The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1940, Image 1

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DIAL 4-5444
VOL. 39 PHONE 4-5444
Z725 NO. 52
Gladys Swarthout Fourth Member On
Town Hall’s Entertainment Program
Gladys Swarthout, member of the Metropolitan Opera Company
of New York, and one of the big names' in opera today, will make her
first visit to A. & M. next Friday night when she appears on Town
Hall. Season tickets are good for the program, tickets for non-season
ticket holders will be $1.00 for students and $2.00 for others.
Horse, Jack, and Mule Breeders Of
Texas Will Meet at A. & M. Next Week
Banquet and Student Livestock Show Will Climax
Association’s Annual Short Course and Convention
First Big-Time
Opera Star Ever
To Visit A. & M.
Town Hall Season Tickets
Will Be Good for Program
Gladys Swarthout, popular mez
zo-soprano of the grand opera,
radio and screen, is being present
ed next Friday evening by Town
Hall as the fourth number on their
list of entertainment for the school (
This is the first time in the
history of A. & M. that a noted
opera star has been brought to
the campus. The concert is being
presented in Guion Hall next Fri
day evening. Prices for the con
cert will be $1.00 for A. & M. and
high school students, $2.00 for re
served seats, and $1.50 for all ex
tra reserved seats, which may be
purchased by those holding the
Town Hall season tickets, all sea
son tickets are good as usual.
Contrary to the phrase “there
is no royal road to fortune,” Miss
Swarthout has disproved this idea
thoroughly. At the tender age of
13, she embarked on her musical
career with a Kansas City church
choir. Nine years later she became
a well known opera star at an age
when most opera singers are just
beginning their careers. Although
“luck” had a lot to do with Miss
Swarthouts success, as she modest
ly admits, intelligence and hard
work played an equally important
In her advice to those who wish
to embark on a singing career she
advises that those who hope for
lucky breaks should be ready for
them. One should get ready for
his chance by having a definite
plan. She says to think out what
you want to do and then go after
it by preparing yourself and then
you will find that you will make
your own chance.
On Miss Swarthout’s program
here at College will be a group
of songs from the opera Auvergne
She sang them for the first time
in America at a recital in Peoria
Illinois, and describes them as
simple songs of the soil sung in
dialect which is a strange combi
nation of French and Spanish but
whose final pronunciation is not
unlike Italian. These fascinating
old airs of Southern France were
collected and arranged especially
for Miss Swarthout by Jean Jos
eph Canteloube, a contemporary
French composer and pupil of
Vincent dTndy.
Among some of the songs in the
group which she will sing are
“Bailero,” “Passo pel prat,” “L’Aio
de Rotzo,” and “L’Antoueno.”
“Bailero” is a traditional shep
herd’s song. “Passo pel prat” is
a peasant’s song in rhythmic ac
cord with the plodding lurch of
the oxen who drew the plow
“L’Aio de Rotzo” is a rippling song
of maternal advice from a mother
to her child to the effect that it is
fatal to drink water from a spring
and that the way to live to a
ripe old age is to drink only wine
A gay carnival mood is prevalent
in “L’Antoueno,” which is the
Auvergne equivalent of the old
English “Heigh-Ho, Come to the
Plans have been arranged for
the annual Horse, Jack, and Mule
Breeders Short Course to be held
at A. & M. Monday and Tuesday.
February 19-20, according to an
announcement made by D. W.
Williams, head of the Animal Hus
bandry Department.
At the same time the Texas
Horse, Jack and Mule Breeders
Association will hold their annual
H. O. Cox of San Angelo, author
ity on breeding Palaminos, and J
W. Shepherd of Plano, jack
specialist, are among the outstand
ing members of the association
who will appear as lecturers on the
short-course program.
Judging and the development of
breeds of horses suitable for the
various sections of Texas will be
one of the featured talks on the
program. “There is much interest
in Western types of horses at pre
sent,” Prof. Williams said, “and we
intend to go into that subject in
Other points scheduled for dis
cussion will include nutritional
diseases, unsoundness, means of
""producing larger colt crops, collec
tive horseshoeing, parasites, train
ing and breeding of polo ponies and
other types of horses, horse-show
classifications, and other points
which may arise during round
table discussions.
/ The annual banquet will be held
in the college banquet hall Monday
evening, following which there
will be a livestock show staged
by students of the Animal Hus
bandry Department.
