The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1940, Image 2
PAGE 2 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1940 Tomorrow’s the Day...Let’s Vote BACKWASH By George Euermann Well, Army, tomorrow’s the day! Tomorrow’s the day your votes will determine next year’s editor-in-chief of The Bat talion, next year’s chief yell-leader, next year’s junior representative on the Student Pub lications Board which determines publications policies. And tonight’s the night the annual special yell practice will be held on the “Y” steps, when all the candidates will make their pleas to the corps and present their platforms for your consideration. Attend, and tomorrow state your choice with your votes. State the honest opinion you have formed through the observation of each candidate’s work and abilities. It’s a general election. Every student has the right, the opportunity, the duty, the priyilege, of expressing his opinion. Every student may vote—provided he presents in person at the. ballot box his yellow slip—his receipt for payment of fees for the second semester. Balloting will go on from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., in the lobby of the Academic Building. Representatives of each candidate and members of the impartial, impartially-selected supervisory Student Election Committee will be at the ballot box during the day, to insure complete fairness in voting. They will be present when the votes are counted. Everything is to be entirely fair and just. “Lobbying” by any candidate or any agent of any candidate will not be permitted in side or at the entrance of the Academic Building. Tomorrow’s the only chance you have to express your opinion. There are only two candidates for each position; there will be no runoff. So let’s make this election thoroughly representative. How about it, Army? Don’t forget to vote. . . And by all means, when you go to the ballot box, don’t forget to bring your yellow slips! "Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster. Parade of Opinion DEMOCRATS: With speculation on the third- term aspirations of President Roosevelt holding the limelight, collegians all over the nation are turning to a consideration of the 1940 election prospects of the Democratic Party and are discuss ing the party’s possibilities with great interest. Comment on the third-term issue seems about evenly divided, with many urging the President to make up his mind as soon as possible so the party will not be split further. The Washington College Elm is most vociferous in denouncing another term for Mr. Roosevelt: “The life of the American people will be imperiled by a third-term candidacy for Mr. Roosevelt. Our national economy and political in stitutions will be destroyed. War or peace, we sug gest that Mr. Roosevelt declare his intention to obey the unwritten rule against the third term.” The University of Kansas Daily Kansan believes the third-term controversy serves two purposes: “The innocent one of providing a safety valve by which today’s anxiety and alarm may be released, and the more doubtful one of providing an effective smoke screen that obscures all other important events.” Turning to the speculation over James A. Far ley’s candidacy, the University of Minnesota Daily said: “The Postmaster-General would no doubt make a formidable candidate for the Presidency, being an able politician who has a strong personal fol lowing. He has a wide acquaintance throughout the country, a thorough grasp of its many diverse prob lems and would give a creditable account of him self in the presidency. Mr. Farley is best known, of course, for his political sagacity and his almost un canny ability in divining popular trends. It is doubtful, however, that a man of his unquestioned political acumen would care to suffer the fate of Alfred E. Smith.” The University of Texas Daily Texan predicts that President Roosevelt could not win the nom ination or the election should “General Jim” desert him: “A Farley walkout would be a blow to the White House. Farley has a tremendous personal following—a strong and genial personality, he makes and keeps friends. As head of one of the most effect ive political machines ever developed in this coun try, he knows how to get results. And many a del egate at the next nomination convention will “ask Jim” before supporting or opposing any candidate. Several of the college newspapers are thumping for Cordell Hull as the nevt carrier of the Demo cratic standard. On this subject, the University of Iowa Daily Iowan says: “The greatest barrier to the Presidency for Cordell Hull is his age. The Secretary of State is 70, which doesn’t appeal to most voters. As capable as Cordell Hull has been in his political career, making few enemies in the years since 1906 when he first entered Congress, his age alone is enough to keep him from getting the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. A second barrier to the nomination of Hull is his re lationship to Roosevelt in the party. Were Roose velt to announce his intentions of running for a third term, even the slim chance that Hull now has to get the nomination would fade.” The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Poet Office at College ■tation, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon reQuest. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. 4-6444. 1939 Member' 1940 Associated Gofle&iate Press BILL MURRAY ... LARRY WEHRLE James Critz b ports Ed Circulation Manager Asst. Sports Editor Staff Photographer Staff Artist E. C. (Jeep) Oates H. G. Howard “Hub’ Johnson Philip Golman John J. Moseley Junior Editors Billy Clarkson George Fuermann Bob Nisbet A. J. Robinson Earle A Shields TUESDAY STAFF Charlie Wilkinson .'. Managing Editor Sam Davenport Asst. Advertising Manager C. A. Montgomery Editorial Assistant R. V. (Red) Myers Jr. Sports Assistant Senior Sports Assistant Jimmie Cokinos Jimmy James Junior Advertising Solicitors K. W. Hubbard J. D. Smith Reportorial Staff Bill Fitch, H. S. Hutchins, W. D. C. Jones, Joe Leach, J. L. Morgan, Jerry Rolnick, J. C. Rominger, E. A. Sterling, W. P. Walker, R. J. Warren Take Heed ... Take Care When driving, obey the traffic signals. What is to be gained by shooting out from a corner be fore the signal light turns green? There is noth ing to be gained but tragedy, either in the form of an accident or a traffic ticket. Most drivers are just a trifle careless. They will do anything to save just a few seconds. A few years ago, in Chicago, the police depart ment conducted a test in which one motorist raced across town breaking every traffic law on the books, and in which another motorist obeyed all the laws. The law breaker, in a 23-mile race, gained a mere 51 seconds. If on foot, much cannot be gained by cross ing the street upon hearing the warning signal. Perhaps 30 seconds may be saved, but perhaps a life may be lost. We Americans are always rush ing some place and then waiting there for some thing to happen. Take it easy. You’ll live longer, both on foot and in automobiles. How True. . . How true is the reasoning of the newspaper from which we reprint this comment: “A newspaper can give people all kinds of favorable notice, and free helpful publicity, but never hear a word of comment or praise. However, let one single unfavorable statement, whether true or not, be printed, and the wolves will be on your neck.” . Telephone .EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ADVERTISING MANAGER Associate Editor Sports Editor ERROR Inadvertently, a numerical error appeared in an editorial in the last issue. In stating that the contribution of $40 made by the four classes to the T. O. Walton Portrait Fund was equivalent to an individual contribution of a dime from each of 4000 members of the corps, we erred. Obviously, the number was intended to read 400. That’s a fair showing. Praise is due Max McCullar and those other class leaders who led im making the donation to this worthy cause. We apologize for the error. As the World Turns... By DR. R. W. STEEN Insofar as activity is concerned, politics con tinues to outweigh the war as a source of headlines. In Texas the contest for the Democratic nomination for the governorship is just now in something of an “if” stage. Several candidates have announced and are already campaigning. The Fergusons are apparently waiting for the post card poll they requested to draft them. Governor O’Danield has indi cated an end to his period of inde cision by stating that he will an nounce his plans in a radio address Wednesday evening. All of these things being true, some of the haze. R w. Steen should begin to fade from the picture, and the complete field of candidates came clearly into view by the middle of April. The general supposition is that Governor O’Dan iel will seek reelection. That is the customary thing, and the average governor—having had a one-term taste of the prestige of the office—develops an appetite for a second bit. Then, too, a campaign for reelection would be sufficient explanation for the newspaper which the governor is going to be gin publishing on Thursday. Mr. O’Daniel is not the first governor to have had words with the big dailies of the state, nor is he the first to establish his own newspaper. The Ferguson Forum is the paper of this type best known to Texans. It was launched by Gover nor Ferguson in 1917 just after his impeachment, and has had an intermittent career. As a general rule it appears when the Fergusons are seeking or holding office, and quietly discontinues at times when its publishers are not actively engaged in politics. Incidently, it has at various times in its career carried an impressive volume of advertising, A campaign involving the Ferguson Forum and the O’Daniel ******** would be interesting to say the least. Texans are also involved to some degree in the field of national politics. Just at present a campaign is under way for Vice-President Garner. Another group is busily engaged in sponsoring a third-term movement for President Roosevelt. Postmastei’-General Farley, who has announced his candidacy for the presidency, is visiting in Tex as this week, and it is safe to assume that he did not come just for the ride. Fuermann In the spring of the year . . . Beryl Ann Longino of Lufkin was selected “Glamour Girl” of T. S. C. W. in a recent election held in Denton. As a result she will receive