The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 1940, Image 5
AGGIES FIGHT TODAY TO HOLD LEAD ■■ t.C.Jcep' OATES BATTALION SPORTS-EDITOR Oates Second, Anderson Next To Last In Record College Station Vote Ole Oates was second and Col onel Frank Anderson next to last in the mayor’s race Tuesday. Oates got the large number of 12 votes, probably including his own, and Anderson received 461. That is a- bout 38 to 1 if it was in a box score. Seriously speaking, if it did no thing else it brought the College Station people to the poll to vote as they should do. In the last elec tion there were only 104 votes cast and this time there were 478. That is a lot of difference. Colonel Anderson will no doubt make an excellent mayor and the people of College Station are to be complimented on their choice and their support. More than 12 people told me yesterday that they had voted for me. I wonder where those other votes went to. My roomie told me that enough guys had told him that they voted for him in the Behind The Scenes TROUBLE Calls for Expert Attention Call for STUDENT CO-OP North Gate Ugly Boy Contest for him to have won. This “politicks” is lots of fun. I GOT BEAT AND WON’T BE MAYOR SO ALL YOU PEO PLE WHO STOPPED SPEAK ING TO ME CAN START SPEAK ING AGAIN NOW! • Starting today there will be sports of all kinds for the rest of the week. The baseball team plays today, Friday and Saturday. The pistol team has a match with the Department of Public Safety Friday and Saturday. The rifle team will shoot a shoulder-to- shoulder match with the girls from C. I. A. The polo team will play some undecided team Friday and Sunday. The Boxing Club will box the University of Texas Box ing Club Saturday night. The swimming team will compete in the conference swimming meet Fri day and Saturday nights. The ten nis team is due to meet someone Saturday, probably Sam Houston. The golf team will have a match. And if that is not enough there will be some fencing. Add this to the INFANTRY BALL, always a big blowout, and you have a full weekend of fun. It looks like “Bama” Smith is just the thing the doctor ordered for the dash division of the Aggie track team. He ran a 9.4-second 100-yard dash the other day. Of course he had a strong wind with him, but that is still breezing a- long. He was several yards ahead of Red Cecil at the finish and Red can step fast enough to out run a cop. Ralph Henderson is a cinch to win many points for Rollin’s track IF THEBE’S A m. IN THE ME The first thing she’ll notice about this Palm Beach Evening Formal is the way it puts you at ease — in fact it’s the first thing you’ll see for your self when you note its comfortable fit and carefree lines. It’s as easy to wear as any coat in your closet, but probably a lot smarter. Broad shoulders — close fitting collar, drape that accents height — and coolness that keeps you fresh and smiling through the hottest night. Just the set-up for after six. Just the set-up for a modern investment in good appearance. PALM BEACH EVENING FORMAL TAILORED BY ■ O O P A I-l THE OEM U I Ml CLOTH $18.50 White Coat .... Black Trousers “Two Convenient Stores” College Station — Bryan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * First Minor Sports Meet To Be Held This Week A. & M., T. C. U. TO PLAY 2-GAME SERIES HERE Today’s Game To Start At 1:00 P. M. Because Of Cadet Military Review BATTALION EIGHT SPORTS TO BE INCLUDED IN FIRST MEET Numerous Teams Entered In Contests To Be Held On Friday And Saturday an ex-Aggie and seems to take great pride in showing the others around the campus. During their visit here Friday and Saturday they plan to take in the two ball games and the conference swim ming meet Saturday night with the A. & Mv Varsity team. By Eugene Oates The Aggie baseball team will meet T. C. U. here this afternoon in the first of the two-game stand with the fray being called at 1:00 o’clock on account of the mil itary review. Coach Marty Karow has indicat ed that he will start Charlie Stev enson on the mound for the cadets. Stevenson won the opening game against Rice here last week. The teams/ will play their second game here Friday afternoon, start ing at 3:30, the regular time for games other than Saturday frays. The Houston Buffaloes of the Tex as League will be here for a game Saturday. T. C. U. has a veteran ball club and Coach Karow expects them to be tough. A recent new release from T. C. U. indicated that the Frogs are figuring on second place this season, and if that is the case they can’t afford to lose these games. It is expected that Woodrow Duckworth will be the pitcher the Frogs will use in the opening game with Durward Horner being saved for the following day. The Frogs have batting strength in Abney Dennis, and Ralph Tank- ersley, Don Looney, and Mac West. It is to be remembered that the Frogs gave the cadets much trou ble in their game last season. Karow has shifted Jeffrey to the outfield in hopes of getting more batting strength. That leaves