The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1940, Image 1

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NEWSCAST, 4:30-5:30
VOL. 39
NO. 71
A. & M. Helps
Texas Wool
One of Best Wool
Scouring Plants In
Nation Set Up Here
A. & M. is soon to have the
largest and best-equipped wool
scouring plant in the nation, of
ficials of the college have an
The finishing touches are now
being put on the new set-up. of the-
Wool Scouring Plant that has been
moved to the ground floor of the
building formerly occupied by the
Textile Engineering Department.
According to Stanley Davis, wool
and mohair specialist with the
Agricultural Experiment Station
and manager of the scouring plant,
the moving will be completed
shortly and new equipment added
later. f
Heretofore the Wool Scouring
Plant was housed in a small white
frame building behind the Agri
cultural Experiment Station build
ing, but as it interfered with the
plans for landscaping the area
around the new dormitories, the
machinery was moved to the Tex
tile Engineering Building and the
frame building razed.
Appropriations have been made
by the state to add to the equip
ment of the plant in order to in
crease the volume of wool that can
be handled. When the new equip
ment has been installed, Mr. Davis
says that A. & M. will have the
best of any school in the country.
Lowell Institute in Massachusetts
has a fairly large scouring plant,
but it will not compare in size or
in quality with'the new plant here.
That Texas A. & M. should have
the largest wool scouring plant
is as it should be; Texas is by far
the largest wool-producing state
in the nation, producing 80,000,000
pounds in 1937, which was one-
fifth of the United States’ total
of shorn wool for that period.
The Wool Scouring Plant serves
the purpose of studying wool
grades and shrinkage in Texas
wool and issuing this information
to wool producers through the'
Agricultural Experiment Station.
It has been in operation since 1921
and under Mr. Davis’ guidance
since 1928.
College Employees
Requested To Park
Cars in Park Lots
In a circular passed out by the
Commandant’s Office yesterday it
was asked that all college em
ployees and others working on the
campus park their cars in the park
ing lots provided for their conven
ience and not in the streets near
the buildings in which they work.
As stated in the College Regu
lations, “Parking on one side of
each street (where indicated by
curb signs) is permitted for vis
itors not connected with the col
lege or with activities housed on
the campus; and for college em
ployees visiting temporarily from
other parts of the campus; but not
for those normally employed in
adjacent buildings.” The campus
watchmen have been instructed to
see that the parking rules are
complied with, and the coopera
tion of all have been requested. If
anyone is doubtful as to his as
signed parking lot the Command
ant’s Office will be glad to des
ignate one for his use.
Monday will be the last day to
pay this month’s maintenance. In
order to accommodate those stu
dents with morning and afternoon
classes the fiscal office will remain
open until five o’cl'" 1 ' —
As a result of t
fees announced h
amount of this mon
The Fiscal Office will start ac
cepting the maintenance for May
on April 20 and will continue to
do so until the eighth of May.
The amount payable at that time
will be $26.50.
At the top are shown all the candidates for office who were
voted on in the general election Wednesday—Bob Nisbet, editor-elect
of The Battalion, and A. J. Robinson, his opponent for the office;
C. J. “Foots” Bland and E. R. “Buster” Keeton, candidates for chief
yell-leader, the latter being elected; and Tom Gillis, new junior repre
sentative on the Student Publications Board, with his opponent Roland
Bing. They are shown just prior to the special yell practice Tuesday
night when they were introduced to the corps by head yell-leader
“Bodie” Pierce.
Below, candidates Robinson and Nisbet make their fervent last-
minute appeals to the corps.
It’s Worth More To See Col
Ike in Rompers! Price Goes Up
Hold everything! It’ll cost a
quarter to see Col. Ike Ashburn in
rompers. The children can see the
show for a dime—but it’s worth
more for grown folks.
Blame the mistake on the pub
licity man for “The Old School at
Hick’ry Holler” which will be giv
en in the A. & M. Assembly Hall
at 7:30 p. m. Monday evening for
the benefit of the A. & M. Con
solidated School Parent-Teacher
Association fund.
Tickets for the production have
been on sale for several weeks, and
they’re going fast; so be on hand
early and avoid the rush. All parts
in the play will be taken by grown
folks dressed as school children,
and some of the get-ups are worth
going miles to see.
