The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1940, Image 2
PAGE 2 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1940 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-5444. 1939 Member 1940 Associated Golle&iate Press BILL MURRAY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LARRY WEHRLE ADVERTISING MANAGER James Critz Associate Editor E. C. (Jeep) Oates Sports Editor H. G. Howard Circulation Manager “Hub” Johnson Intramural Editor Philip Golman Staff Photographer John J. Moseley Staff Artist TUESDAY STAFF Charlie Wilkinson ■. Managing Editor Sam Davenport Asst. Advertising Manager C. A. Montgomery Editorial Assistant Junior Editors Earle Shields Don Andrews Senior Sports Assistants Jimmie Cokinos Jimmie James Junior Advertising Solicitors K. W. Hubbard J. D. Smith Reportorial Staff Bill Fitch, H. S. Hutchins, W. D. C. Jones, Joe Leach, J. L. Morgan, Jerry Rolnick, J. C. Rominger, E. A. Sterling, W. P. Walker, R. J. Warren Texas Cornerstone of Liberty On March 2 Texans celebrated the 104th an niversary of the declaration, by founders of the commonwealth, of their independence from the yoke of Mexico. On March 2, 1836, at Old Washing- ton-on-the-Brazos a little group of hardy pioneers, representing every economic and social strata of the population of Texas, gathered in the little frame building where Rev. Noah T. Byars, minis ter, gunsmith and blacksmith held forth. There the Declaration, drafted by five men, was signed by the 59 who made up this assembly. There is an analogy between the issuing of the Declaration by the Colonies and the action of the Texas pioneers. In both instances the peo ple had lived under an oppressive and tryranical form of government. In both instances the first comers—to the shores of America and to the confines of Texas—had sought a new land where they might be free to think and speak and worship as conscience dictated, bearing in mind always the rights of others. The same spirit animated both groups. They spoke for men and women who sought a greater opportunity for themselves and a future much brighter than any they had known for their chil dren. The five men who drafted the Texas declara tion—though many students contend that Childress had written it in Tennessee and had brought it to Texas, practically as it finally was adopted, were not natives of Texas. They, like the other thous ands who sought a greater opportunity, had come in from older and longer settled areas. In fact, but two of the men who signed the declaration were born in the present confines of the state. Childress was deeply in sympathy with the settlers of Texas and their aims and as an editor of the Nashville Banner had done what he could to aid them by writing favorably of their aims and pointing out the governmental conditions un der which they lived. It is reasonable to believe that he visioned a new and free state and that he drafted a declaration of independence, modeled after that which Jefferson penned. The men who drafted and adopted the Declara tion had lived in an organized society, which had for its legal background the Federal Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Undoubtedly they had seen legal processes misused and the rights of men trampled under by those who were stronger in influence or physical strength. Undoubtedly they visioned a more Utopian community, where in dividual rights would be observed and where there would be a general cooperation for the general welfare. The Texas Declaration of Independence is so high in ideals and sounds such a clarion cry for freedom that it merits a place beside the earlier declaration, issued at Philadelphia. It holds the dream of a free people—the dream of men who had come to the realization that all men have cer tain inalienable rights and that there can be no justice without the element of mercy. Upon this foundation stone was laid the Con stitution, and on these two pillars the Common wealth of Texas has been reared. In these two are guarantees of individual freedom of action that Texans should regard as their greatest heri tage, and which they should guard as their chief treasure. The youth of the state should be made aware of the ideals and principles found in this document and early taught that as citizens of Tex as they have no greater responsibility to their own and future generations than to preserve the spirit of this document and see that it continues to permeate the institutions of government in this Commonwealth.