The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 16, 1940, Image 1
Vanity Fair, Senior Favorites, Due For Longhorn February 1 The Battalion Student Tri-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College Official Newspaper of the City of College Station Leading Cadet Five Play Rice Owls Here Thursday Eve At 7:30 i <0 t t § 0 $ I <1 V o tr t V VOL. 89 PHONE 4-6444 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, JAN. 16, 1940 Z725 NO. 40 96 Degrees To Be Given At Mid-Term Largest February Class In History To Graduate Soon Degrees will be conferred upon the largest mid-semester graduat ing class of the history of the school when the semester ends, E. J. Howell, Registrar, has announc ed. Master of science degrees will be conferred upon 18 men, repre senting all branches of the school. Bachelor of science degrees will be conferred upon 81 men, while only three will receive the bachelor of arts degrees. This class will be considerably larger than the one which gradu ated last year at the mid-term. There were only 53 degrees award ed last year, as compared with 96 in this year’s class. The far-flung fame of Texas A. & M. is noted in the list of the home towns of the men graduat ing. From as close as right here in College Station to as far away as India, and from as far south Venezuela, men come here for their higher education. The class has representatives of almost every part of Texas. Three other states, California, Louisiana, and Okla homa are also represented. The largest group receiving one degree are the 20 graduating in agriculture. The second group is agricultural administration, with (Continued on page 4) 50 Attend Dairy Short Course Here Approximately 50 men from all parts of Texas had signed up Monday for the Thirteenth Annual Dairying Manufacturing Short Course which is being sponsored by the Department of Dairy Husban dry. The short course opened Mon day and will continue through Thursday. Many outstanding dairy men are here for the meeting. Among them are Dr. E. L. Fouts of the Dairy Department of Oklahoma A. & M., and M. E. McMurry, man ager of the Texas Dairy Products Association of Ft. Worth who will be the principal speaker at the banquet to be held in Sbisa Hall Wednesday night. All meetings are being held in the creamery, and assignments have been made so that each stu dent may attend all of the labora tory sessions. PRIZES OFFERED TO WRITERS IN PETROLEUM Writing Sponsored By Oil Weekly Magazine Jack Ballagh, head of the Patter- son-Ballagh Corporation, together with Ray Dudley, president of The Oil Weekly, have conceived the idea of making an added incentive for technical writing among pe troleum production engineering students. These men have secured the cooperation of a number of oil-field equipment manufacturers in sponsoring papers on oil-field equipment and contributing cash awards for the best papers. The total amount of awards to be given is $155. The companies participating in the sponsoring of the contests are the Reed Roller Bit Co., Sperry Sun Well Survey ing Co., National Tank Co., Hali- burton Oil Well Cementing Co., National Tank Co., Copper-Bes- semer Corp., and the Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. The number of students competing for the large awards is much greater than the number competing for the smaller awards. By the response of the senior class of last year it was questioned whether this fine gesture on the part of the manufacturing com panies was appreciated. However, papers turned in their term have shown such pronounced improve ment that it is believed the con sideration of the manufacturers is more than justified. H. E. Gross, associate professor in the Petroleum: Engineering De partment, states that he hopes that many of the men will be available within a few years as contributors or writers for trade journals. Economics Club To Show Moving Picture On “Money At Work” The Economics Club will pre sent a motion picture in sound Wednesday night at 7:30 in the Chemistry Lecture Room. The name of the film is “Money At Work” and it was produced to show the major role that money plays in our economics system. The picture is especially produced for the use of member banks of the American Bankers Association and is excellent from every techni cal standpoint. It is being shown here on the campus through the courtesy of the City National Bank of Bryan. After the showing of the film, Mr. Henry Oliver, president of the State National Bank of Houston will give a short talk on the sub ject, “Banking.” He will also an swer any questions that the