the
Singing Cadets will present a ra
dio program over station KTRH
from the Rice Hotel and during
the noon hour they will be dinner
guests of the Houston Rotary Club
where they will sing.
Thursday afternoon they will
gather for an informal picnic and
meeting with the Houston A. & M.
Mothers’ Club at the George Wash
ington Junior High School at 5:30.-
At 7:45 Thursday evening the club
will meet for a performance from
the Mothers’ Club at the same high
The Aggie singers will return
late Thursday night.
The organization of the ‘Sing
ing Cadets’ has done well for itself
and has greatly aided in creating
favorable publicity for Texas A.
& M.
This singing club was organized
at mid-term three years ago with
•an original membership of sixteen
students under the presidency of
Henry Elrod. The ‘Singing Cadets’
first called themselves the A. & M.
Glee Club, but decided that their
present name would be much more
During the first year of its or
ganization, the singing club made
a trip to both Austin and San An
tonio and sang for high schools,
churches, A. & M. Mothers’ Clubs,
and civic organizations.
Last year the membership of the
‘Singing Cadets’ increased to 26
members, and sang for many ev
ents on the campus, including
church programs, radio programs,
student organization meetings, and
made its spring trip to Houston and
Galveston where they had an en
joyable time in meeting the many
Texas girl students of home eco
nomics, who were holding a meet
ing in Houston at that time.
Among the outstanding programs
presented this year songs for the
Texas Teachers Association meet
ing in Guion Hall, a program at
the annual football banquet when
the Sugar Bowl was presented to
the nation’s number one team, a
program in the Loew State Theater
in Houston during the Rice corps
trip, Christmas caroling on the
campus and in Guion Hall, a con
tribution to the NBC network
Sugar Bowl Program, songs for
America Is Only Country In Which Radio
Is NOT the Government’s Mouthpiece
In Poland, a man with a short'-fcast over both stations, followed
immediately by translations into
French, German, Italian, Polish,
Spanish, and Portuguese, made by
Columbia’s staff of foreign langu
age experts. Daily news bulletins
from American press associations
are always given in six tongues,
in addition to English.
While the bulk of the programs
of these stations consists of Ameri
can standard broadcast band pro
grams, many of these shows are
specially arranged for foreign
wave radio listens to American
shortwave news broadcasts and
acts as the only newspaper with
in a radius of twenty miles.
All over the world, people like
him, in neutral countries as well
as warring nations, have come to
rely on American radio for com
plete, unbiased news as well as
the only country in which radio is
not a mouthpiece for the govern
ment’s official attitude. v
The shortwave of American ra
dio is hidden from most Americans j broadcast. The Ford Sunday Even
because the shortwave stations
are directed abroad, and their
beams pass, literally, over the
heads of American listeners, bounc
ing off the radio ceiling to earth
again only after have traveled
many miles from their point of
origin. The Columbia Broadcasting
System operates two such stations,
WCBX in New York and WVAB,
a subsidiary of Columbia’s WCAU
in Philadelphia. WCBX’s signals
are aimed at Europe during the
day, towards South America at
night; WCAB is heard in South
America during the day, in Europe
after dark.
A large map of the world stands
in the office of Miss Elizabeth Ann
Tucker, shortwave chief of CBS.
Colored pins indicate places from
which Columbia has received lis
tener letters. There are pins in
every continent of the world, pins
in New Zealand; in Delhi, India;
Nanking, China; and Greenland.
“The letters we’ve been getting
indicate that citizens in belligerent
nations are almost as thankful for
our entertainment as they are for
our news. Ben Bemie is still a
favorite from Australia to France,”
says Miss Tucker, “but the ob
jective reporting of news is what
most of our letters comment on.”
At the present time, CBS short
wave stations are equipped to
operate in six foreign languages.
A speech by President Roosevelt
of international interest is broad-
ing Hour is announced in Span
ish for South American listeners
and so is the “Hit Parade”.
The taste of foreign radio lis
teners never quite parallels that
of Americans, although it comes
very close. Hollywood news is in
great demand in all parts of the
world, as is news of radio person
alities. Everyone likes American
jazz, although swing is sometimes
a bit too much. On the other hand,
the demand for good music in
South America is even greater
than it is h£re. Special concerts
are frequently broadcast by short
wave with Spanish announcements.
