The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 1940, Image 1

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Avoid Registration
Waiting by Paying
Your Fees Early
Student Tri-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College
Official Newspaper of the City of College Station
Friday on WTAW:
“Aggie Clambake”—4:30
Battalion Newscast—5:15
VOL. 39 PHONE 4-5444
Z725 NO. 47
Students May Now Register at Fiscal,
Conunandant’s Office for Second Term
Education Board
Visits A. & M.
A.&M. Invited To
Compete in Annual
Oratorical Contest
Fred R. Jones Appointed
As New Department Head
Fees Total $140.00.
For Next Semester
Registering Time To Be
Shortened by New Method
Second semester fees are payable
beginning today and must be paid
before a student can complete his
next term registration. Total fees
payable before registration are
$55.50 and fees for the entire sec
ond semester, which can now be
paid if the student so desires, are
$140.00 (not including Y card).
In order to speed up registra
tion and make it possible for all
regular undergraduate students to
register on Friday, February 9, stu
dents may also sign up for their
dormitory rooms at the Command
ant’s Office, thus completing their
registration with that office. How
ever, fees must be paid at the
Fiscal Office before tfiis. can, hie
done. All students must also reg
ister at the Commandant’s Office
for the room that they are now
occupying when signing up in that
Fees for the second semester in
Board $81.75
Medical Fee 5.00
Matriculation Fee 25.00
Room 20.00
Laundry 8.25
Total $140.00
Y. M. C. A. Card $ 2.50
Total $142.50
All existing enrollment records
are expected to be broken when reg
istration for the second semester
is completed on Monday afternoon,
Feb. 12. The enrollment this
semester is 6,086; the second semes
ter’s registration is expected to
raise the total enrollment for the
(Continued on page 4)
E. O. Buck, graduate of the class
of 1926 and former head yell-lead
er at A. & M., addressed the Pe
troleum Engineering Club Tuesday
night on “Recycling of Gas Fields.”
Mr. Buck is now a consulting pe
troleum engineer located at Hous
Included in his talk were the
economic factors of recycling,
which is the distilling of gasoline
from natural gas and the returning
of the gas back into the oil sand,
governing the value of working a
field with this process.
Left to right are ex-Aggies C. Charske, ’34; T. C. Browning,
’36; C. W. Burns, ’32; E. A. Rische, ’36; E. G. Jones, ’38; J. I. Walton,
’34; G. H. Wessler, ’38; and R. L. Suggs, ’32.
Although the group is now scattered and some have returned to
America, the picture above shows A. & M. men gathered for a meet
ing last year in the Dutch East Indies. All of the group has been
doing exploration work for oil companies and most are located at
Palembang, Sumatra, N. E. I. They seem happy about it all and those
summer suits look very inviting at this time of the year.
Williams To Judge Livestock
Shows in Arizona and Texas
D. W. Williams, head of the Ani-'
mal Husbandry Department, will
leave College Station Feb. 20 on a
two-week trip to Arizona and sev
eral parts of Texas where he will
do horse and cattle judging at the
various livestock shows. His
itinerary will include Tucson, Ari
zona; San Antonio; Beeville; and
Wichita Falls.
In San Antonio Mr. Williams
will judge horses at the San An
tonio Livestock Show which is be
ing held Feb. 21 and 22. Then he
will journey to Tucson where he
will judge the Western Horse Show.
On Feb. 27 he will judge cattle
in Beeville, and Feb. 29 will see
him at Wichita Falls judging
horses at the Livestock Show there.
The most interesting part of
Mr. Williams’ trip should be his
judging of the Western Horse
Show at Tucson. This is an en
tirely new type of show, and prom
ises to be of great interest to all
breeders of cow horses. It is a
different type show in the fact that
it is emphasizing useable horses
instead of show horses and the
winners will be based upon per
formance instead of halter and
►it is emphasizing usable horses
that will be in the show are those
that are commonly found in the
range country. These will include
gaited saddle horses, cow horses,
thoroughbreds, Quarterhorses,
Palaminos, and Steeldust. This
show is being held to encourage
the breeding of cow horses and
polo ponies, for the biggest outlet
for well-bred cow horses is the
polo field.
