The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 22, 1940, Image 3

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What Should a Sports Writer Do When
The Teams Are Playing At Deadline?
What am I doing? Well, I am
sitting here trying to kill time and
fill up space while our Aggie cag-
ers, varsity and freshmen, are
over at Austin playing the Uni
versity of Texas basketeers. I
can’t rush the game up so I can
get it in this paper and I can’t
say that Texas won, because I
tried a stunt like that once and the
other team won, and it would be
my luck for the Aggies to win if
I said Texas won.
Maybe the best thing to do is
take Jack Littlejohn’s advice and
go down to Ed’s and drown my
woes, or something.
It looks like Marty Karow is on
the outside for the Kansas Col
lege head coaching job. They have
invited three prospects to visit the
council and Marty was not listed.
Rice stepped out Monday and
Tuesday nights and really took
■ -t
Eye Examination
And Glasses
Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Tex.
Next to Palace Theater
Arkansas for a real country clean
ing. During the last couple of
years the other conference teams
have lost their respect for the tall
Porkers from the Ozarks in both
football and basketball.
At all home conference basket
ball games, the tumbling team pro
vides fine entertainment between
the halves. If they get a good
hand they are proud and that is
all they get for all their hard
work. These boys go down to the
gym most every afternoon and
work long and hard so that they
might give the fans a good show
during the short time between
“Jo-Jo” White has asked that
all major T men go to the studio
and have their pictures made this
week. The pictures are to be made
with maroon slipover sweaters on.
Saturday afternoon the four
spring training teams will have
another game scrimmage. Coach
Norton has invited the public to
come out and watch these practice
We have noticed that no one
man is hogging the basketball
Saturday Preview, Sun, Mon, Tues.
Preview 11 P. M. Saturday Night
Sun., Mon., Tues.
Ronald Colman
Underwear that doesn’t
sneafi up on you!
Ty /Tany shorts seem to be made mostly of
1V1 seams. Seams that never let you alone.
They saw and chafe—heckle you the whole
day through.
Not Arrow shorts!
For Arrows have a
seamless crotch—a pat-
ented feature that
means real comfort,
joyous freedom.
Bid goodbye to un
derwear torture and
try Arrow Shorts to
day. They’re Sanfor-
ized-Shrunk, fabric
shrinkage less than 1%
—a wide range of pat
terns with either snap
fasteners or buttons.
65c up. Tops 50c up.
Wrestling Takes
Over Intramural Sports Show
A group from the recently Ex
tension Service recently attended
the four-state regional extension
conference for Arkansas, Okla
homa, Louisiana and Texas at Tex
arkana. Miss Mildred Horton,
vice—director and state home
agent, went to Auburn, Alabama,
and Roanoke, Virginia, for similar
In the group were Director H. H.
Williamson, George E. Adams, D.
L. Weddington, Roy Snyder, G. Gi
Gibson, W. YL. Scott, J. R. Wen-
mohs, Misses Minnie Mae Grubbs,
Myrtle, Murray, Bess Edwards,
Laure Lane, and Louise Bryant,
Mrs. Maggie Barry and Mrs. Dora
R. Barnes.
scoring this year. At this time
the leading scorer has 108 points
to his credit. It seems that if a
man scores a lot of pronts in one
game he is not able to even hit
the backboard the next time on.
Chuck Fenske has dethroned the
great miler, Glen Cunningham. He
has defeated the record-setter five
times during recent months. Fenske
is rapidly clinching a place for
himself among the great milers of
all times. The five times Cun
ningham has been beaten have been
in a row at the hands of the Wis
consin flash.
Jim Demaret, the Houston idol,
has placed himself as the favorite
to cop the Western Open in
Houston . . . Colorado University
athletes have signed a petition ask*
ing for the discharge of Coach
Bunny Oakes because of his treat
ment of the players. He brought
Colorado to the Cotton Bowl where
he lost to Rice in 1937.
Pictures of the Arturo Godoy-
Joe Louis fight will be shown at
the Palace in Bryan at the mid
night show Saturday night and will
be on regular run Sunday, Monday,
and Tuesday. Louis won a split
decision, so you can go judge for
yourself just who did win.
