The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1940, Image 1

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The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
VOL. 39
NO. 69
** •
600Reservations Made For
“Farley Day” Banquet Here
Seniors Invited To
Attend Free; Must
Wear No. 1 Uniform
Corps Will Be Reviewed
By Farley and Visitors
According to the latest reports
on ticket sales and answers from
special invitations sent out, 600
reservations have been made for
the Farley Banquet to be held in
Sbisa Hall on Thursday, April 4.
Tickets for the banquet will be
available up until noon on that
All seniors have been extended
ail invitation to attend the occa
sion. Those who wish to attend
must notify the Comm, Want’s Of
fice immediately. No. 1 uniforms
will be worn.
Every facility which the College
has at hand to welcome a distin
guished visitor will be brought into
play, when Postmaster-General
Farley pays his five-hour visit to
the campus Thursday. Military hon
ors befitting a member of the Pres
ident's Cabinet will be accorded,
including a nineteen-gun salute up
on his arrival on the campus fol
lowed by a review of the entire
Burris Jackson, postmaster at
Hillsboro, Texas, and also a close
friend of General Farley, will bring
the Farley party to the campus at
about 4:30 P. M. Mr. Jackson was
a student at A. & M. in 1927 and
is a very enthusiastic supporter of
the College. He was responsible
(Continued on page 4)
Randolph Field
Examining Board
Is Here This Week
The Military Department here re
cently received a notice from the
Cadet Examining Board of the Air
Service ’that a group of officers
will be at A. & M. on the fourth,
fifth and sixth of this month to
give physical examinations to ap
plicants, particularly seniors, who
wish to take the examination for
entrance to the Primary Flying
School, located at Randolph Field,
San Antonio.
There is some possibility, how
ever, that the examining board may
be delayed, since the advance man,
who should have been here by now,
has not arrived, and arrangements
for the examinations have not been
In order to be eligible to accept
an appointment to Randolph Field,
the student must have passed at
least half the hours leading to a
degree, must be between the ages
of 20 and 27, unmarried, and if
under 21 years of age, must have
the written permission of his par
Snyder Talks
On Extension
Service Work
At a Graduate Club meeting Wed
nesday night, Roy Snyder, super
visor of Specialists’ Work at the
Texas Extension Service, told the
club about the work of the Exten
sion Service department.
This department extends its ser
vices to every point in the state,
and Mr. Snyder asserted that the
extent of its work was only limit
ed by the number of personnel and
the time available. There are us
ually one county agent and one
home demonstration agent in each
county. In some counties there are
assistant county agents to help
take care of the job of bringing
more modern methods to the agri
cultural industries.
The Extension Service has
specialists in each of the major
branches of agricultural work, and
two or three specialists in some of
the more predominant fields. One
of the interesting facts brought
out in Mr. Snyder’s talk was that
oil ranked third and beef cattle
only fourth in order of income-pro
ducing industries in Texas, cotton
being first and poultry second.
In addition to hearing Mr. Sny
der’s interesting talk, the Grad
uate Club discussed plans for a
barn dance to be held some time in
the near future. Details of the
dance are to be decided upon by
the entertainment committee. Later
in the year the club is planning a
banquet to be given in honor of
the graduating members of the
club. Some well-known speaker
will be invited to address the club
on this occasion.
City Election Held Today At Depot Candidates
Press Clubmen To
Have Pictures Made
Longhorn editor George Smith
announced yesterday afternoon that
pictures of The Battalion, the
Longhorn, and the Scientific Review
staffs and the A. & M. Press Club
will be taken for the annual today
at 5 p. m. on the east steps of the
Administration Building.
No. 2 uniforms will be worn.
It is important that all members
of the various staffs and the Press
Club be present and on time.
Payment of commutation fees to
students taking advanced R. O. T.
C. will be made some-time in the
latter part of April, according to
recent announcement made by
the Military Department. The pay
rolls were made up last week for
the period from January 1 to March
31 inclusive. The checks will total
$22.75 each.
Col. Frank G. Anderson, former
Commandant, candidate for mayor.
“Buster” and “Foots” Led “Believe It
Or Not” Lives; Now Oppose Each Other
“Believe It or Not” is a phrase
almost applicable to the two ca
reers of our junior yell-leaders. For
the past five years C. P. “Foots”
Bland and Ernest “Buster” Keeton
have had enough coincidences in
their lives to make even Ripley sit
up and take notice.
First in common, they both are
22 years old, and have the same
home town, Houston. And although
they lived on opposite sides of the
city, the paths of their lives began
to coincide when they went to
work at the same time for the same
company in the spring of 1935.
From their employer, the South
western Bell Telephone Company,
they obtained their pay raises at
the same time, and transferred
from conduit laying to wire-truck
work at the same time. They were
•both in the construction depart
ment of the telephone company
when they quit their jobs at the
same time.
In the fall of 1937 they began
their college careers at the same
college and began * studying the
same course.
They were awarded “Best-Drill
ed” medals at the same time in
their sophomore year. And in the
spring of 1939 they were both elect
ed to the position of junior yell-
leader at A. & M. College.
And although great friends to
day, “Buster” and “Foots,” who
began their lives on opposite sides
of the same city, now find them
selves on opposite sides of the
same question as they let the Ag
gie student body select a head yell-
leader for the coming year.
1940 Medal Essay
Contest Announced
By Saddle-Sirloin
The Animal Husbandry Depart
ment here has recently received a
letter from the secretary of the
Saddle and Sirloin Club of the
Union Stock Yards of Chicago, an
nouncing the 1940 Medal Essay
Contest, offered annually by the
club. The contest is known as the
“Saddle and Sirloin Club Medal
Essay Contest”, and is open to any
undergraduate of an agricultural
The subject of this year’s essay is
to be “The Economic Significance
of Grass in American Agriculture”.
The essay should be approximately
2,000 words in length, and type
written on one side of plain white
paper. The essays will be judged
by a committee of competent men,
and awards will be announced at
the annual dinner of the American
Society of Animal Production, at
the Saddle and Sirloin Club.
The first three prizes will be
gold, silver and bronze medals,
suitably inscribed. Other prizes will
be books on selected agricultural
The essays will be due in the
fall of 1940, giving students who
desire to write an entry the sum
mer months to begin. As an incent
ive to students here, according to
the information received, the first
prize has never been won by a Tex
as man.
Oates, Anderson
To Vie for Mayor
At 7:00 a. m. this morning the
polls opened at the Southern Pa
cific Depot for the city election of
College Station.
Colonel Frank Anderson, former
Commandant of A. & M. College
and now a member of the athletic
department, and E. C. (Jeep)
Oates, student of the college and
sports editor of The Battalion,
will be the only candidates for
mayor, one of whom will replace
Dr. J. H. Binney,
who resigned re
cently effective
with today’s elec-
Jft tion.
Three c a n d i-
I dates have an
nounced for the
positions of aider-
men, replacing
Dr. L. P. Gabbard
and Dr. L. G.
Oates, Jones whose
terms e x pi r e .
They are Ernest Langford, T. A.
Munson, and I. G. Adams.
The election will be run by bal
lots and is to be judged by Alva
Mitchell, who will appoint an as
sistant from each residential dis
trict in the city. Dr. Mitchell has
handled the elections in College
Station for some time.
The polls will close at 7:00 p. m.
this evening and all voters are re
quested to do their voting as soon
before then as possible.
All citizens of College Station
who have paid their poll tax are
eligible to vote.
mayor, candidate
Famed Engineer Will
Give Lecture Series
E. W. P. Smith, internationally-
known consulting engineer of Clev
eland, Ohio, will give a series of
lectures on arc welding at Texas
A. & M., April 15 through 19, it
has been announced.
All Have 2.25 Grade
Point Average—Or Better
In a recent report from the Reg
istrar’s Office ,it was announced
that 314 students were distinguish
ed last semester. These students
made no grade lower than “C”
and had a grade-point average of
2.25 or better per credit hour. The
number of students distinguishing
was approximately 5.25% of the
total enrollment, and incidentally
was exactly the same number as
distinguished the previous semester.
The senior class led the list
with 86 of its members distinguish
ed, while there were 75 juniors, 78
sophomores, and 75 freshmen who
averaged not less than 2.25 grade
points per hour. Fourteen students
made straight A’s.
Students who made a grade-point
average of 3.00, or straight “A’s”,
are as follows:
(Continued on page 4)
Around the World 15 Times
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Will Speak
This Evening
Election Committee
Meets, Makes Rules
For Student Voting
Six candidates for three of the
most important positions on the
campus will make their final pleas
to the student b®dy tonight at the
special yell practice on the steps
of the Y. M. C. A.
These are the candidates for the
chief yell-leader, Battalion editor,
and junior representative on the
Student Publications Board. ‘Bodie’
Pierce, this year’s head yell-lead
er, will have charge of the speech
making and will introduce each
candidate in turn.
Tomorrow the annual general
election for these three positions
will be held. The Student Elec
tion Committee met Monday after
noon to draw up rules governing
this and other elections. The com
mittee decided that the election
will take place from 8 a. m. to
5:30 p. m. in the rotunda of the
Academic Building. Counting of
the votes will begin shortly after
Every student is entitled to vote
(Continued on page 4)
WORLD CITIZEN: Dr. Sherwood Eddy, 70, one of the most widely
known men in the world today, has been giving a series of lectures
at A. & M. during the past several days.
