The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1940, Image 4
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION Official Notices All notices should be sent to The Battalion Office, 122 Admin istration Building. They should be typed and double-spaced. The dead- line for them is 3:30 p. m. the day prior to the date of issue. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS March 2—Basketball game, Texas A. & M. vs. University of Texas, Gymnasium. March 2—Corps dance, Sbisa Hall. ELECTION NOTICE Ordinance No. 40 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDER ING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC TION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA TION, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1940, FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR AND TWO ALDERMEN, FIXING THE TIME, PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLD ING THE ELECTION AND APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS THEREFOR. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, that: A general election be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Tuesday in April, 1940, the same being April 2nd, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two aldermen of College Sta tion, Texas. Be it further ordained that said selec tion be held in the Missouri-Pacific Sta- lege St! the following persons are hereby appoint ed managers of said election, To-wit: A tion of said City of College Station and How nagc Mitchell, Judge, and such additional as sistants as may be deemed necessary (to for ihall be opened promptly at 7 o’clock a. m. and shall be closed promptly at 7 be arranged for by A. Mitchell). The polls shall be opened promptly at 7 o’clock a. m. o’clock p. m. Said election shall be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing general elections, and only duly qualified voters who are resi dents of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote. A copy of this ordinance, signed by the Mayor of College Station, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary, shall serve as a proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and directed to have a copy of this ordinance posted up in the City Office and at three other public places in the City of College Sta tion, and is further authorized and direct ed to have said election order published in The Battalion, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of College Station, which notice shall -be published three consecutive times, the date of the first f|f LIKES THE WAT IHET LOOK... LIKES THE WAY THEY LAUNDER Tmjcmi All 1I|M AM GUARANTEED NOT TO SHRINK OUT OF FIT! *165 New styles and colors tailored with extra care in every detail. See our windows. I r iTaldrop U (q “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan publication, as well as the date of the posting of said notices, to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of the sting of said notices, to be not less than election. Passed and approved this the 29th day of February, 1940. APPROVED: J. H. BINNEY, Mayor. ATTEST: SIDNEY L. LOVELESS, City Secretary. PERSONNEL LEAFLETS ’he pi ready for the seniors listed below. Please call for these at room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience. Baker, C. F; Buie, W. C.; Coffey, L. C. ; Cullers, E. W. Jr.; Davis, G. H. Jr.; Donnelly, C. G. ; Doran, Jack K. ; Drow, D. L. ; Edward, S. W. ; Erck, A. W. ; Ezell, B. P.; Faubion, J. T.; Faulkner, F. S.; Finch, R. D. ; Fitzhugh, O. L.; Furry, Harlan; Gerlich, R. W. ; Gibbons, Sam; Goodlett, W. S. Jr. ; Graham, O. B. ; Guy r . William T. Jr.; Haberle, D. L. ; Hagler, G. F. ; Hamilton, O. W.; Ham- lett, E. H.; Hamner, C. H.; Hanby, J. L.; Hart, W. M.; Hartmann, F. W. Jr. ; Hendrix, E. E. Jr.; Hess, E. C.; Hol- : H Ross H. ; Jenkins, J. W.; Jones, A. C. ; Hendrix, E. E. Jr.; Hess, E. <J. ; Hol land, J. W.; Holliman, E. J.; Howard, Ross H. ; Jenkins, J. W.; Jones, A. C. ; Jordan, R. F. ; Knight, J. C.; Knippa, A. J.; Lackey, J. F.; Ledbetter, W. R.; Lee, R. E.; Lilly, Bob; Lingold, J. C.: Lippard, J. A. ; Lipscomb, G. M. ; Mackey, J. C.; Marsh, D. C. ; Mason, J. P. ; Mayhew, I. Q. Jr.; Mazzagatti, R. P. ; McAdoo, S. F. ; McDonald, H. E.; McFarland, J. H. ; McNeil, M. E.; Meynard, E. B. ; Moseley, J. C. ; Moore, W. R. Jr. ; Moore, W. T.; Neelley, A. G. ; Nix, T. R.: Pepper, G. R. ; Persons, J. V.; Pipkin, C. H. ; Powell, C. G.; Reid, L. D.; Rhoten, G. P. ; Rice, J. M. ; Richards, T. S.; Ridlehuber, J. M. ; Rockwood, W R. ; Rucker, H. L.; Ruck- man, J. B. ; Schaer, W. K.; Schmidt, W. A. ; Schrank, W. C.; Shaw, J. A. ; Shep herd, M. F. ; Shiels, R. T. Jr. ; Sims, E. C. Jr.; Singleton, R. E. ; Smith, B. G. ; Smith, W. P.: Sowell, E. N.: Spangler, J. H. Jr.; Speckels, M. L. ; Stambaugh, C. K. ; Stechman, C. W. ; Stephens, E. E. Jr. ; Stephenson, R. C. ; Stevens, T. D.; Stewart, W. J. ; Strother, J. F. Jr.; Stukenburg, J. D.; Swallow, F. W.; Synnott, W. H.; Taylor, J. A.; Terry, L. W.: Thompson, James N. ; Thompson, Lowell E. ; Thorn ton, J. R. Jr.; Tilley, E. N.; Tillson, G. W. ; Timmerman, B. O.; Treadaway, W. A. ; Treadwell, R. S.; Walker, W. T. Jr.; Wallace, J. B. ; Wallis, R. P.; Watkins, O. M. Jr. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Flacement and Personnel Division. ARTILLERY BALL ARRANGEMENTS 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the Field Artillery Ball, approved by the organiza tion commanders concerned, dormitory 6 will be vacated by cadets Friday and Saturday nights, March 1 and 2, 1940, in order to provide accommodations for visiting girls attending the Field Artillery Ball and the corps dance on those nights. 2. Cadets having guests will be assess ed a charge of 60c per guest to cover cost of matrons, maid service, and other incidental expenses. 3. The organization commanders are see- left orgi charged with the responsibility for ing that rooms and corridors are in a neat, orderly, condition for the re ception of guests. Cadets concerned will vacate Dormi tory 5 by 1 p. m., March X; guests will be admitted at 3:00 p. m. Cadets will be readmitted to the hall at 12:00 noon, March 3, by which time guests must be out of the dormitory. 5. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later than 3:00 a. m. Fridi riday night, and not later than 2:00 a. m. Sat urday night. Guests must check in with the matron upon their return to the New and Used TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE Also guaranteed repairs on all makes. GUY H. DEATON Typewriter Exchange Bryan Across from postoffice Tel. Bryan 254J SEE THE NEWEST and LATEST SYLES in LADIES READY-TO-WEAR and MILLINERY The FASHION Bryan TO THE CLASS OF '41 IN BOOTS, IT’S COMFORT — with the perfect ankle break. QUALITY — in the leather and work manship. STYLE —that was designed for AG GIES and backed by 53 years of service. MH SOOT HI. It 101 W. Travis St. San Antonio, Texas J. dormitory after the dance, and they must check out with the matron on their de parture from the College to their re spective homes. Escorts will be held strictly accountable for compliance with these in structions. 6. Guests will not be permitted to oc cupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. Cadets making reservations should check with the occupants of the room to ascertain whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not provide shades. 7. Reservations may be made by cadets concerned beginning at 8:00 a. m., Wed nesday, February 28, 1940. COL GEO. F. MOORE, Commandant INCOME TAX REPORTS The Internal Revenue Department will send an agent to College Station March 4-9 for the purpose of assisting taxpayers in adjusting their income tax report. The agent will be available at the Post Office from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. each day. EXCUSED ABSENCES Company “C” Infantry, and certain members of the Band, have been authorized to attend the Texas Independence Day Celebration at Old Washington on March 2. A list of the individuals who are ex cused will be furnished the departments next week. - eadtJ F. C. BOLTON, Dean MINOR SPORTS CAPTAINS Please see J. C. Shoultz at once con cerning your section of the Longhorn as to your picture and membership. This must be attended to before the end of the current week. SNAPSHOTS FOR LONGHORN Anyone desiring to have snapshots put in the 1940 Longhorn must turn them in at once to some member of the Long horn staff. These pictures must be in before Sunday, March 3. LONGHORN CLUB PICTURES All pictures and rosters of clubs and organizations that are to be used in the Longhorn must be turned in by Saturday, March 9. Arrangements for pictures must be made at Aggieland stu dio. All rosters of club oficers and mem bers must be turned in to Dan Sharp, 128 dormitory 11. Organizations BIOLOGY CLUB The Biology Club will hold a meeting Monday night at 7:00 in the Biology lecture room. There will be five reels of film shown from U. S. D. A. and U. S. Public Health lists. Old members interested in rejoining are requested to be present. HILLEL CLUB There will be a meeting of the Hillel Club Sunday night in the lounge room of the old mess hall. Robert Kahn of Houston will speak on the Jewish youth problem. ANNUAL MEETING, TEXAS SECTION, S. P. E. E. Will those members of the College Staff who plan on attending the annual meet- ch ly. Word may be left with the department ing ing of the S. P. E. E. at El Paso, March 22 and 23, so inform me immediate!; secretary, phone 4-6564. If you are in terested in riding in someone else’s car on a share-expense basis or if you wish passengers in your car on the same basis, let me know. I shall try to get inter ested parties together. Please act promptly, so that our hosts will have time for adequate preparations. The time of the meeting is only three weeks away. V. M. FAIRES, For the Executive Committee, Texas Section, S. P. E. E. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB An important and interesting program about South America will be presented by the Cosmopolitan Club Sunday at 3 p. m. in the Y parlor. Everyone is in vited. Club members are requested to pay their dues at this time. Refreshments will be served as a com pliment of the Y. M. C. A. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY There will be a meeting of the Account- in Society Monday evening at 7:30 in the Chemistry lecture room. Mr. Lucian Morgan will be guest speaker, and will speak on the work of the Placement and Personnel Division. All members, new and old, are urged to be present. SOUTH PLAINS CLUB There will be an important meeting of the South Plains A. & M. Club Sunday immediately after supper in the C. E. lecture room. All members please be resent and bring fifty cents each for the present and bring : Longhorn picture. DAMES’ CLUB The A. & M. Dames’ Club will have its regular meeting March 6th at 8:00 in the <‘Y” parlor. Mrs. William R. Irwin will be the speaker and her sub ject will be “Good Conduct.” ABILENE CLUB The Abilene A. & M. Club will have its picture made for the Longhorn Mon day at 12:45 on the Y. M. C. A. steps. Number 2 uniforms with cotton shirts will be worn. All boys from Abilene and vicinity please be present. BEAUMONT CLUB The Beaumont A. & M. Club will have its picture taken on the Y steps Mon day afternoon at 5 o’clock.- All members are urged to be present. JUNIOR A. V. M. A. The Jr. A. V. M. A. picture for the Longhorn will be made on the steps of Francis Hall at 12:45 sharp Tuesday. Members of the club are urged to be present. Junior veterinary students are asked to come dressed in white clothes. Students of the freshman and sophomore classes, also pre-vets, are to wear the regu lar number two uniform. Those who are excused from wearing the uniform come dressed in white shirts, ties and slacks. Please do not come dressed in cover alls or overalls. Classified MEAT FOR SALE The Meats Laboratory in the Animal Industries Building has recently slaughter ed a group of experimental cattle and the meat is now for sale at popular prices. C. E. MURPHY Q. S. T. WANTED The Electrical Engineering Department wants to buy one copy of the January, 1939, Q.S.T. M. C. HUGHES, Head Electrical Engineering Dept. FOR RENT: Furnished room. Oakwood Addition. Telephone College 354. ’ FOR SALE: Two acres of lots on highway 6, directly north of Hrdlicka’s Store. Phone College 111. FOR RENT: Room for two boys, with or without board. 303 South Dexter. Phone College 631. LOST: Good knife and broken chain. Ini tials on knife, V. O. J. Reward if re turned to Vincent 0. Johnson, Electrical Engineering Department. CHURCHES EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Thomas Chapel. College Rev. Roscoe Hauser Jr., Chaplain 8:30 a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. Coffee Club and Bible Class 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. (1st Sundays - Holy Communion) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF COLLEGE STATION R. L. Brown, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:50 a. m. Morning worship 6:45 p. m. Baptist Training Union 7:30 p. m. Evening worship Wednesday—B. S. U. Council 6:45 p. m.; prayer meeting 7:80 p. m.; choir rehearsal Ugly Boy— (Continued from page 1) 418; seven, Fred Clarke, 427; eight, Sid Kimball, 216; nine, Rob Trim ble, 228; ten, Cecil Reavis, 121; eleven, Jack Richmond, 314; and twelve, Ernest Schott, 305. Puryear, Tom Richey, 85; Law, Pete Gerlich, 61; Hart, Charles Stechman, D-5; Bizzell, R. L. Peterson, 107; Goodwin, A. J. Car- roll, 65; Mitchell, George Bingham, 28; Legett, Clayton Bird, 49; Mil ner, Maurice Dunklin, 62; P. G. Hall, Ross Cox, 24; College Hos pital, Walter Carmichael; Dairy Farm, Lloyd Ator; .Horticulture Farm, Horace Landers; American Legion Dormitory, Ross Cashion; Old Army Barracks, Roth Parker; project house area; W. A. Sanders in number nine and E. E. Inman in number one. For those students who live in places other than those mentioned above, a ballot box will remain in the rotunda of the Academic Building until the close of the contest. All cadets are eligible to vote and, with 'the exception of the committee and Battalion staff members, all students are eligible for candidacy. 8:15 p. m. Student prayer meeting every evening at 6:45. A. & M. CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible classes 10:45 a. m. Worship service 6:45 p. m. Young People’s meeting 7:30 p. m. Evening worship Wednesday—Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH James Carlin, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Church School 11:00 a. m. Morning worship 7:00 p. m. Epworth League meeting 7:46 p. m. Evening service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Y. M. C. A. Chapel Rev. Norman Anderson, Pastor 9:30 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning worship 6:45 p. m. Young People’s League 7:45 p. m. Evening devotional and fel lowship. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE Y. M. C. A. Parlor 11:00 a. m. Morning worship LUTHERAN SERVICES Y. M. C. A. Parlor Rev. Kurt Hartman, Pastor 7:00 p. m. Evening worship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRYAN W. H. Andrew, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:50 a. m. Morning worship 6:30 p. m. Baptist Training Union 7:30 p. m. Evening worship Free busses for students leave both “Y’s” at 9:20 every Sunday morning. COLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRYAN R. C. White, Pastor. 