The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 22, 1940, Image 2

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    ■THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1940
The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $8 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1939 Member 1940
Associated GoUeftiate Press
James Critr
B. C. (Jeep) Oates
H. G. Howard
'Hub" Johnson
Philip Golman
John J. Moseley
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
— Circulation Manager
Intramural Editor
Staff Photographer
Staff Artist
Ray Treadwell Managing Editor
J. W. Jenkins Asst. Advertising Manager
Don McChesney Asst. Circulation Manager
Phil Levine Editorial Assistant
Junior Editors
George Fuermann Bob Nisbet
Senior Sports Assistants
Jimmie Cokinos Jimmy James
Junior Advertising Solicitors
L. J. Nelson A. J. Hendrick
Reportorial Staff
Jack Aycock, H. D. Borgfeld, P. H. Brown, R. A. Doak. Jim
Dooley, Walter Goodman, Guy Kane, R. R. Mattox, R. B. Pearce.
R G. Powell, Walter Sullivan, Delbert Whitaker, D. C Thurman.
Murray Evans, Don Wynn, Joe Taylor, Thomas Gillis, L. B.
Tennison, Bill Amis
A Great Heritage
Editor’s note: We’ve read many an editorial
in the past months discussing the subjects of war,
peace, and dictatorships. One of the very best,
we think, is the following, contributed to The
Battalion by Reagan W. McDonald—an Aggie:
Mayor Binney Resigns
It is with regret that the city of College Sta
tion learns of the resignation of Mayor J. H.
Binney which becomes effective at the time of the
regular city election in April.
Far-sighted, dependable, and public-spirited, a
man who puts the good of the whole above the
foibles of the few, he will be greatly missed from
the City Council.
The demands of holding office and working
for the city, in addition to his teaching load and
other activities, have taken more time than he
can any longer spare. Though it was with re
gret that the City Council accepted his resigna
tion, his reasons cannot be denied.
Pioneering isn’t an easy task—but Dr. Binney,
as first mayor of the city of College Station, has
done a good job of it, and deserves much commen
“Confucius Say- 99
The latest display of American faddism, which
has spread throughout the country and soon will be
forgotten like Coueism and similar nonsense, has
been the manufacture of humorous, vulgar, and ab
surd sayings which are attributed to the ancient
philosopher, Confucius. There is nothing harmful
in the fad, “Confucius Say,” save when it produces
alleged wit that is boresome or permits obscenity
that otherwise would not be tolerated.
There are undoubtedly millions of Americans,
who bandy about “Confucian Sayings” in utter ig
norance of the real sayings of the ancient Chinese
philosopher, whose influence upon men’s minds has
been as profound as that of Buddha in India, Mo
hammed in the Near East and Christ in the west
ern world. Gentries before the advent of the
Christian era, Confucius and other Chinese teachers
were uttering wisdom which a modern materialistic
world has lost sight of.
Their sayings are still preserved and are well
worth reading. In fact, they contain antidotes for
that element in the average American which makes
him seek elusive happiness in cheap wit and low
comedy.—Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
In a topsy-turvey world of undeclared wars,
we should be proud that we, of the good old U.
S.A., still get our greatest excitement and news in
terest from the field of sports. Witness the big
spread each of the bowl games drew in papers
all over the country.
Yes, we who call ourselves Americans have
a great heritage. We read in the morning papers
that Poland is invaded, that Britain and France de
clare war, that a battleship is sunk, that Russia
invades Finland, that the whole world may be
drawn into the turmoil and annihilated—and then
we go to work (class, in our case) to promptly for
get war because we have a more important and
more interesting job to perform.
We can do that, secure in the knowledge that
we are a great nation, and that our natural boun
daries are virtually impregnable when guarded by
our small but well-trained and well-equipped army,
and protected by one of the great navies of the
That more important and more interesting job
may be called living—and we Americans have a
great capacity for that. We grow up to be men
and women free from the poisonous jealousy, sus
picion, and egoism fostered by dictatorships. We
are raised above the common level by free educa
tion in our public schools, which train us to think
for ourselves, and not as someone else would have
us think. We live, we learn, we love, we marry,
we respect, despise, hate, worship, work, travel,
speak, ride, read, build and tear down and build
again, ever onward as we and the world grow
older; all that we do as we please—each person,
each individual getting the most from life that is
possible to him.