audi ence may have. WTA ll Presents Programs Of Wide Interest To All Texans With the limited time at the- disposal of W.T.A.W., the radio voice of Texas A. & M. College, a schedule of programs is presented of interest to listeners in every walk of life. Best known is the Texas Farm and Home program which originates in College Sta tion each week-day morning from 11:30 until 11:45, and is brought to listeners throughout the state via the Texas Quality Network. This program is of interest to farmers and those connected with agriculture. The entire facilities of the State Agricultural Experi ment Station and the Extension Service are placed at the disposal of the people of the state. Innova tions in farm methods, suggested improvements, and round table dis cussion groups are presented with the aim of helping the farmer to meet and overcome his problems. Suggestions from listeners in the form of letters and cards serve f'- a guide to the planning ol programs. Of local and student appt -..e three periods. Sp-Oatescast, a sports commentary by E. C. “Jeep” Oates, Battalion sports editor, is heard from 11:45 until 12:00 on Friday morning. The Aggie Clam bake, a musical and vocal unre hearsed feature comes on Friday afternoon from 4:30 until 5:15. Following the Clambake is The Battalion Newscast, narrated by columnist George Fuermann, and C. A. Montgomery Jr., of The Bat talion staff. The Newscast is concerted with news affecting students directly, as well as that pertaining to the college in gen eral. At the conclusion of the Newscast, cadets prominent in stu dent life are interviewed about their parts in the students’ scheme of things. Also of particular student appeal is the “Masterworks,” period. On Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings, from 11:45 until 12:00, recordings of classical music are heard. Any number which is heard on this program is available for re playing at the Music Room on the third floor of the library, “Folks and Musi'* ” recordings made T *'"" . A. Owens 'tment of „ morning from 11:45 until 12:00. j Conservation of natural resources and wild-life, is the theme of “Save America!”, an electrical trans cription dramatizing the need for the wider adoption of conservation practices. Norton Awarded Five-Year Contract Portrait Of Walton May Be Presented A. & M. By Group Of Ex-Students Soon Coach Rewarded For Championship Team Of This Year Film Record of New Orleans Festivities, Sugar Bowl Game, At Bryan This Week A life-sized portrait of President T. O. Walton will be presented to A. & M. College, if plans of a group of Texas citizens and friends of the institution material ize. This group, led by Melvin J. Miller, ’ll, and John C. Burns, ’04, both of Fort Worth, has se cured a nationally famous portrait artist, Seymore M. Stone of New York, to do a life-sized portrait of Dr. Walton. When completed the portrait will be presented to A. & M. with fitting ceremonies. In addition to Messrs. Miller and Burns the portrait fund commit tee includes Col. Clarence Owsley, Fort Worth; Calvin P. Dodson, ’ll, Decatur; C. C. Krueger, ’12, San Antonio; Marion S. Church, ’05, Dallas; Walter Booth, Sweet water; C. M. Evans, ’08, Dallas; Dr. Marvin Lee Graves, Hous ton; George C. Chance, Bryan; Burrus Jackson, ’27, Hillsboro; Walter E. Dickerson, ’ll, Corpus Christi; H. B. Zachry, ’22, Laredo, and R. T. Shiels, ’10, Dallas. John C. Burns, treasurer of the committee, requests that any sub scriptions be made promptly, with checks made payable to the T. O. Walton Portrait Fund and mailed to 1603 Fort Worth National Bank Building, Fort Worth. Deadline Extended For Annual Aggie Playwright Contest The deadline for entries into the contest sponsored by the manage ment of the 1940 Aggie Play has been extended from the original date of January 5th to February 1st. This contest is featured to obtained producible plays written by A. & M. students, with the win ning play actually produced on the stage at A. & M. College. The prizes are $25, $10, and $5. The original requirements for the plot of the play were that it be a murder mystery with A. & M. life used as a background. Due however, to the difficulty of writ ing murder mysteries or to the lack of interest in that type of play, the management has opened the contest to any type of play based on A. & M. life. No prizes will be awarded un less the judges decide that the best plays are worthy of production. The play may be submitted in nar rative or dramatic form. The management reserves the right to make use of the material from any manuscript turned in and to make