The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 16, 1940, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion CIRCULATION 5,400 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOL. 39 122 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1940 NO. 64 R.V.’s Make Plans For Festivities Mary Mae Crawford Chosen Queen For Ross Volunteers Miss Mary Mae Crawford of Houston, student of National Park Seminary in Washington, D. C., has been chosen queen of the Ross Volunteer Festivities to be held at A. & M. next Thursday through Saturday. She will reign over the spring functions with Hubie Braunig, Field Artillery senior and king of the R. V. Court. A1 Kavelin and his orchestra, now playing at the Mural Room of the Baker Hotel in Dallas, will play for the activities. Daphne Salois of Dallas will serve as princess of the affair with Dan Sharp, captain of the R. V.’s, as prince and her escort. Ten dukes and duchesses will make up the remainder of the court. The R. V.’s will celebrate their holidays by beginning with the Queen’s Coronation at 8:45 Thurs day evening. After the Queen has been crowned the Grand March will be led into the ball room by the newly crowned king and queen and the Queen’s Ball will begin. Friday at 1:30 the R.V.’s, crack military group on the A. & M. campus, will stage their tradition al drill, with every member of the company attending, before the company sponsors and visiting (Continued on page 4) 400 SENIORS TO TAKE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Over 400 seniors have made ap plications to take Civil Service examinations for Junior Profes sional Assistants, according to a recent announcement made by the Civil Service Board. The exam inations will be given in Guion Hall Saturday morning, April 6, from 8:30 to 11:30, and 12:00 noon until completed that afternoon. Two hours will be taken up in the preliminary tests and one hour of this will be the General Exam ination. The professional part will be given in the afternoon. In order to properly review for these examinations and be ready for the type of material asked, re view sessions have been held in the Agricultural Building since Febru ary 29. There are 14 more of these sessions and the dates and place of meeting with the instructor in charge is given below. It is suggested that more men report for these review sections as the attendance has not been heavy so far. College staff members who have given their time so far in clude Dr. E. P. Humbert, Prof. J. S. Mogford, H. E. Hampton, Prof. Tildon Easley, Prof. R. C. Potts, Dr. R. L. Donahue, Prof. C. (Continued on page 4) College Station DUCHESS Miss Margaret Hollinshead, daughter of Major and Mrs. Frank A. Hollingshead of College Station, has been chosen to represent the city as its duchess in the Navasota Bluebonnet Festival to be held April 12-14. 526 Seniors Apply For Degrees To Be Conferred in June Recent figures released through the Registrar’s Office by H. L. Heaton, assistant registrar, indi cate that 726 seniors have made application for degrees to be con ferred this spring. Five hundred- ninety-five students graduated in June, 1939. In the School of Agriculture there are 306 applicants for de grees. Of this number 105 are in Agricultural Administration, 136 in Agriculture, 47 in Agricultural Education, 14 in Agricultural Engi neering, and 4 in Landscape Art. The School of Arts and Sciences has 53 applicants. Forty of these are in Liberal Arts and 13 in Science. The School of Engineering has 287 applicants for degrees in ten courses of study. There are 12 de grees applied for in the five year course in Architecture and one de gree in Architectural Engineering: Twenty-nine in Chemical Engineer ing, 28 in Civil Engineering, 43 in Electrical Engineering, 20 in Engineering Administration, 2 in Geological Engineering, and 10 in Industrial Education. Mechanical Engineering leads the other depart ments with 73 applicants and Pe troleum Engineering is next with 69 applicants. The School of Veterinary Medi cine has 38 applicants for the de gree of Doctor of Veterinary Med icine. The Graduate School has had applications for 42 master degrees. Baylor Students To Present Program Twelve students from Baylor University will have charge of the main services Sunday evening at the First Baptist Church. Royce Thompson, B. S. U. President at Baylor, will be in charge of the services. Dubois’ Easter Cantata To Be Presented Here Sunday There is probably no more beau--* tiful or moving scene in Christian literature than the familiar passion scene of the Crucifixion of Christ. “The Seven Last Works of Christ,” a cantata, is one of the best dram atizations of this story in the musi cal world. Composed by Theodore Dubois in 1867, it will be presented in College Station for time Palm Sunday, Mar Guion Hall. To give full scope to this story, sixty