The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
VOL. 39
NO. 65
Bel Canto Quartet, Nancy Swinford Will Appear Tonight^ m ^ s ;
JT6 \J11X y
Group Is Rated High
By Musical Critics
By Walter Sullivan
A. & M. Town Hall will present
Nancy Swinford, celebrated Hous
ton soprano, and the nationally
famous Bel-Canto Quartet tonight
at 7:30 in Guion Hall.
Nancy Swinford’s voice is rated
by all who have heard her as be
ing “one of the best ever,” and her
programs in the past have proved
successful from every perspective.
At present, there are many peo
ple on the A. & M. campus who
have attended her programs be
fore, and who have made it quite
plain to all that the lady is def
initely very good.
The Bel-Cantos, too, have a rep
utation all their own, for they
have thrilled audiences with their
singing in most of the larger
cities in the United States.
General admission is one dollar
for adults and fifty cents for A.
& M. students. Town Hall season
tickets will be good.
The program for the evening will
consist of five groups of familiar
numbers, two of which are to be
offered by Nancy Swinford, and
the other three by the Bel-Canto
Quartet, and at present, is listed
as follows:
God Bless America Berlin
Marching Along Together
Arranged by Smalle
“The Drum” Gibson
Over Here From Sons O’Guns
Nancy Swinford
I Love Life.... ..Mana-Zucca
II Bacio Arditi
Ave Maria Bach Gounod
In the Luxembourg Gardens
Street Fair Manning
The Sleigh Levine
My Texas McCoy
Lone Star Simon
The Rosary Nevin
Old Man River Shilkret
Rigoletto (Travesty) „.Verdi
Bow Down (Spiritual) Shink
Last Roundup Billy Hill
Old Faithful Billy Hill
Nancy Swinford
One Fine Day Puccini
Indian Love Call Friml
Gianina Mia Friml
My Johann Grieg
Bryan-College Station
Residents Also Invited
Members of the senior class will
be admitted free to the banquet
honoring James Farley, Postmas
ter General, to be held in Sbisa
Hall April 4, provided they dress
in number one uniform, accord
ing to an announcement made by
Col. Ike Ashburn yesterday. Res
ervations, however, must be made
by all who plan to attend, and
details in regard to this will be an
nounced later.
Dr. Walton also issued a state
ment clarifying the matter of in
vitations to Bryan and College
Station residents for the affair.
“Everybody in Bryan and Col
lege Station is cordially invited
to attend the dinner,” Dr. Walton
said; “We do not feel it necessary
to issue special invitations to our
home folks to occasions of this
nature, for it is always the policy
of the College to share its dis
tinguished visitors and its schedule
of important events with the peo
ple of Bryan and Brazos County.
“Those wishing to attend the
Farley dinner should get in touch
with the office of Col. Ike Ash
burn to make reservations not lat
er than March 30, for it will take a
few days to make final prepara
tions for the dinner after all res
ervations are in.
“The price of tickets will be
$1 per person, and to save time,
I would suggest that checks be
sent to Col. Ashburn’s office
along with the reservation, so that
tickets may be sent out in advance
of the closing day for dinner res
ervations, March 30.
“We are in hopes that hundreds,
of our Brazos County friends will
be on hand to welcome General
Farley to the A. & M. campus,
and to attend the banquet in the
evening to hear him speak.”
Noted Quartet Appearing Here Tonight
R. V. Co-
To Be r //J
.lit!. •
• jltli ill
Shown above are members of the Bel-Canto Quartet which will sing here on the Town Hall program
series tonight, March 19. Seated left to right: T. W. Johnson, tenor, and Marcel Jones, baritone. Standing:
Fred Shelton, tenor, and Martin Thomas, basso. These four men have been singing together for the
past sixteen years.
The quartet broadcasts each Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9:00 over radio stations KGKO of Fort
Worth and KXYZ of Houston. *
Appearing with the quartet as another feature of tonight’s program is Nancy Swinford, well-
known Houston singer.
As Cotton Ball Queen Was Chosen
L. C. Brackeen, Dallas Sales
Representative of the Vermont
Marble Company, will address the
Architectural Society tonight at 7
o’clock on various phases of the
marble industry. In addition to his
talk, he will present a picture show
“Mountains of Marble”, which
should prove very interesting to
architectural students.
