The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 1940, Image 1

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The Battalion
NEWSCAST, 4:30-5:30
VOL. 39
NO. 70
Election Marked By Light
Vote, Close Editor’s Race
More Than 1,100 Votes Cast; Keeton
And Gillis Win by Large Majorities
In an election yesterday marked by a vote of 1,133, considerably
lighter than that of last year, but an editor’s race that was neck-and-
neck almost to the very finish, R. E. (Bob) Nisbet was elected next
year’s Editor-in-chief of The Battalion, Ernest R. “Buster” Keeton
became the next chief yell-leader of the “Twelfth Man”, and Tom Gillis
became the junior representative on the Student Publications Board.
The total vote was as follows: -f
For Battalion Editor:
Bob Nisbet 590
A. J. Robinson 530
Difference 60
For Chief Yell-Leader:
E. R. “Buster” Keeton .... 678
C. J. “Foots” Bland 455
For Junior Representative:
Tom Gillis 733
Roland Bing 378
The entire campaign this year
was remarkably quiet and free of
the excitement that marked the
campaigns oik the last two years
—that is, up to the time the votes
were being counted last evening
by the Student Election Commit
tee. The count surged back and
forth; spectators were gasping
nervously and anxious to learn the
results of an editor’s race that
was so close no one could tell
the outcome until the final tabula
For the first time, the election
was completely under the super
vision of the Student Election Com
Editor-elect Robert (Bob) Nisbet
has been a junior editor on The
Battalion newspaper and magazine.
A Bryan boy, he is a junior of
the Field Artillery Band, and is a
student of chemical engineering.
Stated Bob: “I greatly appreciate
the support given me. All I have
(Continued on page 6)
Safety Booklet To
Be Given With
This Battalion
Two thousand, five hundred
copies of a new booklet on traffic
safety entitled “Smash Hits of
1939” are being distributed free to
student subscribers to The Bat
talion wdth this issue.
The booklet is attractively and
vividly illustrated and is furnish
ed with a number of graphs and
charts strikingly indicative of the
present trends in accidents on the
streets and highways.
The editors of The Battalion
obtained 2,500 copies. Though not
enough to be sent to all subscrib
ers, the majority of the studerit
subscribers will receive copies,
through the courtesy of The Bat
talion and with the hope that this
booklet will help to reduce care
lessness among Aggie drivers,
pedestrians, and hitch - hikers
through its presentation of the
dangers of carelessness, in a form
more vivid than a dozen editorials
might be.
The circulation staff of The Bat
talion is handling the distribution
of these booklets, and it is re
quested that all the distributors in
the halls do their part in seeing
that all available booklets are dis
tributed to the students.
Want To See Col. Ike In Rompers?
See P. T. A. Show Monday Night!!
Hollywood movies and New York
stage show producers have assemb
led some notable casts in their
time; but it remained for the Par
ent-Teacher Association of the
College Station Consolidated School
to go them one betteri in casting
their benefit show “The Old
School At Hick’ry Hollow”, sched
uled for presentation at the A. &
M. Assembly Hall on the evening
of Monday, April 8.
For just a dime, folks, a tenth-
part of a dollar, you can see Col.
Ike Ashburn in rompers taking the
part of Sammy Fly, the little
brother of Firebell Fly, Mrs. Frank
If that isn’t enough for your
money you’ll see the Hickory Hol
low Band perform with Dr. E. P.
Humbert as Hosea Jimson, drum
mer; L. G. Jones as Petero Blow-
"hard, tuba; David Thrift as Henson
Jackson, cornet; and E. E. Vezey
as Capt. Kilgore, leader.
The Snow quadruplets—Wille-
mena, Philipena, Angelena and Pu-
rena—will be played by Mrs. N. E.
Boughton, Mrs. Yarnell, Mrs. Long
and Mrs. Cashion.
The meanest boy in school, Jim
Henry Cobb, who sheets through
his teeth, will be portrayed by
Marty Karow, Aggie baseball
Joshua Toothacre, the school
master, will be portrayed by C. O.
Spriggs. ■
So come early and avoid the rush.
Remember! The place: Assembly
Hall. The date: April 8. The price:
just a thin dime. And it’s all for
the new school’s benefit. Don’t miss
it, for you’ll never have another
chance like this!
They’ll Hold Important Jobs Next Term
R. E. (Bob) Nisbet, editor-elect Tom Gillis, new junior repre- E. R. “Buster” Keeton, new
of The Battalion newspaper and sentative on the Student Publica- chief yell-leader of the “twelfth
magazine for 1940-41. tions Board. man”.