Pugh on first. Last week T. C. U. opened its conference season with a brace of games against S. M. U. The teams split the series, but little could be told from them as the strength of S. M. U. is not known, and then too it was the first conference games for both teams. Military Escort— (Continued from page 1) Immediately following Mr. Far ley’s address, Dr. Walton will rec ognize Walemon “Cotton” Price, captain of the champion Aggie football team, who will present Mr. Farley with an autographed foot ball as a souvenir of his visit to Texas A. & M. Postmaster Farley and party will leave at 9:00 p. m. for Tyler. Pres ident Walton has requested that all guests remain seated until the official party has left the dining room. In order to relieve traffic con gestion for guests in attendance at the review and to clear the way for the escort of honor, cars will not be parked on either side of Hubbard, Coke, and Lamar streets between 1:00 and 6:00 p. m. today, Colonel Moore has announced in a late order. team in the 880 and a leg on the relay team. Derace Moser, who has been getting over an operation, is in shape now and he will add points for the Cadets. You’ll always find many delicious new dishes on the menu here. That’s one of the reasons why you always find so many A. & M. students eating here. Stop in soon and ENJOY some food! DE LUXE CAFE Bryan THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940 PAGE 5 Texas and A. & M. To Meet Saturday In The Nearest Thing Possible To War Aggies settled their boxing championships Saturday night and the champs will fight the cham pions of the University of Texas Boxing Club here Saturday night, April 6, as a part of the All- Sports Day program. The upperclass champions, with the exceptions of the 145 pound and 155 pound classes, will be the boys to fight the Texas champs. Upperclass champions are: War ren Pendleton, 119 pdund; Jimmie Cozinos, 129 pound; Bryan Newton, 139 pound; Jim Davis, Ecuador, S. A., 149 pound; Martin Howard, 159 pound; Charlie Taylor, 169 pound; Winston Smith, 179 pound; and Leonard Joeris, heavyweight. Freshman title holders are: Jack Grigsey, 119 pound; Charles Goebel, 129 pound; Jacob Chap man, 139 pound; R. K. Miller, 149 pound; Bill Taylor, 159 pound; John Reese, 169 pound; Elton Mayer, 179 pound; and Francis Moorehouse, heavyweight. In the fights against Texas, Bill Taylor will substitute for Howard, who will be tied up with running the matches. R. K. Miller will substitute for Jim Davis, who has a broken hose. Texas must go through an elim ination in their 145 pound and heavyweight class before Saturday night. Bob Cunningham, their number one 145 pounder, will be tied up with bar examinations and the winner of the Harry Schwenker-George Benn fight will be the representative. Shelby Buck will be at home getting things lined up for his political race for representative and that leaves Bill Kilmon, Ray Willis, Mike Sweeney and Robert Felgar to fight it out for their heavy weight man. The bouts are due to start at 8:00 o’clock. The fights will be as follows: INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS By HUB JOHNSON It’s a funny thing about for feits. In Class A water polo this year there were 70 teams not to appear for scheduled games while in touch football only four for feits were registered. Some 1,297 different men competed in touch- football games while 686 played in the water game. Last year there were only 958 to compete in touch-football and there were 21 forfeits. This shows a gain of 339 players or 35 per cent and a betterment of over 500 per cent in the actual playing of games. Here and there on the fields . . . Doc Hobrecht, Fred Richmond, and Dick Phillips leading the 2nd Hq. Field speedball team to a 7 to 3 win over Ed Ivey’s B Chem Warfare . . . E Field Artillery with a good reserve defeating the Infanry Band 2 to 1 in volleyball . . . Bob Galt and John Spangler and company claiming a horseshoe match with a 2 to 1 win over the 1st Combat Train Field . . . B In fantry winning 3 to 0 over C Cav alry . . . and five ping-pong games in the Class A bracket, all played in the way of just plain fun. Ping-pong games have been scheduled for those teams who care to enter the tournament. The final standing will not count this year towards the banners nor will points be given. The tournament is just an experiment and all for those who have more spare time than that used in other games. A. & M. Wt. Texas Pendleton 120 Phillip Eng Cokinos 127 Ed Scarbrough Newton 135 John Newell Miller 145 Schwenker or Been B. Taylor 155 Punk Florence C. Taylor 165 Tommy Glenn Smith 175 Byron Sherrill Joeris H. W. Willis, Sweeney, Felgar or Kilmon Fish and Varsity Polo Teams Play Match Here Friday A preview of A. & M.’s polo team for next year will be shown on Jackson Field Friday at 3:00 when the Fish tangle with the Varsity. This should be an inter esting match as some of the mem bers of the Freshman team came to Aggieland as seasoned