The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 20, 1940, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
-TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1940
The Battalion
Mechanical College of Tex;
published three times weekly
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is
weekly from June through August.
rxe, issued
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $8 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1939 Member 1940
Associated GoUe&iate Press
James Critz
E. C. (Jeep) Oates
H. G. Howard
"Hub” Johnson
Philip Golman
John J. Moseley
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Circulation Manager
Intramural Editor
Staff Photographer
— Staff Artist
Charlie Wilkinson Managing Editor
Bam Davenport Asst. Advertising Manager
C. A. Montgomery Editorial Assistant
Junior Editors
Earle Shields Don Andrews
Senior Sports Assistants
Jimmie Cokinos Jimmy James
Junior Advertising Solicitors
K. W. Hubbard J. D. Smith
Rcportorial Staff
Bill Fitch, H. S. Hutchins, W, D. C. Jones, Joe Leach,
Recently the Association of Former Students of
A. & M. announced the opening of a drive to so
licit voluntary contributions from friends and ad
mirers of Dr. T. 0. Walton to have an interna
tionally-famed artist paint a life-sized portrait
of the president of Texas A. & M. College.
Voluntary donations are being received for this
purpose from ex-Aggies and friends of the col
lege, members of the faculty and staff, and other
citizens of the state.
The portrait fund will be used to commission
Seymore Stone, internationally-famed portrait paint
er who has pictured such famous men as Theodore
Roosevelt, Chauncey Depew, Calvin Coolidge, Ad
miral Byrd, John J. Pershing, John Nance Garner,
and others, to do the portrait of our president.
At the time of presentation of the portrait, it
is planned to present Dr. Walton with a scroll bear
ing the reproduced personal signatures of all con
In selecting Mr. Stone, it was the thought
of the committee that the portrait would be not
only a great tribute to Dr. Walton but a gift of
great value to the college.
* * *
Dr. Walton has served the college in his capac
ity longer than any other man.
Under his presidency nearly 85 per cent of all
the graduates of this college have received their de
Few men have done as much for this school as
Dr. Walton, whom the students affectionately
call “Prexy.” All who know him like and admire
and respect him for the great man he truly is.
With these facts considered, it is no wonder
that graduates of this institution should have
thought of rendering him such an honor. No tribute
could be too great.
But why should such worthy move be car
ried on just by graduates and staff members of
the college?
Aggies, ksk yourselves—shouldn’t the students,
you yourselves, assist in such an undertaking?
There is no better way of showing our esteem
jfor this man who has done so much for us—who
Ifaas always seen our side, counseled and assisted us,
•become our friend, actually made himself one of
And with these facts in mind, The Battalion
"wishes to make the suggestion, for you, that the
senior class, possibly, or better, the senior, junior,
sophomore, and freshman classes, take this oppor
tunity to do their share in rendering this tribute
to a man who more than deserves it, and at the
same time in doing a good turn for the college.
A student body drive, or a campaign by each
of the classes, should, we feel, be undertaken for
this purpose.
We’ve made the suggestion. Now will you act
upon it?
Why Do Textbooks
Cost So Much?
The average college student often complains
that the prices he pays for textbooks seem exces
sive. The first and natural reaction to any retail
price which appears to be unduly high is to assume
that this selling price is greatly in excess of cost
price, and to hold the selling agent (the college
store) directly responsible.
This store, your college store, realizes that be
cause of student reaction to textbook prices, it is
sometimes viewed in an unfavorable light. To
substantiate its plea of “Not Guilty” to the charge
of over-pricing, your college store asks you to
consider the following facts:
The selling price of every textbook is estab
lished by the publisher of the book. A college store
has nothing whatever to say when the price of a
textbook is established.
This store has never knowingly sold a book
above the list price established by the publisher.
The price you pay for books at this store are pub
lishers’ list prices or less.
The discount a college store receives from
the list price is usually small when compared with
that offered in oher lines of merchandise.
In spite of this small discount allowed, the
store must pay express and delivery charges on every
textbook sent from the publishers.
The $3.00 which a student pays for a text
book in a college store is spent by the store as
follows: $2.40 goes to the publisher for the book,
$.54 goes for store operating expense (average oper
ating expense of college stores has been reduced
to 18.06% of net sales: Ind. U. Bur. of Bus. Re
search, 1939), and the remainder, less than six
cents, is left for setting up necessary reserves
against unexpected textbook revisions, ect., and for
the store’s profit on the sale of the book!