In idle moments, perhaps, we reflect that the
unfortunates who comprise the populations of the
rest of the world have just as much right to all
this as have we. They are human beings like our
selves; they have two arms, two legs, two eyes, a
heart, a head, a mind like ours. Why should they
mot enjoy the freedom we do ? Why this, that, and
^the other ? Let us take the case of a young French-
zman (or German—it makes little difference).
Before the war he probably was normal. He
-worked for not-too-high wages, reasonably expect
ing to make more as time went on. He loved his
family, and more recently, he fell in love with a
girl. They were to be married in the rosy future
. . . but then the storm broke! He was called
to war. He kissed his weeping mother goodby, and
then his sweetheart. They were all a little dazed by
what was happening, and could not fully compre
hend it all.
He is at the front now. Maybe he will return
well—not happy, because he has seen too much
death and suffering. Again he may be “killed in
action” tomorrow. Either way, his family and his
sweetheart live in mortal fear of a telegram at any
moment. Of course, though, he is having the best
of times improving his marksmanship on heads
and arms and chests! . . .
So the question is: Why can we sit back and
say, “Let ’em fight it out among themselves” ?
And the answer is because: (1) They started it;
(2) We can protect ourselves; (3) We tried to solve
the problem once before, and “got our finger bit”
for the trouble. We can’t afford to be idealistic
when we stand to gain nothing and lose every
The fact stands out above all: We have the
greatest country in the world. If we forget a few
small instances, we can almost say we are free
from the greed that characterizes Europe. We are
a peace-loving nation that is by no means filled
with weaklings. We have our lives to live (inter
esting, absorbing, exciting lives, if we make them
that); and when it comes time to die, most of
us (I hope I can include myself) will know how
to do that. Because, as someone said, we will die
as we have lived.
—R. W. McDonald,
13 Mitchell.
Grover Cleveland, before becoming President
of the United States, executed two men, in his of
fice of hangsman for a New York county. Another
president, Andrew Jackson, had killed a man in
a duel.
Diplomacy is about like our game of golf. It
consists mainly of bad lies.
In recent years the great business enterprises
of the nation have more and more adopted the
policy of telling the public interesting facts con
cerning the problems which confront their respective
industries, and the means adopted to solve them,
not only in their own interest, but in the interest
of the public as well.
This trend toward taking the public into their
confidence and frankly talking things over with
their patrons has been particularly noticeable in
the case of the railroads, which have told their
story, principally in paid newspaper advertising,
with a view to friendly cooperation with the com
munities they serve.
An interesting case in point is that of the
Illinois Central, which for 20 years has continuously
carried its message of good will to its vast territory
through advertisements at least once each month
in nearly 500 daily and weekly newspapers published
in cities and towns which are located on its far-
flung lines.
As the World Turns...
It seems as if 1940 will go down as a year
of estimates or “guesstimates.” February 5, Presi
dent Roosevelt told newspaper reporters our total
debt now is less than it was in 1932. He took
under consideration the federal,
state, local, and private debts.
State and local government debts
have decreased by $2,000,000,000,
but the Federal government debt
increased by $14,000,000,000 net
or $22,000,000,000 gross since 1932.
Mr. Thomas E. Dewey, who has
his hat in the Republican ring, said
that the President had made a mis
take of $9,000,000,000. He figured
in that the total debt of the federal
government had increased by $26,-
000,000,000 since 1932. The Wall
Street Journal tells us that the “direct and indi
rect” debt of the federal government increased by
$19,621,000,000 but state and local government debts
decreased by $2,773,000,000 during the period from
1932- 1939. Dr. David Lawrence piles up against
the present administration $6,000,000,000 spent from
1933- 1941. All of these are staggering sums and
point out how people can juggle figures.
Labor also offers a wide field for estimates.
The American Federation of Labor puts the num
ber of unemployed at 10,000,000. At Omaha, Ne
braska, last Sunday Mr. Hoover estimated our un
employed at 9,000,000. The National Industrial Con
ference board, an employer agency, estimated that
the number of unemployed was 7,969,000 last Octo
ber. Our normal unemployment, even during the
boom years, was about 3,000,000. Now subtract
this number from the lowest estimate of 7,969,000
and we have 4,969,000 actually unemployed. Use
the figure 10,000,000 and it is evident that some
body is “guesstimating.” Figures do not lie, but
some of them look too good to be true.
* * *
The blockade and Germany: Much has been
said about starving Germany to death by the allied
blockade. In time the blockade might have its de
sired results, but it is not as effective as wat
hoped. Germany is getting goods from the United
States through thirteen neutral countries: Italy,
Russia, the Balkan States, Belgium, Holland, the
Scandinavian countries (not Finland), and Switzer
land. American exports to these states have in
creased substantially since the beginning of the
war. The United States’ exports to these coun
tries during the last four months of 1938 amount
ed to $140,906,000; during the same months of 1939
the amount arose to $208,489,000—a 47 per cent in
crease. All of these products did not find their
way into Germany, but it is assumed some of them
did. During November, 1939, Germany sent us
$2,700,000 worth of goods. We are now getting
$7,000,000 worth more of goods a month from Ger
many than before the war. It is sent through the
neutral countries.
George Fnermann
“Backwash: An agitation resalting from some action or occurrence.”—Webstar.
Special to The Battalion from The Lass-0 of T. S. C. W.
Trimble, at Monday night’s R. O.
A. banquet: “This meal is strict
ly on the up-grade.” . . . And the
main thing that
puzzled most of
the cadets who at
tended the ban
quet was the old
fork and spoon
choice. “I’ll take
a chance and
hHl work from left to
right,” one senior
Fuermann decided ... De
tails concerning
Backwash’s “Ugly Boy” contest
will be announced in Saturday’s
column . . . Brigadier-General J.
L. Collins, after seeing the campus
for the first time: “This place is
certainly tremendously larger than
I had thought it would be.”
Maybe something should be done:
Wherein the column prints a let
ter received earlier this week.
“It has been the earnest desire
of my friends that I, the pure of
soul, start a movement against the
words sextet and dam. It is ob
vious that these words connote
a vulgar meaning in their use of
the words sex and damn.
“It is our sincere desire as
members of the A.- T. A. (Aid to
the Angels) Society that these
words be changed to sixtet and
“In praise of Allah and all his
works, I sign,
“Prayerfully yours,
“Algernon Trueblue.”
Colonel Beezley was an excellent
Among the several choice stories
the Colonel related at Monday
night’s R. O. A. banquet was one
supposedly concerning the chap
lain of the Brazos County chapter
of the R. O. A., Major W. H. An
drews. According to ' the story
Major Andrews was attending a
lecture and suddenly stood up and
asked whether or not there was a
Christian Scientist in the audience.
From the rear of the room some
one answered in the affirmative.
“Well then,” Major Andrews re
plied, “would you mind exchanging
seats with me? I’m sitting in a
And still another:
Colonel Beezley’s second story
concerned a recent discussion Dr.
T. O. Walton had with Colonel
George F. Moore. Questioning
each other in respect to what they
would do upon retirement, Colonel
Moore declared, “I hope to be com
mandant of an orphanage; thus
escaping the burden of hundreds
of parents’ letters.” Dr. Walton,
too, had his own theory. “I hope
to be in charge of a prison,” he
said. “It should be one case where
an angry alumnus wouldn’t be
frequently returning.”
Tiny brunette with blue eyes is
lovely Jeanne Davidson who is one
of the most versatile entertainers
on the T.S.C.W. campus. Sings
arias equally as well as popular
songs . . . travels with Campus
Serenaders (T. S. C. W. swing
band) singing for various clubs
on the campus and throughout
North Texas . . . sings in Modern
Choir as well . . . favorite song is
“My Prayer.” . . . almost any
date night she can be found at
the College Club for dancing is
tops with her ... is a sophomore
. . . belongs to Chaparral Literary
Club. Home town is Frederick
Oklahoma. Ambition after grad
uation: she says it is too far off
to be making any plans now.
