The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 16, 1940, Image 2
PAGE 2 THE BATTALION The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. 4-5444. Telephone 1939 Member 1940 Plssocided Golle&iaie Press BILL MURRAY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LARRY WEHRLE ADVERTISING MANAGER James Critz Associate Editor E. C. (Jeep) Oates Sports Editor H. G. Howard Circulation Manager ‘Hub’ Johnson Asst. Sports Editor Philip Golman Staff Photographer John Moseley Staff Artist J unior Editors Billy Clarkson George Fuermann Bob Nisbet A. J. Robinson Earle A. Shields SATURDAY STAFF James Critz Acting Managing Editor Don Burk Asst. Advertising Manager W. C. Carter Editorial Assistant V. R. (Red) Myers Jr. Sports Assistant Senior Sports Assistant Jimmie Cokinos Jimmy James Junior Advertising Solicitors J. M. Sedberry G. M. Woodman Reportorial Staff E. M. Rosenthal, Lee Rogers, Glenn Mattox, W. A. Moore, Bob Parker, L. B. Tennison Which Will It Be? # It was recently pointed out that this is one of the extremely few general election years since the Civil War in which the public hasn’t had a pret ty sound idea of who the presidential candidates would be. Generally the country has known long in advance who was going to be battling for the White House—the nominations of Hoover, Wilson, Hughes, Franklin Roosevelt, A1 Smith, etc., were practically dead certainties many months before the conventions were called to order. Single recent exception to this rule was when dark horses Cox and Harding opposed each other. The rumor always goes around about this time that some vague and immensely powerful political bosses have the key to the puzzle, and will put their candidates over with ease and dispatch when the time comes. But if that is so, every political observer in the country has been fooled. Both parties are divided within themselves to an abnormal degree. And the ranks of both are alive with self starters, favorite sons and others who are simply itching to take the oath of office from Chief Justice Hughes next year. Starting out with the party in power, everything hinges on what the President will do. If he wants the nomination, it is hard to see how he can be kept from getting it, despite the growing dis affection of many prominent Democrats in public of fice. Working on the assumption, which many do, that the President does not plan to run again, and is keeping silent only because he wants to keep his party under control, the outlook for the Demo crats producing a solidly backed candidate is not bright. The McNutt candidacy seems to have blown up. Garner could carry the Solid South and would get considerable conservative support, but he is not warmly regarded by the strong New Dealers. There was considerable talk about the possibility of run ning Robert Jackson some time back, but he does not seem to have attracted any considerable fol lowing: Frank Murphy, who used to be talked about also, is on the Supreme Court and out of active politics. Secretary Hull would probably Slave the best chance of cementing together the war- Ting wings of the party, but, due to his job, he "has had nothing to do with domestic questions for eight years, and his stand on many big issues of 'the day is not known. At the moment, however, Bull and Garner seem to have the inside track. On the Republican side, Tom Dewey has started Tiis campaign in earnest. It has long been said of him that no one knew much about his views save in the matter of criminal law enforcement, and he is offsetting this by making a series of major speeches covering our principal problems. Strong ly in his favor is his voice and radio personality. Against him is the fact that men high in Republi can councils would prefer some one older, and with a longer and more varied record in public of fice. So far, the political experts say he has been no whirlwind in whipping up general en thusiasm for the cause of the G.O.P., but he has done better than anyone else. Vandenberg is out for the nomination—and he has the advantage of a long and capable record in the Senate, plus an established machine. But he, like Senator Taft, lacks color, which in this day of the radio has become one of the most important political assets. At the moment, these three men are in the lead, with the other prospects far behind in the race. But, as in the case of the Democrats, anything can happen. There is an off chance that a deadlock might result in the Republican convention and lead to the nomination of some ex tremely dark horse. The recent polls indicate that the