Sunday night he spoke for the public on the subject “Can Re
ligion Build a New World?” and Monday night on “The Crisis in
Europe and America’s Responsibilities”. He also addressed the Cos
mopolitan Club, Dan Russell’s sociology classes in Marriage and
Family Relations, Dr. C. H. Winkler’s psychology classes, and other
groups. His lecture series was sponsored by the College Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Eddy gained his education at-f-
Yale and other outstanding Ameri
can universities. Starting to col
lege as an engineer, he decided his*
work should be, instead, “human
engineering.” For fifteen years
he was seex-etary of the Y. M. C.
A. for all of Asia. He was in
India many years. A millionaire,
he learned there to so pity the
unfortunate among humanity that
he gave his entire fortune to a
trust fund whose interest goes to
help the poor of India.
Dr. Eddy is one of the principal
men in the woidd’s Y. M. C. A.,
.and has been acclaimed one of
the 25 best speakers in the nation,
as well as one of the 25 most in
fluential men in the world today
exclusive of politicians and dic
tators. He has been around the
woxdd fifteen times, has led an
American Seminar of writers and
speakers through the countries of
(Continued on page 4)
Seniors Must Order
Rings by April 15 For
Annual Ring Dance
Seniors who have not ordered
their class rings and who wish to
receive them before the Senior
Ring Dance must do so by April
15 to assure delivery in time for
the senior function, according to
E. J. Howell, Registrar, whose
office is in charge of ordering the
The majority of the seniors to
graduate in June have already or
dered and received their rings, but
there are a few who have not made
the purchase yet. The rings, if
ordered by April 15, will be de
livered May 1. Orders are mail
ed on the 1st and 15th of each
Hal Derwin, Jerry Stewart Featured JVith Shep
'Rippling Rhythm’ Fields Orchestra Here Friday
v \
. “There’s nothing new under the
sun” has seen a good many years
of wear and tear, but that was
before the advent of “Rippling
Rhythm”. This entirely new tonal
effect which distinguishes the in
creasingly popular Shep Fields and
his orchestra will be heard at Sbisa
Hall Friday and Saturday night
for the Infantry Ball and corps
dance, and in Guion Hall Friday
night on the Town Hall “Swing
Shep, being continually on the
alert for something to distinguish
his orchestra fi-om the host of oth
er bands, all of whom are strag
gling for recognition, created his
“Rippling Rhythm” style.
He conceived this unique style
while lazily blowing air bubbles
into a half-finished chocolate soda.
Shep was “day dreaming” about
the music world in general when
he became amused and then inter
ested in the sounds resulting from
4his air bubbles. It was then he
seriously started to wox-k out his
now famous “Rippling Rhythm”
tones through the strange blowing
of bubbles into a bowl of water be
fore the microphone.
Through his creation of the
catchy “Rippling Rhythm” style,
the popular dance music field has
been given its first innovation in
many years.
The success of this identifying
style has placed the likeable Shep
Fields and His Orchestra among
the leading bands in the country.
Fields features such stellar per
sonalities as Miss Claire Nunn,
beautiful New Orleans songstress;
Hal Derwin, “the whispering bar
itone;” Sol Gioe, pianist; Caesar
Mussioli, accordonist; Danny Gay,
jittei’bug tnimpeter; Jefry Stew
art, and a host of other entertain
(Continued on page 4)
Majors Stickney,
Irvin To Leave
A. & M. This Year
Notice of transfer of Major W.
R. Irvin and Major L. S. Stickney
has been recently received by the
Military Department.
Major Irvin, commanding offi
cer of the Cavalry, came here in
1935 and has taken an active part
in the management of the annual
Horse Show and in training the
polo team, as well as his duties
as an instructor. He has been
transferred to Fort Oglethorpe,
Georgia, and will leave for there
soon after the completion of the
school year.
Major Stickney came here as a
senior R.O.T.C. instructor in the
Signal Corps in 1935, and will be
transferred to Fort Monmouth,
Maryland, after the end of the
semester. He was a Captain when
he came here, and later was made
a Major. He has taken an inter
est in the freshman discussion
groups here and in the College
Station Boy Scout Troop.
WTAW Director To
Marry Dallas Girl
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Perkinson of
3508 McFarlin, Dallas, have an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Martha Gene Per
kinson, to John Ousley Rosser of
College Station, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John E. Rosser of 3712 Mock
ingbird Lane, Dallas. The wedding
will take place in June.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
S. M. U., attended Pratt Institute
in New York City, and is a mem
ber of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr.
Rosser, who now is director of
radio station WTAW at A. & M.
College, is a graduate of Terrell
Preparatiory School and S. M. U.
and also studied at Harvard.
Welfare Committee To
Meet Wednesday
The regular monthly meeting of
the Student Welfare Committee
will be held at 6:15 p. m. tomorrow,
Wednesday, April 3, in the ban
quet and reception rooms of Sbisa
Hall, Dean F. C. Bolton, chairman,
has announced.
All members are asked to be
present. Each member is asked to
call Dean Bolton’s office (telephone
4-5734) by 10 a. m. Wednesday as
to whether or not he can attend.