Here’s the cast and those who
will portray the parts:
Joshua Toothacre—C. O. Spriggs;
Lorenzo Juniper, D. W. Williams;
Johnny Short, M. C. Hughes; Ben
Long, N. Rode; Jim Henry Cobb,
Marty Karow; Mug Rudd, J. S.
Mogford; Corwin Kilgore, Thomas
■Ferguson; Salvation Sampson, L.
S. Paine; Jacob von Hoffenstein,
Luke Patranella; Andrew Mont
gomery, J. J. Woolket; Lorena Ju
niper, Mrs. Lowry; Elizabeth Jane
Crabtree, Mrs. E. J. Howell; Indi
ana Crabtree, Mrs. D. H. Reid;
Deliverance Dodgett, Mrs. Irvin;
Temperance Teaberry, Mrs. E. L.
Williams; Emmazilla Ephill, Mrs.
Grant; Mary Ellen Crockett, Mrs.
J. C. Hotard; Olivia Henrietta Ara
bella Sue, Mrs. W. L. Penberthy;
Set-Still Campbell, Dan Russell;
Doc Quackenbos, Chas. Crawford;
Widder Crockett, Mrs. R. R. Lan
caster; Hosea Jimson, Dr. E. P.
Humbert; Petero Blowhard, L. G.
Jones; Henson Jackson, David
Thrift; Cap. Kilgore, E. E. Vezey;
Willemenia Snow, Mrs. N. E.
Boughton; Philipena Snow, Mrs.
Yarnell; Angelena Snot, Mrs. Long;
Purena Snow, Mrs. Cushion; Fire-
bell Fly, Mrs. Frank Anderson;
Sammy Fly, her little brother, Col
onel Ike S. Ashburn; Armanda
May, Mrs. R. R. Lyle; Samatha
Jane, Mrs. Jack Shelton and Hank
Slattery, Mr. Elms.
A young German emigrant, Peter-
Adler, who left Germany two years
ago “owing to our difficult posi
tion” has written to the A. & M.
Registrar asking for exchange cor
respondence with students of Tex
as A. & M.
Peter Adler, who now lives in
Lavras, Mina Gerais, Brazil and
attends the Escola Superior de Ag-
ricultura, studied at the American
School in Berlin and intended to
later study agriculture in one of
the United States Colleges.
He is 19 years of age and talks
(Continued on page 4)
Air Corps Board
To Visit A. &M.
April 15,16,17
Prospective Candidates
To Take Physical Exams
Austin, Waco, and College Sta
tion, Texas, are the next stops for
an Air Corps Board of officers
from the Army’s flying station at
Barksdale Field, Louisiana, that is
touring a large number of cities in
the Eighth Corps Area for the pur
pose of examining qualified candi
dates for flying training at Ran
dolph and Kelly Fields.
Three days will be spent at Col
lege Station, April 15, 16 and 17.
Here prospective candidates will
be given a complete physical ex
amination, and upon successful
completion of this, will be furnish
ed blanks for appointment as Fly
ing Cadets in the United States
Army Air Corps.
Applicants will be examined
throughout the three days’ stay at
A. & M. Those who desire to take'
this examination must be unmar
ried male citizens of the' United
States between the ages of 20 and
26. They should have completed at
least two years of stuty at any
recognized college or university.
New classes for flying cadets
start the nine-month course of
flight training every six weeks.
During this time they are paid
$75.00 a month and in addition are
furnished uniforms, food, quarters,
pleting shrdldofv-dshrdlushrdluuu
and medical care. Successfully com
pleting this course in flying which
consists of more than 200 hours of
actual time in the air, the Flying
Cadet is commissioned as Second
(Continued on page 4)
Shep Fields Plays for Corps Dance
Tonight in Third and Last Engagement
War Department
To Fill 11 Vacancies
In Regular Army
Chance for Graduates To
Enter Army as 2nd Lts.
The War Department has an
nounced that examinations will be
held in June, 1940; for the purpose
of filling a total of 11 vacancies
in the grade of second lieutenant
in the Infantry, Field Artillery,
Cavalry, and Coast Artillery of
the regular army.
This examination will be open
to all graduates and graduating
seniors of R. O. T. C. schools in
the U. S. who are single and who
meet the eligibility requirements,
and according to Col. Moore, there
will be an alternate selected for
each position to be filled.