Democrats still have the edge in popular fancy. They also indicate that the President is still the most popular candidate. But they do not give him any over whelming majority—if he did win, the polls say, it would be a comparatively tight squeeze. Rarely has it been so difficult to forecast whether the next administration will be Republican or Demo cratic. Why Be ‘Sloppy’? The remark has been heard more than once this year that the cadet corps is looking “sloppier” than ever before. Adverse comments have been made by citizens of College Station and by visitors to the campus, to the effect that far too large a pro portion of the students wander about sloppily— apparently heedless of whether their shoes are shined, their hair combed, their faces clean, their pants pressed, and their general appearance neat and clean. It’s embarrassing to have to editorialize on any such subject. There’s no reason whatsoever for the existence of any such condition. But it exists. Of course, we’re not saying that a majority or even a very large minority of the students are guilty of such habits. But evidently, judging by the comments, the requests we’ve had for editorials on the subject, and what we’ve noticed ourselves, the situation is worse than it should be. Surely a student can stand a little “elbow- grease” to keep his shoes polished, and can afford the small cost of cleaning and pressing, and of haircuts and other barber work, as often as really needed. There’s no excuse for giving the school a bad name by not taking pride in one’s appearance. There may be reason enough for not being dressed as well as usual when at work or play, but surely there is none for walking over the entire campus and giving visitors a poor impression of us—par ticularly during this social season now well under way, when so many visitors are on the campus every week-end. Think it over. Are you proud of your appear ance ? Gladys Swarthout Praises Aggie Audience March 9, 1940 Dr. T. 0. Walton, College Station, Texas. Dear Dr. Walton: I must apologize humbly for not having writ ten you sooner to thank you for your various kind nesses, but ever since my return I have been re hearsing every waking minute either for the “Carmen” which I do on March 15th or for the Carnegie Hall recital which we did two nights ago. This is the first day off I have had so I did want to send you just a couple of lines to tell you how deeply I appreciated my experience at Col lege Station. It was an inspiring audience to sing for and the understanding hospitality which you ex tended to me was indeed a rare and gratifying ex perience. In particular I want to thank you for sending me over to the plane, for that extra day home which I only could have enjoyed by flying meant so much to me particularly at this time when I still have so much important work facing me. I also want to sell you what an extraordinarily gratifying response I have gotten from so many of the students. I don’t think I have ever done a con cert which has evoked such a volume of mail and this is particularly heartening in view of the fact that the program which I sang in Guion Hall made absolutely no musical compromise whatsoever; in fact, it is the same program I would sing in Carnegie Hall—I did use three of the groups there last Wednesday night. I hope that you’re going to con tinue with the series of concerts for it will be a source of joy to any true artist to appear for you. Again, many, many thanks, Most sincerely, GLADYS SWARTHOUT. A. & M. Thanked For Helping with Celebration Dr. T. 0. Walton, President A. & M. College. My Dear Dr. Walton: We appreciate very much the participation of A. & M. College in the Independence Day Cele bration at Old Washington. We considered it rath er a treat to have the Band and Company C Infan try of the cadets to participate. Their escort of the Governor through the park to the amphitheater was colorful and was enjoyed by everyone, and the participation of the Band at the beginning of the morning program was timely and much appreciat ed. The Band concert in the afternoon brought many favorable comments from musicians on the grounds as well as from the general public which was delighted. Will you please extend our thanks to the offi cial personnel of the college that aided us in making it possible and pleasant for the cadets to partici pate in the celebration? If we were a coach, we would say “the team clicked.” Very sincerely yours, T. 0. WOOLY, Program Mgr., Buddy Wright Post No. 48 American Legion, Dept, of Texas. As the World Turns... By DR. AL B. NELSON The “G” men are under fire from the poli ticians now. They seemingly have been uncover ing too much evidence against political friends of the administration such as the Long machine in Louisiana. Senator George Norris, the old “lib eral” bellwether, and the new attor- 1 ney-general, Robert H. Jackson, have been leading the attack. Nelson |j Million-Dollar Bootleg Whiskey indictment in New York State: The || government charges that the gang has bootlegged enough “likker” to cheat the government out of more than a million dollars in taxes. And some people were fool enough to believe the “likker” politicians when they assured us that legalizing whiskey would end the bootleg racket. * * * The President’s order has taken away the in dependent standing of the Farm Credit Administra tion and has placed it under the Department of Agriculture. Now it is another plaything of the politicians who have changed it from an actual farm credit agency to another “new deal” gift agency to aid in winning the coming election. * * * The economy move in Congress has bogged down at last. The Senate added more to the farm bill than the House of Representatives saved by cut ting everything else. The farmer votes have to be saved to the party if the country goes in the red a few more billions to pay for it. Two-thirds of the Democratic senators have been trying to eliminate the Hatch Bill which pre vents the party in power from using government employees to help win elections for it. BACKWASH Bu George Fuermann "Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster. ^ -- Fuermann Touch and go . . . All recordings played in the dining halls Wed nesday night were put on wax by Lawrence Welk and his “Cham pagne Music” orchestra . . . Add ing more prestige to WTAW’s Ag gie Clambake is the announce ment that Jack Littlejohn and his Aggieland Or- chestra will be on iWh M J|jk the program on alternate weeks. . . . When a cadet asked him for some “humor” breakfast food, a waiter queried, “What’s that?” The reply was brief and pointless —“Shredded whit!” . . A “bueno” new song, but yet unnamed, and one which you will soon be hear ing lots about is the one recently written by Wilbur Kuehne . . . Jack Rudy’s regular Sunday morning organ recitals have been moved up thirty minutes. Now they begin at 9 a. m., instead of half an hour earlier, at the request of numerous cadets who like to listen to the programs but who do not like get ting up too early on Sunday Earlier this week a Baylor coed called the Band dormitory and asked for a particular cadet who happened not to be in. “Is there anything I can do?” the Bands man answering the phone helpful ly asked. “No,” she replied, “but I’m heartbroken that he’s not there.” “That’s all right,” the cadet came back, “Friction tape will fix that.” Famous last words: “Detail, sir.” “The text book we will use this term will be a new one just re cently published and written by the head of the department and myself. It only costs $4.75 and you can buy it at the Exchange Store.” “The finals will cover ...” “Flowers aren’t really neces sary, but if you insist, orchids will go very well with the evening gown I’m going to wear . . .” “What do you mean, couldn’t I get a date? I always come stag; it’s more fun . . .” “I don’t want to seem unreason able, but I wonder if I might have another day or so on the report due this morning? ...” “You just don’t understand, Dad; when a man’s a senior he just has to have his own car . . .” “You’re the first boy I’ve ever kissed.” “The prospects next year are terrible. Half the squad graduated and the rest are ineligible. . . .” “It’s very hard for me to get up in the morning, and besides my alarm didn’t go off.” Lu Dob Nisbet Whoever made the statement; that you see “MY LITTLE CHICK ADEE” at your own risk is cer tainly correct. Both W. C. Fields and Mae West have always tread ed on thin ice with the Hayes of fice by pulling shady jokes and playing dubious scenes, but to gether they are really a pair. Wow! Their picture is certainly better or worse, according to our own outlook, than either has ever done alone. It is Hollywood history. One thing to say, however, Mae West is the kind that mothers for bid their daughters to see, but Fields is not the vulgar type. He just puts out a low brand of coarse humor that sometimes brings forth gasps and blushes. They speak of Mae’s wonderful complexion. Well, they should—you can see it half way to her waist. But now to the chickadee. In the cast besides Mae and W. C. Fields is a little man who is well known by his face in his excel lent