Thus it can be seen that your college store is
not making any undue profit on the sale of text
books. High textbook prices are not the result of
profit-taking by the college store.
Why, then, do textbooks cost so much? The
publishers of textbooks establish the price. Are
they to blame?
The main reason for the high cost of text
books is that the manufacturing cost is high. To
produce a small quantity of any printed matter is
expensive. The market for any one textbook is ex
tremely limited, sometimes limited to one or two
colleges, and the life of any textbook is too short
to make quantity production possible. Usually with
in two or three years from the date of a textbook’s
publication the author will wish to revise his work
in order to keep it abreast of the times both in
factual content and methods of teaching. It is im
possible, therefore, for textbook publishers to reduce
book prices by taking advantage of the savings
which would result from quantity production
The compensation of the author influences text
book prices. Since the volume of sales is small
compared to popular fiction, for example, royalties
must be relatively higher if the ablest minds are to
be attracted to the writing of textbooks.
In addition, the textbook publisher must use
expensive methods to promote and advertise the
book he publishes. Sample copies of each new
textbook must be sent to hundreds of professors if
the publisher wishes his book to be assigned to
students for class use; trained salesmen must visit
teachers to personally point out the values of new
texts; expensive exhibits of textbooks must be dis
played at the various conventions of educators.
Therefore, you must realize that the prices of
textbooks are determined by factors over which
neither your college store nor the publisher has
control. The result is that the list price established
by the publisher, which must cover production and
selling costs and allow the publisher a margin of
profit, is comparatively high.
We ask your indulgence in our problem. Do
not condemn us for charging prices over which
we have no control.
We want to enjoy your goodwill and we are
doing all in our power to merit it.
May we have your cooperation and friendship?
—Published under the auspices of the National
Association of Colleges Stores.
New York University has a special course on
city government in which the teachers are admin
istrative officials of New York City.
Rollins College recently sponsored an economic
conference for the leaders of the citrus industry.
What this school needs is a place to get rid
of second-hand textbooks that will not be used this
A University of Chicago scientist has invented
a matrimony meter to measure the probability of
a happy marriage for any couple.
As the World Turns...
The capture of the prison ship, Altmark, by
the British adds a bit of spice to a war that usually
lacks headline material. England is quite happy
about the whole thing, Germany is furious, and
Norway is a bit puzzled. Norway had no active
part in the affair, and now finds herself in re
ceipt of strong diplomatic notes from
both powers. England insists that
Norway failed in her duty as a
neutral when her examination of the
Altmark failed to reveal the presence
of more than three hundred English
men who were held as prisoners. She
insists too that the Altmark was
lightly armed, and should therefore be
interned for the duration of the war.
Germany threatens to redeem her
pride by attacks upon ships in neutral
waters (such a move would be some
thing less than unique as she has been following
such a policy since the beginning of the war.)
* * *
All observers seem to feel that spring will
bring serious fighting to the Western Front. Some
observers continue the possibility of American en
tanglement. It is difficult to see American inter
vention just at present, but it might be worthwhile
to mention the fact that April is a dangerous month
for America. The battles of Lexington and Concord
which began the American Revolution were fought
in April. The Mexican War began in April. The
Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, which began
the fighting in the Civil War, was made in April.
The war with Spain was declared in April; and in
1917 the United States became a party to the
World War in April.
The War of 1912 is the only American war
not to begin in April. It was declared in June.
This conflict with England was crazy (even crazier
than most wars) from start to finish. The chief
cause of war was removed before war was declared.
America’s showing on land was unbelievably poor,
while her showing at sea was better than expected.
The peace treaty did not mention in any way the
events which brought on the war, and the blood
iest battle of the conflict was fought after the
peace treaty had been signed. Since all of these
things are unusual, it is just as well that it did not
begin in April.
* * *
The Republican national convention will meet
in Philadelphia. The idea seems to be that
the Democrats met in Philadelphia in 1936 and con
ducted a successful campaign, so possibly the Re
publicans can do something of the same thing in
1940. The Republican program committee has had
much to say about the terrible economic condition
to which the Democratic administration has brought
the country. Before becoming too excited about the
economic condition the Republicans might give some
consideration to the rumors floating about to the
effect that economic conditions were not so good
in 1933.