“Bat” Magazine
Sponsors Contest
For Story Writers
As an incentive to greater stu
dent interest in story writing, The
Battalion Magazine is announcing a
short-story contest.
Acceptable stories will be pub
lished in the magazine, and cash
prizes of $5, $3, and $2 for the
the three best stories.
The contest closes March 1, but
it is desirable that entries be sub
mitted as early as possible.
Usual Exemptions Will Apply in New
Semester-Despite Bulletin Wording
“Only candidates for baccalaur--
eate degrees on May 31 are ex
empted from final examinations,”
so reads page four of the official
schedule of classes for the second
semester now available at the Reg
istrar’s Office. This statement has
been wrongly interpreted by a num
ber of students as meaning that
only graduating seniors will be ex
This statement has been added
to the schedule of classes to indi
cate that only those seniors that
are candidates for a degree will
be exempted from finals in courses
in which they have a passing
grade and not all seniors.
As in the past, in addition to
the graduating seniors, any student
may be exempted, whether he is a
non-graduating senior or a fresh
man, provided he has a term aver
age of A or B in the course and
is in the upper 25 per cent of that
As graduation exercises will be
held this year before the final ex
aminations those seniors who on
April 1 lack not more than two
subjects of graduating may take
special examinations in them in or
der to graduate. To quote college
regulations on this subject,
“A senior who on April 1 lacks
not over two subjects, including
his current program, and has a
mathematical chance to graduate at
•the end of the semester, may be
allowed a special examination in
each of two subjects taken subse
quent to his junior year. Such
special examinations are to be
scheduled on designated Saturday
afternoons about May 1.”
Classes for candidates for grad
uation will close on the second
Wednesday before the end of the
semester, May 29, and grades will
be reported to the Registrar by
5 p. m. of that day.
All candidates for graduation
with passing grades will be exempt
from examinations; but those
whose grades are below passing,
and those who wish to try to raise
their grades, may take semester
examinations on the following day
(Thursday, May 30) at a time to
be set by the head of the depart
ment involved. These semester
grades, with examinations given a
weight of one-third, are to be re
ported to the Registrar by 5 p.
m. of the same day.
Examinations for non-graduat
ing students will begin Saturday
afternoon, June 1, following the
Final Review Saturday morning.
Exams will last through Frida"
June 7. With permission of t
Registrar, a student having u
avoidable conflicts in final exam
inations will be allowed to take
the examination in one of the con
flicting courses on Friday, June 7
or Saturday, June 8.
Stories should be not more than
six pages in length, typewritten
and double-spaced. They should be
brought to The Battalion Office,
122 Administration Building.
Subjects may be any which the
writer chooses, but those dealing
with campus life are preferred.
The competition is open to any
undergraduate student of the col
lege who is not already a member
of The Battalion staff.
Contest judges will be Bill Mur
ray, Paul Ketelsen, and Charles
Snow Scene Picture
Contest Closes Today
The contest for pictures showing
snow scenes on the A. & M. cam
pus closes at midnight tonight.
All those interested in submitting
pictures can dfill do so by turning
them in to Staff Photographer PJ^il
Golman, at 37^ T^fegett. Judges
Bill Murray, Battalion editor; Don
Andrews, junior editor; and Phil
Golman, report the contest to (be
wide open to an-'r cadet as no win
ners have been This con
test is being sponsored by thf Ag-
gieland Studi". , ' * ,
Entries will be-judged for orig
inality and clarity. r The first prize
''T a Junior Brownie ■tfitk'the
’ + ure being published in
a*. op und Febniaiy 17,
secona ^ ^by Brownie
camera, ana . ize will
be the book, “Hoy. ake Bet
ter Pictures.” All entries sub-
Interview Ag Economics
Men for Scholarships
Three members of the John D.