voices, composed of A. & M. students and members of Bryan and College Station church choirs, will furnish the choir with three soloists, accompanied by the piano, harp and organ. Ralph Woolley of the Department of Music, Baylor University, will sing the baritone solo. He is well-known in Colora do, his home state, for his light opera roles and has sung over radio station KOA. The soprano solo will be sung by Miss Mildred Sally •of Bryan, and David Lillough of College Station will sing the tenor roles. The phrase, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” is said to be the best-known in the world, and without doubt the most moving words in Christianity are “God, my Father, why hast *i— <• • — BtidureQ n g an( j p en Aiujqn lousanc j n i ne nuiiurea ana forty years, the great Passion theme has led men of the greatest genius in the western world to their greatest influence on the western hemisphere. It is an appropriate theme for the anni versary of the day he received his greatest triumph from the people who were later to crucify him. “The Seven Last Words of Christ” will be presented at 3:30 p. m. in Guion Hall. There will be no admission charge, and A. & M. students are especially invited to attend. Oates Gives Outline Of His Platform City Election To Be Held April 2 E. C. Oates, candidate for mayor of College Station, today outlined a program of action if he is elect ed mayor in the general election April 2. “My platform explains my posi tion on the important questions facing College Station,” Oates said. “While I am comparatively young, I believe I am capable to fill the position or I wouldn’t have filed. Gray hairs are not necessary to mature judgment,” he said. Oates statement follows: “In order that the voters of Col lege Station may be entitled to exercise a choice of principles as well as of men in the forthcoming city election, I make the follow ing statement of my principal aims if elected mayor: “1. I favor the insuring of safe and sane progress for College Station through the enforcement of the zoning ordinance as it now stands. Haphazard growth of any municipality is to be avoided, and it would be particularly undesir able in a city hs new and with the great commercial development po tentialities of College Station. “2. A most important step for ward would be to better the polic ing of the residential district of College Station, providing better protection for campus residents than that now afforded. “3. Deny special privileges to any one company or companies operating taxicabs within the city. Administer the law impartially and enforce it strictly. “4. Discard the outmoded,, in equitable flat rate on the water utilities. Substitute a pay-for- what-you-use system. This prob lem, while it would entail hard work over a period of years, can (Continued on page 4) A. & M. Teams Barely Denied Top Honors At Show Two judging teams from A. & M. were barely denied top honors in contests in Fort Worth this week. The Junior Livestock Judging Team, coached by Larry Miller, placed second out of sixteen teams, losing to Wisconsin by 3 points, 4206 to 4203. A. & M. was first in horse judging and tied with Ne braska in judging sheep. Members of this team were James Rice of McLean, Buster Gentry of Hen rietta, Tommy Foster of Sterling City, Leslie Brandes of Weimer, and M. R. Calliham of Conway. Gentry was fifth high individual in the contest and tied with Bran des for third honors in sheep. The Meats Judging Team, coa ched by C. E. Murphy, also plac ed second by a margin of two points, losing to Oklahoma A. & M., 2337 to 2335. A. & M. was first in pork judging, second in beef and third in lamb. Members of the team were Tommy Stuart of Roby, H. J. Richards of Jacksboro and E. M. Rosenthal of Fort Worth. Stuart was high individual of the contest, and also high in the judg ing of both pork and lamb. Rosen thal was fifth high individual. DR. PHILLIPS OF LYONS, FRANCE, TO SPEAK HERE Learned Frenchman Will Give Lecture on Europe “Europe—A Myth or a Reality” will be the subject of a lecture at A. & M. on March 27 by Dr. Andre Philip, professor of economics and finance at the University of Lyons, France, and a member of the French Chamber of Deputies since 1936, it was announced yester day by Dean E. J. Kyle. Dr. Philip will speak under the auspices of the Institute of Inter national Education and his address will be open to the public, although primarily he is coming here to ad dress the students and faculty. In 1937-38 Dr. Philip was a mem ber of the French government Colonial Inquiry Committee which made exhaustive studies in Tunisia and Morocco. Dr. Philip was educated at the Sorbonne, receiving his doctorate in economics and law and was ad mitted to the French bar in 1926, the year of his appointment to the University of Lyons. He spent the year 1928 in India and