The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1940, Image 1

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    Avoid Registration
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The Battalion
Student Tri-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College
Official Newspaper of the City of College Station
Friday on WTAW:
“Aggie Clambake”—4:30
Battalion Newscast—5:15
VOL. 39 PHONE 4-6444
NO. 46
National Champs Feted As Honors Come To Aggieland
Program At
Guion Hall
Bank Nile
Bowl Champs
Claim Trophy
Bowl and Board
Officials Preside
Individual Presentations
Made to 1939 Champions
By Bob Nisbet
Saturday night’s Sugar Bowl
victory banquet was “Bank Nite”
for fifty-four Texas Aggie foot
ball players.
Heroes in the eyes of the cadet
corps, they received expensive
watches, mammoth trophies, cost
ly leather jackets,—to mention but
a few of the innumerable awards.
Gold and silver were everywhere
in evidence.
Of course the most important
trophy of all was the Sugar Bowl
that was set on a special pedestal
in the center of the banquet room
for all to observe.
The first awards Were made by
Coach Homer Norton immediately
following Dr. Law’s speech of the
evening. Norton first called the
names of the boys on the squad
who did not letter, then asked and
got a hearty round of ap
plause for these boys who did
so much work for so little credit.
Thirty-one men on the squad
qualified for and received T med
als and/or bars, according to their
number of letters earned. With
the medals went blankets and leath
er jackets to the following men:
Bill “Rock” Audish, Joe Boyd, Roy
Bucek, Bill Buchanan, Bill Con-
atser, “Big Do^” Dawson, Bill
Duncan, Henry Hauser, Charles
Henke, Marland Jeffry, Jack Kim
brough, John Kimbrough, Derace
Moser, Ernie Pannell, Walemon
“Cotton” Price, Marion Pugh, Leon
Rahn, John “Bubba” Reeves, Ed
Robnett, Marshall Robnett, Chip
Routt, Martin Ruby, Herb Smith,
Marshall Spivey, James Sterling,
Jim Thomason, Tommy Vaughn,
Euel Wesson, Jo Jo White, Frank
Wood, and team manager Jimmy
Cross-country team members al
so received their awards at this
time. They are captain Mickey
Hogan, who got a T jacket and
bar; Alec Walker, Gene Wilmeth,
and Gus Laney, who got medals.
The next announcement of
awards was made by Charlie De-
Ware, coach of the freshman team,
who presented numerals to the fol.
lowing players: Bando, Beard,
Boyd, Brewer, Bucek, Drake, Dun
can, Ferrell, Knight, Kraras, Mac-
Nab, Minnock, Mitchell, Milhol-
land, Pickett, Rankin, Sharp, Smith,
Swank, Templeton, Thompson, Tul-
lis, Voss, Webster, Wilson, Yar
borough, Zapalac, and Zimick.
Willie Zapalac from Bellville
was chosen captain of the fresh
man team, to receive for this
honor a gift from the Aggieland
Pharmacy of a pen and pencil set.
Joe Utay, chairman of the Ath
letic Committee on the Board of
Directors, stating that he, himself,
had once made application in vain,
to the All-American committee,
presented two beautiful life-sized
silver footballs mounted on mahog
any bases, with engraved silver
plaques in front, to the team’s two
All-American players, Joe Boyd
and John Kimbrough. In present
ing the awards, Mr. Utay stated
that the two boys had lived up
to all the requirements set for All-
Americans, and hoped they would
continue to be All-Americans in
later life. With the trophies, the
award carried with it two free
passes to each man for all future
athletic contests held at A. & M.
It was at this time that John
Kimbrough announced he had a
gift to make. He then brought
forth the football that was used
in the Sugar Bowl game in New
Orleans, inscribed with the names
(Continued on page 4)
Above are shown the highlights of last weekend at Aggieland, as a group of leading officials of the New Orleans Mid-Winter Sports Association, which holds the
annual Sugar Bowl game, visited A. & M. to put in its possession for a year the famed trophy, at the end of which time a duplicate will be given A. & M. for permanent
At the top are shown in the new dorm area the Sugar Bowl officials with a group of prominent seniors who escorted them about the campus and in to dinner
at the new dining hall. Herbert A. Benson, president of the association, declared during his visit that the sight of the cadet corps marching in to the mess hall to the
music of the great Aggie Band was one of the most impressive sights he had ever beheld.
Inset, left, Registrar E. J. Howell, member of the Athletic Council, holds the newly arrived bowl as Aggie head coach Homer Norton looks on happily. Benson stands
at the right.
Inset, right “Big John” Kimbrough presents the original football, inscribed with the names of the entire Aggie squad, to Bert Pfaff, ex-Aggie who presented the
two best-blocker awards, during the course of the victory banquet Saturday night.
Center, left, Aggie grid stars at the speakers’ table are overwhelmed with delight at master of ceremonies Col. Ike Ashburn’s announcement of Jesse Jones’ surprise
gift of watches for all the lettermen.
Center, E. J. Howell, acting for the Athletic Council, accepts the Sugar Bowl from association president Herbert Benson, before the microphones of the Texas Quality
Network in Guion Hall.
Center, right. Big John receives from Houston Press sports editor “Andy” Anderson the Paul B. Willamson All-American trophy.
Below: (1) Joe Boyd dons his new fleece jacket. (2) Kimbrough receives his All-American silver football from the college, presented by Joe Utay, chairman of
the Athletic Committee of the Board of Directors. (3) Boyd, after getting his All-American football, is presented by chairman E. M. Law of the Board, a permanent pass
for two to all future A. & M. games. (Both All-Americans received this honor.) (4) Jim Thomason, another Aggie football great named one of the two best blockers, is
awarded another of many gifts.
850 Attend Victory
Banquet For Aggies
The great Aggie football team
of 1939, undefeated, untied, and
number one in the nation, hit the
jackpot again Saturday night at
the largest football banquet ever
held at A. & M. honoring a team.
Gifts, awards, and praises were
heaped upon an appreciative group
of boys whose smiles and blushes
were many and frequent. Preced
ing the banquet, Registrar E. J.
Howell, acting in the absence of
Dean Kyle, chairman of the Ath
letic Council, officially received the
Sugar Bowl trophy from members
of the New Orleans Mid-Winter
Sports Association.
Setting off the fireworks at 5
p. m. in Guion Hall, Col. Ike Ash-
burn following “Wildcat” and
“Goodby to Texas” by Aggie Band,
introduced over the Texas Quality
Network to the state of Texas,
Herbert Benson, president of the
New Orleans committee, who spoke
for a few minutes on the benefits
of the present post-season game
set-up in the nation. In his speech,
Mr. Benson stated that he was
most impressed with the great
spirit shown by the corps. Then
he turned to Registrar Howell and
presented him the famous trophy
to take in the name of the college
and keep until another team is de
clared the Sugar Bowl Champion.
The Sugar Bowl trophy, a huge
silver loving cup made in Eng'la. .d
in the year 1830, lined with gold
and engraved “Texas A. & M. 14,
Tulane 13”, will be placed in the
glass trophy case in the Academic
Building to rest there until next
New Year’s Day when a duplicate
will take its place to remain in
A. & M.’s possession forever.
Regret was expressed by Presi
dent Benson that the Sugar Bowl
Association’s vice-president and
successor, Abe Goldberg, and also
Warren Miller, past-president and
founder, could not attend the cere
monies. However the following
members of the committee did at
tend: Hap Reilly, publicity chair
man; Fred Digby of the New Or
leans Item-Tribune; Clarence
Strauss, secretary of the commit
tee; and Joseph David, treasurer.
Col. Ike Ashburn, at his best
in jokes and wise-cracking, opened
the banquet with the welcome
words “Everyone please be seated.”
Then a larger-than-expected crowd
of more than 800 football enthus
iasts sat down to a feast of broiled
tenderloin steak, French-friend po
tatoes, string beans and hot rolls,
followed by a dish of ice cream
covered with fresh strawberries.
While the eating was in progress
the Aggieland Orchestra provided
a musical menu of popular pieces
including among the numbers
their own interpretation of “Goodby
to Texas” and the increasingly
popular “I’d Rather Be A Texas
The program was opened with a
telegraphed message from Dr. Wal
ton in New York where he is at
tending a meeting of the Associa
tion of Land Grant Colleges; an
other from Bill Stern, NBC radio
announcer and sports commenta
tor; and another from President
Munroe of the Southern Pacific
Railway, all expressing their con
gratulations to the team and the
One of the best comments of the
banquet was expressed by Colonel
Ashburn about the same time ex
plaining the general feeling of the
crowd toward the past football sea
son. Shakespeare put the words in
his titles. “The past season,”
Col. Ike said, “was the achievement
of our “Midsummer Night’s
Dream”; it was “Much Ado About
Something,” and it was certainly
“As We Like It.”
Further entertainment for the
evening was provided by the Ag
gie Glee Club, introduced as “The
A. & M. Men’s Chorus.” They
gave three numbers, “God Bless
(Continued on page 4)