South Americans are also extremely
style-conscious, according to Miss
Tucker. At present, Columbia is
airing a special series of style
talks in Spanish.
Harvard’s physics department
has attained a world’s high pres
sure record of 2,800,000 pounds P er
square inch.
Seventeen Ohio convicts have X e ~
ceived certificates for completion
of Ohio State University extension
The University of Cincinnati i n
one year has 38,000 columns of
news printed about it in the ra
tion’s newspapers.
The University of Illinois h as
54,666 living graduates.
the banquet honoring James A.
Farley, and several other radio
programs, including songs over
station WTAW and over the Texas
State Network.
The ‘Singing Cadets’ will soon
add more miles to their singing
travels when they make a trip for
two weeks to visit various cities
in Texas including Waco, Waxa-
hachie, Foi’f Worth, Denton, and
The organization of the ‘Singing
Cadets’ includes the following:
President, Maynard Curts; Vice
President, Siegfried Neubert; Bus
iness Manager, Charlie Zahn; Pub
licity Manager, Gilbert Michalk;
Librarian, Reynolds Smith; Pianist,
Marion Lyle; Director, J. J. Wool
Adams, G. A.
Bartlett, J. O.
Bell, R. L.
Berndt,' R. W.
Rrug, M. E.
Leach, J. D.
Lenert A. A.
Lippert, W. M.
Brown, Alanson Martin, S. S.
Bulks, S. V. McDaniel, C. H.
Burnett, G. P.
Bush, E. H.
McDuffie, J. C.
Nisbet, R. E.
Butschek, E. J. Nowell, R. J.
Campbell, J. D. Oliver, W. M.
Casey, Pat
Coffman, J. E.
Collins, T. H.
Cowgill, T. M.
Crawley, H. D.
Cupples, J. J.
Curtis, N. A.
Darnell, W. L.
Davies, D. W.
Dodge, Joe
Patterson, E. B.,
Pettifils, A. F.
Reynolds, A. W.
Reynolds, B. W.
Reynolds, L. W.
Robb, T. H.
Ross, Clark
Saenz, R. D.
Salm, L. C.
Shepherd, R. B.
Eberhard, E. H. Shuffler, R. M.
Fajardo, Gabe Siegley, H. C.
Fernandez, X. H. Stanley, P. W.
Fillmore, B. D. Stephens, J. A.
Furley, Ed Stephens, T. S.
Gohmert, W. A. Tennyson, L. B.
Goldston, J. M. Trueba, I. T.
Goppert, J. G.
Hawkes, C. T.
Heim, C. E.
Kingery, C. E.
Wakeland, E. W.
Walker, A. S.
Weirus, Richard
Zercher, J. C.
Ex-Aggie Is Civic
Leader in Slaton
Fred H. Schmidt, ex-Aggie of
the class of ’14, owner of the Mod
el Grocery and Market at Slaton,
was recently elected president of
the Board of City Development and
Chamber of Commerce of that
city. He has long been an active
figure in the fraternal and civic
life of the city of Slaton. He has
previously served as president of
the Chamber of Commerce and is
also a past president of the Slaton
School Board. lie is active in
Masonic circles.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt and their
four children were campus visitors
last spring at the 1914 class re
union. He received his degree in
civil enginering in 1914, and was
captain and quartermaster on the
cadet regimental staff. lie has
owned his present business for the
past 14 years.
A thief stole a money bag con
taining $35 from Frank Huston’s
home in Andrews, Ind., then re
turned three days later, pried open
a window screen, and returned the
bag—with $25.60 still in it.
Bertrand Russell, famed English
philosopher, has been appointed
special lecturer at Harvard Uni
For a Louisiana State University
stage production, one student wrote
30 songs in 27 days.
Carrot-topped Louisiana State
University students have foimed
a “Red-Head” Club.
,The University of Rochester
men’s glee club sang at the White
House on Easter Monday.
Eye Examination
And Glasses
Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Tex.
Next to Palace Theater
at the
May 12th is Mothers' Day
Can’t you picture the smile of delight on
Mother’s face when she receives your pic
ture? You mean so much to her— Come in
today—and have the portraits ready by
Mother’s Day.
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Picture Frames
San Antonio, Texas