The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1940, Image 3
* V » % * * % •f t t 4 * % I i r 1 1 < * Aggie Cage Team Will Invade Lair of Bears Tonight M > V £ <1 / vk JT JU 5 < E.C.Jeep' OATES BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR Athletic Department Will Have Smoker In Old Mess Hall Tonight at 7:30 Football Banquet Is Big Event As “Bank Night” Returns to Aggieland Basketball Team Invades Haunts Of Bruins Tonight in Role of Underdogs joy seeing them and the Athletic Department will be greatly pleased to have you with us on this ac- casion. Looking forward to seeing you, I am Very truly yours, H. H. Norton Head of Department All faculty members are invited to attend this smoker and see some of the best football pictures ever taken. Congratulations are in order for the pistol team. They went to Houston the other night and came back with a trophy and ten indi vidual awards. Bob Shiels took three of the medals. as being one of the best blockers, along with Jim Thomason who re ceived this honor last year also. We feel that this award to Herb was misnamed. Smith deserves an award for his outstanding play, but blocking was the “little man’s” weak point and none will tell you that quicker than will Herb Smith, one of the greatest ends to ever wear the colors of A. & M. second conference game and have improved a lot since then, but it is doubted that they have improv ed as much as the Bears. The Cadets will be fighting though, and as long as they are pitching they are not beaten. It will be the last game for the Ma roon quint until after exams. The team and your writer left this morning for Waco and will return Wednesday morning. Pistol Team Wins Kaufman Trophy in Houston Battalion Sports TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1940 PAGE 3 Trophies For Aggie Varsity Stars Top, left, Herb Smith, great end on the champion Aggie Team, shown as he is handed the Longine watch awarded him by Bert Pfaff as one of the two best blockers of 1939. Top, right, Jim Thomason, blocking back, as E. W. Hooker presented him with the leather jacket which was the gift of the Athletic Department to each letterman. Lower left, co-captain Walemon “Cotton” Price is handed one of his trophies by Col. Ike Ashburn, master of ceremonies at the banquet. Lower right, Marshall Robnett, all-conference guard, is shown accepting one of the watches given the team by Jesse Jones. Following is an announcement from Coach Homer Norton: “The Athletic Department will have a stag smoker and show pic tures of some of the outstanding football games of the 1939 season at the mess hall Tuesday even ing, January 30, at 7:30 o’clock. We also plan to have some of the varsity football players present. It will take about an hour and a half for the show. We would like very much to have you as our guest at this time. This will not be a banquet and there will be no speeches. Everything will be very informal and in the nature of a get-together. Some - of these pictures are in technicolor and are really beauti ful. We feel sure that you will en- “And everyone had a great time.” At the football banquet the other night one began to wonder if San ta Claus had come to town again. Watches, footballs, trophies, pla ques, letters, jackets, “T” medals, bars, tie clasps, wallets, pens, pen cils, and a general assortment of this and that were given to the football players. Herb Smith was given a watch Tonight the Aggie quint will meet the Baylor Bruins again, but this time the Bears will be favor ed. Since the Aggies trounced them earlier this year the Bruins have beaten Arkansas twice and split with Rice. Some feat! A. & M. has lost both of its tilts to the Owls and has not yet met the Porkers. Coach McQuillan’s charges trim med the Bears 49 to 46 in their 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt finds himself with an ever-increasing number of followers who would like to see him run for a third term. But this group, among the rank and file of voters as well as among college students, is still in the minority. The Student Opinion Surveys of America sent its staff of inter viewers on campuses of all de scriptions everywhere in the Unit- AGGIES!! Only A Few More Days Left Of Our Clearance Sale SUITS, TOPCOATS and FURNISHINGS SHIRTS and PAJAMAS $1.65 Values, now $1.29 $2.00 Values, now $1.55 $2.50 Values, now $1.85 $3.00 Values, now $2.35 $3.50 Values, now $2.65 $5.00 Values, now $3.85 GANTNER SWEATERS LEATHER JACKETS $ 2.50 Values, now $ 1.85 $ 3.95 Values, now $ 2.85 $ 5.00 Values, now $ 3.65 $ 6.00 Values, now $ 4.45 $ 7.95 Values, now $ 5.35 $10.00 Values, now $ 7.95 $12.50 Values, now $ 9.95 $13.50 Values, now $10.85 Reduced Prices ON ALL Mufflers, Gloves HEAVY UNDERWEAR ODD TROUSERS NECKWEAR 7 t T WIMBERLEY • STONE DANSBY r GLOCKIERS section of collegians, “Would you like to see Roosevelt run for a third term?” The results, gathered and tab ulated at the University of Texas for all the cooperating newspaper members of the organization, show that the resident has picked up more than ten percentage points on his third-term popularity dur ing the last year. Comparisons of this type are possible for the first time now that the surveys has been operating without interruption since December of 1938. Follow ing is the complete record on this subject that has been kept by the surveys: A third term for F. D. R.? Yes No Dec., 1938 . 27.2% 72.8% Jan., 1939 . 28.2% 71.8% Nov., 1939 . 