The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 11, 1940, Image 3
THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1940- THE BATTALION PAGE 3 Annual Horse Show Saturday To Be Biggest In Event’s History * Judges for Annual Show Announced Dallas Girl Made Duchess Sales Leader By Major Irvin of Festival Major W. R. Irvin, Cav. U. S. A., manager of the annual Texas A. & M. Horse Show which will be held in the show arena just north of the campus on Highway No. 6 Saturday, has announced the list of judges who will serve for the show this year. Col. Stanley Koch, U. S. A., at present on Recruiting Service in Houston, will judge the military and polo mounts; Theodore Heady, Dallas, horseman, will judge the gaited and fine harness classes and D. W. Williams, head of the Ani mal Husbandry Department at Tex as A. & M., will judge the work stock and cow pony classes. Major Irvin has received a larg er number of entries than for any show in the past and expects to have approximately 50 outside horses shown in addition to the military department and college stock. San Antonio is sending seven head and 17 riders to compete in the various classes and the Canter Club, of the University of Texas, has sent entries for 11 more riders. Both of these entry lists included some for the jumping classes. Bill Eamon, Houston, now a freshman at Texas A. & M. and winner in the events last year, has his jumpers now at the college and is working out with them daily. There is no entry or stall fee for any horses entered and the committee is very desirous that as many local horses as possible will be entered. Miss Daphne Jeanette Salois of Dallas, a student of T. S. C. W. at Denton, will represent the senior class of A. & M. as its duchess at the elaborate Texas Bluebonnet Festival to be held in Navasota April 12-15. Her escort will be J. M. “Dan” Sharp, Band senior. Miss Salois was selected as duchess by a senior class commit tee consisting of D. B. Varner, George Smith, and Max McCullar. She selected her own escort. Miss Salois was also one of the eight beauties selected by Kay Kyser, orchestra leader of nation al repute, for the Vanity Fair sec tion of the 1940 Longhorn. Miss Margaret Hollingshead of College Station has been selected to be College Station’s duchess at the festival. Genevieve Morrow of Houston will be crowned queen of the festi val April 12 at Navasota and will lead a tour of the bluebonnet fields in opening the three-day festivi ties. Elaine Martin of Houston will be the duchess representing the Houston Chamber of Commerce, and Martha Quinn of Navasota will be lady-in-waiting to the queen. From the time scheduled for the opening of the parade Friday, April 12, until the concluding Sun day events, diversified entertain ment has been arranged. The color ful parade of decorated floats will be led by the queen and fifty vis iting duchesses. Four trails will be marked for the visitors and will STOP ■ LOOK AND LISTEN AOCIES! MOTHERS’ DAY and GRADUATION GIFTS We do not have any First Run Pictures to offer but if we did you could surely get them, but we do have some First Run Watches, Diamonds, Silverware and Aggie Jewelry of all kinds that would be very ap propriate for Mothers’ Day Gifts or Graduation Gifts. We feature Hamilton, Elgins and Gruen Watches. If you have not purchased your Captain’s Watch, see us before you buy—we might be able to save you money. IF IT’S NEW—WE HAVE IT. CALDWELL'S JEWELRY STORE, INC. BRYAN, TEXAS It’s something Coca-Cola gives that millions have liked for more than fifty years,— a happy after-sense of com plete refreshment that adds to your enjoyment of ice-cold Coca-Cola. No wonder people the world over say: get a Coca-Cola, and get the feel of refreshment. THE PAUSE THAT Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Co. by BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. JESS NEELY, NEW RICE COACH, A PROUD NATIVE SON OF TENNESSEE H. F. Owsley, ’32 “The Insurance Field,” an educa tional news magazine for insur ance men, recently honored Henry F. Owsley Jr., ex-Aggie of the class of ’32, with his picture on the frontispiece and a feature story covering his general success in the insurance business. He is a mem ber of the firm of Martin-Owsley, Inc., at Queen & Crescent Build ing, 344 Camp Street, New Or leans, Louisiana. He is secretary- treasurer of the firm of which his father is vice-president. Owsley’s most spectacular feat was a campaign to sell residents burglary insurance. In 60 days he personally made 62 sales. After receiving his degree in mechanical engineering in 1932, Owsley went with the Texas Com pany in New Orleans, remaining with that organization for six years. Although making splendid progress in the petroleum business, he resigned in 1938 to become sec retary of the firm of Martin- Owsley, Inc., an old established in surance agency in the city of New Orleans. In addition to his signal suc cess in the insurance business, Owsley takes an active part in various civic and welfare work, including the Community Chest, Boy Scouts of America, Red Cross and similar activities. Mr. and Mrs. Owsley make their home at 2119 Audubon Street, New Orleans. He was a cadet officer in the Field Artillery as a student at A. & M. Vocational Guidance Series Sponsored By Baptist Students Beginning April 9, the Baptist Student Union of Texas A. & M. is sponsoring a series of discus sions embodying the Christian ap proach to vocational problems. During the period from April 9 to April 21 inclusive there will be six discussion periods. These meetings will be held at the First Baptist Church of College Station, on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 p. m. and Sunday afternoons at 3:00 p. m. during the above period. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Brown, faculty members, and oth ers of the church leaders will be in charge of these discussion periods. The first discussion at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday evening, April 9, will be on the subject “Planning a Life” and will be directed by Rev. R. L. Brown. All are cordi ally invited to attend and all Baptist students are especially urged to take advantage of these discussions. If Tennessee were to brag upon its favorite sons, it would boast as loudly of Jess Neely as Jess boasts that he is a native of Ten nessee. In 1898 on one of the many plantation-like farms of Tennessee a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Neely. The baby’s grand father, J. C. Gooch, was a very proud man as he limped around his Rutherford County home mak ing preparations for the new ar rival’s comfort; but the Civil War wound that had caused the limp did not bother him as much on that day. He was perhaps think ing that the new baby boy would inherit some of the fine qualities that had gained for himself the position of Lieut.-Colonel in the Confederate Army at the age of 19, or that had enabled Mr. Neely, the baby’s father, to grab the vil lage anvil by the nose and hold it at arm’s length to the astonishment of the neighboring farmers. But this large man who was known for strength and kindness soon died and left the baby, Jess, with out a father. Jess was reared on Grandfather Gooch’s farm, and there learned to handle the pigskin before even the bristles had been removed. As education became an issue with the growing lad, he attended sev eral prep schools, playing foot ball and baseball at each. Then Jess entered Vanderbilt in 1920 as a sophomore. In 1922, his sen ior year, he was chosen through the love and confidence of his teammates to captain the Commo dore team. And what a team! The Vanderbilt squad of 1922 was referred to by a review as: “A Moleskin Micawber . . . always waiting for something to turn up ... a machine, aptly termed, a co-ordination of heart, brain, and muscle . . . and Captain Jess Neely, admittedly the most magnetic lead er in all Vanderbilt history.” In an excerpt from a report of the Michigan game: “Captain Neely, his injured left arm limp at his side, urged his men to hold ’em . . . the Commodore forewall threw back the next thrust. No one knew it at the time, but Michi gan was tied right there.” And from the Texas game: “Although the entire varsity was crippled from the Michigan game, the Com modores defeated Texas at Dallas, 20-10, with the lovable Neely again the inspiring force, as he limped on the field with the score 13-10 in Vanderbilt’s favor and rifled a 40-yard pass to Bomar, clinching the game.” After graduating from Vandy, Jess turned to pro baseball in one of the minor leagues in Tennessee, but realizing that his true love was football, sought a position as football coach. This he found at Southwestern ( a small school) where Joe Davis, present end coach at Rice Institute, was one of his players. In 1928 he acted as as sistant baseball coach at Prince ton. Later he was assistant foot ball coach at the University of Alabama, where he met a pretty young miss who was later to be come his wife. Of this marriage it has been said, “The first time that anyone in the Neely family has ever been captured by a Publisher SAY- AGGIES— “Yes, Sir! I’ve been a- round this school long enough to have tried them all, and I can tell you this. When you want the very best there, is in barber service then go to Aggieland Barber Shop. The barbers there know what you want and how to do it, and I’ve noticed that more and more of the fellows who want good haircuts are going there.” AGGIELAND Barber Shop Across from P.O. North Gate Yankee rebel.” Jess then went to Clemson, in South Carolina, where he acted as head football coach for nine years. Rice in December, 1939, seeking a new coaching staff, looked to Clemson for Jess Neely, Auburn for Dell Morgan (line coach), and again Clemson for end coach Joe Davis. Bob (Red) Sharpe, captain of next year’s Clemson team, wrote shortly after Jess had ac cepted the position at Rice In stitute, “I believe that every per son connected with Coach Neely will, in time, come to love and re spect him as we do . . . if that is possible.” Jess did not have to wait for the opening of the 1940 football season for his baptism of fire but received it on February 7 at a successful banquet given jointly by the Association of the Rice Alumni and the “R” Association. R. C. Patterson, who introduced Neely, said, “I believe Jess Neely will do as much for Rice as Sam Houston did for Texas, and as I did for Houston.” Said Jess, “I’ve just got a suspicion that five years from now we can have another of these fine parties and a real rea son for having it.” Recent Candidates Pledge