The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 03, 1940, Image 1
Avoid Registration Waiting by Paying Your Fees Early VOL. 39 PHONE 4-5444 flfncwiB The Battalion Student Tri-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College Official Newspaper of the City of College Station L. i rt rt y Afrlwtaai t Msdiflitjcai College uf Isnas Wega SMor, Tens. Friday on WTAW: “Aggie Clambake”—4:30 Battalion Newscast—5:15 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 3, 1940 Z725 NO. 48 693 Students Pay Second Term Fees Day Students Must Present Authority When Paying Fees Almost 700 students have already registered with the Fiscal Depart ment for the second term by pay ing their second-semester fees, ac cording to an anouncement made by officials of the department Fri day afternoon. Official figures for the first two days totaled 693 students. The department also announced that contrary to previous registra tions a large percent of the fees paid were for the entire second semester instead of until March 1. Fees for the entire semester total $140 for dormitory students and $30.50 for day-students. Payment for dormitory students until March 1, which is the smallest payment that can be made, is $55.50. The payment for dormitory students for the entire second semester in cludes board $81.75, medical fee $5.00, matriculation fee $25.00, room $20.00, and laundry $8.25. The Y.M.C.A. privilege card is not in cluded in these figures and is $2.50 extra if desired by the student. In registration this semester a day-student will be required to pre sent either a day-student permit or a fee receipt for the first semes ter before he will be allowed to pay the day-student fees for the second semester. This rule has been made to insure proper registration of all students. Fees for the second semester are now payable and must be paid be fore a student can register on Feb ruary 9 or 12. Dormitory students may also sign up for their rooms in the dorms following their payment of fees at the Fiscal Department. However, students registering for rooms in the dormitories for the second term at the Commandant’s Office must sign for the rooms that they are now occupying. Ex-Aggie Named to City Of Austin School Board A. C. “Abe” Bull, ’16, bank executive and civic leader, has been appointed as a member of the City of Austin School Board. His term will run to April, 1941, and he is the third generation of his family on this board. Following his graduation at A. & M. and service in the U. S. Army during the World War, he returned to Austin where he has taken a prominent part in the business and civic life in that city. Speaks at Baylor Pictured above is Dr. T. D. Brooks, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of A. & M. and former Baylor faculty member. Dean Brooks spoke Thursday at the ded icatory exercises at Baylor Uni versity, on the subject “An Alum nus’ View of His Alma Mater.” The occasion was the dedication of the $250,000 Pat Neff hall and acceptance of the $15,000 Cullen F. Thomas carillon in the hall’s 150-foot tower. POWER LINES READY FOR NEW WATER SYSTEM New Water Mains May Be Put Into Public Use By Latter Part of February Power for operation of the pumps for the new water plant of the City of Bryan will be turned on Satxirday, according to City Manager W. W. Scott of Bryan, the necessary transformers having arrived last week from Sche nectady, New York, and installed this week. Water will not be turn ed into the mains until the final test by the Lane-Texas Co., con tractors for the project, has been made, The directors of A. & M. and City of College Station officials have contracted with the City of Bryan for a new water supply which will come from the new Bryan plant. A. & M. and College Station together consume an aver age of 750,000 gallons of water a day, as estimated by the Buildings and College Untilities Department. The new system is designed to supply this community with an even greater amount of water. The old water system here will not be discarded but will be held in reserve in the event of an unfore seen fault occurring in the new system. "Mail Must Go Through” Is Motto of Bat’Circulation Staff By A. J. Robinson Service! That is the unspoken motto of The Battalion Circula tion Department, which makes sure that The Battalion news paper which you have in your hands is delivered to you each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with certainty and punctuality. The department, which also cir culates The Battalion Magazine, began to operate with efficiency immedately at the opening of school. Subscriptions numbering 5,800 were sold to students and others during registration, which was completed on a Thursday. The following Saturday every subscrib er had a newspaper! a record- breaking compilation of rolls and delivery in 48 hours! The department sometimes has its difficulties. During the recent severe cold weather, the circula tion staff, when going to work at four o’clock in the morning, found to its dismay that the automobile used for delivery of the newspapers was stalled. The Chevrolet, which