Travis Nelson, the former Bryan
high school flash, was injured in
spring training at Baylor the other
day. He is in the Hillcrest Me
morial Hospital and is reported to
be coming around OK.
Ab Curtis, the pro official for
Southwest Conference athletics,
says that Texas will win the con
ference in basketball. He says
that Rice is not smart enough
to beat the Steers.
Take the above with a grain of
salt . . . Curtis used to be a Tex
as athlete.
Results Of First
Bouts Show Major
Interest in Sport
Wrestlers, green and ripe, young
and old, have been putting all they
possess into five-minute matches
for the last three nights.
Monday night the first match of
the season came off at 7:45 p. m.
with Hedges and Curry up.
The first results are as follows:
139-Pound Class
Henderson (A Inf) over Adleson (B FA)
by forfeit; Young (A CAC) won over
Vitkovitx (D Eng) by decision; Heaton
(3 Hq FA) won over Cardwell (D Cav)
by decision; Denny (B Eng) won from
Perkins (F Inf) by decision; Dupree (F
FA) by decision over McDonald (C CAC) ;
Mercer (B CWS) won over Rogers (E
Eng) by decision; Wilson (K Inf) for
feited by overweight to Lang (2 Hq FA).
Carroll (C Eng) over Groves (G Inf) by
149-Pound Class
Glass (K Inf) won from Lynch (2 Hq
FA) by decision. Reagan (1 CT FA) won
from Monteith (H CAC) ; Wynn (B CAC)
by forfeit from Rehy (3 CT FA) ; Brient
(A FA) over Mongford (I Inf) ; Carpen
ter (G CAC) by forfeit from Wright (B
Eng) ; Bratt (C Eng) over Armstrong
(Art Band).
159-Pound Class
Lovett (K Inf) over Dixon (E Eng) ;
Ham (B CWS) over Freeman (3 Hq FA) ;
Wylie (A CAC) over White (A CWS) ;
Pitmann (C Cav) won from Shipman of
C Eng; Worth (Art Band) over Dominy
(D Inf) ; Chatham (A FA) over Barth
(E Inf) ; Hemphill (G Inf) over Ambrose
(2 CT FA) ; Sharp (2 CT FA) over Dye-
wall (B Eng) by forfeit; Phillips (B Cav)
over Stanberry (G CAC) ;Kiser (2 Hq
FA) over Parker (D Eng) ; Rabb (D Cav)
over Cassidy (H Cav) ; Tennison (Mch
Gun Cav) over Harrell (M Inf) ; Coultrup
(A Cav) over Jones (C FA) ; Black (D
Cav) over Hudson (E FA) ; Pinson (C
Cav) over Edwards (1 CT FT) ; Canfield
(A CWS) over Bradley (A Sig) ; Hedges
(B CWS) over Curry (B Cav) ; Burton
(3 CT FA) over Townsend (A Inf) ;
Ballanfant (B Inf) over Leach (D FA)
by weight default; Tenison (1 Hq FA)
every Townsley (D Inf) by weight default;
Plyler (Hq Cav) over Lowrie (F Eng).
129-Pound Class
Weems (2 CT FA) over Tips (Hq Cav) ;
Ashley (3 Hq FA) over Durham (K Inf) ;
Dunn (B CAC) over Burnam (B Eng) ;
Langford (F CAC) over McGowen (B
Cav) by overweight. Russell (A Cav) over
DeLaToree (F Eng) ; Elrod (D Eng) over
Chalmers (1 Hq FA) by overweight.
139-Pound Class
Edwards (3 CT FA) over Tannill (F
Inf) ; Coldwell (C Cav) over King (B
CAC) ; Bynum (I Inf) over Hausman (B
Eng) ; Kiser (M Inf) over Carrol (G Inf) ;
Rowe (H CAC) over Hazelwood (A CWS) ;
Lestos (D Eng) over Peppers (L Inf) ;
Garza (I Inf) over Hollman (3 Hq FA) ;
Blankenship (B Inf) over O’Connor (D
CAC) by overweight; Varnay (F FA) over
Lillybridge (B CAC) by overweight.
145-Pound Class
Lee (D Inf) over Seay (D Inf) ; Lewis
(1 CT FA) over Taylor (B Cav) ; Coffey
(B Sig) over Taylor (A CAC) ; Johnston
(K Inf) over Person (Mch Gun Cav) ;
Rolnik (B CAC) over McDaniel (L Inf) ;
Mabe (Hq Cav) over Fuller (B Inf) ; Yancy
(E Eng) over Seay (B FA) ; Irwin (C
Cav) over McCain (M Inf) ; QuBosse (C
CAC) over Huff (A Cav) ; Gleason (A
CWS) over McCrary (I Inf) ; Harrison
(C FA) over Peter ( F Eng) ; Alford (F
FA) over Benner (G CAC).
159-Pound Class
Whilden (E Eng) over Gates (2 CT
FA) ; Yerkes (3 Hq FA) over Wink (H
CAC) ; Miller (HQ Cav) over Gibson (E
FA) ; Burnett (C FA) over Jenkins (Mch
Gun Cav).
169-Pound Class
Colemere (1 Hq FA) over Hannon (D
CAC) ; McCarson (E CAC) over Barrett
(A CWS) ; Hengst (B FA) over Scheu-
mack (F Eng).
179-Pound Class
Hammett (A Sig) over Mitchell (G CAC) ;
Mansfield (A Cav) over Gill (D CAC) ;
Briscoe (Art Band) over Farris (2 CT FA).
Heavy Class
Flowers (E Eng) over Farmer (B CWS) ;
Hatcher (A Eng) over Anderson (E Inf) ;
Meek (A CAC) over Homeyer (B FA).
Last Saturday night the fresh
man basketball team beat a team
made up of track men, football
players, baseball players and what
have you. The “what have you”
team had about 11 or a hundred
men on it and they played in five-
minute shifts. They were about
holding their own when they had
11 men on the floor at the same
time. Tommie Vaughn said, “Heck,
coach, I thought every team had
11 men on it.”
The citizens of College Station
will be able to get assistance in
adjusting their income tax reports
from March 4 to 9 inclusive. Dur
ing this time an agent from the
Internal Revenue Department will
be at the Post Office from 8 a.
m. to 5 p. m. each day to assist
in the adjusting of income tax re
“With A Good Haircut”
(In Old Y)
(In New Y)
Naturally You Will Think Of Your Clothes
Looking Nice.
That Would Mean
Ben Youngblood, Mgr.
This plant is really getting compliments on work
manship and service. Bring or send your clothes
and save on our cash and carry prices.
T Dance To
Be Held On
Sullivan May Play
For Sports Dance
At the meeting of the T Club
Tuesday night, it was decided to
have the T dance March 8 in the
banquet room of the old mess
hall. Johnny Sullivan was at the
meeting and offered his orchestra
for the night at an offer that will
be hard to turn down, according
to Joe White, president of the
It was decided that all major
sports lettermen and all minor
sports lettermen who are seniors
will be admitted free. Bids may
be bought by all freshmen numer-
almen, varsity squadmen and all
juniors and seniors, but they must
have dates before they will be al
lowed in the dance.
All varsity T men will be given
an extra bid for an out-of-town
guest. It is thought that most of
these bids will go to football play
ers from other schools in the
Southwest Conference.
The orchestra has not been se
lected yet, but it will either be
Johnny Sullivan or the Aggieland.
On March 9, the day after the
dance, the club will have their an
nual sports day program which
will consist of a baseball game and
a football game. By that time
Coach Marty Karow should have
his baseball team in fair shape and
they should put on an interesting
The football game will be the
big game of the spring training
season. By that time Coach Nor
ton will have his 1940 conference
defenders pretty well lined up. The
players will demonstrate some of
their plays and" will then hit the
the grid for a full game.
Bids for the dance will be $1.25
and the dance will last from nine
till one.
Wrestling came to the light last
Monday and there seemed to be
many entries that looked like they
knew a good bit and yet there
are still and always will be those
who try without the least idea of
what it’s all about. To these guys
go a lot of congrats. It takes a
little something to get out there
and take a beating.
At the same time there were
a few forfeits still appearing now
and then. Some were for over
weight and some just plain for
feits. It seems as if someone could
do something to prevent these.
G Coast Artillery was at long
last acclaimed the winner of the
League C touchfootball champion
ship after playing three games
with the runner-up, C Field Ar
tillery. In the first, the Field
team won with a score of 6 to
0, but the league finished in a
tie. In the first game of the
play-off, the two teams finished
in a deadlock—no score and the
same number of penetrations. In
this last game, the Coast team
won out with three 20-yard pene
trations to the Field team’s one.
In the quarter-finals of the
handball playoff Gibbon, Dwyer,
Parker, and Schutz (A. D.) marked
up two wins to down B Field Ar
tillery 2 to 1 and move another
notch nearer the top. The winners
for the B team were Mitchell and
Marsh, Kellog, Sharp, Burgess,
McMahan, and Davis closed out
A Signal Corps for C Coast Ar
tillery, 3 to 0 in another of the
quarter-final games.
Was Godoy Cheated?
Judge for Yourself
From Film at Palace
The fistic battle between Joe
Louis and Arturo Godoy will be
fought again at the Palace Theater
at its Saturday midnight preview
and next Sunday, Monday, and
Tuesday, when the official pictures,
filmed from the ringside, will be
shown. These films are of the
most disputed fight in a decade.
Many eye-witnesses of the fight
firmly declare that Godoy was
cheated out of the championship
by a fluke decision of the judges.
Some claim it was framed to pave
the way to a million-dollar gate
when the two meet again at Madi
son Square Garden.
Fifteen rounds of fast fighting
as seen from a ringside seat, and
commented on by a professional
commentator. That is what is of
fered in the film. It affords the
public a chance to follow the fight
game without the excessive prices
at the gate, and an intelligent ex
planation from a ringside seat.
Lounge Opened For
Seniors Taking M.E.
A Senior Lounge has been made
available for all M. E. seniors m
the basement of the Mechanical
Engineering Shops by Jack Clark,
ex-president of the A. S. M. E. in
charge of the work, assisted by
Don Peterson and George Steurer.
The lounge will be equipped with
easy chairs, smoking stands, book-
racks, a radio, and desks for
A program inagurating the
opening of the lounge will be held
tonight at 7:30 in the lounge for
all M. E. Seniors. Refreshments
will be served.
No Buttons! No Bother!
Something that men have hoped for for
years . . . shorts that do away with the
nuisance of lost or broken buttons!
B. V. D. Shorts with the new Grippers
fasten in a jiffy—won’t rip off—won’t
rust—defy the flattening force of any
laundry iron! Grippers attached in a
manner exclusive with B. V. D. so that
no}metal touches the skin. They have the
famous B. V. D. “All-Ways Stretch”
seat, too. And are approved for washability
by the American Institute of Laundering!
50c each — Shirts 50c
7 t r C^_T\
It’s the carpet you read
about in the magazines. It’s
de luxe and lovely, yet it
isn't expensive. (Look at
our low prices!) It’s the
only broadloom with the
Good Housekeeping Guar
anty. See our unusually
varied selection of stunning
patterns, plain colors, tex
tures. And bring your room
measurements with you!
3.45 Up
sq. yd.
C$ S,2ES
In the same class of the touch-
football playoff, F. Field won over
1st Hq. Field by penetrations andj
the Infantry Band downed C Engi
neers 6 to 0.
Libby’s Tomato Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 for
Monarch Fresh Prunes, No. 1 tall, 2 for.
Admiration Coffee, 1 lb. can
Admiration Coffee, 3 lb. can
Dog House Dog Food, 6 cans 25
Chocolate Covered Cherries, 1 lb. box .24
Softasilk Cake Flour, large 25
Corn Kix, large size, 2 for .25
Gold Medal Flour, 24 lbs, one 18" plate
Gold Medal Flour, 12 lbs.
Corn, Country Gentleman, No. 2 can, 2 for
Corn, Golden Bantam, No. 2, 2 cans for
Quaker Puffed Wheat, 3 regular boxes
Peaches, large halves, No. 2 , /z
large box .21
California Lettuce, large, 2 for
Celery, large size
Carrots, large bunches, 3 for
Winesap Apples, large, 1 doz.
California Lemons, 490 size, 1 doz
Rath Black Hawk Sliced Bacon, 1 lb.
Cured Ham, center cuts, any size, 1 lb.
Cheese, Kraft’s Elkhorn, 1 lb.
Chuck Roast, branded beef, 1 lb.
We Deliver Phone 44 & 242