I picked up the Directory of A. & M men
On a desk of a friend—used and worn,
And opened the pages to see who was ivithin,
And looked for first place to see who had toon.
But, alas, it was not the one I expected it to be,
For Abbott, A. J. seems to rank no more
And has been replaced by Aaron E.
I passed down a few names and was hit to the core
For his name I did not find even out of place—
Could the College forget his figure and face?
No, for his name used to stand at the top of this page
On each “ramlist” in the good old days.
Now I turn to the back and look at the last
I hoped to see Zuber, N. D. the very last on file;
But again I am disappointed and aghast,
For I find Zumivalt, Robert W.,
A mere infant of the ’35 class.
Now all you old boys of ’13 to ’17
Will remember the “ramlist” which at supper was read,
Which was headed by Abbott, A. J.
And ended with good old Zuber, N. D.
—G. N. Stroman, ’17.
George fnemwnn
“Backwash: An agitation resulting from soma action or occurrcnco.”—Webstar.
Just as a matter of reference,
let’s look over the various ratings
shows are given in this column,
what they mean and why they are
given. In the first place the grade-
point ratings were established to
form a basis of comparison and
avoid the excessive use of “good”
and “pretty good” in describing
the shows. Now to what they
mean—one, two, and three grade-
points. To rate three grade-points
a show has to be above the aver
age in entertainment, but not nec
essarily one of the best ten. Any
show that is outstanding in some
particular phase may rate all three;
that is a witty comedy if it is
very witty, a musical show if it
has good music, or a dramatic
show if there is unusual acting, will
generally rate three grade-points.
The average show as far as enter
tainment goes will rate two grade-
points; most shows will be of
this type. A poor show, of course,
gets one, and a “lousy” show us
ually is not reviewed in the first
place. In any and all cases two
factors enter into the grading,
first the personal opinion of the
writer must naturally be a govern
ing factor, but the second factor
serves more as the basis of grad
ing; that is, whether or not Ag
gies in general will like a show.
With these in mind it is not too
breath-taking to note that of the
three shows reviewed today all
three rate three grade-points, and
all for outstanding acting.
DAME” is perhaps the best bet
of the lot, mostly because it is
the most current. Charles Laugh
ton plays the part of Quasimodo
made famous in years gone by
when Lon Chaney Sr. played the
part. His characterization will
leave the audience with a mixed
feeling of horror, repulsive, and
pity. The story is a familiar one
about a deformed bell-ringer who
falls in love with a pretty dancer,
about his saving her from a mob.
and later about his death. Laugh
ton is still the same invincible
actor he always was.
that accomplished a three-fold
purpose. First it gave Dorthy
Lamour a chance to do some dra
matic acting. Second it provided
John Howard a gateway to ap
pearing in first-class pictures, and
lastly it gave Akim Tamiroff a
chance to prove his utter versa
tility. He has played roles from
fighters and cowboys to lawyers,
and now is a doctor. The show
was taken from a novel by Lloyd
C. Douglas, and you will recog
nize it as similar in mood to “The
Green Light.” It deals with a boy
entering and graduating from med
ical school with the idea that
science alone is his objective. Noth
ing else can matter. But he learns
differently via iMss Lamour.
HAWK” is a tale of frontier In
dian fighting, starring the best In
dian fighter in the lot, Claudette
Colbert. She is really good when
it comes to defending the fort. You
should see her pour scalding water
on a bunch of half-naked Indians.
That stunt was really effective. Of
course that girl wielding the bucket
was quite a different one from the
pretty little city girl who first
entered the pioneer home and
fainted at her first sight of a red-
man. If you see those backwoods
men drilling, you won’t feel so
bad about the appearance of your
own outfit. If you run out of
something to do, the shows this
week are “extra-special.”
Tuesday 3:30 and 6:80—
with Dorothy Lamour, John
Howard, and Akim Tamiroff.
Wednesday 3:30 and 6:30—
HAWK,” with Henry Fonda
and Claudette Colbert.
Beginning Wednesday —
NOTRE DAME,” starring
Charles Laughton.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday — “ALLEGHENY
UPRISING” with John
Wayne and Claire Trevor.
