The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 15, 1940, Image 2
Razorbacks Play Here Friday And Saturday ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** E-CJeep' OATES BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR Aggie Swimmers Leave Friday on National Tour Pro Boxing Is Beginning To Smell; Louis Will Win Return Match With A KO Arkansas Sets New Scoring Record Of 75 Points with SMU Joe Louis won a split decision over Arturo Godoy a few nights ago in a 15-round show, and the next few minutes found the pro moters scheduling a return match for about June. Godoy might have put up a great fight, but again Louis might have carried the South American for the route to get a big crowd to a return match. The million-dollar gates are not appearing any more and the boys in New York are not getting the big easy “sugar” now. They ex pect that thousands of people would flock to a fight if they thought there was a chance of Louis being beaten, and it looks like that is just what they have been building up to. Coach Asks That All Refrain from Smoking During Basketball Games Boy Scout All-Americans Speak In Bryan; Kimbrough and Boyd Make Team John Kimbrough and Joe Boyd, spoke to the Boy Scouts of Bryan last week during Boy Scout Week. John and Joe were both selected on the first All-Scout All-American football team. That calls to mind the facf that football season has never really ended at A. & M. this year and now the boys are out on the prac tice field doing spring training work. It seems as if only last week we were all in New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl tilt. This football is getting to be almost a 12 months’ sport. Minor Sports Day Planned To Boost Student Support Captains or representatives of all minor sport teams will meet in room 110, Academic Building, to night to discuss the adoption of a three-day meet for minor sports to be held during this term. In the past, the turnout for most of the minor sports events has been very unrepresentative of the school spirit for which A. & M. is famous. Under the present system many of the teams travel far and wide to participate in games or matches with other teams in addition to their home schedules. It is proposed that each team in vite one opponent to College Sta tion to complete in Minor Sports Days. This will provide one game in each of the twelve minor sports within a period of three days and give the cadets an opportunity to give their teams the support that they deserve and need. . “Woody” Bell, brother of Beau Bell, once with the St. Louis Browns, figures to be a likely can didate for the San Antonio out field, after serving his freshman year with Springfield, where he batted .314 and showed plenty of power. Woody is a former Aggie great and was one of the “cream of the crop” group of St. Louis Browns whose pictures were carried in the last Sporting News in connection with a story telling how the Browns are trying to build up from their chains. When You Have Your Date Down For The Spring Dances Call Us For CORSAGES AND BOUTONNIERES J, Coulter Smtih Bryan Ph. 62 EXTENSION SERVICE MEMBERS ATTENDING COTTON COUNCIL MEET SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Peaches, large halves. No. 2 , /z 15 Bestyelt Salad Dressing, Qt. 29 Bestyelt Salad Dressing, Pt. .19 Admiration Coffee, 1 lb. can 25 Admiration Coffee, 3 lb. can .74 Karo Pancake Syrup, Special .15 Swift Prem and Tong’s 29 Libby’s Pineapple Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 for .22 Campbell’s Pork and Beans, 3 for .25 Monarch Catsup, large size .18 Crystal White Soap, 5 large bars .19 Concentrated Super Suds and 2 Palm Olive Soap 25 Wlpprecht Cottage Cheese, 2 pts. .15 Market Vegetable Rolled Roast, 1 lb. .18 Sliced Bacon, Banquet and lowana, 1 lb. 25 Cured Ham, half or whole, 1 lb. .25 Fillet of Haddock, 1 lb. .35 Plenty of assorted fish, oysters, shrimp, and crab meat, hens and fryers Vegetables Winesap Apples, 1 doz. ,.15 Cauliflower, 2 lbs. .17 Bulk Turnip, 3 lbs. .10 Lettuce, large heads, 2 for 09 Carrots, nice, 2 bunches : 05 L U K E’ S We Deliver Phone 44 & 242 Those long tall Razorbacks from the Ozarks will be here tomorrow and Saturday nights to battle the Aggie quintet for middle place honors. Arkansas set a new scoring rec ord last week when they scored 75 points against S.M.U. and that makes it look black for McQuillan’s point makers. Aggies Ailing Joe Adams, a long gangling lad, was the highpoint man in the con ference last season and he is still looping in counters from all over the court. He is teamed up with “Lanky” Frieberger, the six-foot eight center, who is also a point maker deluxe. Marty Karow is still holding an inside track on getting the head coaching job at Kansas . . . Botchy Koch, former