Rockefeller general education
board, division of Southern Educa
tion, visited A. & M. Monday and
Tuesday for the possibilities of
awarding fellowships to members
of the Agricultural Economics de
partment and to further social edu
cation in regard to the develop
ment of Southern agriculture and
Members of the Rockefeller
Foundation visiting here were Dr.
Jackson Davis, associate director
of the Division of Southern Edu
cation; Dr. Stacy May, staff mem
ber of the General Education board;
and Dr. W. W. Stewart, economist
of the Institute for Advance Study
at Princeton University and a di
rector of the Board of General
The group arrived Monday aft
ernoon and during their stay on
the campus interviewed members
of the Agricultural Economics de
partment of A. & M., the agricul
ture economics research depart
ment of the Texas Experiment Sta
tion, and other men interested in
securing fellowships with the foun
dation. While at A. & M. they
were taken on a tour of inspection
of the campus and watched meal
formation at the mess halls and
other activities of the students.
From A. & M. the group went
to the University of Texas, follow
ing their work there they are to
be conducted on a tour arranged
by Dean Kyle of points of agri
cultural interest in the vicinity of
Austin. Included on this trip will
be a visit to the Luling Founda
tion Farm at Luling, Texas.
The general purpose of the visit
to A. & M. was <o help develop
the social sciences in their rela
tionship to agriculture and general
industry in the South.
Last year the Rockefeller Foun
dation granted three fellowships to
A. & M. men for work along gen
eral agricultural economics lines.
Included in this group was a grant
to Lester Hines of a fellowship
to obtain his doctors degree at
Harvard University; a grant to W.
E. Morgan of the extension ser
vice to also work at Harvard, and
a fellowship; to C. R. Carter to
do field work in agricultural eco
nomics in Texas in v cooperation
with the Extension Service on
“Marketing of Texas Turkeys.”
This thesis will be used by Mr.
Carter for an advance at A. &
M. College.
Today Last Day To Make
Longhorn Reservations
All student organizations desir
ing to reserve space for club pic
tures in the 1939-40 Longhorn are
reminded that today is the last day
in which reservations may be made.
All student clubs, home-town
groups, church groups, and other
organizations must see Doug Wat
son in dormitory 10 today if they
desire to reserve Longhorn picture
Today is also the last day to
enter pictures in the “Vanity Fair”
section. They should be turned in to
Mick Williams at 98 Law Hall.
mance and adventure are gone.
Laying another line would be a
cinch,” said Charley Atwell, ex-
Aggie of the class of ’12, construc
tion engineer for the Texas Com
pany, dismissing one of the most
hazardous and difficult engineer
ing feats in years—the laying of
an oil pipe line across 263 miles cf
unexplored jungle, mountains, and
rivers of South America.
Atwell went with the Texas
Company two years after his grad
uation with a civil engineering
degree in 1912. He was a mem
ber of the Ross Volunteers, Cap
tain of D Company in the cadet
corps, and a football and basket
ball star during the days of the
old , “C-D” Company’s athletic
domination. He is a native of
The Battle of Flowers Associa
tion in San Antonio has again in
vited A. & M. to send representa
tives to the Battle of Flowers Ora
torical Contest in April.
A tryout will be held in room
316 Academic Building after sup
per on Wednesday, March 13, at
which time five speakers will be
chosen for places in a second try
out to be held on March 27.
Speeches should deal with charac
ters or events pertaining to Texas
history. A reading list and a
list of topics (by way of sugges
tion only) will be made up within
a few days and posted in the Col
lege Library.
All who wish to take part in the
tryout on March 13 are expected
to notify C. O. Spriggs or R. M.
