Aggies Defeat Longhorns Here 53-52 ft fc-CCJeep’ OATES BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR NINE MEN SURE TO MAKE BASKETBALL LETTERS AFTER SEASON OF MANY UPSETS Nine men, Bill Henderson, Bill Dawson, Woody Varner, J. T. Lang, Jude Smith, Billy Joe Adams, Charlie Stevenson, Harold Duncan, and Tommie Tinker, are due to letter in basketball. Only two others, Bill Buchanan and R. C. Adams have played in any con ference games. There were many upsets made and three conference records broken during the season. Arr kansas broke her own record of 74 points in a single game when In the midst of things,., MANSFIELD SHOES As welcome as a golf champ arriving home. As up to date as an AP wire flash. And as fresh, at the end of the day or night, as a good miler WIMBERLEY • STONE OANSBY CLOCMERS -fshe beat S. M. U. 75 to 40 on Feb. 9. The champion Rice Owls scored 609 points in their 12 conference games. Arkansas formerly held the high-point record with 568 points. Rice and A. & M. rolled up a new record for total points in a single game when the Owls beat the cadets 67 to 54, in Houston, for a total of 121. The previous rec ord was held by T. C. U. and Rice with a total of 119. Player making most points in season—Wilkerson, c, S. M. U.— 162. Player making most points in single game—Wilkerson, c, S. M. U.—29 (11 FG, 7 FT), against T. C. U. Feb. 21 in Fort Worth. Player making most field goals in season—Wilkerson, c, S. M. U. —■57. Player making most field goals in single game—2 tied at 11 — Wilkerson, c, S. M. U., against T. C. U. Feb. 21 in Fort Worth; J. Freiberger, c, Arkansas, against S. M. U. Feb. 9 in Fayetteville. Team making most points in season—Rice, 607. (New confer ence record). Team making most points in single game—Arkansas, 75, against S. M. U. Feb. 9 in Fayetteville. (New conference record). Team making most field goals in season—Rice—243. Team making most field goals in single game—Arkansas, 33, against S. M. U. Feb. 9 in Fayette ville. Team making most free throws in season—two tied—121—Rice, Baylor. Team making most free throws in single game—Baylor, 18, against Rice Jan. 27 in Houston. Team making fewest points in season—T. C. U., 451. Team making fewest points in single game—three tied on 24 points—Arkansas against Baylor Jan. 19 in Waco; S. M. U. against Texas Jan. 9 in Austin; T. C. U. against Rice Jan. 12 in Fort Worth. Team making fewest free throws in single game — T. C. U., 2, against Arkansas, March 2, Fay etteville. Most points by both teams in single game—121— Rice 67, A. & M. 54, Jan. 23 in Houston (New conference record). Fewest points by both teams in single game—55—Texas 31, S. M. U. 24, Jan. 9 in Austin. Greatest margin of victory—41— Texas 69, T. C. U. 28, Jan. 20 in Austin. Best offensive record—Rice, average of 50.58 points per game. Best defensive record — Rice, average of 40.08 points per game by opponents. DYERS HATTERS AMERICAN-STEAM IAUNDRY DRY - CLEANERS PHONE 585 BRYAN Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization GREATER PALACE WED. — THURS. — FRI. — SAT. PREYUE—11 P. M. SAT. NIGHT Margaret Sullivan — James Stewart —in— “SHOP-AROUND-THE-CORNER” Also Shown Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Cadets End Season With Thrilling Tilt By Gene Oates All’s well that ends well, it is said, and the basketball season certainly ended well for the Ag gies Saturday night as they blast ed the “holier than thou” Texas Steers 53 to 52 when Charlie Stevenson sunk a field goal from mid-court two seconds before the gun momentarily out blasted the yelling of the crowd. The smell of battle was in the air when the varsity teams came on the floor because the Aggie fish had just finished making fools of the Texas Yearlings. Hender son started the scoring with a two-pointer, the first of his 20 points. Lang followed to give the cadets a 4-0 lead, but then Houpt tied the score with two goals. With Dawson and Henderson hitting the basket from all angles and getting support from the other members of the team, the Aggies forged ahead and held a 33 to 22 ad vantage at the half. Texas began to close the gap when the teams came back after the rest and in ten minutes the score was 44 to 43 in favor of the cadets. It was also at this point that Dawson fouled out. Things began to look black for the Ag gies, but they were really only starting to fight. Tinker really went to town on messing the visit ors up and he fouled out with the score still in favor of the cadets by one point. Stevenson replaced him with six minutes left. Henderson made the score 48 to 45 for the cadets, but Hull came back to make it read 48 to 47. Lang sank a field goal, but Texas came right back with another. Henderson sank a gift shot to take a 51 to 49 advantage, but Cutner tied the count at 51-all with a