Final plans were released today
for the cookie-candy shower spon
sored each year by the Houston
A. & M. Mothers’ Club, according
to Dow Mims, president of the
Houston A. & M. Club.
A program, accompanied with
the serving of refreshments will
take place in Sbisa Hall Sunday
from 3 to 5 p. m.
All Houston and Harris County
boys at A. & M. have been given
a cordial invitation to attend.
Aggies’ Own Fat
Stock Show Will
Be Staged Monday
Outstanding Livestock
Men of Texas To Be Judges
At First Aggie Affair
Junior and senior students in the
division of animal husbandry of
A. & M. will stage the first an
nual Little Southwestern Livestock
Show in the college pavilion at 8
p. m. this coming Monday. The
purpose of the show is to enable
interested students to get first
hand experience in one of the more
important phases of the livestock
industry, the show ring. Judging
in the show will be on the basis
of grooming according the animal
on exhibit, and not the animal’s
individual characteristics.
All classes, of which there will
be 26 including 65 animals, will be
placed on the grooming which the
animal has received and the man
ner in which the student shows his
animal in the ring.
All livestock used in the show
will be from the A. & M. animal
husdandry department. Many of
them will be shown later in the
more important shows throughout
the United States. Included in the
show will be classes of cattle,
horses, sheep, and swine.
Some of the outstanding livestock
men of Texas will judge the show
including J. W. Sheppard of
Plano, horses; Jack Turner of Sil
ver Creek Farms at Fort Worth,
cattle; M. G. Perkins of Caldwell,
hogs; J. P. Heath of Argyle, sheep
Rufus Peeples of Tehaucana will
select the grand champion show
man and fitter of the show, who
will receive a pair of hand-made
cowboy boots as his prize. Medals
will be awarded winners and rib
bons will go to those who place
in the various classes.
Admission to the Little South
western is free. The public is in
vited, and urged to come. Inas
much as this is the first event
of its kind ever to take place in
the Southwest, the Saddle and Sir
loin Club believes it will be inter
esting as well as enlightening.
Biology Club To Have
Vet Meds, Pre-Meds
As Guests Monday
The Biology Club will have as
their guests Monday night at 7:30
p. m., in the Chemistry lecture
room, the Veterinary Medicine
Club and the Pre-Medical Club.
There has been much talk of
joint or consolidated club meeting
but to date there has been no act
ive movmeent to bring this about.
The program for the evening will
consist of a lecture by a represen
tative of the State Health De
partment from Austin, sent thru
the cooperation of Dr. Geo. W.
Cox, M.D. and head of the State
Department of Health in Austin.
In al probability, films will be
shown with Biology Club sound
projector in connection with the
speaker’s talk.
The program is for the benefit
of the members and prospective
members of the Biology Club, the
Veterinary Medicine Club, and the
Pre-Med Club, and members of
the faculty and their families.
Besides College Work, D. W. Williams
Finds Time To Manage a 3,000-Acre Ranch
Tryouts for Places In
Cadet Players’ Stage
Shows Held Monday
Tryouts for parts in the plays
“Drums of Oude” and “A Matter
of Principle,” which will be put on
by the Cadet Players, will be held
in room 316 Academic Building
Monday from 4:00 p. m. till 6:00
p. m.
The Cadet Players is a newly
organized dramatic group on the
campus whose purpose is the pro
duction of one-and-three act plays
This cl ’
to stin gnduiB^
at A. < itiBjqrj
gamzal .On »»v.*.. ouuuv...vw ^
gain dramatic experience and
This club is the first of its
kind on the A. & M. campus and is
open to all students who wish to
join. Previously the Aggies have
not had a chance to show their
acting ability on the stage.
If there ever was a college pro--f school until he was a junior in-*-degree at the University of Illinois
fessor able to convert theories in
to practice, he is D. V. Williams,
head of the Animal Husbandry De.
partment of Texas A. & M. Col
Between lectures to college stu
dents, Williams operates a 3,000-
acre personal ranch, which he finds
is a “wonderful place to bust up
cockeyed ideas.”
Williams is superintendent of
the horse show which will be held
at the Southwestern Exposition and
Fat Stock Show, March 8-17.
A varied career has been follow-
’ by Williams since he was bom
a stock farm at Venedocia.
o. His father was a farmer
...^.rchant, local stock and wool
buyer, and later a commission
merchant on the Cleveland and To
ledo yards.
Williams received his early edu
cation in a one-room country
school, presided over by a hard-
boiled man teacher. In fact, he
didn’t know that women taught
high school.