Weaver of the English Department,
or Prof. George Summey Jr., not
later than noon on February 15.
“It is to be clearly understood that
the invitation from the Battle of
Flowers Association to enter the
final contest and compete for the
valuable cash prizes annually of
fered may be withdrawn if our
students do not show proper inter
est in the contest,” Dr. Sumney
Last year A. & M. won both sec
ond and fourth places at the contest.
A contestant from the University
of Texas won first place at the
meet but was closely followed by
James Shoultz, Infantry band, in
second place and Mayo Thompson,
G Coast Artillery, in fourth place.
Prizes for the contest last year
were $100.00 for first place, $50.00
for second place, $35.00 for third
place, and $15.00 for fourth place.
The Department of Architecture
in collaboration with the Depart
ment of Industrial Education will
stage a demonstration of air brush
art and technique at 11 o’clock
Saturday morning in the work
shop of the Department on the
fourth floor of the Academic
The demonstrator will be George
W. Kadel of Dallas, well known
artist and authority in this field,
and author of “Air Brush Art.”
Robert Stack of the Paasche
Company, manufacturers of air
brushes, and Robert Bray of the
American Art Crayon Company,
who have helped arrange this meet
ing, will also j)e here.
The American Institute of Che
mical Engineers’ award for the
junior member of the A. & M. stu
dent chapter having the highest
average for his first two years
was made to Joe Cain at the regu
lar meeting of the chapter recently.
The presentation, a pin and cer
tificate of recognition of the as
sociation, was made by Dr. C. C.
Hedges, Head of the Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering Depart
er, B. D. Atwell, ’12, makes his
Since 1914, Charley Atwell has
spent most of his time in foreign
service for the Texas Comoany.
He has built factories and pipe
lines in Australia, China, Japan,
Mexico, and other countries.
Biggest of his jobs, however, was
the laying of the line through
Columbia, South America, an eigh-
teen-million-dollar pipe line and
highway from the Barco Oil Con
cessions to the Caribbean Sea.
“The toughest part of that job,”
he said, “was getting supplies to
the 3,600 men we flew to an im
provised field in the middle of the
jungle. We needed 20,000 pounds
of food a day, 3,600 pounds of
(Continued on page 4)
Fred R. Jones, new head of the
Agricultural Engineering Depart
ment in the School of Agriculture.
A. & M. Professor
Praises U. S. Army’s
Anti-Aircraft Guns
Uncle Sam’s anti-aircraft equip
ment can be counted on for devas
tating work on enemy planes with
in its range. Major R. E. Hill, pro
fessor of military science and tac
tics at A. & M. College, told the
Houston Engineers’ Club at its
Rice Hotel luncheon Tuesday.
Over any area of ground com
manded by anti-aircraft equipment,
bombing planes would be at serious
disadvantage, Major Hill said. They
would have to come within 17,000
feet of their target to count on ef
fective hits.
But each of the fast-shooting 105
millimeter guns would be capable
of deadly accuracy up to a height
of 36,900 feet.
Major Hill was presented by
President Joe B. Dannenbaum of
the Engineers Club, who presided.
Mr. Dannenbaum announced a lim
ited number of reservations still
can be accepted for the engineers’
St. Valentine’s dinner ball Friday
night at River Oaks country club.
WACO.—More than 500 contest
ants from Texas high schools are
expected' to compete for Baylor
University scholarships to be giv
en first-place debate winners in
the annual Baylor Invitation Schol
arship Debate and Speech Tourna
ment, February 2 and 3, Prof.
Glenn R. Capp, director of fore-
ensics at Baylor, has announced.
Eyes: bleary! Brains: weary!
Outlook: dreary!
Visibility is zero and the future
is anything but cheery as that time
is almost here again. The girl
back home is temporarily forgot
ten; so is a national championship
football title and A. & M.’s too-
distant sister school — T.S.C.W.