Applications must be submitted
prior to May 15, 1940. The appli
cations will go to a board of of
ficers of the Eighth Corps Area
who will check them over and then
notify the applicants as to where
and when they will take the exami
nation. The examination will be
given at several different points
and the residence of the applicant
will determine where they are to
take it. They will be required to
pay all of their own expenses.
Complete information may be
obtained in Room 101, Academic
Kansas State-Texas A. & M. Debate
Duel Set for Tonight at 7 p. m.
The A. & M. Debating team, con
sisting of Mayo Thompson and
Don Gabriel, will undertake to de
feat the Kansas State College De
bating Team tonight in the Physics
Lecture Room at seven o’clock.
The subject of the debate will
be, “Resolved: That the United
States should follow a policy of
strict economic apd military iso
lation toward all nations outside
the western hemisphere engaged in
armed, civil, or international con
The debaters for Kansas State
are William Hickman and Frank
Rickel. Both are juniors and are
prominent figures around the K-
State campus. Hickman has done
newscasting and commentaries over
radio station KSAC, is ex-chairman
of the independent party, and a
member of Pi Kappa Delta. Rickel
is also a Pi Kappa Delta and is
engaged in many extra-curricular
activities. He is chairman of this
year’s independent party and is
a power in the Y.M.C.A. cabinet.
Barger To Address
Academy of Science
Professor J. Wheeler Barger,
Head of the Department of Agri
cultural Economics, has accepted
the invitation to speak before the
West Texas Regional meeting of
the Texas Academy of Science at
San Angelo on April 9. He will
give the address on Friday morn
ing, April 19, discussing “Inter
state Trade Barriers in Relation
to Agriculture.” That night he
will speak at the banquet on
“Agriculture in Modern Life.”
President and Secretary
Of Institute Visit Here
The Petroleum Engineering Club
will entertain officials of the A. I.
M. E. from New York City with a
barbecue Tuesday at 12:00 noon.
The official party from New York
City will include H. G. Moulton,
president; and A. B. Parsons, sec
retary, of the A. I. M. E. Guests
from Houston will include T. Y.
Moore, Chairman of the Petroleum
Division of the A. I. M. E., and his
The barbecue will be held at
Vance Field, which is the petroleum
experimental field just North of
the Petroleum-Geology building. In
case of rain or cold weather, the
barbecue will be held in the Animal
Husbandry Arena.
Cost of the barbecue will be 10^
for A. I. M. E. members and Pe
troleum Engineering Club mem
bers, and 25$ for non-members. A.'
I. M. E. members must bring their
membership cards. Students having
one o’clock classes will be given
excused absences from classes.
Hillel Club Holds
Twentieth Annual
Dance Tonight
Fields and Troupe Leave
Tonight for West Coast
After playing Friday night for
an annual Infantry Regiment Ball
that was highly successful despite
a rain that set in during the af
ternoon, and after entertaining
hundreds of Aggies with his “rip
pling rhythm” at the Town Hall
program during the early evening,
Shep Fields will again present his
nationally famous orchestra to
night in Sbisa Hall for what prom
ises to be an outstanding corps
dance of the year.
To suit current tastes of the
American public Shep Fields has
made a considerable change and
improvement in his style during
the last year. His radio style, fur
thermore, is much different from
the style of music he plays for
dances, the “rippling rhythm” not
being emphasized quite so much in
the latter.
With Fields will be featured such
outstanding performers as Miss
Claire Nunn, beautiful New Or
leans songstress; Hal Derwin, the
“whispering baritone”; Sol Gioe,
pianist; Caesar Mussioli, accordian-
ist; Danny Grey, jitterbug trump
eter; Jerry Stewart, and a host of
other entertainers.
The entire orchestra arrived early
yesterday afternoon in their pri
vate car at the Southern Pacific
station. They had come straight
from New York where they just
finished making recordings. After
the engagement here is completed,
Fields and the rest of the troupe
will continue on directly to the
west coast where they are booked
for the next few months.
The decorations for tonight’s
corps dance will be the same as
those used last night for the In
fantry Ball. As usual the time will
be from nine until twelve and
(Continued on page 4)
Campus Study Club To
Present Parts From
The Mikado Tuesday
A musical program from the
“Mikado” will be presented at
the next meeting of the Campus
Study Club Tuesday at 3:00 p. m.
in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. Various
members of the club are taking
part in the directing and present
ing the numbers. The members of
the chorus and soloists will be in
Mrs. F. I. Dahlberg and Mrs.