—Bryan Eagle. Investigate-It Pays! Investigate—it pays. Too often we are tempt ed to criticize unfairly without first finding out all the details connected with certain incidents. Wheth er it is custom, habit, or even tradition, the Ag gies are well-versed in the art of griping. For example: The Y. M. C. A. Lounge in Kiest Hall was not opened on a recent weekend for certain reasons. Instead of spending a few minutes to investigate and learn the real reasons, most students were con tent to gripe and criticize, and give their own rea sons. We went over to the “Y” and talked with those in charge of the Lounge and found that the opening of the room was delayed because of in ability to get the furniture by no means the fault of the “Y”. They were as anxious to get the Lounge opened as the students are but till lately it has been impossible. This is just one incident where a little investi gating cleared up a cloudy situation. If we must criticize, we should first find out the true facts of a situation and then see if we have proper grounds to criticize others. People who gripe end lessly soon get monotonous and find that they are not welcomed in the circle. If you think that you have a right to criticize something or somebody, go and talk with that per son and you will find that he will be more than glad to explain the circumstances. The next time you feel the urge to gripe, investigate and then see if you still want to gripe. Investigating will produce rich results. —Don Corley. BACKWASH Bn George Fuermann Collegiate Review "Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster. The Unglamourous Male So much is being said of the glamorous maiden that the writer, being the mother of an only son, is prompted to say a word in favor of the un- glamorous male. In the first place, to define glam our we find that it is delusion or enchantment; the first means imagination and the latter delusion; sounds pretty much like optical illusion to me. Back in my day a girl was ugly, pretty or beau tiful; no such thing as “it,” “umph” and “glam our” were heard of. In fact, we wouldn’t have liked the terms. A young man uses none of the artifice of the glamorous maid when he makes up his face. He scrubs his face until it shines; he brushes his hair back as slick as a whistle leaving his manly features unconcealed by any device of the cosmeti cian. He won’t even try to manipulate his eyes to enhance his charm—just gives you a straight for ward look. To me there is no perfume that can compare with the odor of a freshly-shaven face. Let us consider his clothes. He doesn’t resort to camouflage by choice of pattern, fabric or design in his suits; if he is tall he takes a slim model; if he is fat he takes a stout model; and if he is average he takes a regular. He has no variety of choice like the fair young damsel. If she wishes to hide large hips, she widens her shoulder effect; if she is large, she chooses plain or small patterns so that she will appear smaller; if she is too small, she chooses bold patterns to make her seem larger; if she is too short, she puts on high-heeled shoes to appear taller, but if she is too tall—well, that is just too bad. She can wear almost anything for a hat and get away with it without question. And her shoes, if she were compelled to wear the kinds she does, she would have a fit. Young men are just as sensitive to romance as young women, even more so, or they wouldn’t fall so hard for this glamour business; frankly, I’m suspicious that it may have originated with this same unglamourous male. —Mrs. R. M. Sherwood. Leaders Preferred The BOSS drives his men; The LEADER coaches them. The BOSS depends on authority; The LEADER on good will. The BOSS inspires fear; The LEADER inspires enthusiasm. The BOSS says, “I”; The LEADER says, “We.” The BOSS assigns the tasks; The LEADER sets the pace. The BOSS says, “Get here on time”; The LEADER gets there ahead of time. The BOSS fixes the blame for the breakdown; The LEADER fixes the breakdown. The BOSS makes work a drudgery; The LEADER makes it a game. The BOSS says, “Go”; The LEADER says, “Let’s go.” A few people are developing quite a lot of ex citement over the census. It is claimed that census- takers plan asking too many questions. Age, marital status, number of divorces, income, employ ment, and similar matters can be classed as per sonal matters, yet they have a social significance of national importance. It is difficult to see that any basic American right is being invaded by de manding that citizens answer these and similar questions. One woman, testifying before a Con gressional committee, stated that millions of Amer ican women would go to jail rather than answer the questions. Her error is chiefly one of degree. A few publicity seekers will go to jail for refusing to answer the question, but the number will in all probability be something less than millions. Backwash’s Ugly Boy champion ship enters its second phase—the runoff . . . And it’s Eddie Hall, Red Hartin, Roy Chappell, Maurice Shepherd, and Irvin Thompson in that order . . . Biggest surprise of all is that Jack Fugate didn’t make the finals. The excitement of the Field Ar tillery Ball, the fact