9 :45 a. m. Sunday School. ifors! ainin Worship. lay £ 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:20 p. m. Baptist Training Union. 7:30 p. m. Eveni Free bus for students leaves old “Y”, Project House area, and street intersection near new dormitories at 9:10, 9:15, and 9 :20 respectively each Sunday morning, and 6:10, 6:15, and 6:20 respectively Sunday evening. A. & M. CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Mary Chapel 8:45 a. m. Confessions, followed by Mass at 9:30. 7:00 p. m. Evening services. BRYAN CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Joseph Church Mass on Sunday mornings at 7:00, 8:00, and 10:00. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER AT College Baptist Church Dr. E. P. Allredge, statistician for the Sunday School Board of the Southern tist Convention,* will morning. Dr. Allredge is one of the outstanding leaders and speakers of the South. Baptist Convention,* will speak at the First Baptist Church of College Sund; LUTHERAN CHURCH Lutheran services will be held Sunday at 7:15 p. m. in the Y parlor. The speaker will be Rev. Frederic Schoitz of Chicago, who is secretary of the Luther- liation o: one is cordially invited. an Students Association of America. Every- CATHOLIC CHURCH Special services Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 in the morning and at 7 :00 in the evening. Adoration will continue throughout the day Sunday until after the evening ser vices. ROSE BUSHES (2 Year Tyler Grown) Saturday and Monday 10c Each $1.00 Doz. Old Fire Station 26th Street Bryan, Texas FXPEIT B&PA1RJ Expert Radio Repair STUDENT CO-OP Phone No. 139 North Gate Utilities— (Continued from page 1) 2, with Alva Mitchell as judge. Copies of the election ordinance will be posted in Lipscomb’s Phar macy, Luke’s Grocery, and the Academic Building. On March 11 the collection of garbage by the city shall be started with the enforcement of certain regulations pertaining to it. All re ceptacles must be regular galva nized garbage cans with securely fastened lids which are water proof and flyproof. These cans must be able to be picked up by one man and must be placed ad jacent to a road, street or passable alley, if the garbage is to be col lected. The council also decided to assess a fine up to twenty-five dollars on anyone who places upon land within the city limits trash and other debris which may be scattered by the wind; who burns paper, trash, or other material under circumstances which make for a fire hazard to any property or a smake nuisance to inhabitants of any residence or business pro perty; or uses trash cans other than those prescribed. One other matter that was ac complished at the Council’s meet ing was the appointment of a com mittee to select a duchess to re present College Station at the Blue bonnet Festival in Navasota April 12. Mrs. T. O. Walton was ap pointed chairman with Mrs. J. S. Norton Talks— (Continued from page 3) He will not pick the Aggies to repeat as Conference champs but says if they do they will have to beat S. M. U., Texas and Bay lor, all three of which must be played on their own home fields, and the records show that the Ag gies have had a hard time beat ing those three teams at home. Only in 1922 have the Aggies ever beaten Texas in Austin and it is there the 1940 game must be play ed this year. In fact they have only scored one touchdown against Texas there and that came on a blocked kick recovered by a guard in 1938. Norton also points out that the Aggies have a tough nine-game schedule and says that any one of those teams could knock the cadets out of the picture any Saturday afternoon. “Instead of a breath er to open our schedule we booked Texas A. & I. which won its con ference championship last year.” -SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1940 Official Notices Deadline Changed The editors of The Battalion to day announce that beginning with the Tuesday issue of the news paper, all notices for the paper must be in The Battalion Office (122 Administration Building) by 3:30 p. m. of the day prior to the date of issue. The deadline is having to be moved up because the former dead line was too late for the linotype operators. The great number of notices coming in are too many to classify and proofread in the period of time formerly allowed. Mogford, Mrs. R. L. Rogers, and Bill Murray completing the com mittee. Dr. A. Benbow DENTIST Phone 375 Austin Building — Bryan RECORDS Have you heard the latest records? You are welcome to come in and play the newest Decca and RCA records. Also in stock we have low priced record play ers that are easily at tached to your radio. HASWELL’S 201 N. Main Bryan 14 Chesterfield’s Twin Pleasures are J?ea/Mt/dft ess better Taste ^ou can’t mistake the extra pleasure you get from Chesterfields. Because of their right combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos, Chesterfields give you a cooler, better-tasting and definitely milder smoke. You can’t buy a better cigarette n- Copyright 1940, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.