Theodore Freeman have been di
recting the chorus. Mrs. John
Ashton has been responsible for
arranging for this program to
be presented. Mrs. Paul Pearson
is reader and will explain and an
nounce each number. Mrs. J. R.
Ketchersid will be in charge of
arranging the stage.
Solos will be presented by Mrs.
J. M. Miller, Mrs. Homer Martin,
and Mrs. S. W. Lange.
A. & M. Honors Jim Farley With Review And The Largest
Banquet In School’s History; Farley Pays Tribute To College
U. S. Postmaster-General James
A. Farley paid tribute to Texas
A. & M. in Sbisa Hall Thursday
night when he said, “At no place
have 1 been greeted as cordially
and shown as much consideration
here at Texas A.
ftidtauQ and as to your re-
iLnuqn itnessed this after-
i nave never seen anything
like it no matter where I have
been. You certainly have a great
school here.”
Approximately 1,000 persons, in
cluding about 400 students, packed
the main wing of Sbisa Hall to hear
the distinguished visitor who spoke
on business and politics as similar-
fields of endeavor. It was the larg
est banquet in the history of the
Mr. Farley and his party were
met at the East Gate by a commit
tee of college officials and was
escorted by D Troop Cavalry to
the drill field where a review was
held in his honor.
Following the review he retired
to the Board of Directors house
on the campus where he met with
members of the board and other
college'officials until time for the
Dr. T. O. Walton, president of
A. & M., presided as toastmaster-
and introduced F. M. Law, chair
man of the Board of Directors,
who welcomed Mr. Farley to the
college. Mr. Law told the distin
guished guest that Texans love
him because they know that he is
“loyal to his friends, loyal to his
principles, loyal to his church, and
above all, loyal to his country.”
He also told Mr, Farley that
Texans are strong not only for
social security but we are also
strong for some military security.
“No country on earth is going to
tell this country where to head in!”
he said.
Burris Jackson, Hillsboro
master and former student of A.
& M., class of ’27, introduced the
other distinguished people present.
Cadet Colonel Woody Varner, wel
comed Mr. Farley in behalf of the
cadets and told him that it gave
him his greatest pleasure to pre
sent the corps in review for him.
At the conclusion of Mr. Farley’s
address, “Jo-Jo” White, senior let-
terman end and president of the
“T” Association, presented the
Postmaster-General with a regula
tion Homer H. Norton football
which was autographed by all mem
bers of the 1939 national champion
team, the Texas Aggies.
Immediately after the presenta
tion of the ball, Mr. Farley left
by car for Hearne where he was to
board a train for Tyler where he
will speak today before the state
meeting of postmasters.
Notables who attended the ban
quet included former governors
Pat Neff, now president of Baylor
University, who delivered the in
vocation, and James E. Ferguson;
Wright Morrow, president of the
Houston Chamber of Commerce;
Bascom Giles, Commissioner of the
General Land Office; Charlie Lock-
(Continued on page 4)
Hibbard Lectures
On Ag Economics
April 8 thru 12
Dr. E. H. Hibbard of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, a noted agri
cultural economist, will address the
entire School of Agriculture of A.
& M. Tuesday morning, April 9,
at 11 o’clock in Guion Hall. His
subject will be “Farmers’ Move
Dean E. J. Kyle of the School
of Agriculture has issued notice
that all agricultural students, in
cluding freshmen, sophomores, jun
iors, and seniors, will be excused
from their 11 o’clock classes Tues
day morning. They will be re
quired to attend the lecture.
Agricultural faculty members
are expected to attend, and all
other students, faculty members,
and officers of the college are in
vited to be present.
Tuesday night at 7 o’clock in
room 312 of the Agicultural Build
ing, an important meeting of the
Agronomy Society will be held.
All agronomy students, including
freshmen, sopomores, juniors, and
seniors, are to be present at this
meeting. “It is of vital import
ance that all agronomy students
attend without fail,” Dean Kyle
The College Library has an
nounced that the booklets obtained
from the Dallas Morning News of
“The First Six Months of the War
in Maps and Pictures” had proven
so popular that they were given
out within a few minutes after the
library opened Tuesday.
In accordance with +hL show of
enthusiasm for the booklets the
library, has obtained 200 additional
booklets from the Dallas Morning
News and will start distributing
them Saturday morning at 8 a. m.
The booklets may be obtained—•
as long as they last—at the ref
erence desk in the main reading
room of the library.