Shep Fields’’ Orchestra To
Take Over Aggie Bandstand
At a recent meeting of the Board
of Directors of the College, the
establishment of a Department of
Industrial Engineering in the
School of Engineering was author
ized. As head of this Department,
Mr. Judson Neff was employed,
and his connection with the college
became effective April 1.
Mr. Neff received his Bachelor
of Science Degree in Mechanical
Engineering from A. & M. in
1928. He received his Master of
Business Administration from the
Harvard Graduate School of Busi
ness Administration in 1936. From
1936 to the time of his acceptance
of the position as head of the
Department of Industrial Engi
neering here, Mr. Neff was con
nected with the Edward G. Budd
Maunfacturing Company of Phila
The temporary office of the new
department is in the Agricultural
Experiment Station. Mr. Neff will
spend the remainder of the time
of this semester and the summer
in studying the college curricula
and in planning the courses and
work of his department. The School
of Engineering is pleased to have
secured Mr. Neff as head of the
new department. A meeting be
tween Dean Gilchrist and Mr. Neff,
then working in Philadelphia, was
arranged in Indianapolis, and at
this meeting Mr. Neff consented
to head the department.
Right, Miss Claire Nunn,
beautiful New Orleans songstress,
featured with Shep Fields (above)
and his “Rippling Rhythm” Or
chestra. Others to be featured in
clude Hal Derwin, “the whisper
ing baritone”; Sol Gioe, pianist;
Caesar Mussiolo, accordionist; Dan
ny Gay, jitterbug trumpeter; Jer
ry Stewart, and a host of other
Contrary to popular rumor, Shep
Fields is not going to create his
Rippling Rhythm” on the campus
this week-end by blowing through
a double chocolate soda.
Shep Fields is bringing his band
here for three engagements—play
ing for Town Hall at 7:00 o’clock
and the Annual Infantry Ball at
9:00 o’clock Friday night and for
the Corps dance at 9 o’clock Sat
urday night.
The easily recognized strains of
Shep’s “Rippling Rhythm” were
not used by his orchestra when he
first made his way toward fame.
Shep began his musical career by
failing to convince the director of
the Erasmus High School orches-
Military Escort To Meet
Postmaster At East Gate
Full Military and School Honors
To Be Given Postmaster-General
Final preparations are being completed this morning to bestow
full military and school honors on Postmaster-General James A. Farley
during his visit to Aggieland today where he will witness a full-
dress, mounted review of the cadet corps this afternoon and will at
tend a banquet in his honor in Sbisa Hall tonight.
Among the list of notables to be on the campus today are ex
governors Pat Neff, president of
U. S. Postmaster-General James
A. Farley, who will arrive at Ag
gieland for a visit this afternoon.
tra that he was good enough. A
military band director thought the
same thing; so Shep went off to
law school.
At the death of his father, he
was forced to leave school and be
the family breadwinner by start
ing his own eight-piece band. The
size of the orchestra increased, and
Shep Fields gained no small de
gree of fame, but it was not until
Shep was sipping a soda in a drug
store while traveling between en
gagements that fortune really
beamed upon him. “I was in a
drug store having a soda when sud
denly I became aware of the mu
sical sound of liquid sipped through
a straw,” relates Shep. “The idea
was sudden, but it’s taken lots of
work to perfect it.” His degree of
perfection of this novel and unique
means of producting music is re
flected in the ease with which his
style of “Rippling Rhythm” is rec
The original soda has been re
placed by a plain glass bowl, water,
and a glass tube, but the distinct
ive sound is the same.
The tall, well groomed orchestra
leader’s music does not sound the
same on the air as it does on the
dance floor, and Shep has modified
his style some in the last two
years to keep his rhythms ‘tops’
with his many fans.
Hal Derwin, the male vocalist
for the orchestra, started singing
(Continued on page 6)
Applications For
Active Duty Under
Thomason Act Due
Applications for a year of active
duty in the regular army under
the Thomason Act for members of
this year’s graduating class may
now be submitted, Colonel G. F.
Moore, P.M.S.T. and Commandant
announced this week.
Final selections of men to fill
the quota allotted to the Eighth
Corps Area will be made on May 1
and candidates will be notified as
soon thereafter as possible as to
their selection.
Applications must be submitted
to the Corps Area Commander by
April 25 in order that this selection
can be made. Applicants for duty
must not be more than 28 years of
age on July 1, 1940 and must be
Openings are available in all
branches of military service repre
sented at A. & M. College. Anyone
interested in making application
should report at room 101, Aca
demic Building for further infor
mation and instructions.