Ere long, Aggieland’s six thous
and-odd cadets will be called twice
daily at the hours of 8 and 1
o’clock to that semi-annual period
of reckoning—final examinations!
“Next time it’ll be different” is
the by-word of hundreds of cadets
as the dither and daze of last-
inute preparations cause most
Aggies to wish that they had the
sast two or three months to live
over again.
There’s the “grade-point” men,
though; they aren’t worried. Most
of them are exempt from all of
their finals, and at the outside they
don’t have more than one or two
to take. But the so-called grade-
point men aren’t the cause for
the tremendous increase in the
local consumption of coffee; neither
are they the cause of the great
exodus of textbooks from neigh
boring “hock shops;” nor are the
grade-point men responsible for
the large increase in kilowatt-hour
consumption or the fact that the
Heads Department
Of Ag. Engineering
Fills Position Vacated
By Death of Dan Senates
Appointment of Fred R. Jones,
member of the teaching staff of
Texas A. & M. College since 1921,
as head of the Department of Agri
cultural Engineering, has been an
nounced by Dean E. J. Kyle, of
the School of Agriculture. Mr.
Jones was named to succeed the
late Daniels Scoates who died re
Mr. Jones was born and reared
in Wisconsin and received a bache
lor of science degree in agricul
ture from the University of Wis
consin in 1915. He remained there
as instructor in the agricultural
engineering department until 1917
when he became extension special
ist in agricultural engineering at
Mississippi A. & M. College. He
left this post to join the flying
service of the United States Ma
rine corps in 1918, and after the
World War joined the John Deere
Plow Company sales force in 1919.
He taught at Texas A. & M.
from 1921 until the present time,
obtaining his master of science de
gree from Iowa State College in
A fellow of the American So
ciety of Agricultural Engineers
since 1917, Mr. Jones has served
on several committees and is a
past member of the council of that
organization. He is author of a
textbook on farm gas engines and
tractors which is used by agricul
tural engineering departments of
all of the leading agricultural col
leges of the United States. He
also has written numerous bulle
tins and articles on farm power
and equipment.
Mr. Jones has been acting as
head of the department since the
death of Dan Scoates, department
head, in November of last year.
The Agricultural Engineering
department is one of the 14 depart
ments in the School of Agriculture
and the curriculum in agricultural
engineering is planned to give the
student an engineering training
with an agricultural viewpoint.
President T. O. Walton and E.
E. McQuillen, secretary of the For
mer Students Association, attend
ed the funeral of P. L. Downs Sr.,
father of P. L. Downs Jr., ex-Ag
gie and former member of the A.
& M. Board of Directors and the
man for whom the A. & M.
Natatorium was named, yesterday.
Mr. Downs was buried in Temple.
B. D. Marburger, superintendent
of the Buildings and College Util
ities Department, has pointed out
that the kilowatt-hour consump
tion for the past week was con
siderably larger than the average
for the year. And J. C. Hotard,
manager of the college dining halls,
declared that there is a definite
periodic trend of students’ eating
habits. “At this time of the year,”
he said, “the Aggies eat about half
as much as they do when every
thing is going all right.”
Waterloo, Gettysburg, Bunker
Hill, and Armageddon—tough bat
tles all. Calculus, physics, chemis
try, and English—^they’re tough
too; and especially if you’re one of
the masses—they who put off their
studying until the twelfth hour!
Next semester, though, it’ll be
And every cloud has a silver lin
First Newspaper Printed
On Southern Pine Newsprint
LUFKIN.—The first newspaper
ever pritned on commercially man
ufactured Southern pine newsprint
rolled off the presses of the Daily
News here lately.
The paper came from the South
land Paper Mills’ first commer
cial run.
Ex-Aggie Is Construction Genius In
South America’s Unexplored Regions
“It is built now. All the ro
•Hutchins, Texas, where his broth
Students Man Mannerheim Line For
Stout Defense Against Final Exams
By George Fuermann