The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 29, 1940, Image 6
THE BATTALION PAGE 6 Official Notices All notices should be sent to The Battalion Office, 122 Admin istration Building. They should be typed and double-spaced. The dead line for them is 4:00 p. m. the day prior to the date of issue. how. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS February 29—Faculty Dance, Banquet Room Sbisa Hal], 7 p. m. February 29—Junior Collegiate F.F.A. benefit show. Assembly Hall, 6:30 p. m. March 1—Fencing Team benefit shi Assembly Hall. March 1—Field Artillery Ball, Sbisa Hall 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. March 2-—Basketball game, Texas A. & M. vs. University of Texas, Gymnasium. March 2—Corps dance, Sbisa Hall. SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS According to College Regulations, Fri day, March 1, is the last date on which applications for degrees to be conferred on May 31, 1940, may be made. Those stu dents who expect to graduate should, therefore, attend to this matter at once. Forms for filing the application may be secured in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. HEATON, Assistant Registrar ARTILLERY BALL ARRANGEMENTS 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the Field Artillery Ball, approved by the organiza tion commanders concerned, dormitory 5 will be vacated by cadets Friday and Saturday nights, March 1 and 2, 1940, in order to provide accommodations for visiting girls attending the Field Artillery Ball and the corps dance on those nights. 2. Cadets having guests will be assess ed a charge of 50c per guest to cover cost of matrons, maid service, and other incidental expenses. 3. The organization commanders are charged with the responsibility for see- To stagger the stagline at the spring dances, come to McCutcheon’s and select glamorous ev ening frocks and dinner dresses. Our complete new line of styles are more flattering than ever before and many have those perky little jackets that make gowns practical for so many different occasions. Reasonable prices in Ev enings, cottons, silks and jerseys. $14.95 $16.75 $19.75 College Hills Shopping Village Phone College 518 out of the dormitor 5. Guests staying : ' tha ing that rooms and corridors are left in a neat, orderly, condition for the re ception of guests. 4. Cadets concerned will vacate Dormi tory 5 by 1 p. m., March 1; guests will be admitted at 3:00 p. m. Cadets will be readmitted to the hall at 12:00 noon, March 3, by which time guests must be ry. in the dormitory must be in not later than 3:00 a. m. Friday night, and not later than 2:00 a. m. Sat urday night. Guests must check in with the matron upon their return to the dormitory after the dance, and they must check out with the matron on their de parture from the College to their re spective homes. Escorts will be held strictly accountable for compliance with these in structions. 6. Guests will not be permitted to oc cupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. Cadets making reservations should check with the occupants of the room to ascertain whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not provide shades. 7, Reservations may be made by cadets concerned beginning at 8:00 a. m., Wed nesday, February 28, 1940. COL GEO. F. MOORE, Commandant FACULTY DINNER DANCE The Annual Faculty Dinner Dance will be held in Sbisa Hall annex at 7 p. m. Thursday, February 29. Plates are $1.00 per person, in addi tion to the regular $1.00 per couple (or season ticket) for dancing. Plate charges may be paid at the door. It is planned to have a continuous “No Host” table. This plan seemed very satis factory to every one attending last year, as it has certain obvious advantages over the system of having several party tables. Arrangements can be made, as last year, for group parties at the continuous table, where this is desired. Any non-dancing members of the Faculty Group desiring to attend the dinner will be most welcome, while those who find it impossible to at tend the dinner but who can attend the dance in the latter part of the evening are cordially invited to do so. Charges, nly for the in. ack le Aggieland orchestra. Decorations will be in the mood of St. Patrick. A festive occasion is antici pated. of course, will be made only for t of th The mui Littlejohn and the •se, will be made only ft part of the entertainment participated in. isic will be furnished by Jack PERSONNEL LEAFLETS le pr for the seniors listed below, for these at room 133, Au(iiiiuoljicii.i Building, at your earliest convenience. Ator, L. G.; Baker, C. F.; Bonnette, I. T. ; Brooks, H. W. ; Buie, W. C.; Coffey, L.; raham, J. W. ; iflets are ready >w. Please call Administration convenience F.; Bonn ..., ... ., u . c , W. C.; Col C.; Cullers, E. W., Jr., Dalton, H. ds, G. H., Jt.; Finch, R. D.; Gral Davis, U. H., Jt. ; . O. B. ; Holland, J. u. a.; Holland, J. w.; Jenkins, J. w.; Jordan, R. F.: Lilly, Bob ; Marsh, D. C.; McNeill, M. E. ; Nix, T. R. ; Reid, L. D. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement and Personnel Division REVIEW SESSIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL SENIORS Room 304, Agricultural Building JUNIOR SOIL SCIENTIST: Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:45 p. m. Rocks, Minerials and Soil Materials, Dr. Jones, Mr. Hamilton. on Materials, Dr. Jones, Mr. 1 JUNIOR AGRONOMIST: Friday, Mar. 15 p. m. Botany, Mr. Easley. The review sessions for agricultural 1, 6: 45 r agr seniors will be conducted in room 304, Agricultural Building, at 7 p. m. on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the next three weeks. All agricultural seniors who have qualified for Jr. Adm. Asst, are invited to attend. L. G. JONES EXCUSED ABSENCES Company “C” Infantry, and certain members of the Band, have been authorized to attend the Texas Independence Day Celebration at Old Washington on March 2. V list of the individuals who are ex cused will be furnished the departments next week. F. C. BOLTON, Dean MINOR SPORTS CAPTAIN Please see J. C. Shoultz at once cc cerning your section of the Longhorn as to your picture and membership. This must be attended to before the end of the current week. Organizations Jity 9 ^illiot BIOLOGY CLUB The Biology Club will hold Monday night at 7:00 in the B lecture room. There will be five of film shown from U. S. D. A. r eV Can U. S. Public Health lists. Old me ’'Jjgjj jg when buck interested in rejoining are request be present. HILLEL CLUB There will be a meeting of the I Club Sunday night in the lounge of the old mess hall. Robert Kahj TTOm Houston will speak on the Jewish yssario problem. . ;ham- ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY held The Architectural Society will hav short business meeting Thursday n’ at 7:00 in the Architectural library. been juck- LANDSCAPE ART CLUB The Landscape Art Club will hold regular meeting Thursday night at 7, Mid in the Landscape Art drafting room. , members are asked to bring their prop- “ *'0 designs for the pin. 'OUHg F. F. A. t | lan Dan Russell will speak at a meet. ’Bgj of the Junior Collegiate F. F. A. whi ^ will be held in the Agricultural Engineer ing lecture room Thursday night at 7:15. light, EX 4-H CLUB There will be an important meeting of the Ex 4-H Club Thursday night in room 132 Animal Industries building at 7:00 o’clock. Important that all members be there as discussion will be held on club picture for the Longhorn. ANNUAL MEETING, TEXAS SECTION, S. P. E. E. Will those members of the College Staff who plan on attending the annual meet ing of the S. P. E. E. at El Paso, March 22 and 23, so inform me immediately. Word may be left with the department secretary, phone 4-5564. If you are in terested in riding in someone else’s car on a share-expense basis or if you wish passengers in your car on the same basis, let me know. I shall try to get inter ested parties together. Please act promptly, so that our hosts will have time for adequate preparations. The time of the meeting is only three weeks away. V. M. FAIRES, For the Executive Committee, Texas Section, S. P. E. E. F. F. A. CHAPTER The Junior Collegiate Chapter of the Future Farmers of America will meet Thursday night, in the Ag Engineering lecture room. MATHEMATICS STUDENTS There will be a meeting of all students ;erested in formini Club Thursday, February 29, at 7 p. in room 212 Of the Academic Building SCHOLAiRSHIP HONOR SOCIETY The deadline for Scholarship Honor Society dues has been extended to March 1. Also, the last order of keys will be sent off March 1. Send money for dues and keys to W. T.’ Guy Jr. at F-10 Walton. ho pul tend to, please do so this week. alt All those who have not yet had their ut in the Longhorn and pictures General MEAT FOR SALE The Meats Laboratory in the Animal Industries Building has recently slaughter ed a group of experimental cattle and the meat is now for sale at popular prices. C. E. MURPHY Q. S. T. WANTED The Electrical Engineering Department wants to buy one copy of the January, 1939, Q.S.T. M. C. HUGHES, Head Electrical Engineering Dept- SNAPSHOTS FOR LONGHORN Anyone desiring to have snapshots put in the 1940 Longhorn must turn them in at once to some member of the Long horn staff. These pictures must be in before Sunday, March 3. CADET PLAYERS The Cadet Players will hold a short but important meeting Thursday night at 7:15 p. m. in the Agricultural Engi neering lecture room. Plans for presenting the plays cast will be discussed. LONGHORN CLUB PICTURES All pictures and rosters of clubs and organizations that are to be used in the Longhorn must be turned in by Saturday, March 