Wednesday afternoon Mr. Brack
een will speak to the fifth year
men on the manufacturing of “Lu-
mar”, a luminous marble which has
just been developed by the com
pany in the last two years. An
exhibit of this material will also
be presented.
Mamie Tramonte Is Chosen
Queen of 1940 Cotton Ball
By Bob Nisbet
At 7:30 Saturday morning two
cars of people left College Sta
tion headed for Denton and T. S.
C. W., their purpose to select from
among the beauties of that stu
dent body a queen for the Cotton
Pageant of 1940. Eight girls, two
from each class, were presented
by Mrs. Mattie Wooten, Dean of
Women at T. S. C. W., for the
committee to make their choice.
Miss Mamie Tramonte was their
unanimous choice. She and E. W.
■f-a shipping business. She has nev
er even seen a Cotton Ball before,
but when asked for a statement,
she said, “I am so thrilled over
being chosen queen of the Cotton
Ball, I don’t know what to say
except thank you. I do hope I
make a good queen.”
The eight girls from which the
queen was chosen included: Mamie
Tramonte of Galveston and Alice
Kirk of Dallas, seniors; Margaret
Ramsey of Port Arthur and Mary
Hughston of Crowell, juniors; Ann
Mary Mae Crawford
Will Reign as Queen
Of Holiday Affair
At 8:45 p. m. this Thursday
night the Ross Volunteers’ festivi
ties will begin with the crowning
of Miss Mary Mae Crawford of
Houston as Queen of the R. V.
Court. Miss Crawford, a student
of National Park College, Wash
ington, D. C., will reign over the
court with her king, Hubie
Braunig, Field Artillery senior.
The rest of the court will be made
up of Prince Dan Sharp, Princess
Daphne Salois, of Dallas, and ten
other dukes and duchesses.
The members of the court will
enter the annex of the mess hall,
where the coronation is to take
place, from different entrances at
timed intervals and then take their
respective places around the king’s
throne. The sixty-foot throne will
be at one end of the court and A1
Kavelin’s Orchestra will be oppo
site it at the other end. The king
and his guards, who are the first
to arrive, will enter the Court from
a side door and walk to the throne
and be seated. The King and
Queen are the only members of the
Court who are to be seated. The
Prince and Princess and each of
the ten dukes and duchesses will
enter the Court from diagonal
corners; meeting in the center and
will then walk to their positions
on each side of the throne.
After the dukes and duchesses
have all arrived, the entrance of
the Queen and her train-bearers
will be announced by a blast on a
trumpet, blown by a page. The
(Continued on page )
Says Ruling
Candidates Must
File by March 28
For Important Jobs
Fifteen Governors
Name Twin Delegates
Lois and Louise Bailey, presi
dents of the Baylor Twin Club, an
nounce that 15 governors have des
ignated twin delegates from their
states to the second annual Texas
college twin convention on the Bay
lor campus, April 5 and 6.
The states are Arizona, Arkan
sas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Lou
isiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Nevada, New Mexico, North Caro
lina, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah and
West Virginia.
The date for the general elec
tion of three student body offi
cers has been set for Thursday,
April 4, it was announced this
Officers to be elected are editor-
in-chief of The Battalion, chief
yell-leader, and junior representa
tive on the Student Publications
A rule adopted this year by the
Publications Board prohibits the
use or circulation of handbills or
other political literature. It is
generally agreed that this reduc
tion of expense and of the possi
bility of unfair allegations will
make the election less expensive
and fairer for all concerned.
With the primary election set
for April 4, the runoff, if one is
necessary, will be held the follow
ing Tuesday, April 9.
Election rules adopted last year
by the Board will apply to this
election, with possible modifica
tions. It is expected that the
Student Election Committee head
ed by Cadet Colonel D. B. Varner
will meet soon to consider all the
political aspects and to draw up
or modify any rules which may
be deemed necessary to a fair
and representative election.
All candidates must file for of
fice at the Student Publications
Office, 126 Administration Build-
ing. by one week prior to the pri
mary election date. Candidates for
the editorship, according to the
rule, must pay a $2 filing fee.