belongs to advertising manager Larry Wehrle, was pushed out in to the ice-covered street, but the motor failed to respond. As a last resort, H. G. Howard, circulation manager, started to the ^nearest -telephone to call the manager of student publications, E. L. Angell, for help while the balance of the staff fought its way through the cold wind to the Administration Building to prepare the papers for delivery. Mr. Angell used his auto mobile to push the delivery car to a start and, then, since The Battalion had caused him to rise so early, he took time out to read one of the papers—at five o’clock in the morning. The circulation staff includes H. G. Howard, Don McChesney, T. S. Henderson, W. G. Hauger, and Cecil Reavis. Deliverymen in the new halls include Aubrey Hamil ton, E. M. Shinn, W. G. Hauger, Bob Landale, Cecil Reavis, Ed Wilmeth, Taylor Garner, Albert Yee, T. S. Henderson, Lew Ness, and George Fuermann. Old-dormi tory deliverymen include P Cook, J. J. Pierce, W. I- H. R. Miller, A ' cgS. ■ Marney, and T ' The project b' is N. V. Craig. The cii -uon of The Battalion includes about 3,700 subscriptions to the dormitories, and a mailing list of about 2,100, many of which go to T. S. C. W., other states, and foreign countries. ’40 Seniors Honor Class Ball Players Informal Ceremony Held At Guion Hall Thursday In an informal ceremony Thurs day night on the steps of Guion Hall Max McCullar, president of the senior class, presented the ten senior members and the coach of the Aggie football team gold foot balls as gifts from the A. & M. senior class of 1940. The ceremony, which is a tradi tional affair held by the graduat ing senior class to honor their members of the team, held added significance this year due to the record year behind the team. The team was acknowledged by almost all football authorities as the most outstanding team in the nation dur ing the past season. Gold footballs were presented to Joe Parish, tackle from Van An- styne; Joe (Jo Jo) White, end from Amarillo; Walemon (Cotton) Price, halfback from Newcastle; Joe Boyd, All-American tackle from Dallas; Hugh Boyd, end from Jacksboro; Gus Bates, guard from Fort Worth; Frank (Fim) Woods, back from San Angelo; William (Rock) Audish, back from Bren- ham; William Duncan, end from Henrietta; and Herbert (Herb) Smith, end from San Angelo. The senior class then presented Coach Norton with a similar gold foot ball. In expressing his and the senior members of the team thanks Coach Norton stated: “We wish to express our appre ciation of the senior class for giv ing us these footballs and I think that it is a splendid idea and an appropriate way for the class to honor its players. We wish to express our appre ciation for the support which you have given us this year. In the past things may not have looked so good but we are not looking back and may I offer that advice to the senior class. Don’t look back, keep going.” In Pony Express Style “Bat” Staff Will Publish Paper Through Week Inquiries have been made as to whether publication of The Battalion will be sus pended during examination week. It will not be sus pended, but will be issued Tuesday and Thursday as usual. However, because of the mid-term period, there will be no issues of the paper ei ther Saturday, February 10, or Tuesday, February 13. At the resumption of pub lication Thursday the 15th, all old staff members are urged to return to their work thoroughly imbued with “vim, vigor, and vitality”; and all men wishing to join the staff are invited to do so during the next semester. SPECIAL SALE TO BE MADE OF AGGIE PLATES Commemorative Issue Of Aggie Wedgwood Plates To Be Sold in Single Lots For the first time since the series was started, Aggie commem orative banquet plates can be bought separately. Heretofore the plates were sold only in sets of twelve but these sets are to be divided and sold separately and four cadets have been selected as agents for the plates. These students are Jack Calhoun in Hall 12, J. G. Wortham in Pro ject House 12, Roy Grobe in 26 Post-Graduate Hall, and Edgar Butschek in Project House 16. Only about 500 plates of the ori ginal edition are left, but the sup ply of regular edition plates is un limited. To distinguish between the original and the regular edi tion it is necessary to turn the plate over and notice a stamp show ing a cadet standing at attention which is only on the originals. Josiah Wedgwood and Sons of Etruria, England, makers of the world’s most famous china plates, have perpetuated memories of campus scenes with pictures of various dormitories in the center of the plates. Around the edge is a border of steers’ heads and em blems of the different campus or ganizations. Rural Tax Course Will Be Offered Second Semester Next semester the Department of Agricultural Economics will offer a course on Rural Tax Problems, J. Wheeler Barger, head of the de partment announced this week. This course is offered only once every two years to students inter ested in this subject. L. P. Gabbard, chief of the Di vision of Farm and Ranch Eco nomics of the Texas Experiment