The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1940, Image 1
) I* <f /* I HERE IT COMES ... 99.999714 Percent Pure »»11 npniiiiiiK 5 Above is shown the moment when the new water for College Station first started to flow through the lines from the auxiliary reservoir three miles north of Bryan. Twisting the wheel that opened the valve that started the water on its way here last Saturday are Guy Patton (left) of the Lane-Texas Company of Houston, the com pany that drilled the new wells; and E. E. Payne of the Texas Auto matic Sprinkler Company, which laid the lines and built the reser voirs. The new water is 99.999714 percent pure, containing only 258.6 parts per million total solid, according to exhaustive tests made at the well by the drilling company. This is approximately ten times as pure as the former water supply, which contained 2,500 parts per million of solid. A. & M. Gets One Of Best Water Supplies In Texas By Bob Nisbet Last Saturday morning at 11 a. m. two men twisted a wheel that started the flow of new water through the veins and arteries of the water supply system of A. & M. and College Station. Anxiously awaited and somewhat overdue because delay encountered in re pairing a break in an old main, the arrival of new water heralds an event that will mean a great deal to the college in the future. Every ex-student of A. & M. remembers the old water for the “bad” taste. Visitors to the cam pus invariably commented on it, and the school had little reputa tion for its “water.” From one extreme to another, the new water is claimed to be as free from mineral and solid con tent as any water in the state. The final official analysis of the water, as taken from the hydrants, has not been made, but sample tests run at the well by the drill- •fing company ran only 258.6 parts total solid per million parts of water. This is extremely pure when compared to the old water that averaged about 2,500 parts per million. That such different waters could be obtained by moving the loca tion of the wells only three miles seems strange, but it is explained by the state geologist, who investi gated the possibility, that a fault in the earth’s formations runs east- west just north of Bryan. Water on one side of the fault is exceed ingly pure, while the water on this side contained mineral impurities. For that reason, the moving of the wells to the other side of this fault was all that was needed to give the communities of Bryan and College Station the chance to trade their old water for new. Many people have complained of the taste of the new water, that it tastes bad, too. The real trou- (Continued on page 4) Famed Author, Lecturer, And Traveler Visits A.&M. Famed author, lecturer, and world traveler, Sherwood Eddy will deliver the first in his series of addresses at A. & M. Sunday night in Guion Hall beginning at 7:15. Sponsored by the Y. M. C. A., Dr. Eddy’s addresses are open to the general public, and the second in the series will be held Monday night, also in Guion Hall, at 7:15. Dr. Eddy’s topic Sunday will be, “Can Religion Build A New World?” His topic Monday night will be, “The Crisis In Europe And America’s Responsibility.” Previous to his lecture Sunday, Dr. Eddy will address the meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club in the afternoon, in the Y. M. C. A. be ginning at 3 o’clock. While on the campus he will also speak to the sociology classes. Each year he visits the princi pal countries of Europe to study existing conditions. Fourteen times he has visited Russia, Poland, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain and the League of Nations at Geneva. In intimate confer ences and personal interviews, he has constantly been in touch with many of the statesmen of Europe, its economists, and government of ficials. On Dr. Eddy’s visit to Russia in 1938 with his European Seminar of winters and speakers, The Battalion VOL. 39 122 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1940 NO. 68 FUERMANN IS DECLARED INELIGIBLE; NISBET AND ROBINSON LEFT IN RACE Danforth Awards For 1940 Made W. A. Becker, R. T. Foster Selected To Make 28-Day Trip W. A. Becker and R. T. Foster, junior students at A. & M., have been awarded the Danforth Fel lowships allotted A. & M. for the current year, according to an an nouncement today from D. W. Wil liams, head of the Animal Hus bandry Department. Becker and Foster are both juniors in the School of Agriculture. Foster is from Sterling City and is in B Company Infantry, while Becker comes from Kaufman and is in C Battery Field Artillery. Both have compiled excellent records at A. & M. During the last semester of each school year juniors from the School of Agriculture of each of the thirty-seven agricultural col leges in Canada and the United States are selected to make a four weeks’ trip with William Danforth, one of the leading agricultural men in the United States. Students are picked who have made good records during their three years of college work. The committee making the se lection at A. & M. was composed of D. W. Williams, chairman; C. N. Shepardson, Ide P. Trotter, J. W. Barger, D. H. Reid, and E. R. Alexander. •The trip, which will begin about the last of July, consists of two different phases. The first two weeks will be spent at the Purina Experimental Farm at Gray’s Summit, Missouri, and at the Purina Mills in St. Louis. At the Experimental Farm the students will get experience with the princi ples of agriculture, and in St. Louis much of the time will be devoted to classes in salesmanship, adver tising, merchandising, price fore casting, office personnel, and the operation and management of big business. The last two weks of the trip will be spent at Mr. Danforth’s camp at Minniwanca, which is on the shore of Lake Michigan. Here the boys will get a chance to real ly enjoy life. Everything is well planned so that all will get the maximum enjoyment possible out of their stay there. These Men Filed To Run For Office he made a study of the situation in government, industry, collective culture, and the significance of the Moscow trials. He visited the battlefront in Spain. He met President Benes and the leaders of Czechoslovakia at the beginning of the crisis there. During the present year he has made a fresh study of the outlook for war or peace in the leading countries of Europe, and of America’s foreign policy. SERGEANT KING TRANSFERRED TO THE PHILIPPINES After serving as Chief Clerk and assistant instructor in the Mili tary Department at A. & M. for 20 years, Technical Sergeant John V. King has received notice of transfer to the Philippine Depart ment. Sergeant King has been appointed warrant officer, U. S. Army, effective April 1, 1940. He will sail from San Francisco on June 27, after finishing the remain der of this term, and will prob ably be stationed at the department headquarters of the Adjutant Gen eral’s Department in Manila. Sgt. King served in the Montana National Guard for eight years, and was stationed at Douglas, Arizona, during the Pancho Villa uprising in 1916. He joined the army in 1917 and went overseas as a regimental Sergeant Major of the 17th Field Artillery. During his two years overseas he served in France, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany. He came back in 1919 and transferred to the 12th Field Artillery at Fort Sam Hous ton, where he remained until his transfer to A. & M. in August, 1920. * j Upper left, Bob Nisbet, junior editor of The Battalion and can didate for editor-in-chief dur ing 1940-41. Center, George Fuermann, jun ior editor of The Battalion who filed to run but was declared in eligible. Upper right, A. J. Robinson, junior editor of The Battalion and candidate for editor-in-chief during 1940-41. Lower left, C. J. “Foots” Bland, junior yell-leader and candidate for chief yell-leader in 1940-41. Lower right, Ernest R. “Bus ter” Keeton, junior yell-leader and candidate for chief yell- leader in 1940-41. Candidates Issue Statements For the Forthcoming Election Following are the statements-f-election. THIRD, during the past-fThe Battalion editorship until Tuesday night’s yell practice at which time I will state my plat form. BOB NISBET. made by the four candidates now in the running for two student body positions which will be fill ed by the general election Wednes day—editor-in-chief of The Bat talion and junior class representa tive on the Student Publication Board. The junior yell-leaders will not make their statements till the yell practice Tuesday night. STATEMENT BY NISBET Candidate for Editor I am basing my candidacy for Battalion editorship on the follow ing facts: FIRST, during the past two years I have worked in every capacity on the editorial staff of both The Battalion newspaper and The Battalion Magazine, beginning as a reporter and finally becom ing a junior editor, columnist, and feature writer for both publica tions. SECOND, my work on The Battalion has been consistent throughout the year, and NOT a concentrated effort just before the year I have had one or more arti cles in EVERY Battalion publica tion, a statement no other candi date could make. In addition to these things, while working in The Battalion office and the print shop I have been constantly studying the de tails of newspaper management, and I have started a personal library of books pertaining to journalism. If I become the editor of The Battalion, I will have two main ob jectives. First of all, I believe that The Battalion is the STU DENTS’ publication of which the staff is merely temporary custo dian, and my policies as editor would be guided by the will of the corps. Secondly, as editor of The Battalion, I would do all in my power to further the inter ests and fame of Texas A. & M. College. With these things in mind, it is my sincere hope that you will give me your consideration for STATEMENT BY ROBINSON Candidate for Editor During the past two years, and part of my freshman year, I have worked regulai’ly and conscien tiously to help make The Battal ion grow into a newspaper worthy of representing A. & M. College. I have acted as a junior editor on the newspaper and also as a junior editor on The Battalion Magazine, both publications being headed by the editorial office, and have spent many hours in contrib uting to the success of each. Being a student in agriculture and interested in following a career of agricultural journalism, I have not only taken journalism offered by the college and obtain ed practical experience from work on The Battalion, but have devoted (Continued on page 4) Bernie Cummins — Featured At Distinctive Hotels In U. S. — To Play For Corps Dance Bernie Cummins and his famed-f orchestra with his beauteous sing er, Connie Barleau, will again en tertain A.&M. cadets tonight from nine until twelve at the corps dance in Sbisa Hall. According to Charlie Hamner, senior social sec-' retary, there will be no increase in the admission charge of the usual $1.00 even though this out standing orchestra is playing. At the Composite Ball last night Cummins and his orchestra were hailed as the best band that Chemi cal Warfare and Signal Corps boys have ever had, and was said to have made this not only their largest but also their best dance. Cummins features, other than the “Swing Songstress”, Miss Con nie Barleau, his brother Walter, '•■who sings the sweeter ballads. The music of Bernie Cummins has played the most distinctive ho tels and night clubs in the coun try of which the following are in cluded: In the early days it was the Pershing Palace, Chicago, own ed and operated by A1 Tearney who was then the president of the Three I League and the Rainbow Gardens in Louisville; the Palmer House and Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago; the Biltmore Hotel in New York for three years; the Castle Farms and Gibson Hotel in Cincinnati; the Willows and Wm. Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh; the Rice Hotel in Houston; the Schroeder Hotel in Milwaukee; the Hollenden Hotel in Cleveland; and the Pea body Hotel in Memphis. Four Other Candidates For Two Jobs Board Acts On Many Questions at Meet George Fuermann was declared ineligible to run for editor-in-chief of The Battalion during 1940-41, and Bob Nisbet and A. J. Robin son, the two other candidates who had filed for that office, were de clared eligible, by the Student Pub lications Board at an important meeting Thursday afternoon in Dean F. C. Bolton’s office. Ernest R. “Buster” Keeton and C. J. “Foots” Bland are the two candidates for chief yell-leader during the coming season, by virtue of their having been junior yell- leaders this year. Roland Bing and Tom Gillis are the two sophomores who are can didates for next year’s junior class representative on the Student Pub lications Board. The election takes place Wed nesday in the Academic Building. Fuermann’s disqualification came as the result of a grade-point aver age below that required by the election rules, one part of which states that a candidate to be eligi ble must be a junior with a grade- point average of at least 1.25. Long expected to be a contender for the editorship, Fuermann has been active on The Battalion staff in various capacities: primarily as junior editor of the newspaper and the magazine, including work as a news, feature and short-story writer. In addition, he has writ ten the “Backwash” column during all this term, has served as an nouncer of The Battalion’s Fri day afternoon newscasts on WTAW, and served as managing editor of the 1939 Summer Bat talion. (Continued on page 4) Ag School Secures Noted Economists For Lecture Series Two nationally noted agricultural economists, Dr. Benjamin H. Hib bard will give four lectures during the week beginning April 8th. His subject will be “Recent Agricult ural Policies”; “Foreign Trade in Relation to American Agriculture”; “Farmers’ Movement”; and “Land Policies.” He will also conduct three seminars for graduate stu dents and staff members on agri cultural economic problems. Dr. Stokdyk will appear during the week beginning April 15th. His subject will be “The Financing of Cooperatives”; “Cooperative Re search and Services”; “Marketing Agreements”; “Transportation Problems”; and “The Place of Co operatives in Agriculture.” He will also conduct some special confer ences for graduate students, staff members, and cooperative leaders. Dr. Hibbard is recognized as a foremost agricultural economist. He has served as head of the De partment of Agricultural Econo mics at Iowa State Cbiiege and at the University of Wisconsin. He is now Professor Emeritus of Agri cultural Economics at the latter in stitution. He is the author of nu merous books and research publi cations dealing with land policies, marketing, taxation, and other ag ricultural economic questions. Dr. Stokdyk is president of the largest Bank for Cooperatives of the Farm Credit Administration. For a year he served as Deputy Governor of the Farm Credit Ad ministration in Washington. Pre viously he had at various times been a member of the staff at the University of Wisconsin, University of California, University of Mis souri, and Kansas State College.