Candidates may begin filing this
Any and every student enrolled
at A. & M. is> entitled to vote.
At the time of his voting, he must
present in person his Fiscal Office
receipt showing the payment of his
fees for the second semester.
Any protest of the election is
to be heard and judged by the Stu
dent Election Committee.
Rules for making the race for
editorship follow:
“A candidate must have had at
least one year’s experience on the
newspaper in a capacity that will
fit him for the editorship. He
must be a junior with a general
scholastic record above the mini
mum required for graduation, a
grade-point average of at least
1.25, and his general academic
standing must be such that with
a normal load, he can graduate
with his class the following year.
(Continued on page 6)
Subsistence Department Saves Aggies
$21,000 in Recent Maintenance Slash
By George Fuermann
Twenty-one thousand dollars was
given away a couple of weeks ago,
and here on the A. & M. campus,
too. That’s the saving to the 4,000-
odd members of the cadet corps
who eat in Sbisa or Duncan din
ing halls, made possible by a re
cent reduction in maintenance.
True enough, it doesn’t mean a
great deal to each individual stu
dent—$5.25 is the amount—but
it’s one more indication of the con
tinued effort on the part of A. &
M.’s officials to give the students
the most for the least.
Most significant of all, however,
is the fact that this reduction will
-fhall system ? Before the recent re
duction was made, each cadet paid
69 cents a day for meals—23 cents
a meal. Now it’s 63 cents a day—
21 cents a meal. But the amazing
thing is the fact that this money
doesn’t go entirely for food. The
Subsistence Department receives
no appropriations from the state
or Federal agencies; its entire up
keep is financed by revenue from
students—63 cents a day each.
This money must pay for food, sal
aries and wages for 502 employees,
fuel, light, heat, maintenance of
the world’s two largest- dining halls
and other expenses.
To insure lowest prices, food is
Seay will reign together as king I Ferry of Wichita Falls and Kathryn
and queen at the event which is Day of Justin, sophomores, Chris-
the highlight of A. & M.’s social tine Maddox of Abilene and Eliza-
season. j beth Jean Austin, freshman. Eliza-
Her Royal Highness, Mamie j beth Jean was sick in the hos-
Tramonte, Queen of the Cotton pital and couldn’t compete for
Pageant is a senior student study- queen, but she as well as the other
ing to be a school teacher, ma- six girls will attend the Pageant
joring in kindergarten and primary as queen’s maids,
grades. Her home town is in Gal- j Perhaps the girls were a bit ner-
veston, where her father carries on I (Continued on page )
Upper left: This group of beauties was picked to represent T.S.C.W. at the Cotton Ball as
the Queen and her Maids of Honor. Standing, left to right, they are Katherine Day, Christine Maddox,
Alice Kirk. Seated: Mamie Tramonte, Ann Terry, Mary Hughston and Margaret Ramsey.
Upper right: The King, Wesley Seay, with Miss Mamie Tramonte, the girl selected by the com
mittee to reign as Queen of the Cotton Pageant for 1940.
Lower picture: The committee that acted as the jury; standing, left to right: Johnny Rice, Byron
Bing, Mrs. Mattie Wooten, Dean of Women at T.S.C.W., Harry Forbes, Mrs. J. S. Mogford, Percy Bennett
Seated: Ray Stephenson, Wesley Seay, Mrs. L. L. Fouraker, Tilden Easley of the Agronomy Department,
and Bob Stone.
not in any way alter the quality! purchased on competitive bids,
or variety of the food which cadets j grades and qualities being speci-
have received in the past. The re-1 fied. Markets are watched closely
duction represents the amount of | to determine the best periods for
money gained during the first se- j purchasing various commodities,
mester of operation by the dining | Occasionally there will be a crisis
halls. So there’s no lessening of
quality ... no lessening of variety;
on the other hand, dining hall of
ficials are always on the look-out
to find new dishes to serve the
From the fiscal viewpoint, what’s
behind this world-famous dining
period in respect to certain com
modities. For example, for five or
six weeks following the recent
freeze the fruit and vegetable mar
ket went “haywire” and what lit
tle fruits and vegetables were
available were priced exhorbitant-