Baylor University, and James E.
Ferguson; Wright Morrow, presi
dent of the Houston Chamber of
Commerce; Bascom Giles, Commis
sioner of the General Land Office;
Charlie Lockhart, State Treasurer;
State Senators Albert Stone and
Penrose Metcalfe; State Represen
tatives Price Daniel and Edward L.
Vint; Ewell Nalle, Burris Jackson,
and many other outstanding politi
cal and economic leaders.
Postmaster-General Farley and
the official party will arrive at
the East Gate of the college with
a Highway Patrol escort at 4:30
this afternoon. They will be met
just inside the main entrance by
college officials and D Troop Cav
alry who will serve as an official
escort for the Postmaster-General.
At this time Colonel Moore will
accompany Mr. Farley on an in
spection with the Cavalry escort. A
19-gun salute will be accorded the
visiting member of President
Roosevelt’s Cabinet as soon as he
arrives on the campus. Immedi
ately following the inspection the
party will proceed to the Review
ing Stand on the east side of the
drill field.
The review will be witnessed
from the Reviewing Stand by Post
master-General Farley and Colonel
Moore and other notables. The
regimental staffs of all units will
fall out after passing in review and
form on the right of the corps staff.
After the review is completed, they
will be introduced to Mr. Farley
and a period of general introduc
tions will follow.
More than 900 people are ex
pected to attend the banquet tomor
row night at 7:00 o’clock. The
banquet will be held in the main
dining room of Sbisa Hall and will
start promptly at 7:00 with the
processional to the speakers’ table.
The main door of the mess hall
will be closed and side entrances
will be used. All seniors attend
ing the banquet will enter the mess
hall through the northeast door
nes^t to Milner Hall and will take
seats in the east end of the main
room. All civilian guests at the
banquet will enter through the
southeast entrance to the main
room of the mess hall and will
take seats on the west end of the
main room. The speakers’ table
will be located at the main entrance
of the mess hall just opposite the
entrance to the kitchen.
(Continued on page 5)
City Voting Record Set As Anderson,
Langford, And Munson Win Offices
The results of the election for-f
mayor and aldermen of College
Station have been officially an
nounced, and the new mayor is
Col. Frank G. Anderson, former
commandant of the college and
now a member of the athletic de
partment. In this election the re
cord number of 485 votes was
cast, which is a decided increase
over the 104 votes polled last year.
In the election for mayor, Col.
Anderson polled 461 votes, E. C.
(Jeep) Oates 12. Luke Patranella-
and N. E. Boughton also received
some votes.
In the race for aldermen, the
successful candidates were Ernest
Langford, 393, and T. A. Mun
son, 289 votes. Otner candidates
who received votes for aldermen
were I. G. Adams, J. H. Quisen-
berry, C. Orville Spriggs, and A.
R. Kemmerer. The election was
held Tuesday, April 2, with the
Southern Pacific Depot serving as
a polling station.
There will be an important meet
ing of the Faculty Tennis Club to
day at 5 p. m.
Old members are needed to de
cide important questions. New
members are invited to attend the
discussion and join the club or
sign up for the spring tournament.
Warren M. McBryde, Noted San Francisco Consulting
Engineer, To Be Honored With A Chapter Luncheon
Warren H. McBryde, San Fran--ftion members of the A.S.M.E. will
cisco consulting engineer, and pres
ident of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, will visit
the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Texas Friday, and will
be honored at a luncheon of the
student branch of the A.S.M.E. at
noon, it was announced today. Ern
est Hartford of New York, assist
ant secretary of the A.S.M.E. also
will visit the College Friday.
Mr. McBryde will speak at the
luncheon on the subject of “What
Is Engineering?”. He is on a tour
of Texas and Friday evening will
speak at Houston at a meeting of
the South Texas section of the
go to Houston Friday evening and
two senior students of the A. & M.
College will compete for prizes of
fered for talks on engineering. Two
students from Rice Institute and
two from the University of Texas
will also compete for the prizes.
A. & M. will be represented by
J. W. Wood of Milford, who will
speak on “The Performance of
Cooling Towers”, and G. W.
Wheeler of Victoria, who will speak
on “Metalock”.
The American Society of Me
chanical Engineers this year is
celebrating the 60th year of its
foundation with special meetings
and observances, and President
McBryde is making an extensive
Several carloads of College Sta-1 tour of the various branches.