All-American guard at Baylor, has accepted the coach ing post as line mentor at Tulsa University, which will play the Aggies in San Antonio October 5 . . . Moon and Bumpers are both eligible and that brings a sigh of relief to Marty Karow. We hope he can sigh some more in a couple of weeks. Nisbet Named Junior Editor of Mag-azine Announcement has been made by the editors of The Battalion that Bob Nisbet has been named a junior editor on the staff of The Battalion Magazine. During the past semester he served as a junior editor of the newspaper and as movie editor for both the paper and the maga zine. He will continue to perform these services as well as fill his new post on the magazine staff. INTRAMURAL HIGHUGHTS By HUB JOHNSON With the three games of the Class B championship play-off for the volleyball title serving as a forerunner, the Intramural pro gram gets back into full swing today rarin’ to go! Mrs. Bernice Claytor, specialist in home improvement for the Tex as Extension Service, and Bennie Campbell, district Extension agent, were in New Orleans Feb. 13 to 15 to attend a convention of the National Cotton Council. They were in charge of setting up a mat tress making exhibit in which the Extension Service is cooperating with the National Cotton Council. Last night Mr. Penny and the some 53 student managers met at the ‘Y’ to lay definite plans for the present term. New sports including wrestling, boxing, volley ball, horseshoes, swimming, and track will face the Class A teams while many of these same games are still 'to be played by the fish. This afternoon at 4:45, three games of Class A finals in the. touch football play-off commence with B Engineers facing C Cavalry, Headquarters Signal Corps against I Infantry, and the Infantry Band slated to play C Enginers. C Field Artillery also faces G Coast Artillery for league cham pionship. Handball games are scheduled all through the evening. B Coast Ar tillery plays A Coast Artillery at 4:45, B Field Artillery faces A Infantry at 7:3Q, A Field Artillery tries its hand against E Field Ar tillery at 8:15, and at 9:00, 1st Hq. Field Artillery goes onto the court with A Signal Corps. HOUSTON MOTHERS TO GIVE ANNUAL COOKIE SHOWER HERE SUNDAY Swimming Team To BATTALION Hold Six Meets In Northern States Main Contest To Be With Illinois Athletic Club In Chicago Wednesday THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1940. PAGE 2 Aggie Cagers Nose S Out Houston Team Here Monday Night Aggies Beat Second Presbyterian Five 40-39 By Last-Minute Effort A. & M. will not be in the best of shape for the crucial series. Captain Woody Varner and “Big Dog” Dawson are on the ailing list with injured knees. Bill Hender son is still suffering from a touch of flu. J. T. Lang has never been able to get his ankle in shape since hurting it early in the season. Jude Smith is having a fight to over come a cold. Both games will start at 7:30 p. m. and interest points to a large crowd. Coach Hub McQuillan has issued a plea for the spectators to please refrain from smoking during the games. The lighting is very poor in the gym and the smoke adds to the problem besides affecting the players. The Aggie basketeers took an early lead against the Second Presbyterian team from Houston Monday night and held it until the last two minutes when they blew it, but were able to sink a “prayer” toss in the last minute to win 40 to 39. Second Presbyterian had a team of former college stars and they made things very interesting to wards the latter part of the fray. “Snipper” Norton, the former S. M. U. point maker, was held to two points, but Willis Orr, formerly with Rice, took high point honors with 13 points. Dawson led the scoring parade for the Aggies, registering five field goals and two free throws. The box score: Aggies— fg ft tp pf ftm Duncan, f 4 0 8 2 0 Lang, f 2 0 4 0 0 Dawson, c 5 2 12 2 2 Varner, g 1 13 10 Henderson, g-c 4 0 8 4 0 Smith, g 0 0 0 0 0 Tinker, f 0 1111 Stevenson, f 0 0 0 0 0 Adams, g 1 0 2 0 0 Buchanan f 0 110 1 R. T. Adams, f 0 110 1 tate Tennis Meet Takes Place Soon At Golfcrest Club The annual state tennis tourna ment for men, juniors and boys will be held at Golfcrest Tennik Club in Houston starting June 3, it has been announced. The tournament will likely draw some 300 entrants, and Golfcrest officials have already started mak ing preparations for the big event. A. L. (Bo) Watkins is chairman of the tournament committee of Golfcrest. The women’s and girls’ tourna ment this year will be held at Lake Cliff park, under the auspices of the Dallas Women’s Tennis Club, beginning June 14. Last year the men’s, juniors’ and' boys’ divsion was held in Dallas, with Bobby Curtis of Houston emerging as the men’s champion. He defeated Bobby Kamrath in the finals. Coach