After graduating in agriculture
from Ohio State University in
1915, Williams took his master’s
on a scholarship in 1916. He spent
a time farming and then went
to Washington as extension animal
husbandman and was assigned to
Southeastern states. He served in
the World War and then returned
to his chosen profession with live
stock work.
When he came to Texas A. &
M. in 1919, Williams was placed
in charge of hog work and was
made head of the Department of
Animal Husbandry in 1923.
He has been connected with the
fat stock show in Fort Worth since
1920, when he became superintend
ent of the swine department. He
held that connection until 1928, but
began working with the horse
show in 1927.
Williams is a former president
of teh American Society of Animal
Production and represented that
society last year as a delegate to
the international congress on ani
mal breeding at Zurich, Switzer
Mayor Binney Resigns As
An Official of College Station
A. & M. B.S.U. Exchanging Religious
Programs With Baylor This Spring
Cadets Took Charge Of
First Exchange Program
In Waco Hall Wednesday
To Speak Here
Oakwood Utilities
Transfer Complete
After Council Meet
Garbage Regulations For
City Being Arranged
A. & M. Baptist Student Union
members gave the entire Baylor
Religious Hour program in Wacc
hall at Baylor University Wednes
day evening.
Jim Behrman, president of the
Aggie B. S. U., presided. Four
visiting Aggie speakers included
Behrman, state B. S. U. president
Bill Kent, E. L. Dysart, and H
W. Monzingo. Special music was
provided by a quartet composed
of cadets.
This spring A. & M. is exchang
ing programs with Baylor. Baylor
students will give a special pro
gram at College Station some
Sunday during the spring term
Royce Thompson, Baylor B. S. U.
president, has announced.
Plans are also under considera
tion for exchanging programs with
Mary Hardin-Baylor College.
Kent succeeded Charles Myers as
state B. S. U. president last fall.
“Both Behrman and Kent are
likable fellows and outstanding
Christian students at A. & M.,”
Thompson declared in his prefatory
Sophs Make Plans
For Annual Prom
Arrangements for the Sopho
more ball have been completed ac
cording to an announcement from
Williard Clark, sophomore class
president. Next Saturday night is
the date set for the event which
will feature the music of the Ag-
gieland Orchestra. Tickets are
now on sale at $1.00 each and may
be secured from representatives
in each organiaztion.
This year’s ball, if it corresponds
to the size of the sophomore class.,
will be the biggest event the
sophomores have ever put on. The
present sophomore class, made up
of some 2,100 members, is the
largest second year class in the
history of the school and also out
numbers any other class enrolled
this year. But members alone will
not be the biggest attraction at the
ball for it is definitely known that
there will be many representatives
many other out-of-town visitors,
many other out of town visitors.
Clark urges that those who in
tend to buy tickets do so right
away if possible, for it is neces
sary that a certain number be sold
iij the near future in order to in
sure the services of the Aggieland
Dodson To Speak At
Seminar Meeting
The Social Science Seminar
meets at 7:30 Monday night in
room 303 Academic Building to
hear Dr. J. L. Dodsdn, of the His
tory Department, speak on “Back
ground of War, 1914 and 1918.”
Dr. Dodson is particularly inter
ested in European affairs and has
traveled in Europe extensively. He
visited Western Europe last sum
mer, shortly before the present
war broke out.
Above is shown Rev. Eugene
Slater, pastor of the First Metho
dist Church of Ozona, Texas, who
will speak at the A. & M. Metho
dist Church Sunday through Fri
day, February 18-23, at 7 p. m.
each evening.
Rev. Slater is known as a very
interesting speaker. The public is
invited to attend this program se
ries, which is being sponsored by
the local Methodist Student Coun
Artillerymen To
Have Courtney’s
Band For Dance
The first organization ball of the
school year will take place on the
night of March 1st when the Field
Artillery presents Its annual prom
with Del Courtney and his nation
ally known orchestra furnishing
the music.
Courtney and his band enjoy
national recognition and are well
known to students here, having
played for the senior ring dance
last year. Since eight years ago.
when they were on'ry a college band
at St. Mary’s University in Cali
fornia, the orchestra has found
a place in the heart of all good
dance music lovers. They will play
both for the ball and the corps
dance the following night.
Joe Cain and J. P. Giles, rank
ing Field Artillery juniors, are in
charge of the ball and are taking
care of the entertainment and ac
commodations for guests. The
decoration committee is composed
of R. M. Magee, chairman; Joe
Spiller; and Raymond Parrish
Preston Bolton is in charge of fav
ors, invitations, and programs.