supporting and comedy roles. JOSKE’S MILITARY DEPARTMENT SAN ANTONIO Bombay Khaki SLACKS Regular $4.50 Values $2.95 t-U^ Take it easy fellows! Here’s a pair of slacks you can wear in the lab... to class ... to the show ... or anywhere. Light weight to keep you cool, sturdy to give long wear. Joske Bros. Military Dept. San Antonio, Texas Send me Pairs of Slacks at $2.95. Waist size Length Cash COD — Money Order... Chg. Name Address •/ n Notice the High Backs for Style and Comfort. All made with zipper flys. With or Withoat Cuffs Although he is only four years old, Eugene Crain of Memphis has false teeth. They were made for him by a dentist who found it ne cessary to extract his teeth because of infections which had set in. bandit shows up and shoots the rope in two. As for rating I’m riding the fence—two grade-points. -SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1940 It is reported that orders are being placed for 16,000 trucks to be used by the U. S. Army in con nection with the expanded nation al defense program. Bethlehem Steel has restored to retired workers the 15 per cent cut in pensions made in 1932. About 1,700 persons will benefit from this action. Robert C. Hall, senior of A In fantry, alias “Eddie”, alias “Alley Oop”—winner of The Battalion’s “Ugly Boy” Contest sponsored by “Backwash”—the first of its kind in the history of Aggieland. • On telephone books: Bell Telephone will soon crash through with another best seller in the form of a new telephone book. There are more copies of this book than any other publica tion, barring none. The book is rapidly replacing the Sears Roe buck catalog for versatility. It can be used for a seat-raiser, wall paper, scrap-paper, paperweight, space-filler, doodling, and social purposes, friendly and otherwise. Not only that, but in most cities the books contain, in addition to telephone numbers, maps of the localities, postal information, civic facts, traffic regulations, health rules, and generally serve as a sort of citified and modernized Ency clopaedia Britannica. But best of all, they’re free. He is Donald Meek. The stars are cast in the fol lowing roles: Flower Belle Lee Mae West Cuthbert J. Twillie....W. C. Fields Masked Bandit....Joseph Calleia Wayne Carter Dick Foran Amos Budge Donald Meek Ermingarde Foster....Anne Nagel The time of the story is in the ’80’s, when stagecoaches were the means of transportation and ban dits were prevalent, especially Hollywood’s masked bandits. Mae West has to leave the little town of Little Bend by order of the “Ladies’ Law and Order League” for her carryings-on with a mask ed bandit who robbed the stage and supposedly carried Mae off with the gold. On the way out of town she meets Cuthbert Twillie who flashes a roll of stage money. Mae marries him on the spot, and repents at her leisure when she finds the money is fake. Before the end of the show she almost gets him hanged but the masked WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Saturday, 12:45—“HELL’S KITCHEN,” with the Dead End Kids. Saturday, 6:30 and 8:30— “NURSE EDITH CAVELL,” with Anna Neagle and Edna May Oliver. Monday, 3:30 — “THE REAL GLORY,” starring Gary Cooper. AT THE PALACE Beginning Sunday—“MY LITTLE CHICKADEE,” with W. C. Fields and Mae West. AT THE QUEEN Until Tuesday “GONE WITH THE WIND”, starring Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh. The world’s youngest monarch is newly crowned 3-year-old King Feisal of Iraq. SAVE MONEY! YOU can save money- on your car by taking advantage of our spring cleaning process. Call us! HALSELL Motor Co. Bryan 182 trKm v? i r Buy Now For Spring If you’re in need of a new suit here is your chance to get a fine one at a great reduction in cost. Single and double breasted models in a wide variety of patterns and materials. HOLICK Cleaners North Gate 5E ir.m ASK EASILY HALL mi y' mmseiBSM “WE’RE PUTTING YOU ON TRIAL... 1 roSOURjgftHJVES!” KitcirtN \ dead endkids MARGARET LINDSAY RONALD REAGAN n STANLEY FIELDS Directed by Lewis Seiler and E. A. Dupont A WARNER BROS. PICTURE Screen Play by Crane Wilbur and Fred Niblo Jr. • From an Original Story by Crone Wilbur SATURDAY MARCH 16 12:30 r (DEl-A-TRAY) i mi I» ' m • ' .< . • ^ .. . .X\.C. . X -/ ' rr- > - , f \- ■ " : Y'. 2 WEEKS ONLY There is more beauty-value in this half-pound jar or Delettrez y Cleansing Cream than meets the eye. Softens as it freshens and cleanses. A wonderful buy! Send me....$2.50 half-pound iars of Delettrez Cleansing Cream at $1.00 each. NAME ADDRESS CHARGE □ CHECK □ .CITY MONEY ORDER □ LIPSCOMB'S PHARMACY NORTH GATE /