players. McGowan and Muerhead, who were formerly with the Shreve port Polo and Riding Club, will be in the starting lineup along with Buie from Corpus Christi, and Braid who hails from San Antonio. Irving, a cadet from El Paso, will see service in several periods of play. This team has shown up well in practice and is expected to give the Varsity a long, hard, ride. Positions one, two, three, and four will be held down by McGowan, Buie, Braid, and Muirhead respectively. Playing for the Varsity will be Williams at number one, Barry number two, Jones number three, and McDonald number four. This is the team that won the South west Conference Championship in view of the fact that A. & M. has the only team in this conference. Despite the lack of competition ; in this area however, the Aggies ! j have a championship team as has ! been evidenced in their many 'J games with veteran teams. City Council Holds Special Meeting The City Council of College Sta tion met Tuesday night, April 2 in a special meeting to receive ballots from the election of city officials. The council also author ized repair and construction work on the loop in the water main be tween Ewell Road, College Park, and Oakwood. The council passed an ordinance requiring building permits. In keeping the normal maintenance of the roads, a truck and crew is now patching holes in the roads on the North Side, Oakwood, College Hills Estates, and College Park. Careful workmanship, budget - minded prices, pjrompt service — these are reasons why so many A. & M. students use and recommend our cleaning services. Phone College 308 AGGIE Cleaners North Gate By Hub Johnson Each of the eight Aggie minor sports teams to compete in the first sports festival here Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is putting on the finishing touches in pre paration for a stiff contest. The festival is one of the first ever to be held in this section of the country and has already been recognized by some sports mentors as a step towards the recognition of some of the minor games and the boosting of interest of others. Polo Team To Defend Record Major Burnett’s polo four will be defending their record against the hard riding Lampasas team who they defeated earlier this year. The Aggie polo team has es tablished a name for itself over this section and has made great showing against many of the best teams of the South. All of their home games are played on Jack- son Field on the Sulphur Spring Road northwest of the ‘Y’ cabin. T.S.C.W. To Enter Team Saturday morning the first femi nine team to ever compete against the Aggies in a sports event will arrive here from Denton. A strong girls’ rifle team from the A. & M. sister school will offer its best against the Hearst Trophy win ners of 1940. State Police To Fire The Texas Department of Public Safety team which has fired here several times previously will fur nish the competition for Captain Enslow’s champion pistol team. The troopers are said to be the best liked competitors of the Ag gie team. One of the members is Linksmen to Face Bryan Henry Hauser and Bill McMahon will lead the Aggie golfers against a strong team composed of pros and amateurs of College Station and Bryan. This will be a good match in preparation for the Rice Owls here April 12. Boxers Fight Texas U. A combination of the intramural champs and the boxing club will face the Texas University scrap pers Saturday night in the first match of the year for the Aggie boxers. The Texas team has enter ed many tournaments and defeat ed the Temple District Golden Glove Champs last week. For a good show and a lot of heavy fighting, this should fill the bill. Conference Swimming Meet With the withdrawal of Rice, T.C.U. and Arkansas, Saturday night will prove ample time for the running of the Southwest Con ference Swimming Meet. The Aggies claimed a bear skin from Baylor and the losers in turn defeated Southern Methodist. Texas and A. & M. have competed and the Aggies came out on the narrow end so it appears that the meet will be between the Long horns and the Aggies. Other Teams To Play The fencing team will either face the Baylor Bears or the Southern Methodist foils. Galveston’s Moody Club has just returned home from a four day trip to Dallas and at present are unable to come here. Manning Smith’s tennis squad will travel to Huntsville to compete with the Sam Houston Bearkats. This match was scheduled some time ago and so far can not be changed. UNLUCKY IN LOVE? f i TRY A FEW PALM BEACH SUITS and see the difference. Girls can’t resist a man who’s cool and smart in a Palm Beach White or Evening Formal. Your favorite clothier is featuring 1940’8 broader-shouldered models. See them today—and may the best woman win! % Palm Beach Suits, $16.75. In whites, blues, tans, grays and greens. Washable, of course. Palm Beach Formals (white jacket and black trousers), $18.50. Slacks, $5.00. Goodall Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Always look for this label