When an irked professor at
Pennsylvania State College asked
Thomas Smith why he missed an
examination in a courtship and
marriage course. Smith explained
that he had taken the day off to
get married.
Quotable quotes . . . Bodie Pierce,
just before the second Arkansas
game: “Statistics show that there
are only 3,000 people in the United
States more than six feet, five
inches tall—and Arkansas has half
of them on thier
basketball team!”
. . . Point of view:
Colonel R. L.
Christian, just be
fore delivering
his address to the
Cosmopol itan
Club Sunday,
which was attend-
Fuermann ed by his wife,
“I’m a little fear
ful about delivering this address
in front of my wife. It’s the first
time she has ever been in an au
dience which I have addressed.”
. . . Mrs. R. L. Christian, midway
between Colonel Christian’s lecture:
“I wonder if he’s as nervous as
I am?” ... On being introduced to
Dr. and Mrs. Winkler recently,
Bill Urban was unaware that the
Dean was a faculty member. Re
plying to Mrs. Winkler’s query,
“Are you a professor here?” Bill
came back with, “Gosh, do I look
like one of THEM?” . . . Jack
Bowman and Dorothy Thames,
while attending the Architects’
Ball as Mr. and Mrs. F. D. R.:
“Just trying to decide whether or
not we’ll run for a third term.”
The desperation wfiich sometimes
results from being cooped up here
in the middle of nowhere broke
through the surface the other day
in a little incident which happen
ed in the Post Office. An enthus
iastic student was discovered with
his forearm lost in a P. O. box,
but with a rapturous look on his
face. A passer-by asked the cadet
why he didn’t take his mail and
go home, to which he fiercely re
plied, “I’m stuck, but I’ll be
damned if I’ll let go of this letter
—it’s the first one I’ve received in
twenty-three days!”
Sweet peas to the Eagle Pass
Guide. In a recent news story re
lating to a local incident, the
Guide says:
“Col. Eduardo Montemayor, chief
of police of Piedras Negras, knock
ed at the door of 783 Cuahtemoc
Street in his city Wednesday morn
ing. Behind him were three police
men. When the knocks were not
answered, the policement lined up
and went crashing through the
door like three A. & M. backs on
the loose.
Etiquette in the dining room:
Coeds at Baylor U. are given
a printed leaflet entitled “Etiquette
of the Dining Room.” A lengthy
document which takes fully ten
minutes to read and which—the
Baylor girls say—no one reads,
here’s a few of the high spots
which would be doomed to a vigor
ous downfall at Aggieland:
“Reaching for food across the
table or across your neighbor’s
plate is very bad manners.”
“Of course, no well-bred person
would think of taking even an
olive from a dish before the meal
has begun, or show a selfish pref
erence for some choice piece of
serving of food.”
“Showing a distaste for any food
is extremely rude.”
“Take small bites.”
‘Dip soup away from you and
drink from the side of the spoon
“When the meal is finished,
draw finger bowl toward you and
dip the fingers lightly, one hand at
a time, into the finger bowl. Touch
the tips with the fingers on one
hand, then dry the lips and finger
tips with a napkin, daintily.”
Jack Littlejohn has announced
that an invitation has been receiv
ed by the orchestra to play for
the Sophomore-Freshman prom at
Sophie-Newcomb on April 6. Evi
dently the hit that the orchestra
made in New Orleans during the
Sugar Bowl game is having its
after effects.
Clothes Make
The Man
See our new Spring fab
rics .... We have just
the suit pattern you are
looking for. Colors! . . . .
$21.50 to $35.00
Bryan—Opposite Woolworth
Boy! I’m planning on a
big week-end . . . The
A.S.C.E. Dance Friday
and the Sophomore Ball
Saturday night. I’m keep
ing my date at the AG
Bryan, Texas
Your College Store
\ JP
As sure as it’s almost
spring, we’re sure to
have rain. Be ready to
meet your classes with a
feeling of security by
knowing that your cloth
es are well protected by
one of our trench coats.
$3.75 - $4.35
- m mmm
Our pajama assort
ments are of styles,
colors and patterns
which will wear
through many a good
night’s sleep.
$1.50 - $5.00
Good shoes are a
“must” for correct
appearance. Our
Crosby Square sho
es are the campus
favorites. They are
both comfortable
and long wearing.
$3.95 - $4.95