a trip to Hollywood for a screen test at Warner Bros. Stu dio . . . Gladys Swarthout, who made a tremendous 'fk % hit here in her re cent Town Hall ap pearance, was chos en as the best-dress ed woman in America . . . For the fifth consecutive weekend, “Tux edo Junction” was again the most oft-requested number at A. & M. dances. Second in this week’s Ag gie hit parade was “Put Your Little Foot,” and “Indian Summer” was third . . . Bernie Cummins’ pianist, Karl Radlack, and Aggie Jack Rudy did some Saturday af ternoon harmonizing via the organ and the piano in Guion Hall . . . Student opinion seems to be pretty well grooved in respect to the va rious orchestras imported this year for dances. Bernie Cummins seems to have a death grip on first place, Lawrence Welk next, and Del Courtney and A1 Kavelin tied for third. These facts .are based on the reply to a questionnaire given 63 cadets yesterday morning . . . Although only half of the corps eat hot cakes at one time, more than 16,000 are cooked each time they are served. This time and twice more: In the three-hour span of Sat urday night’s corps dance, song stress Connie Barleau received eighty-six requests for dates. “Some of them,” Connie said, “were hard to turn down.” Bernie’s orchestra, by the way, was on the Fitch’s Band Wagon last year and will grace the program again this May. An ardent sports fan who picked the Aggies to win the con ference last September, he pre dicted that our main worries next year would be S. M. U. and Baylor. After seeing the Aggies play base ball Saturday afternoon, he re marked that he was particularly impressed with Charlie Stevenson. Bernie, incidentally, is sincere about his love for sports and knows personally many of the present- day “greats” in several fields. • The line forms on the left: Wife of the owner of one of Bryan’s several hasheries, Mrs. J. A. Arhopulos of the De Luxe Cafe —who is better known as Katie to the Aggie world—is still talking about her trip to the Sugar Bowl game in New Orleans. And not without good cause, too; Katie, it seems, found a $50 bill on the floor of the mirror Room in the Roos evelt Hotel on New Year’s Eve, and she still has it. If you don’t believe it, she’ll show it to you! • Backwash makes a nomination: The honor of being the most bor ing—sometimes almost ironically humorous—of all advertising schemes is evenly divided between ads in movies and the afternoon “soap operas” sponsored by El Burpo Toothpaste, D and T Soap, and others. by Dob Nisbel Beginning Wednesday at the Palace is “THE GRAPES OF WRATH”, claimed by some to be the outstanding show of the year. Of course they may be right—it is a good show—but its purpose be ing to carry an urgent message doesn’t give it much time for en tertainment. Nevertheless there is some fine acting along with it and for that reason it can’t be denied its three grade-points. “MR. SMITH GOES TO WASH INGTON” is the show that plays at the Assembly Hall Wednesday afternoon and night. Mr. Smith certainly made a hit here some time ago when the show played at the Palace. After all it is seldom that any producer will concentrate all his best supporting stars into one picture as was done in this one. Since they are not leading ladies and men, these people are better known by their faces than by their names. Some of them are in the following cast: Saunders Jean Arthur Jefferson Smith .... James Stewart Senior Paine Claude Rains Jim Taylor Edward Arnold Governor Hopper Guy Kibbee Chick McGann .... Eugene Pallette Ma Smith Beulah Bondik The story concerns a young ideal istic Jeff Smith, head of the state’s Boy Rangers, who is appointed to fill an unexpired term as United States Senator. In Washington he finds conditions so bad that one man is practically running every thing to suit himself, so he stages a one-man filibuster on the Senate floor to win his fight and also a wife. Three grade-points. Benefit show this week will be for the Economics Club, “DARK VICTORY”, starring Bette Davis and George Brent. WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Tuesday, 3:30 and 6:45— “THE FLYING DEUCES”, with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Wednesday, 3:30 and 6:45— “MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON”, with Jam es Stewart and Jean Arthur. AT THE PALACE Beginning Wednesday — “THE GRAPES OF WRATH” with Henry Fonda and Jane Darwell. From a ‘Haunted House’ to a Model For The Nation, Grew A.