9. Arrangements for pictures must be made at Aggieland stu dio. All rosters of club oficers and mem bers must be turned in to Dan Sharp, 128 dormitory 11. CLUB PRESIDENTS All presidents of campus organizations and home-town clubs who have reserved spac com; me: Dan Sharp, 128 hall 11, before March 1. ace in the Longhorn must turn in a mplete alphabetical list of all club embers and a list of the club officers to EXPLOSIVES AT DRILL FIELD The Engineer R.O.T.C. Unit will be firing high explosive charges on the north side of the R.O.T.C. Drill Field, in the vicinity of old Engineer Lake, on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, February 27, 28, and 29, between the hours of 1:00 and 3 :00 p. m. All persons are warn ed to remain out of this area during the period stated. B. S. SHUTE, Captain, C. E., Senior Instructor. MEMO Paste this in your hat!!! Put it in your pipe and smoke it, or do whatever you customarily do with vital information ... we are showing- a fine assortment of new Varsity-Town Suits and Sport Ensembles that will be certain to please every Aggie. There’s a world of significance in the words “Styled by ‘Var sity-Town’ ”. (Pacemakers for smart America). Suits bearing that label are correct in every detail. . . Style . . . Fabrics and Tailoring . . . See the spring styles by Varsity-Town. (iJaldropafo. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan FOR RENT: Furnished room. Oakwood Addition. Telephone College 354. ost in person LOST: A small black bag— Palestine Sunday night. Will the who picked it up pie telephone College 460. FOR SALE: Two acres of lots on highway 6, directly north of Hrdlicka’s Store. Phone College 111. >W0RLDT LARGEST SUN-DIAL IS ON THE CAMPUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANILA (PHILIPPINES). IT IS 05 FEET WIDE AND 40 FT. HIGH/ (Continued from page 1) follows: dormitory one, Mac Dun can, room 201; two, Harold Haus- man, 320; three, Ed Robnett, 324; four, Mac Oliver, 228; five, Alden Cathey, 108; six, Tom Richards, 418; seven, Fred Clarke, 427; eight, Sid Kimball, 216; nine, Rob Trim ble, 228; ten, Cecil Reavis, 121; eleven, Jack Richmond, 314; and twelve, Ernest Schott, 305. Puryear, Tom Richey, 85; Law, Pete Gerlich, 61; Hart, Charles Stechman, D-5; Bizzell, R. F. Peterson, 107; Goodwin, A. J. Car- roll, 65; Mitchell, George Bingham, 28; Legett, Clayton Bird, 49; Mil ner, Maurice Dunklin, 52; P. G. Hall, Ross Cox, 24; College Hos pital, Walter Carmichael; Dairy Farm, Lloyd Ator; Horticulture Farm, Horace Landers; American Legion Dormitory, Ross Cashion; Old Army Barracks, Roth Parker; project house area, W. A. Sanders in number nine and E. E. Inman in number one. For those students who live in places other than mentioned above, a ballot box will be placed in the rotunda of the Academic Building early Friday morning and will re main until the close of the contest. The winners in the first primary will be announced in next Tues day’s Battalion and the runoff be tween the five high men will be held the following week. At a yet undecided date, a special yell practice will be called and the win ner will be crowned “King of the Uglies” with proper and fitting ceremony. At this time he will also be presented with the honor ary degree, B. U. (Bachelor of Ugliness) and his picture will ap pear in The Battalion and possi bly the T.S.C.W. Lass-O. All cadets are eligible to vote and ballots need not be signed. With the exception of the forty-one committee members, Fuermann, and The Battalion editor Bill Mur- r\± -y stUv.-; Voting, students may vote for anyone they desire with the excep tions mentioned. Peterson pointed out that, “It is the sincere wish of the committee to run this election as fairly as possible and we hope that cadets will vote for their honest choice of the ugliest man in the corps.” Although similar contests have been sponsored at many other American colleges and universities, this marks the first such official contest at A. & M. Although some students may be somewhat skepti cal about the dubious honor, it’s all meant in the spirit of “good fun” and it is the wish of the committee that the contest be run with this idea in mind. It is interesting to note that winners of contests held in other colleges and universities have often turned the results to personal prof it. Texas University’s champion a year ago received a movie con tract and the winners of similar contests have paved the way to “greener fields” with publicity that came with the colorful and exciting contest. Already Aggieland has evidenced considerable enthusiasm and near ly twenty candidates have appear ed on the horizon energetically backed by self-styled campaign managers., C Company TAttend Texas Celebration Cotton Ball— (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Fouraker’s job will also include the arrangement of the costumes for the duchesses attend ing. There will about 90 duchesses invited to participate; invitations have already been sent to various organizations over the state ac counting for 76 of that number. These organizations include 31 ex students’ associations, 14 Mothers’ Clubs, and to all the senior col leges and universities in Texas and the Southwest. Fa? IS J mem b ers the Aggie a „ and Company C, Infantry, ®enting the R.O.T.C. unit of Go hool, will journey to Old This '•ton Saturday morning, college , , ,, m mation att/Gnd th.B Texas Xnde- casting Day Celebration. netwoVand and Infantry unit will Charlerxny trucks at 8:00 o’clock, Count', at Old Washington about Satu* 9:15 the Band will play for all Ttrance of Governor W. Lee are.niel, and will also play an Ipt concert at 3:15. Both organ izations will return at 6 o’clock. As a remuneration for making the trip, the cadets will enjoy a free barbecue dinner at twelve o’clock. The occasion marks the 104th anniversary of the forming of Tex as Independence and the election of Sam Houston to the presidency of the Republic. Besides Governor O’Daniel, numerous other state of ficials will be present to tender honor to the birthplace of Texas In dependence. Announcement at the same time was the selection of the store for ladies clothing in Houston, The Fashion, to put on the style show proper. This store will arrange the show, furnish clothes and mod els, and provide part of the deco rations. Of the models, The Fash ion announces that the girls will be shapely and not hard to the eyes. FOR Eye Examination And Glasses Consult J. W. PAYNE DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Tex. Next to Palace Theater -THURSDAY, FEB. 29, 1940 A.S.C.E. Ball— (Continued from page 1) of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Responsible for the clever deco rations were co-chairman Jack Doran and Carl Schneider assist ed by W. A. Hamilton and J. B. Merriweather. The dance committee was chair maned by Frank Perrin and in cluded Joe Moseley, Fred Sandlin, H. C. Smith, and Jack West. Offi cers of the local A.S.C.E. chap ter include Bruce Cloud, president; Jack West, vice-president; David Yarbrough, secretary-treasurer; and Cecil DeVilbiss, junior repre sentative. FACULTY DANCE TONIGHT A faculty dance, the annual din ner-dance, will take place this evening in the annex of Sbisa Hall. Enter your pictures in the Col legiate Digest Salon Edition com petition now. Donald and Maurine Nordlund, brother and sister, earned perfect grades at Midland College last semester. A slum clearance course has been added to the curriculum of the University of California. mar BEPAIS! Expert Radio Repair STUDENT CO-OP Phone No. 139 North Gate MAKE HER HAPPY! If you can’t be with your Mother on Her Day, send Her the One Gift that will make Her happy . . . YOUR PHOTOGRAPH AGGIELAND STUDIO Photographs of Distinction JOE SOSOLIK, Prop. Kodak Finishing — Amateur Supplies Picture Frames but chooses slow-burning Camels for aft. It takes your breath away even to watch him. Down the side of the mountain...a perfect telemark turn... and there he goes...faster and faster. That’s Bob Bour don, former Vermont champion. On skis, he’s one of New England’s fastest. But in smoking, he’s strictly on the slow side. Read what he says (at right). In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested—slower than any of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! Copyright. 1940. R. J. Reynolds Tobarro Company. Winston-Salem. N. C. In the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway, Franconia Notch, N. H., Bob Bourdon (above) enjoys a slow-burning Camel. "No speed for me in my smoking,” says this ski champion. "Camels are slower-burning and give me extra mildness, extra coolness, and extra flavor.” ' / T V HE fastef the going, the more fun in skiing,” X says Bob Bourdon. But he has a different angle on cigarettes. When Bob Bourdon says: "Slow burn ing is my guide to more mildness, more coolness, and more flavor,” he’s putting the stamp of actual smoking experience on the findings of science. Fast burning in a cigarette means heat. Nothing dulls the delicate elements of cigarette flavor and aroma so surely as excess heat. There’s little pleasure or comfort in a hot, flat smoke in which the flavor has been burned away. The extra mildness, refresh ing coolness, and that smooth, mellow flavor of Camels are confirmed by recent widely reported scientific tests, in which Camels...the cigarette of costlier tobaccos... burned the slowest of the sixteen of the largest-selling brands tested! (See panel at left.) So, change to slow-burning Camels and enjoy extra pleasure and extra smoking. •'j .MORE PLEASURE PER PUFF... MORE PUFFS PER PACK! Camels — a ^ are ^ e Cpsf/ierTobaccos