that dormi tory number ten didn’t vote at all (No. 10 is a Fuermann Field Artillery hall), and the fact that Jack had a date on the campus for the Field Artillery Ball all contributed their share to Jack’s seventh-place standing. His campaign managers included Hen ry Herder, Ross Novelli, Bill Moore, Jimmy Cokinos, and J. W. Jenkins . . . Hollywood’s W. C. Fields received one vote and so did Germany’s A. Hitler . . . Red Martin’s campaign manager is Bill Bohning who is assisted by Victor Kothman, Phil Golman, and Denny Lovoi ... As votes were being counted Sunday night and several in a row were called off for Roy Chappell, his campaign manager. Bill Beck sighed, “Sweetest music this side of heav- From Del Courtney: The “Candid Camera” maestro was very emphatic in declaring that, “The most beautiful girls in the nation are in Texas.” Quizz ed on what was the most oft-re quested number Saturday night, Del pointed out that the “Hawaiian War Chant” was by far and wide the most popular number. Inci dentally, if you want to hear him again, he’ll be playing at Houston Rice Hotel for four weeks begin ning March 8. • Last chance: Those cadets who still want to purchase Aggie dinner plates may still do so by contacting Edgar Butschek in project house 16. The sale of the commemorative plates held in February was a striking success and this fact has resulted in its continuance. To date, ap proximately 2,000 plates of the original 500 sets have been sold and are now helping to extend Ag gie lore throughout the world. • Well, who WAS Confucius? Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, a near-giant lived and taught a reverent group of pupils in China. His real name was Kung-fu-tze, but this was too much for the moderns so the name was Latinized to its present form. A philosopher, his teachings have dominated the life of the Chinese millions for nearly 2,500 years. From 511 B. C. to 1940 A. D., it’s “Confucius says . . .” • But Aggies DO get married: Roughest letter of the year is this one received yesterday morn ing from a T.S.C.W.-ite. “Dear Sirs: “I have never yet met an Aggie who was unconscious of his eminence as such and who did not attempt in every way to make the fact known. Believe me, there is nothing so boring as spending an evening with a man who can speak of nothing but himself or how hard he works at Aggieland. “There are, I have found, various degrees of the vile plague, ‘Aggie-ites.’ The dis ease usually begins when the man begins to request that you pass the NaCL. It goes on to the stages where he in sists on telling you that the scientific sets on the screen are all fakes. He doesn’t realize that nobody is interest ed because just then the hero is stabbing the villain with a revolver as he always is. The extreme mental decay caused by the disease is usually reached in the senior year. I do not know what causes it, but it is evidenced in the man who describes his girl in terms of ionization potentials and triple integrals. And there you have it: the reason why Aggies stay bachelors. “As my roommate was tell ing me the other night, Ag gies and War are Hell.” Yours truly, “A T.S.C.W. Junior.” (By Associated Collegiate Press) A Canadian college student has . . . transferred to the University of Catholic University of America Georgia because she wanted t0 has organized the nation s first re- learn more about the country de _ ligious round table for law stu- scribed in « Gone With the Wind dents and lawyers. The flags of seven nations have For the first time in history, fac- flown over the acres which now ulty members of state educational constitute the Louisiana State Uni- institutions will this year pay a versity campus. federal income tax. Queens College has added 69 new University of Toronto students courses for the second half of the are giving blood to be used by present school year. Canadian soldiers at the front. New York University safety educators will visit 20 states this What every candidate knows: If summer lecturing on safety edu- it is more blessed to give than to cation. receive, the voters don’t believe it. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRYAN Cordially Invites the Public to Attend the Formal Opening Of THE NEW BIBLE ANNEX and OPEN HOUSE In The Main Church Building WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1940 Beginning at 7 o’clock MR. J. L. KRAFT, GUEST SPEAKER President, Kraft Cheese Company, Chicago, Illinois and Chairman of the Board of Deacons of the North Shore Baptist Church (The officers and teachers of the Sunday School will be in their Departmental and Class Rooms to welcome you.) THE PROGRAM 7:00-7:50—The Bible Annex will be open for inspection. 730-7:50—The Adult,- Intermediate, and Junior Departments will be open for inspection. 8:00-9:00—Formal dedication of the Bible Annex and address by Mr. J. L. Kraft, Chicago, Illinois. 