alterations in the story which is selected for production. Entries must be turned in to R. L. Elkins of the Economics De partment. Salary Is Undisclosed, But Estimated $10,000 Head Coach Homer Hill Norton was awarded for his great change in tactics and the splendid record of the Aggies this year with a five-year contract extending through the 1944 football season, Saturday at a joint meeting of the A. & M. Athletic Council and the Athletic Committee of the Col lege Board of Directors. At the same time the salaries of Norton’s assistants were also raised. It has been announced that the Aggies would play the University of California at Los Angeles. Games with Ohio State at Colum bus and possibly with California University at Berkley, are under consideration. These opponents along with the other six of the suicide Southwest Conference teams might go to make up the toughest schedule ever encounter ed by a Cadet team, and yet eight starters and 16 other lettermen will return to make the season a promising one. “So far as I’m concerned, I’m very happy and am not interested in a job anywhere besides A. & M. College of Texas,” the veteran coach stated at the close of the Tulane game. Norton came here in 1934 after finishing two perfect seasons at Centenary where he coached sev eral undefeated teams. Under him, the Aggies have won 33 games, lost 23, and tied 6. Eleven games were added to the win group this year with much the similar team that lost five, won four, and tied one last year. The contract was dated Septem ber 1, 1940, to the end of the play ing season of 1945. It was esti mated that the new salary was around $10,000 per year. GEOLOGIST TO ADDRESS CLUBS A. I. Levorsen, of Tulsa, Okla homa, chairman of the research committee of the American Asso ciation of Petroleum Geologist and past president of the associa tion, will stop at A. & M. Wed nesday on his way for a geologi cal meeting in Houston this week. While at A. & M., Mr. Levorsen will be taken on an inspection trip through the college and Wednes day night will address a joint meeting of the Geology and Petrol eum Clubs at 7:30 in the Geology Lecture room. His subject will be “Some Frontiers in Petroleum Geology.” Since graduating from the Uni versity of Minnesota in 1917, Mr. Levorsen has been active in mid continent oil field practice. He has made an extensive study of the “convergence theory” in locating oil fields and has applied the theory in his practice. At present he is a consulting geologist. A film featuring the Aggie foot ball team as it clinched its title of No. 1 team in the nation over Tulane in the New Orleans Sugar Bowl on New Year’s Day appears on the regular Tuesday, Wednes day, and Thursday program of the Queen Theater in Bryan this week. Other scenes show the Aggie Band in action, the track and tennis meets, the horse racing, and the merry-making and festivities be fore and after the game. This special is believed to be the most complete film record of this memor able event, and should prove of interest and entertainment to every Aggie whether he did or did not make the trip. The regular feature is the film “Night of Nights” starring Pat O’Brien. Sanitation Course Offered Here; Will Begin In February A three months’ course for mu nicipal sanitation officers, starting February 10, has been announced by the Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, headed by Professor E. W. Steel. It will be the first course of its kind of fered in the Southwest. The course is similar to the training course for sanitarians advocated by the U. S. Public Health Service. Operators of water plants, sew age plants and swimming pools; sanitary inspectors of milk, food, and plumbing; supervisors of mosquito and rodent control; and others, are expected to be inter ested in the course. Included in the work program will be lectures and field work on fundamental methods of water, sewage, and milk analysis; plumbing, garbage dis posal, swmming pool operation, rodent and mosquito control, food and milk inspections, abattoirs, housing and the like. The course will begin at A. & M. February 10. Further details may be secured from Professor E. W. Steel, head of the Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineer ing. MARINE CORPS TO ENLIST 2,000 MEN A representative of the United States Marine Corps will be at the post office in Waco, Texas, on January 22, 23, 24, and 25, for the purpose of interviewing and ex amining applicants for enlistment in the United States Marine Corps. Young men between the ages of 18 and 30, single, white, not less than 64 inches nor