&M. Co-op System By A. J. Robinson An interesting story of the abil ity of an idea to spread is found in A. & M.'s project house system. Taken more or less for granted today, the system operating at present to house around 900 Ag gies, the greatest cooperative or ganization of its kind, was started as recently as 1932 with only one very old building which was known, before its employment as a dor mitory, as “The Haunted House.” The “Haunted House,” which was turned into livable quarters by Daniel Russell with the aid of twelve students, was just a desert ed two-story structure near the Experiment Station Farm, but it gave cause for the inception of the Student Cooperative Housing Pro ject which now consists of twenty clean modern buildings, furnish ing room and lodging for A. & M. students at half the cost incurred by those living in regular campus dormitories. The project houses Garrett Kemp Will Talk on Geophysics Dr. Garrett Kemp, distinguished geophysicist and engineer of Dal las, will be the special lecturer for a three-day conference on prac tical geophysics here on April 4-6, according to Prof. H. E. Gross of the Petroleum Engineering De- pai’tment, who will be in charge of the conference. Dr. Kemp will deliver eight il lustrated lectures, and round-table discussions will follow each meet ing during the conference. The lectures have been planned espe cially for petroleum engineers, geologists and others interested who strictly specialize in geophy sics, and will give an insight into this important phase of the petro leum industry to all oil men. Any one directly or indirectly interest ed in the oil production industry is invited to attend the conference. Now a consulting engineer in Dallas, Dr. Kemp formerly was supervisory geophysicist with the Atlantic Refining Company for 13 years, and for 20 years he was professor of physics at the Uni versity of Illinois and at Purdue University. EARN $50 WEEK DURING SUMMER OR YEAR-ROUND We can use several reliable college men, during summer or full time, to operate movie circuits in theatre less communities. Earnings $50.00 a week and better. Projection equip ment, sound films, everything fur nished. No experience needed. For complete information write imme diately to Southern Visual Equip ment Co., Department , Box 2404, Memphis, Tennessee, Begorra... ...And is ivryone going there for refreshments these days? GEORGE’S Confectionery are internally democratic in na ture, with the students revolving their duties and responsibilities. But the idea that started with the “Haunted House” did not end its progress at A. & M. College. In 1936, the idea was copied from the A. & M. system by the University of Texas which now has houses for both boys and girls. And the University of Washington took up the idea; then the University of California, and so on until to day the project house system has swept into colleges in Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin,—all through the Rocky Mountain States, the Middle West, and the East. There’s hardly a state from California to Massachusetts that does not make use of the system originated at A. & M. College. Portrait Fund Is Augmented By Bill Murray Senior president F. M. “Max” McCullar has reported to The Bat talion that the freshman, sopho more, junior, and senior classes of A. & M. have each contributed $10 from their class treasuries to aug ment the fund recently friitiated by a voluntary group of Texas citizens to commission Seymour Stone, an internationally famed artist who has painted portraits of many great men, to paint a full-size bust por trait in color of A. & M.’s pres ident T. O. Walton. The fund is now fairly well com pleted, E. E. McQuillen, secretary of the Former Students Associa tion, stated yesterday. However, more is yet needed, and any fur ther donation that any student, fac ulty member, citizen of College Station, graduate or friend of the college may wish to make will be highly welcome. Contributions may be made to Mr. McQuillen at the r~ Careful How You Arrange Those Books on the Shelves! Did you know? Lady Gough of England wrote a book on etiquet in 1863, in which she states: “The perfect hostess will see to it that the works of male and female authors are prop erly separated on her bookshelves. Their proximity, unless they hap pen to be married, should not be tolerated.” Former Students Office in the Ad ministration Building, or mailed di rect to the T. O. Walton Portrait Fund, 1603 Fort Worth National Bank Building, Fort Worth, Texas. The portrait will be presented to the college, along with a beau tiful scroll bearing the names of all donors to the portrait fund. Purpose of this drive is to manifest the esteem of all those people con nected with the institution for President Walton, as well as to make a gift of permanent value to the college. The portrait will likely be hung in the lobby of the College Library; and the scroll will be presented to Dr. Walton as a memento. War Booklets May Be Obtained At Library Dr. T. F. Mayo, college librar ian, has announced that the library has obtained gratis from The Dallas News, one hundred copies of a booklet “The First Six Months of The War in Maps And Pictures.” These educational and interest ing booklets will be given away— as long as they last—at the ref ence desk in the main reading room. Miss Margaret Pearce is in charge of the desk, and cadets and faculty members may get the booklets during regular library hours. sSmm*, ‘r’t Many men still cling to knit Sport Shirts for sports and knock-about wear—perhaps because they like that “clinging” feel that knit garments give. Whatever your reason for preferring the knits, we have some very new styles to show you. For in stance, shown here (left) is the short knit shirt with short tight sleeves. It’s very new and very smart. Mesh blazers (center) are also popular. We have a choice group of the new styles from $1.00 to $2.00. THE EXCHANGE STORE “AN AGGIE INSTITUTION”