bucket. Hull forged ahead for the Steers when he made good on one of two free throws. The timekeeper had the pistol cocked and ready when the last two shots were made. The Aggeis were controlling the ball someway. There would be a fog of players and then a cadet would come out of the heap with the ball and shoot. The oval was passed back to Charlie Stevenson in almost mid court and the little man placed a perfect shot through the mesh to put the Aggies ahead 53 to 52. Houpt tried a desperate shot from under the Aggie basket just as the gun fired, but it went over the backboard, and then hell broke loose in the stands as the large crowd of civilians and the sur prisingly few Aggies went crazy. There were three shots made during the last 39 seconds and it was hard to tell whether you were witnessing a wrestling match, foot ball game, battle royal or just what. The Aggie team played its best, Henderson and Dawson were hot; Texas was playing for all they were worth, but the cadets were just too much for the visitors. Henderson’s 20 points moved him up to fifth in the conference for the year and Dawson pulled up to seventh. It’s baseball and track for the Aggies from now on until the end of the year. One-point victories—one — Rice 42, Texas 41, Feb. 27 in Austin. This game determined the confer ence championship. A. & M. 53, Texas 52, Mar. 2, College Station. Two-point victories—Rice 36, S. M. U 34, Jan. 13 in Dallas; Bay lor 45, Rice 43, Jan. 26, Houston; A. & M. 51, S. M. U. 49, Jan. 20 in College Station. Overtime games—one—S. M. U. 45, Texas 42, Feb. 16 in Dallas. Games won by home team—28. Games won by visiting team—14. Leading Conference Scorers (All totals over 100. Last sea son there were but six players scoring more than 100 points; this season there were 13.) BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1940 PAGE 3 Swim Club Loses To San f Antonio Y By Hub Johnson The San Antonio Y.M.C.A. and the A. & M. Campus Swim Club split the bill here Saturday night as the Alamo city team won the meet and the cadets were the win ners of the water polo game. Varsity swimmers and water po lo players acted as judges, and members of the club who are swimmers but not on the varsity team finished the competition. Downed by twelve points in the swim meet by the ancient city’s ‘Y’, the A. & M. Swim Club turned on the heat and showed them the class of water polo played by the ordinary run of swimmers here, as well as the varsity team. The water polo score was 6 to 0. Hedges counted for' four, and Taylor and Rogers marked up one each. Results of the swimming: 300 medley relay: SA ‘Y’ (Scott, Smith, Smith); Campus Swimmers (Ewing, Stephens, Renaud). 50 yard free style: Clemem (SA) McKey (CC); Winters (CC). 220 free style: Taylor (CC); Rogers (CC); Don Smith (SA). 100 free style: Clemens (SA); Swan (SA); Renaud (CC). 100 back stroke: Ewing (CC); Spencer (CA); McKey (CC). Diving: Hedges (CC); Richards (CC). 100 breast stroke: Scott, R (SA) Scott, F (SA); Stephens (CC). 440 free style: Taylor (CC); Smith (SA); Rogers (CC) . 400 relay: San Antonio ‘Y’ (Smith, Swan, Smith, Clemens); Campus Club (Ewing, Duelle, Re naud, Taylor). Officials for the meet were starter, Johnson; judges, Hensley, Webb, Snow, Rollins; timekeeper, Hensley; scorer, Smith. Gus Clemens was the captain of the San Antonio ‘Y’ and Robert Taylor captained the Campus Club. Pistol Team Extends Its Streak of Wins The A. & M. pistol team contin ued to protect its national title last week with victories over Illi nois University, State College of Arkansas, and Penn State College. The cadets shot a 1403 against Penn. State when C. A. Lewis counted 293 out of a possible 300. Penn State plugged the cardlboard for a 1259. C. A. Lewis was high point man with a 285 as the Aggies walloped Illinois 1361 to 1274. It was 1371 to 1169 for the ca dets over the State College of Arkansas. Bert Burns, with a 270, reached the top five for the first time this year in this match. Player, pos., Team fg ft tp Wilkerson, c, S.M.U. ...57 48 162 Kinney, c, Rice ...56 24 136 Moers, g, Texas ...53 28 134 Bryski, f, Baylor ...49 33 131 Henderson, g, A.