31.8% 68.2% Now 39.5-% 60.5% This series of studies reveals a remarkably close resemblance to the index kept by the Gallup poll on the same topic. Although gen eral opinion has always outstrip ped student sentiment, 46 per cent of the voters now wanting a third term, the increases have been in almost the same proportions. In January, 1939, 30 per cent of the U. S. voters approved, as compared with 28.2 of the students. Although in this case it has been shown that college students follow the same trends of thought their elders do, other comparisons with American Institute of Public Opin ion polls illustrate the fact that youth does not always agree with older people. Also, events to come, here and abroad, will have much to do in changing attitudes should the President decide to try his luck again. Results of repeated interviewing of thousands of students disclose that many, although approving of Roosevelt as president, are against another four-year term. This opinion was typified in the com ment of a student in Chicago’s Central Y. M. C. A. College who said, “I am opposed to a third term because he would set a pre cedent for men who might be less scrupulous than he is, although I am in favor of him and his poli cies.” Win Second In Close Race For Gorman Cup C. A. Lewis Ranks Second Among Individual Scorers The A. & M. Pistol Team won the Kaufman Trophy at the Hous ton Bayou Club tournament Sat urday by a margin of one point. The winning score, made for the cadets by R. T. Shiels and C. A. Lewis, totaled 351 points. Second- place honors were taken by the State Department of Public Safety team with a score of 350. In the competition for the Gor man Trophy, the State Troopers came out on top with a total of 1,291, leaving the Aggieland team in second place with 1,282. After the last shot was fired, the records showed that the cadets and the State Patrolmen made a clean sweep of all of the first and second places in the matches with the exception of the one for indi vidual high score in the Gorman Trophy fire. This first place honor was split between C. A. Lewis of A. & M., C. L. Cearley of the State Department of Public Safety, and E. F. Dickens of the Bayou Rifles, each with a score of 272. The total spoils for the victors were A. & M.—one trophy and ten medals. State Department of Public Safety—one trophy and nine medals. Fire-place high individual in the Kaufman Trophy match was tak en by Dan Lawrence, an ex-Aggie of the S. D. P. S. with 177 points. Second place went to C. A. Lewis of A. & M., who shot a score of 176. The Aggie team that won second place in the Gorman Trophy match and the number of individ ual medals won by each member was as follows: Team— Medals C. A. Lewis 4 R. T. Shiels Jr .....3 E. F. Shiels 1 W. E. Lewis 1 C. L. Kennemer 1 Due to the severity of the cold, several of the contesting teams were kept away. The contestants were the State Department of Pub lic Safety, Bayou Rifle Team, Gal veston Rifle and Pistol Team, A. & M. Pistol Team, and several in dividuals. The matches were fired under a bridge on the bayou be tween the hours of 8 p. m. and 1 p. m. INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS By HUB JOHNSON Spring has sprung and with it came some good football and speed- ball weather but also final exam inations. Games for the remainder of the semester have been called off except for a few of the play offs. The water ought to all be out of the pool by 5:30 this evening for at that hour E Field Artillery and 3rd Combat Train Field Artillery fight it out for the upperclassmen’s water polo championship. Hold a spot of his own, Ed Dwelli, fish-sophomore of the train from Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, and a transfer from Ohio State will be the lead man for his squad. The Intramural Department was pretty much on hand at the foot ball banquet Saurday night except for “Mr. Penny” who is confined to his bed. What a banquet that was. It looked like ‘bank night,’ as termed by Col. Ike Ashburn. Freshmen are again reminded to sign up for a regular section of Physical Education at mid-term. No matter if you are taking regu lar class work or intramural work, you are required to sign for P. E. to receive credit. In the “Y” Friday evening things looked pretty crowded with the finals of the Class B ping pong tournament being run off. F. Coast Artillery fish claimed the title after defeating A Cav alry, 2 to 1, in the finals; A Field Artillery, 2 to 1, in the semi-finals; and the 2nd Combat Train 2 to 1 in the quarter-finals all in one evening. That’s some playing and Leavy, Eads and Leon played all the matches. . Water Polo Champs To Be Decided In Final Match Today The Third Combat Train and Battery E of the Field Artillery battle it out this evening at 5 o’clock for the Class A water polo championship. Semi-final matches came to a close last week and the last game was scheduled for Thursday but was later postponed until today. Battery E defeated A Chemical Warfare in the semi-final game with a score of 3 to 1, while the Combat Train fought it out with B Coast Artillery to eke out a 3 to 2 win. Starters for the train include Wilson, Praser, Floyd, Dwelli, Ed wards, Finley, and Harold. In the water at the first whistle for the E team will be Dillon, Cook, Biggs, Patterson, Burney, Don nell, and either Taylor or Oliver. 5,246 Educational Buildings Were On 1939 NY A Program During the last fiscal year, youths employed on N.Y.A. work projects completed construction of., additions to, or repair and improve ment of 5,246 educational buildings, according to a preliminary tabula tion of physical accomplishments made public today by Aubrey Wil liams, administrator of the Na tional Youth Administration. These included schools, dormitories, li braries, museums, art galleries, and other types of educational structures. Likewise, in the field of recrea tion the N.Y.A. work program made important contributions. A total of 1,650 new social and recrea tional buildings were completed by N.Y.A. youth last year, and 2,- 455 were repaired and improved, including such structures as youth centers, community buildings, audi toriums and gymnasiums. The work program of the Na tional Administration provides part-time employment on useful public projects for needy young men and women, between the ages The F. Battery fish won their semi-final match from Parker, Mc- Chesney, and Edwards while their final opponents from A Cavalry, Smith, Yorston, and Fernaindez, claimed theirs from Hausman, Burnan, and McClelland from B Engineers. Gold Footballs For Lettermen Expected Soon Athletic Council Awards To Arrive by February 8 The long-awaited gold footballs ordered by the Athletic Council as awards for the football team lettermen will arrive here not later than Feb. 8, according to an an nouncement made by E. J. Howell, Registrar, yesterday. The awards will be made to the players within a few days, probably in an inform al meeting of the Council and the squad. It has been the custom of the Athletic Council to give gold foot balls to the lettermen of all the championship football teams, and this will be the first year since ’27 that the awards have been made. The footballs to be given this year are beautiful bright gold ones with a large diamond set in the side. Across the football, in large raised maroon letters is written No. 1 Team of the Nation, and below that, Southwest Conference Cham pions, ’39. The final touch that makes the football perfect is a large maroon T inscribed over the lacing. STUDENTS TO ATTEND MEET Three faculty members and about fifteen students will attend the annual meeting of the Texas Entomological Society at Harlin gen February 14, 15, and 16. Those faculty members going will include Dr. S. W. Bilsing, head of the De partment of Entomology, Dr. F. L. Thomas, and V. A. Little of the Entomology Experiment Station. of 18 to 24, who are out of school and unemployed. Projects are designed to enable youth to acquire basic experience and sound habits of work. Insofar as possible work is undertaken, which, when completed, will en large the youth serving facilities of the community in which it is done. Consequently educational and recreational facility projects have been emphasized . Many communities have been unable within their normal bud gets to make sorely needed im provements. Through the N.Y.A. work program, with the Federal Government paying the wages of youth labor, it has been possible for them to provide new facilities which could not otherwise have been made available. MAGAZINE STAFF MEETS WEDNESDAY The entire editorial, reportorial, humor and art staff of The Bat talion Magazine will meet Wednes day afternoon at 4 o’clock in The Battalion Office, 122 Administra tion Building. All members of these depart ments are asked to attend, man aging editor Paul Ketelsen has stated; and anyone wishing to join the staff, particularly in the writ ing field, is invited to do so at this time. The meeting originally set for Tuesday afternoon, has been moved to Wednesday so that E. L. Angell, student publications manager, now out of town, may attend. Cadets Will Enter Fray As The U nderdogs Bruins Out to Avenge Early Defeat by A. & M. The Texas Aggie cagers left this morning to invade the cave of the big black Bruins at Waco. This will be the last engagement of the year between these two con ference schools. At the first of the season the Bears were “hibernating” and were trapped by the Aggies to the count of 49 to 46. Since that time the basketeers from Aggieland have lost two games to Rice Owls to give the Bayou City boys the con ference lead, and the Baylorites the next week split a pair with the Owls to knock them from their perch on the top ring of the South western ladder. The Aggie line-up will feature Tommy Tinker and Jude Smith at the forward posts, “Big Dog” Daw son holding down the pivot point, and Bill Henderson and Durwood Varner at the guard positions. Bill Henderson is still among the top scorers of the conference, having an average of a little better than twelve points per game. The Baylor quintet hoping to give the Aggies the “Bear Hug” will be composed of Grady Vaughn, and Pete Creasy at guards, Captain Happy Shehan and Frank Bry- ski at forward and “Chicago” Fri- valsky, the six-foot-four boy from Illinois, at center. An added attraction of the Con ference battle should be another round of the battle of wits between Coaches Raymond Wolfe and Hub McQuillen which was started at the girst Aggie-Baylor game in 1934. CHEMISTS SEE RESEARCH WORK Among representatives of chemi cal companies visiting the Ento mology Experiment Station for the purpose of obtaining informa tion about research work with in secticides have been Milton S. Ma lone, A. & M. graduate of ’37, of the insecticide division of the Gen eral Chemical Company, Houston, and Lindley E. Mills of the Dow Chemical Company, Midland .Michi gan. GREATER PALACE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Preview 11 P. M. Saturday Night Cary Grant — Ralph Bellamy in “HIS GIRL FRIDAY” Also Shown Sun., Mon., Tues. 1 OPENING NEW CREAMLAND At North Gate LIU? ICE CREAM Sandwiches MRS. PARKHILL’S LUNCHES 60.51 of College Students Against Third Term for President Roosevelt With political winds already blowing in this election year of ed States to ask a scientific cross