Station, who has worked on prob lems of public finance and taxa tion in Texas for the past ten years, will teach the course. The course is listed in the cata logue as Agricultural Economics 436 and will be limited to about twelve or fifteen students. , The course deals with a factual survey of the development and present situation regarding the taxation of farm property; a criti cal consideration of the system of taxing farm property and com pared with the taxation of other property; a study of the adminis trative aspects in the farm proper ty taxation; and possible and pro posed methods of improving the taxation of this property. Mr. Barger stated that anyone interested in taking the course should get in touch with him be fore registration and make a res ervation to take the course as not more than fifteen students can be competently handled. Economics 412, “Public Finance and Taxa tion” is required as a prerequis ite. New Aggie Air Port, Hangar Rapidly Nearing Completion A Real Texas Aggie Family Seated left to right, Robert Lanford, junior at A. & M. in B Coast Artillery, L. L. Lanford, ex-Aggie of ’09; Scott Lanford, fresh man in F Coast Artillery. Standing, Don Lanford, ’38, junior agrono mist in the Soil Conservation Service at Marshall; and Rex Lanford, freshman in F Coast Artillery. If Aggie Wealth Can Be Counted, Ex-Aggie Is Rich Few will deny that L. L. “Farm-- er” Lanford, ex-Aggie of ’09, farm er and ranchman near Blanket, Texas, in Brown County, is one of the richest men in the state. Part of his wealth is with him above in the form of four sons, one a gradu ate of A. & M., and three in school at the present time. In addition to these four boys, Mr. and Mrs. Best Thing To Do About a Hangover Is Don’t Get One! LOS ANGELES.—There just isn’t much medical science can do about a hangover. One delegate to the Western sectional convention of the Amer ican College of Surgeons described the treatment, such as it is. He explained that he desired anonym ity, but said that in his past as chief physician for a steamship company he had seen some hor rific hangovers in his time. His suggestion: “Don’t contract a hangover— but what’s the use of going into that? “Drink good liquor. Dilute it. liberally with water. The water will help eliminate the liquor. Take a steaming bath. Take an alkali. Take a bicarbonate of soda. Take a sleeping tablet. Take a good grip on yourself. “If that doesn’t help, well, that’s all we know.” “Italy Was AH Right, But There Was Work To Be Done In Egypt,” Stated the Traveling Aggie on His Way to Africa (Editor’s note—This is the sec-4-ed in the seventh century, the Anti--f ish-American Bar where we sipped ond of a series of stories on Eu rope and the Near East as viewed through the eyes of an Aggie. The first of the series, which appear ed in an earlier issue of The Bat talion tells of the adventures of eight college students, including two Aggies, on their trip from the United States to France during the summer of 1938. The group is >ound for Egypt to do geophysical ork for an oil company... The last ^tallment ended with the boys on a boat bound from Marseilles, France to Naples, Italy.) • By A. C. Bassett From Marseilles we took a trip to Arles and Avignon which took twelve hours of our sixteen there. Arles proved very interesting with her many ancient structures—the Cathedral of St. Trophime found- que Theater of the third century with 1,600 seats, and the Arena of the second century with 26,000 seats, where a bull fight was sched uled for the next day. We found Avignon equally as in teresting with the St. Benezet Bridge and the famous Palace of the Popes. We spent only about an hour in the Palace of the Popes where you could easily spend days. The French people seemed hap py and very friendly, although there were definite signs of poverty far worse than our own. The soil in the regions we passed through was very rocky. Grapes, berries, and hay were the only crops we saw growing. Olive trees seemed to do well on rocky hills. After returning to Marseilles we had dinner and met most of the crowd from the boat at the Brit- suds and danced with the good- looking French girls until twelve o’clock, sailing time. We all agreed that the French girls are just as good looking as they have the reputation of being. And on to Italy. We docked at Naples the morning of the twelfth day, drove through the town and to Pompeii to visit the ruins. Pom peii was rich in its preserved art, skills, and architecture of two thousand years ago. Cooking utensils, glassware, dentist tools and a number of other things show a great resemblance to our modern ones: The dice were identical. The paintings on the walls and doz ens of statues are well preserved. From the remains of some of the buildings it was easy to see that (Continued on page 4) Lanford have three daughters and one other son. Lanford completed a two-year course in agriculture at A. & M. in 1909 and has been farming and stock-raising near Blanket since that time. The story of his life should be an inspiration to every American and might well be quot ed as an example