President of Mary Eleanor
Breckenridge Club is Arney
Mitchell . . . brown-eyed brunette
. . . senior majoring in music edu
cation. . . writes poetry and short
stories ... is a member of the
Press Club . . . writes essays for
the Daedalian Quarterly . . . dis-
Publications Secretary
Sick With Influenza
Mrs. Ina Mae Thompson, secre
tary to E. L. Angell, manager of
Student Publications, has been ill
for some days with a severe case
of influenza. She is now recover
ing and expects to be back at her
work within a week.
likes the expression “boy friend”
when referring to the boy one
goes with, the color pink, and in
sincere people , . . like lemon pie,
school teachers (especially at
Schreiner), and sophisticated hats.
Ambition after graduation: to
teach a while and then get mar
Powerful AC-DC
Efficient Attached
Aerial. Richly fig-
cabinet. Under
writers’ Approval.
ured brown
cM&vtz ffewiur- |r
by Dob Nisbei
Dr. Grady Harrison
North Gate
Standard Broadcasts and short-wave
5.6 to 18 meg. AC-D<
Attached Aerial. "Walnut
cabinet. Underwriters’
Did Joe Louis really win the de
cision over Godoy in their recent
battle of fisticuffs, or was it fram
ed as many have said? The Pal
ace Theater is showing these pic
tures in connection with “The
Light that Failed” Sunday through
Tuesday. Significant is the fact
that Bryan got these shots as soon
as did the larger houses in Hous
ton. Fight fans should take no
The Tumbling Team is an organ
ization that does much work and
gets less credit for what they do
than any other one team I know'.
And they are good tumblers, too,
as you’ve noticed at the conference
basketball games. Thursday night
and Friday afternoon the show will
run as their benefit. The name
of it is “THE CAT AND THE CA
NARY.” Because the Gladys
Swarthout program would inter
fere with the evening show, the
time of the Friday show has been
changed to 3:30 and will be ready
to start soon after the review that
has been scheduled for that after
The show stars Bob Hope and
Paulette Goddard, and according to
the best of information, it is a
ghost thriller to end all ghost
thrillers. You will hardly have time
to be scared, however, because the
laughs come thick and fast. Paul
ette is an heiress to a million-dol-
lar fortune, but she has a hard
time collecting. It seems that
there are several “competitors”
around, the night the will is read,
who have their own ideas about
distributing the million. An in
sane asylum keeper helps enliven
the proceedings, especially after
the cook prewarns the gathering
of a death in the family to occur
that night. I’ll give a grade-point
each to the Cat and the Canary.
Latest Records
15^ up
Radio & Appliance Co.
“Jewel Case” cabinet of figured As
pen, Birdseye Maple and Birchwood.
AC-DC operation. Built- O O O C
in Loop Aerial. Under- T T it
writers’ Approval.
Radio & Appliance Co.
205 S. Main
Thursday 6:30, Friday 3:30
NARY,” with Bob Hope and
Paulette Goddard.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
NOTRE DAME,” starring
Charles Laughton.
Barger Attends Meet
Of Cotton Committee
J. Wheeler Barger, head of the
Agricultural Economics Depart
ment, was in Dallas last week for
a meeting of the Statewide Cotton
Committee of Texas. To give pub
licity to the committee and its
work, Mr. Barger and Mr. Sim
mons, committee member from
Lubbock, gave a radio dialogue
concerning Interstate Trade Bar
riers. The broadcast took place
from WFAA at 11:00 o’clock last
Saturday morning, February 17.
Mr. Barger has not yet returned
to the campus.
For Your
We Can Save You Money
Bryan, Texas
Friday and Saturday—
STRIKES,” with Warren
^Two questions on the campus
That surely cause us pain
Are: Have you seen Rhett and
And: Will Roosevelt run again?
Slacks $6.75
North Gate
25^ Full Pint Rubbing Alcohol, only.
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Remember, Our Red Star May Save You $1.00
Buy Now and Save with Safety
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