Favors for the affair are gold-
plated book lockets with A. & M
and a pair of cross guns superim
posed on them.
New Section In
Administration Announced .
Dean Bolton has announced the
opening of a new section in Ad
ministration 402. It will be sec
tion 501K, taught by Dr. T. O
Walton, and meets Friday at 11:00
a. m.
College Station’s Mayor J. H.
Binney handed in his resignation
Thursday night.
At a regular meeting of the
City Council presided over by
mayor pro tern L. P. Gabbard, in
Dr. Binney’s absence, a letter was
read to the Council from Mayor
Binney in which he expressed his
appreciation of the help given him
by his fellow officers and the
honor done him by the people of
the city in electing him to the of
fice of mayor last spring, but
declared that after much delibera
tion and hesitation he had at last
been forced to announce his resig
nation, because of lack of time and
the press of other duties.
The Council, to whom this move
came as a complete surprise, ex
pressed regret over Mayor Binney’s
announcement, but finally accepted
his resignation on the condition
that he would at least serve until
the time of the regular city elec
tion which comes early in April
of this year, at which time two
aldermen, to succeed aldermen
L. P. Gabbard and Luther G.
Jones, will be elected along with a
new major.
Mayor Binney was elected at the
time the government of the city
of College Station was first or
ganized, in the spring of 1939. His
tenure of office was till April.
At the same meeting Thursday
night of the City Council, attend
ed by aldermen Jones, Gabbard, J.
A. Orr, and S. A. (Doc) Lipscomb.
City Attorney J. Wheeler Barger,
and acting City Secretary Mrs.
Marvin Snead, the transfer of
utilities in Oakwood Addition from
the Oakwood Realty Company to
the city was formally completed.
Various minor technicalities hav
ing been settled, the Council ap
proved the ordinance and deed of
trust effecting the transfer, and
Friday afternoon Mayor Binney
and the city secretary affixed their
signatures to these documents,
terminating the transaction.
By the terms agreed on, the
city is paying the Oakwood Realty
Company with a note for $8,500,
to be paid at the rate of $60 month-
(Continued on page 4)
The Aggieland Orchestra will
present their charming new bru
net vocalist, Dorothy Thames of
Victoria, at the Corps Dance to
night from 9 till 12 in Sbisa Hall.
Miss Thames has been singing
with Nick Stuart’s orchestra and
was popular with the public. How
ever, when the band recently went
to the West Coast, Dorothy, being
a home-loving girl, decided to stay
In reference to the organiza
tion affairs coming up three orch
estras have been definitely sign
ed. Del Courtney with his candid
camera music will play for the
Field Artillery Ball, the Engineers
will have Al Kavelin and his or
chestra, and the champagne music
of Lawrence Welk will be here
for the Coast Artillery Ball.
To prevent each organization
from going to the expense of
building their own lavish band
stand for their respective affairs,
the Architecture Department is de
signing a stand to be used by all.
It will be built in sections in order
to be taken to and from the mess
hall and will bo linanced by each
To distinguish the different or
ganizations the emblems of each
will be hung from above the or
chestra and illuminated by spot
lights. Guidons and regimental pla
ques will serve as the bandstand’s
Architects’ Costume Ball
First of 29 School Dances
By George Fuermann
It happened last night!
From Don Quixote to Patrick
Henry, from Honest Abe to the
notorious Confucius—they were all
there as the annual Architects’ Ball
colorfully opened A. & M.’s an
nual swing-fest. With a costume
ball to climax all costume balls
the Architects presented the first
of twenty-nine organization and
corps dances.
-fsome of the State’s most colorful
and traditional balls will have been
held. The annual Ross Volunteer
dances date back to 1887, and—
most brilliant of all of Aggieland’s
historic proms—the Final Ball is
almost as old a function as the
college itself.
And so it is . . . But before Ag
gieland’s six thousand—and their
dates—listen to the fading fare
well notes of the memory-awaken
ing Taps at the intermission of
the Final Ball, there’ll be twenty-
And, at the same time, the belles
of Texas began their annual Ag- j
gieland trek; and several thousand j nine gay, festive, and never-to-be-
strong they’ll be ere 1940’s dance! forgotten functions,
season blends into history. J Collectively, they’re known as
But before it becomes history ' A. & M.’s social season.