Allegiance And Good Feelings I will always remember the days of the election as being pleasant as well as exciting ones. There are no regrets because I know that both the campaign and the election were fair to all and hon estly conducted, but I want to express my deep appreciation to all those persons who did put their confidence in me. Bob has worked hard for The Battalion and I feel sure that we will be able to speak of him as a good editor. —A. J. ROBINSON Even in these days of triumph there come slight pangs of re morse for my opponent, A. J. Rob inson, who fought such a hard and clean fight. I’m certainly glad to know that he holds no regrets or no grudges because he will certain ly fill a big hole in next year’s staff. That we would work to gether on The Battalion for 1940- 41 was an agreement before the election; I certainly intend to ful fill my half of that agreement. That two boys could run such a hard race and still wind up the very best of friends is to my mind a good sign indeed; and as far as I know this election was con ducted fairly and entirely free from dirty politics and cut-throat tactics. To all the boys who worked that I might be elected, thanks a mil lion. I promise to repay the debt in part by doing my darndest to put out a newspaper and magazine that they will be proud to read and to send home. —BOB NISBET. take them not only to the bluebon net fields, but also to historical points of interest. Baroque Setting Is Planned for Cotton Pageant This Year Hal Moseley, who is in charge of arranging and designing the setting for the Cotton Pageant this year, has achieved a Baroque set ting for the military theme around which the designing has been bas ed. Moseley has achieved this fan tastic design by adopting a sculp turesque attitude towards plain architecture. The Baroque design is worked out in curves, scrolls and drapery with motion. The gown which is to be worn by the queen of the pageant, Miss Mamie Tramonte, will be designed by Brooks of New York and was arranged for by “The Fashion” at Houston. The royal robe is of white cotton pique trimmed in braid, and all the accessories nec essary for a military costume. Over this she will wear a gold cloth cape which will form the train. The seven maids will also be gowned in white pique with their dresses styled along princess’ lines, trimmed with gold buttons and pockets. Cocky hats and corsages will complete the military effect of their costumes. Glenville State Teachers College basketball teams have traveled more than 250,000 miles in the past 14 years. J. Bernard Baty, ’25 J. Bernard Baty, ’25, professor in the civil engineering department of Queens University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and an expert in sanitary engineering, has been appointed editor of a monthly mag azine “Water And Sewage” pub lished by the Canadian Engineer publications. He went to Queens University in 1938 as professor in charge of municipal and sanitary engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Baty will continue to make their home at Kingston, Ontario. After receiving his degree in civil engineering in 1925, Baty spent two years with the Texas Department of Health; then pur sued graduate work at Cornell University for two years. He later served as sanitary engineer in the New Jersey Department of Health for seven and a half years. He was with the Pennsylvania Salt Manu facturing Company as sanitary en gineer in the technical service de partment prior to going to Queens University. Baty is rated as one of Canada’s outstanding municipal and sani tary engineers, and although a com paratively young man has become one of America’s leading authori ties in this field. Morgan To Address Meeting of Chemical Society Here Soon “Some Practical Applications of Corrosion Testing” will be the sub ject of a talk by Mr. B. B. Morgan to the local section of the Amer ican Chemical Society on Friday, April 26. The meeting will be held at 8 p. m. in the lecture room of the Chemistry Building and all in terested are invited to attend. The talk will be illustrated with lantern slides. The question of cor rosion is exceedingly important, as it affects metallic water and sew age lines, pipe lines for oil, and oth er metal structures. Mr. Morgan is chemist for the Development and Research Division of the Interna tional Nickel Company with head quarters in New York City. This is the third prominent chem ist secured by the A. & M. chapter since it was organized last year. WSUI, radio station of the State University of Iowa, is on the air 2,496 hours per year. Dartmouth College registers all automobiles owned by students. LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 THE CLASS- OF ’41 IN BOOTS, IT’S . . Comfort Service Style Dependability We Design Our Boots For The Aggies. HOUCK’S BOOT SHOP BEAD THIS FOR IT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! Lauterstein’s have been in business for years and at the present we have over 100,000 mea surements on file. This should prove to you that we not only give the highest quality in our material but also in our tailoring work. Come in and see our new BI-SWING BLOUSE, for it is the latest and best uni form. Now is the time to have your measure ments taken so that delivery can be made by next September. STEIN’S