Arthur Adamson and the A. & M. Swimming Team will leave Friday at noon for a series of swim meets in the north-central portion of the United States. The main event of the trip will be a water polo game with the Illinois Athletic Club of Chicago. As an appetizer for this main seafood course the school of aquatic stars will meet the fol lowing teams: Oklahoma Univer sity, Saturday in swim meet; Mer- rimae Patrol, Monday, in St. Louis for a water polo game; Illinois University, Tuesday, for a swim meet and water polo; and Wednes day the main dish, the polo game •with the Illinois Athletic Club. The demi-tasse or return itinerary will include meets with Iowa State and Oklahoma A. & M. Only nine of the twelve men to make the trip have been named so far by Coach Adamson. The selected few are S. H. Hensley, T. G. Hall, E. Johnson, N. A. Ponthieux, Pinkney Couch, G. T. Japhet, E. W. Conway, W. M. Rob ertson, and T. A. Kirk. Bubba Reeves and Paul Ketelsen are al so likely to make the trip. Conway, Robertson, and Kirk are first-year men. The boys from the P. L. Downs Natatorium of College Station in vade the north as a widely heralded rebel of the south having won the 1939 National Water Polo Cham pionship and being runner-up of the 1938 national campaign. This year is the 100th anniver sary year of the founding of the first U. S. dental college in Balti more, Maryland. Totals 17 6 40 10 5 Ben Nixon of San Antonio is the junior champion. Doubles will also be held in the men’s, juniors’ and boys’ divisions. This will be the second time that Houston is host to the state tour nament. It was held here in 1928. Meanwhile Russell Rowles, chair man of the River Oaks Country Club Tournament committee, an nounced the tenth annual River Oaks Tennis Tournament would be held the first week in April or the last week in March. Sanc tion of the United States Lawn Tennis Association is awaited. ''mm, a -- a 8 " “ : 8 ' '' i\ Jrjg $ VV i Ai. AJLI1A XI VAJUiXAl SHAVE COMES YOUR PERFECTLY CLEANED UNIFORM M) Pres.— fg ft tp pf ftm Norton, f 1 0 2 3 0 Orr, f 3 7 13 2 3 Johnson, c 3 17 12 Lodge, g 2 0 4 0 1 Allbright, g 1 0 2 0 1 Stafford f 4 19 11 Comiskey, g 1 0 2 0 0 Smith, g 0 0 0 0 0 U. S. Extension Service Official To Speak at A. & M. You shave because you want to present a good ap pearance! You should keep your clothes fastidiously dry cleaned for the same reason. Totals 15 9 39 8 7 Score at half: Aggies 26, Pres byterian 15. Officials: Marty Karow (Ohio), Spike White (A. & M.). EXTENSION SERVICE HEAD SPEAKS AT BIRMINGHAM MEETING Southern Agricultural Workers meeting in Birmingham, Ala., re cently heard for their 41st annual convention H. H. Williamson, di rector of the Texas A. & M. Col lege Extension Service, describe Texas’ leadership in the “Use More Cotton” and “Buy or Make a Mat tress” campaigns. Mr. Williamson spoke at a cotton banquet and style show. Reuben Brigham, assistant di rector of the Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, will address the Agri cultural Forum of Texas A. & M. Friday night at 7:30, on the sub ject “The Job of the Extension Service in Developing and Carry ing Out Agricultural Programs.’ Announcement of the completion of arrangements for Mr. Brigham’s visit was made by W. B. Orr, state Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics representative on the cam pus and president of the Agricul tural Forum. The meeting will be in the con ference room, 313 Administration Building, at 7:30 sharp. All members of the Agricultural Forum are being urged to attend, and to bring as guests anyone in terested in this discussion. For the wifeless our bachelor service is complete— buttons are sewn on without charg-e; lining seams that open are sewn. You’ll like the way we pampe you and your clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS Two Convenient Locations Over Exchange Store “Y” Service Bldg. Freshman finals in touch foot ball to be played this evening in clude G Infantry against H In fantry, F Field Artillery versus B Infantry, B Cavalry to play E Engineers, and G Coast Artillery to try its speed against E Field Artillery. The Houston A. & M. Mothers’ Club has arranged to hold its an nual cookie and candy shower for Houston and Harris County boys at A. & M., Sunday, February 18 from 3 to 5 p. m. in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall, Mrs. G. P. Townsend, corresponding secretary of the club, has notified The Bat talion. All boys from Houston and Har ris County are invited to attend to receive their share of refresh ments and to hear the program that will be provided. SAVE 33 TO 50 PERCENT ON USED BOOKS WE ALSO HAVE OUTLINES OF Chemistry Biology Bacteriology English Economics American Government TRADE & SELL LOUPOT’S TRADING POST m. ♦ 5 * <