&M.. ...51 28 130 Hickey, g, Ark ...46 32 124 Dawson, c. A,&M.... ...50 23 123 Frivaldsky, c, Baylor. ...44 20 108 Carswell, g, Rice ...43 22 108 Creasy, f, Baylor ...33 39 105 Vaughn, g, Baylor ...48 7 103 Hull, f, Texas ...41 20 102 Houpt, c, Texas ...42 17 101 Take the top five men and you CADET PLAYERS TO PRESENT RADIO PLAY The Cadet Players, A. & M.’s newly organized but progressing dramatic club will soon present a play over station WTAW accord ing to station manager John Ross er. The club, which already has three plays under production will meet Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of selecting voices for the radio production and for instruc tion in radio acting by Mr. Rosser. The first play over WTAW will be presented some Sunday morn- | ing soon and will probably be one- half hour in length. have The Battalion’s All-Confer ence Basketball Team. Student Welfare Committee Meets With Bolton Thursday Dean F. C. Bolton, Chairman of the Student Welfare Commit tee, has announced that the regu lar monthly meeting of the com mittee will be held on Thursday, March 7, at 6:15 p. m. He requests that all members notify his office by 10 a. m. Thursday whether or not they will attend the meeting. His telephone is 4-5734. “Little Army” Murders Texas ish, 30 to 14 It was 30 to 14 in favor of the Aggie Fish when they got through with their slaughter of the Texas Yearling quint Saturday evening here. R. B. Bayer, fish star, almost licked the Yearling by him self with his eleven points. With Bayer doing most of all the point-making the Fish built up seven points before the Year lings made a point, after playing ten minutes. Four quick buckets put the young Steers back in the running, but the “little army” went to hitting again and held a 17 to 8 advantage at the half. After the half the Fish took up again where they had left off and held the Yearlings scoreless for ten more minutes while Gibson was building up points for the Fish. The Texas freshmen never had a chance in the one sided slaugh ter. INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS By HUB JOHNSON Good weather prevailed through out the week-end and the results were that for probably the first week-end the Friday and Monday games have not had to be cancelled due to old man weather. Tomorrow night the wrestling finals come off with eight match es of each class. This means 16 good matches, starting at 7:30, and the way they have been run this year ought to finish them up pretty early rather than late. Semi-final matches were run off last night and will be finished to night and as usual in the referee ing togs will be MY. Penny. In the San Antonio ‘Y’ vs the Campus Swim Club there appear ed many of the win spots. Among these were Taylor, who carried off the 440 and the 220 free styles in this week-end’s meet here, and who claimed 100 breast, back, free stroke crowns and was acclaimed the individual star of the fish swim meet. Hedges, who starred in the water polo game against the San An tonio team and who carried off the diving, claimed the 100 breast stroke and the diving contest in the fish meet. With wrestling finishing up his week, the boxers are rounding and pounding into shape for the many matches to start Thursday or Fri day. Over 200 have been classified and are awaiting the timekeeper’s whistle to start—two hundred competing for sixteen crowns. Frederick the Great had the coat sleeves of his soldier’s uniforms de corated with buttons to prevent nose wiping on the sleeves. Confucius Say— . . . Boys who have dates down for Coast Artillery Ball and Corps dance should keep them in the Aggie Auto-Tel. AGGIE AUTO-TEL Phone Bryan 1264 ADDITIONS TO THE BATTALION’S LATEST CAMPUS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Chemical Warfare Service, Co. B., 4th floor, Hall 2 Col. 154 Field Artillery, 2nd Hq. Battery, 1st floor, Hall 8 r Col. 158 Field Artillery, 3rd Combat Train, 1st floor, Hall 10 Col. 153 Field Artillery, Battery A, 4th floor, Hall 10 Col. 477 Infantry, Company G, 1st floor, Hall 5 Col. 159 Infantry, Company H, 4th floor, Hall 5 Col. 164 (All other dormitory telephones are listed in the latests telephone directory of the Southwest Telephone Company). Confucius’ brothers say: Confu cius talked too much. M-TUti ASSILVVULY HALL TYRONE POWER i..a wandering minstrel of a husbandl LINDA DARNELL' .. . his peach of a wife! WARREN WILLIAM BINNIE BARNES § WENDY BARRIE 1 JOAN DAVIS Directed by Gregory Ratoff - A 20th Century-Fox Picture 4 DOrryl f. Zanuck te Charge oi free**** Wed., March 6 3:30 — 6:45 kJMV. aVSXKaVVKLY HALL RADIO’S HOTTEST AND THE SCREEN’S BEST —in the laugh-awing show that lets mutgoi 'yoiftt May Robson • Lucille Ball Dennis O’Keefe • Edward Everett Horton • Roscoe Karns • Moroni Olsen and Kay Kyser’s Band, featuring Ginny Simms • Harry Babbitt Sully Mason • Ish Kabibble and “The College of Musical Knowledge” Tues., March 5 3:30 — 6:45 m/Wm mf jlg ; PLAY TENNIS FOR RECREATION and HEALTH Come In And See Our Complete Line Of Equipment RACQUETS $1.69 up BALLS 29c PRESSES 53c MU fllllfl STd BRYAN B R Y A N C O u N T R Y C L U B mm. (P&uon, California’s Own , 17 „ A -h Own . fc Favorite PARADEWjf OF jMT**' MUSIC //I 'U Mr a Pri->rht* f T H U R S M A R 7th. NICK STUART T I L L and His Orchestra SCRIP—$1.50 in advance; $2.00 at the door Buy Your Ticket From: Aggieland Pharmacy, A. M. Waldrop Co., Luke’s Grocery, Lipscomb’s Phcy., J. W. Barron, Homer Covington, or Creamland.