later studied in the United States at the University of Wisconsin and at Columbia University. In recent years Dr. Philip has been in close touch with leaders of important youth movements in Europe and has a remarkable back ground and understanding from which to interpret France and the problems of the French people. TEXAS EXTENSION SERVICE STAFF MEMBER DIES R. R. Reppert, 59, entomologist of the Texas Extension Service since 1920, died at his Bryan home Wednesday night of heart failure. Mr. Reppert was born in Val ley Falls, Kan., and attended Bak er University and Kansas State. From 1908 to 1914 he served as an educational missionary for the Methodist Church in Korea. He was connected with the State Crop Pest Commission of Virginia be fore coming to the Texas institu tion. In his capacity as state grass hopper control leader, he directed the Texas grasshopper control campaign. On March 4 the Asso ciated Press, through its syndicat ed column, “Texas Today,” carried a tribute to Reppert and his work in this connection. Mr. Reppert is survived by his widow; two daughters, Louise and Camille, both attending Colorado University at Boulder; a son, F. Lauren, with the Headquarters Company, 9th Infantry, at Fort Sam Houston; and four brothers, Ben, of Madison, Wis.; Harry, of Carson City, Nev.; Frank and Hugh, both of Washington, D. C. Funeral services are to be held today. DR. MAYO TO ADDRESS SOCIAL SCIENCE MEET The Social Science Seminar will hear Dr. T. F. Mayo in its meet ing scheduled for Monday at 7:30 p. m. in room 303, Academic Build ing, according to Prof. A. F. Chalk, president. Dr. Mayo will discuss the posi tion of the proletarian novel in modern literature. He is to dis cuss its development, its technique, and its possibilities for the future, it was said. Shep Fields Will Play for Town Half Infantry Ball, Corps Dance Visiting Cade lie’ Crowns A. & M. ’s King of the Uglies Above, Miss Jeane Hendricks (the attractive female in Aggie’s clothing) crowns R. 1 C. “Eddie” Hall “King of the Uglies” at Aggie- land for the session of 1939-40, at the special yell practice held from the Y steps Tuesday night. Miss Hendricks has been visiting A. & M. to attend the Engineers’ Ball and other festivities. At the same yell practice Hall was presented with the first degree of “B. U.” (Bachelor of Ugliness) presented at the school. . . We thought he should get one degree here anyhow! Seniors Leave For All Parts Of Texas on Annual Inspection Trips Inspection trips to all parts of-f-to be from March 18 to 21 and Texas will be made by senior stu dents in several departments of the college prior to spring recess, March 22. Among this number are Chemical Engineering seniors, Me chanical Engineering seniors, Agri cultural Economics seniors, and Economics seniors. Animal Hus bandry advanced students have al ready made their inspection trip: During this time students will vis it manufacturing and business centers to gain knowledge of the practical work connected with the subjects they have been study ing for four years. The animal husbandry students have just returned this week from their inspection trip to Fort Worth where they exhibited stock and participated as judging teams for livestock and fresh meat. Most of the members of the faculty ac companied the 35 students who made the trip. The college sent about 100 animals, hogs, cattle, horses, and sheep, which were fit ted and shown by members of the department. The inspection trip for the chem ical engineering seniors is planned CASTLE-BUILDERS BUILD “CASTLES IN THE AIR” AT THEIR ELEVENTH ANNUAL BALL HELD FRIDAY NIGHT By George Fuermann Castles in the air were built to the rhythmic “Music Box” swing of George Hamilton and his orches tra as the castle-builders of the army presented their eleventh an nual ball—and the college’s oldest regimental dance function last night. “Bueno” was the word for the Engineer’s Ball as the sliderulers and their escortees enjoyed three hours of waltz and rhumba at the tuneful behest of the famed Chi cagoan and his orchestra. The novelty of Louis Chico at -fthe harp, the vocalizing of Lee-fcentral part of the decorations. Norton, and the pleasant personali ty of Maestro Hamilton blended to gether to form a perfect enter tainment combination. Hamilton and his “Music Box” orchestra ar rived at Aggieland direct from Chicago’s popular Palmer House. A unique military theme in red and blue featured the decorations which flanked and included Ag- gieland’s new bandstand. A pro minently displayed Engineer Regi ment insignia, the United States flag, and guidons of the six En gineer companies made up the Favors were two-fold: mother of pearl lockets with a gold Engi neer’s castle in the center, and gold pins with a small castle at one end of a chain and an A.M.C. at the other. Honoring the classes of ’40 and ’41, the dance’s success was engi neered by committeemen Robert C. Morris, Winston Frost, Don Earley, Marvin Grimes, Robert Skaggs, Adrian Evans, Thomas Ford, Math Wilson, S. S. Staley, L. E. Noblitt, Albert Anderson, and A. P. Lovelady. will take them through chemical industry plants in Galveston, Houston, Texas City, Beaumont, and Port Arthur. Dr. J. D. Lind sey, Dr. W. D. Harris, and F. F. Bishop, faculty members, are to accompany the students on the trip where they will visit the In ternational Creosoting Company, Texas Star Flour Mills, Hughes Tool Company, Trinity Portland Cement Company, the asphalt plant of the Texas Company, and other industrial points of interest. Thir ty-six members of the department are scheduled to make the trip. Forty-one seniors in the Depart ment of Economics are planning to spend March 18, 19, 20, and 21 in Dallas on their annual spring inspection tour. I. G. Adams and (Continued on page 4) Nationally-Known Orchestra Visits Here April 5 & 6 Contract with M.C.A. Just Announced; Many Entertainers Featured Shep Fields with his nationally- known orchestra, one of the big gest “big-names” in the current musical world, has been signed to play at A. & M. for the Infantry Ball and corps dance and for Town Hall, April 5 and 6, Charlie Ham- ner, senior social secretary, and Walter Sullivan, Town Hall man ager, have just announced, official ly. Fields, creator of “Rippling Rhythm,” is contracted to play for the Infantry Regimental Ball Fri day, the fifth, and the corps dance from 9 to 12 the night following. “There will be no increase in price for the corps dance; it will remain only $1.00 a ticket,” Hamner stat ed. Fields’ band is the outstanding swing band which it had been promised would appear at A. & M. this spring. It will present an hour - and - a - half-long program, from 7:00 to 8:30, April 5, just preceding the Infantry Ball. The “Rippling Rhythm” orches tra—famous for the unusual mu sical effect of air bubbles blown through a tube into a glass of water—is known from coast to coast and border to border. It has played long engagements in the nation’s best hotels and ballrooms, and broadcast frequently over na tional radio networks, and has pro duced many transcriptions and re cordings. Fields features such stellar per sonalities as Miss Claire Nunn, beautiful New Orleans songstress; Hal Derwin, “the whispering bari tone”; Sol Gioe, pianist; Caesar Mussioli, accordionist; Danny Gay, jitterbug trumpeter; Jerry Stewart, and a host of other entertainers. The contract for their services was signed with the Music Corp oration of America. Shep Fields and his band are playing in New York City at pres ent, and are scheduled for a long engagement on the Pacific Coast beginning next month. Prize Money Comes To Rescue of Student EVANSTON, HI., March 15.— Like the money to pay the mort gage on the homestead in the old- time melodrama, the prize money for Henry Shull, Dallas, arrived just in time today. Shull, Northwestern University School of Commerce senior, has been paying his way through school with prize contest winnings. He returned for his senior year last fall after winning $150. Then the winnings became fewer and for smaller amounts. Today he was down to $10 wherb the sponsor of another contest no tified him: “You have won our second prize- of $250.” Irish Bedeck Themselves In Green for Saint Patrick’s Day Honoring of the saint who is said to have rid Ireland of the serpent, figuratively and literally, all true Irishmen will bedeck them selves in green for Saint Patrick’s Day, Sunday, March 17. The history of Saint Patrick is interwoven with legend. Some credit him with inventing a distilled drink, Poteen: others declare he was an enthusiastic champion of temperance. One account has it he once" turned a pile of ice and snow-ball into a fire when he and his fol lowers needed warmth. Be that how it may, the four teenth-century missionary who introduced Christianity into the Emerald Isle infinitely enriched the music, poetry, and literature of the Irish people. Saint Patrick was born in the latter part of the fourteenth cen tury. When he was about 18 years old he was taken captive by pirates and spent several years in bond age. Eventually he escaped, and made his way to a monastery in Gaul, where he studied in the clergy. He returned to Ireland with the title of bishop. There he converted many to the Christian doctrine of the Trin ity, and the shamrock became a symbol of the great mystery. Now, all Ireland celebrates March 17 with festivities. The morning is occupied in attending mass. The afternoon and night, however, are occasions for lighter entertainment. Poteen is drunk and the younger men play “hur ley,” an old Irish game which is a form of field hockey. So the day is passed by the sons of Erin, and mirth and rev erence are blended in commem oration of a saint.