of what determi nation, frugality, and family plan ning can accomplish. Each of these four boys graduat ed from the Blanket High School, after which they worked two years each at home before entering Col lege. Thus all of them helped Don, the oldest, to finish school and he in turn is now aiding his father in sending the younger brothers to A. & M. Rex, next to the oldest, served four years in the U. S. Navy after finishing high school to save enough money to finance a large part of his college educa tion. The boys were all 4-H Club mem bers, winning a number of prizes and trips in this way. They were all Boy Scouts in the same troop at the same time, each attaining a rank of Life or Eagle Scout. Mr. Lanford Sr. is a long-time member of the Former Students Association at A. & M. and an act ive and loyal friend of the college. Flying To Start With Second Term Four Training Planes Already on New Field Work on the new A. & M. College Airport is rapidly nearing completion this week with the con struction of a new sheet metal hangar and the grading of three airplane runways, Gibb Gilchrist, dean of the School of Engineering and head of the new C. A. A. fly ing course at A. & M., announced this week. The field, which is located just west of Lake Shinola, has three 2,200-foot runways that are each 500 feet wide in addition to the triangular center portion of the field. The hangar is 80 feet wide and 100 feet long and is already well under construction. In it will be kept the four cub-plane instruc tion ships to be used in actual flight training of the C. A. A. fly ing course being taught at A. & M. Actual flying training will be taught by the Kadette Aviation Company which is headed by T. H. Coffelt of Bryan. Ships to be used in the course include one re cently purchased Packard Cub and three new Taylor Craft training ships which were flown in to the new Aggie airport direct from the factory last week. Some 50 students are now tak ing the preliminary ground work course and of these 40 will start actual flying work at the start of the second semester. The other 10 students will be alternates. Flight training will start with the second semester as it is ex pected that the field will be in spected and approved by C. A. A. authorities by that time. Approval must be secured for the new field before actual student flying can begin in the course. (Continued on page 4) TOM BAGLEY, ’32, TO WED HOUSTON GIRL SOON Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sims, of Austin, have announced the en gagement and approaching marri age of their daughter, Margaret, to Thomas Bittle Bagley, ’32, of Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bagley, head of the Cotton Marketing Department of A. & M. The wedding will be solemnized at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church at A. & M. February 10. Mr. and Mrs. Bagley, elect, will make their home in Houston, where Tom is connected with the Houston Com press Company. Summer Short Course Plans Made by School Authorities By Bob Nisbet Texas A. & M. is widely known as the location of this or that short course. Because of its geo graphical placement, and also be cause of its diversity of equip ment, A. & M. is better qualified than most institutions to care for these short courses. Three such short courses for this summer have already been ap proved, Col. Ike Ashburn has an nounced. They are the Welding Conference, the County Superin tendents and Supervisors Confer ence, and the Fireman’s Training School. One of the most widely attended of the courses is the Fireman’s Training School, carried on through the Chemistry Department under the supervision of H. R. Brayton. Over 500 firemen from throughout the volunteer departments of Texas will assemble at A. & M. on July 21 to undergo a six-day course of study that will enable them to car ry on their work against the most deadly of man’s enemies. The firemen will stay in the dormi tories and will eat in the mess hall. On the night of July 23 the smoke- eaters will gather in the mess hall for their annual banquet. The Welding Conference is un der the direction of the Mechani cal Engineering Department, and Bob Cook has been assigned the task of arranging things for the state’s welders. The conference will begin April 15 and will last until April 19. Two hundred or more are expected for the course. Dean Brooks and W. L. Hughes have invited educators from throughout Texas to attend a short course known as the County Super intendents and Supervisors Con ference and Texas School Adminis tration Conference. The date set for the school for the teachers is June 24 to 27. Two hundred teach ers are expected to attend. COLONEL IKE ASHBURN MAKES NUMEROUS TALKS Colonel Ike Ashburn, executive assistant to the president, has been away most of this week, speaking to various clubs and organizations over the state. Tuesday he spoke to the San Antonio A. & M. Moth ers’ Club, on Wednesday night he addressed the Annual Banquet of the Kerrville Chamber of Com merce and Thursday morning he talked to the Houston A. & M. Mothers’ Club at Houston.