9:00 The Elementary Departments will be open for in spection, followed by a reception in the Church Parlors. As the World Turns... By DR. R. W. STEEN Improving weather conditions in Europe are bringing increased activity on the part of German and Allied airmen. As yet the flights are being devoted largely to gaining information, taking pic tures and scattering pamphlets. Bombs will doubt- less be dropped in time, and when bombing begins, the true value of an air force in modem warfare will be demonstrated. Germany made suc cessful use of her air force in Po land, and Russia has used hers to advantage in Finland, but the world has yet to see war in the air when both sides have quantities of fighting and bombing planes. England has just begun to pro hibit the shipment of coal by sea from Steen Germany to Italy. A ban was placed on most German exports some time ago, but ships loaded with coal for Italy were permitted to pass. England wished to exchange English coal for Italian military supplies. As yet the countries have been unable to come to an agreement. Mussolini is interested in English coal, but prefers to pay for it with food supplies. The British are of the opinion that Mussolini will bluster for a while, and then agree to the ex change. From a theoretical point of view the coal ban is a good piece of strategy. It will not only tend to force Italy into the Allied camp, but will force Germany to place additional tasks upon her already overburdened railway system, as Germany will doubtless attempt to continue selling some coal to Italy. More information on “GONE WITH THE WIND”—-it will play at the Queen instead of the Pal ace, also the schedule of perform ance has been announced. The doors will open at 9:30 a. m. with the first show starting at 10:00 o’clock. Without a stop between shows it will start again at 2:00 p. m. Seats for these shows will cost 75c and no seats will be re served. The night show will start at 7:30. All seats at night will be reserved and will cost $1.20. Running down the calendar, we find “DAYTIME WIFE” at the assembly Hall at 3:30 and 6:45 Wednesday. Chances are that you will remember the show, not for acting or emotion or such, but for Linda Darnell. Boy, she’s terrif ic! She and Ty Power head the cast, which include several favor ites of film and screen. The cast follows: Ken Norton Tyrone Power Jane Linda Darnell Bernard Dexter..Warner William Blanche Binnie Barnes Kitty Wendy Barrie Miss Applegate Joan Davis The story is a non-scientific re search into the subject of “What have secretaries got that wives haven’t?”, with Linda doing the researching using Tyrone as the guinea pig. Married two years, Linda is rather disconcerted when Tyrone takes to working nights at the office and coming home with perfume on his collar. On the ad vice of a friend, Binnie Barnes, Linda takes a job as a secretary, herself, finding work for Warren William composed in part of short hand and typing and partly in parrying his advances. The climax is a dinner at a downtown restau rant where Tryone and Wendy, his secretary, meet up with Linda and her boss Warren. Most em barrassing. Rating—two grade- points and a pat on the back. Thursday and Friday at the As sembly Hall the A. I. Ch. E. is presenting its benefit show, “Three Smart Girls Grow Up,” with Deanna Durbin, Nan Gray, and Helen Parrish. Right or Wrong? A 2-minute test for telephone users The Mason-Dixon line is boundary between “you-all” “youse guys.” 1. It’s impossible for you to telephone 2. Police Radio Telephone made by to people in two different cities at WestemElectricisanoutgrowthofre- the same time. RIGHT □ WRONG □ search atBellTelephoneLaboratories. RIGHT □ WRONG □ When a school boy becomes too proud of his muscles a fight is al most inevitable. That goes for na tions too. WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Wednesday 3:30 and 6:45 —“DAYTIME WIFE,” with Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell. AT THE PALACE Beginning Wednesday—“I TAKE THIS WOMAN,” with Spencer Tracy and Hedy Lamarr. AT THE QUEEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday — “CONGO MAISIE,” with Ann Southern and John Carol. DON’T sit around home and try to think of some place to go for entertainment. Come on down and join the crowd. Our food is the finest and our rec ords are of the latest and best bands. It’s HRDLICKA’S CAFE “On the old College Road” 3. About 75% of the Bell System’s 85 million miles of telephone wire is contained in cable. RIGHT □ WRONG □ 4. Lowest telephone rates to most out- of-town points are available every night after 7 P. M. and all day Sunday. RIGHT □ WRONG □ ■S S| || a w « a a -- ‘C E^S *■* o g is -a '3 § -a « a H ’S 3 n ^ O 8 ^ * « 1 3 ~ | J* a* *^.2 *'§§! ellf fegj BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM