The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1940, Image 3

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t.C.Jeep' OATES
Sugar Bowl Pictures Are Bringing In
“Buttons” For The Athletic Club Dance
“Jo Jo” White, president of the
“T” Club informed this corner
that in two showings of the Sugar
Bowl pictures they had made
around $180. If they have a good
crowd at the annual field day pro
gram they will make enough
money to put on what will prob
ably be the greatest dance in the
history of the club.
Every member of the “T” Club
has done a great piece of work and
they are entitled to enough income
to put on a great dance. It is un
derstood that if enough is made
from the pictures and field day
that non-lettermen will be allowed
to make the hop free. In past
years squadmen have had to pay
and and it is hoped by this corner
that enough will be made so that
those “Blue Boys” won’t have to
put out their own money.
1940 Football Schedule Should Be Out
Soon; Nothing Is Definite At This Time
Many writers have been having
the Aggies playing everyone ex
cept Slippery Rock in 1940, but
as yet the only games that are def
inite are U. C. L. A. and the six
conference frays.
The cadets have been offered a
game by Ohio State, and we have
a date open at that time. It is
hoped by this column that this
game can become a reality. The
game with U. S. C. is out.
There may be a game played
at San Antonio next fall to make
up for the one that has been played
in Tyler in recent years. There
will only be nine games played, it
is understood.
Aggie Cagers Meet Test Here Tonight
Aggies Only Team With Claim To
Greatness Says New Orleans Writer
Not long ago Fred Digby, prom
inent New Orleans sports writer,
was discussing Tennessee’s flop
in the Rose Bowl and the outstand
ing teams of the country in gen
eral. He concludes, “The Trojans
and Volunteers of 1939 were good
teams. So were Tulane and Cor
nell and Georgia Tech, among oth
Quail season closed Tuesday, and
anyone caught hunting them now is
in for trouble . . . Art Adamson,
swimming coach, is still in the
market for a good goalie for his
water polo team that makes a trip
through the mid-west next month
. . . George Smith, editor of the
Longhorn, informs us that eight
extra pages on the Sugar Bowl are
being added to the annual . . .
“Rock” Audish and Bill Dawson,
the two football playing roomies,
have agreed to write this column
in the near future . . . They call
Audish “Grantland Rice” since he
scribbled a masterpiece for Bruce
“Bunny” Layer earlier in the year
. . . Jinx Tucker says he had rather
go to the Sugar Bowl than the
Rose Bowl. Yeah, it is not so
far to hitch hike, if necessary, on
the way back . . . The Quarter
back Club had its last meeting
Tuesday evening. . . . The Houston
A. & M. Club is urging Dean E.
J. Kyle to serve another year as
Used Books and Used Clothing
Introductory Problems in
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Elements of Thermodynamics
Physics by Housmann & Sach
Resistance of Materials
Soil Erosion
Land Drainage and Recla
Breeds of Livestock in
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College Geography
This Week’s Sale—
Business Law
Economics, Principles, Prob
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Modern Economics
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Serge Shirt, 14 , /2
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R. Y. Uniform, Log-Log Decitrig Slide Rule
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Guaranteed All Leather Shoes
Only $3.25
When You Have Anything To Buy Or Sell
Suits Only $21.00 Up
If It’s New — If It’s Smart
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Selection Of Fabrics For Men.
Bamboo Brown Aqua Green
Vangough Yellow Catalina Blue
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Tobacco Tan Moonhaze Grey
Rice Owls
Threaten To
Down Aggies
A. & M. Must Win
In Order To Remain
Conference Leader
By E. C. “Jeep” Oates
A double feature in the form of
two basketball games will be play
ed here tonight beginning at 6:30
when the freshman and varsity
teams of Rice and A. & M. tangle
in the first meeting between the
two teams for the present season.
Rice will be riding the crest so
far as a favored team is con
cerned. They have been beaten
once this year, but that was at the
In Carswell, Gomez, and Kin
ney, the Owls have three of the
top flight players of the confer
ence and they can all hit the bas
ket from anywhere.
The Aggies have hopes of mak
ing enough points from the middle
of the court to run their score up
and they also have hopes of cling
ing to the Owl stars so close that
they will not be able to get set
for a shot.
Bill Henderson, only sophomore
in the Aggie starting lineup, is
in fine shape. Captain Woody Var
ner, Jude Smith, “Frog” Duncan,
Charlie Stevenson, Billy Joe Adams
and Tom Tinker have been showing
improvement with every practice
J. T. Lang, who has been on the
injury list for several weeks, is
about ready to go again and may
be able to see some service tonight.
Coach Hub McQuillan has indi
cated that the team is in as good
shape as can be expected at this
time of the season. Captain Var
ner said, “We will ask no quarter
from any team that we meet dur
ing the remainder of the year.”
Fish Play First
Coach Manning Smith’s fresh
men will play their first game of
the year tonight starting at 6:30.
Scholastic difficulties are stand
ing in the way of several of his
best players, but he says that he
will have a team, or at least five
men on the floor.
The Rice Slimes are doped to
take this game with little trouble.
Rice is a school that goes out and
gets a bunch of basketball play
ers every year and the fighting
Fish will not have much chance
to win over the feathered flock.
Ready For Owls Tonight
14 Men Will Carry
T.C.U. Track Colors
FORT WORTH.—Around four
teen candidates will call for uni
forms when Coach Mack Clark of
Texas Christian University issues
the official call for track work
outs in a few weeks. Six letter-
men are numbered among the
Gail Smith, DeLeon; Pharis
Taylor, Kaufman; and Jim Nichol
and Bill Chappell, both of Fort
Worth, all won their letters in the
distance runs last season.
Smith brought the Frogs many
points in the half-mile and should
be one of Coach Clark’s best boys
in 1940.
Bob Cook, Fort Worth, out
with injuries most of last spring,
is expected to return to the fine
form that made him a sophomore
star in the shot and discus.
Robert Groseclose, Alice, will
be back for competition in the
hurdles and jumps.
Coach Clark’s biggest worry is
to find boys to replace Johnny
Hall and Brad Snodgrass, sprint
ers lost by graduation.
Ohio State University’s R. O. T.
C. equipment is valued at $506,000.
The youngest member of the
Texas legislature is a student at
East Texas State Teachers College.
chairman of the Athletic Council.
. . . . Match this—The Southwest
Conference has had two national
championship football teams, one
Rose Bowl team, three Sugar Bowl
champions and two Cotton Bowl
victors in the past five years. . .
Track men are beginning to prac
tice, and anyone wishing to go
out for this sport should get in
touch with “Dough” Rollins . . .
The three greatest living Texans—
Vice-president John Garner, Gov
ernor W. Lee O’Daniel, and John
Kimbrough. There is that middle
man again.
Left to right: J. T. Lang and Harold “Frog” Duncan. Lang is
a great floor man and team player besides being one of the best
point makers in the conference when the heat is on. He has been
out for the first two conference games with a badly twisted ankle,
but is expected to be able to go tonight.
Duncan is playing his second year with the Cadets and his height
is a big asset to the team. He has come along fast this season and is
due to see much service tonight and the rest of the season.
Texas Congressmen
Host To Kimbrough
Texas congressmen put aside
weighty legislative problems for
Monday night and heard about the
nation’s No. 1 football team, the
Texas A. & M. Aggies, from two
who should know, Head Coach
Homer Norton and fullback John
All-American John Kimbrough
and Coach Homer Norton were
luncheon guests of the Texas con
gressional delegation. Each gave
creidt to the other and to the re
mainder of the Aggie team for the
unbeaten-untied season of the
Sugar Bowl victors.
Norton pointed out he would lose
only three regular players by
graduation. The Aggie mentor told
the congressmen he thought that
Southern Methodist University
Mustangs probably will be his
team’s strongest opponent next
season, wtih Texas Christian Uni
versity looming as a serious threat.
Norton added he believed the Ag
gies will break tradition next
Thanksgiving Day and defeat Uni
versity of Texas on the Longhorns’
own field at Austin. Prospects are
good for strong Aggie teams the
next three years, Norton said.
He and Kimbrough were intro
duced by Jesse Jones of Houston,
federal loan administrator, and
Representative Mahon, in whose
district is situated Kimbrough’s
home town, Haskell. Mahon dis
closed that Kimbrough last year
turned down an offer he made
to him of an appointment to the
military academy.
Kimbrough was at Washington to
receive one of the annual awards
of the Touchdown Club to outstand
ing college football players of the
nation and to also receive a special
award as being “the outstanding
All-American football player of the
Eye Examination
And Glasses
Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Tex.
Next to Palace Theater
1939: A Year of Debate in Football
Although the 1939-40 football ■
year ended in a blaze of bowl bat
tles that drew more cash customers
than ever before, the season just
closed will not be famous for its
spectacular plays or players. Rath
er it will go down in the record
books as the year of the big un
finished debate: To pay or not to
Spotlighted into national promi
nence by the dramatic decision
of the University of Chicago to dis
continue intercollegiate football,
the old question of subsidization of
gridiron players was more vigor
ously discussed and more definite
ly acted upon than in any other
year since the advent of big-time,
highly-publicized pigskin encoun
It all began with the disastrous
point-a-minute losses of the Chica_
go team, a team that took beat
ing after beating in Big Ten com
petition, much to the chagrin of
Maroon fans. The fans, aided and
abetted by sports writers in all
sections of the nation, began the
clamour for alumni funds to aid
in securing hot-shot gridmen.
Then came the bombshell an
nouncement of the Chicago board
of trustees, which said in part:
“The university believes in athletics
and in a comprehensive program
of physical education for all stu
dents. It believes its particular
interests and conditions are such
that its students now derive no
special benefit from intercollegiate
football. The university looks up
on all sports as games which are
conducted under its auspices for
the recreation of the students. The
university will continue to promote
intramural sports and will en
courage all students to participate
in them.”
With this announcement, Chicago
authorities cancelled all football
games scheduled for the future and
asked Big Ten authorities to allow
it to continue intercollegiate partic
ipation in the 11 other sports spon
sored by it. It is expected that
the Big Ten’s answer to the Chica
go proposal will be made in the
near future.
Meanwhile, with less fanfare and
less comment from the columning
quarterbacks, Loyola University of
New Orleans calmly announced that
it is discontinuing intercollegiate
football so that the “large sums
of money spent annually on foot
ball can be spent on educational ex
On other fronts, too, subsidiza
tion was a large topic of discus
sion. At a meeting of the College
Physical Education Association,
Prof. L. C. Boles of College of
Wooster urged his colleagues not
to allow collegiate physical educa
tion to become a field for men of
“very limited mental capacity” to
continue in college for the sole
purpose of playing on teams.
At the University of Pittsburgh,
famed for its great football teams
and for its recurring subsidization
(Continued on page 4)
Fine weather brought on many
excellent games the first of this
week. Here’s hoping it prevails
for the remainder.
Class A water polo final play
offs commenced Tuesday with B
Coast Artillery turning out C
Coast Artillery with a score of 3
to 2 and A Chemical Warfare de
feating D Cavalry by the same
This gives B. Coast Artillery a
little rest for they now wait the
winner of one of the quarter final
games which is also being delay
ed on another match.
A Chemical Warfare faces the
strong F Field Artillery tank crew
on the list. This should be a
game well worth the time to
watch. The Field team hasn’t
been scored on this season while
the Chem team has had many op
ponents that have forced them to
play their best.
A Field Artillery put out their
best Tuesday evening to pace the
C Field court team and win the
upper-bracket’s place in the final
matches. This was probably the
best matches of the year.
Shelton and Giles downed Schott
and Krezdorn, 6-4, 6-0 and Harri
son and Hensel defeated Ayres
and Link, 6-3, 6-2.
On hand for the third game,
need it be played, were Edwards,
Allen, and Conly for A Battery
and Clarkson, Lilly, Duncan and
McElwrath for C Battery.
This gives B Coast Artillery a
games were started late yester
day evening with B Infantry and
B Coast making up one game and
F Infantry and E Engineers play
ing another.
The Infantry dominated the final
entries here with four teams be
ing in the last games.
In fish basketball finals, Bell
of A Infantry led his team to a
21-14 win over D Cavalry and
moved them to the semi-finals to
meet A Engineers.
L Infantry fish trounced over
the freshmen from F Field Artil
lery 30 to 14 and moved up step.
Their next opponent is M Infan
try who won their quarter final
game from A Coast Artillery.
High point man for the L Infan
try team was Harry.
Bayer marked up nine points
for M Infantry against A Coast
and helped to hold them to only
four points. The final score, 16
to 4.
Libby’s Tomato Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 for 1 .22
Won-Up Grape Fruit Juice, No. 2, 3 for 23
N. B. C. 100% Bran with one free 10
Libby’s Pineapple Juice, No. 1, for 25
Premier Lima Beans, No. 2 can .15
Mushroom Chips, large can 25
Folgers Coffee, 2 lbs 55
Folgers Coffee, 1 lb. .28
Mammoth Queen Olives, large size 35
Fresh Prunes, No. 2'/2 can — .15
Armour’s Chili, No. 2 can 15
Armour’s Tomatoes, No. 2 can .15
Pineapple, No. 2 sliced.... .15
Bacon, Morrill’s Pride, 1 lb. 25
Hams, half or whole, 1 lb 24
Chuck Roast, 1 lb .18
Sausage, Pure Pork, 1 lb 15
Pork Chops (Packing House), 1 lb. 20
Hen’s, Fryers, Fish and Oysters.
California Lettuce, large heads, each 04
Fresh Large Carrots, 2 bunches .05
Texas Oranges, large, 1 doz. .14
Winesap Apples, 1 doz .15
California Lemons, 490 size, 1 doz.— 12
We Deliver Phone 44 & 242
Begin by making to
day what you hope to-
morrow w|ill become.
In Thrift Lies Security
W. F. MUNNERLYN, Dist. Mgr.
H. E. Burgess S. L. Loveless
O. B. Donaho
P. L. Martin
The young man who
learns to save is the
one who succeeds in
the end.