more than 74 inches tall, with no one depending upon them for support, will be ex amined for acceptance in the Ma rine Corps. Davis And Dahl Report Interesting And Educational Trip To Meeting Of Student Federation In Minnesota Bruce Davis By Charles Montgomery Bruce Davis, senior of A Chemi cal Warfare Service, and Keith Dahl, junior of 3rd Combat Field Artillery, represented A. & M. at the annual convention of the Na tional Student Federation of Amer ica, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during the Christmas holidays. The N. S. F. A. is an organiza tion of student government lead ers from over 200 colleges and universities throughout the coun try. The object of the convention is to discuss problems relating to student welfare and student gov ernment. This year is the first time that A. & M. has been repre sented. i Davis said that since most of the representatives were from coed ucational schools, there were some (Continued on page 4) Federal Credit Union Of A. & M. To Meet Thursday Local Union Organized In June; Has 79 Members The first annual meeting of the Texas A. & M. Federal Credit Union will be held in room 312 Agriculture Bldg, on Thursday, January 18, for the reporting of all work of the organization to date and the election of officers for the new year. Since this is a very new organi zation on the campus this annual meeting will be open to all mem bers of the college staff interest ed in finding out what federal union is and particularly what the local one has done. The local union was organized in June, 1939, and began opera tions in July. The summer months were used to become established and acquainted with its work, and the fall has shown a steady growth without any particular publicity and no drive for membership. Today, the organization has about 79 members, has made about 30 loans, none of which have been delinquent, and no charge-offs have been necessary. All details with regard to the union, its opera tion, and type of credit and saving service to staff members of the college will be explained at the meeting. In general a federal credit union is a cooperative association organ ized to promote thrift among its members and create a source of credit for useful purposes. It is chartered and supervised through the Farm Credit Administration. A credit union helps its members to save money conveniently, safely, and in small sums. Savings may be used to purchase shares in the credit union, either monthly, or on pay days, or at irregular intervals. The money thus saved is loaned to members at reasonable rates of interest. Dr. Summey To Build Home In Oakwood Work has been started on a story and a half American Colonial home for Dr. and Mrs. George Summey Jr. in North Oakwood ad dition. Architects for the residence are Jack Atkinson and Olin Sanders. General contractor is Ole Martin- sen. The home will be completed in April. The house will be brick veneer and frame, with attached garage and servants’ quarters. It will have an asbestos shingle roof textured to match old weathered wood shin gles. It will be completely insu lated in walls and ceiling with rockwool. There will be two baths in the house and one in the serv ants’ quarters. King Cotton To Be Named Here Tonight Bigger And Better Floor Show Planned For In Cotton Ball Tonight, in what is expected to be a hotly contested election, the King of the annual Cotton Ball of the Agronomy Society will be chosen from some 40 eligible sen iors. Following the election, the as sistants to the business manager and social secretary will be select ed, and the various committees ap pointed. This year’s plans are expected to add new splendor and prestige to this already widely-known event. Bigger and better floor and fash ion shows are promised. Oscar Johnson, president of the Nation al Cotton Council, and president and director of the world’s larg est cotton plantation, the Delta and Pine Land Company of Scott, Mississippi, will crown the king at the ceremony, April 19. The proceeds of the dance are used to finance an inspection trip for three agronomy seniors through several foreign countries. Interesting Talk Expected In Town Hall Friday Night From a recent interview of Wal ter Lacey of Waco, who is a mem ber of the Texas A. & M. Board of Directors, it was learned that he is a close friend of Frank Bald win, editor of The Waco Times Herald and of the Waco News Tribune, who will present a lec ture to the A. & M. Town Hall on Friday, January 19, at 7:30 p. m. in Guion Hall. Baldwin writes a column that is widely read throughout the South west, and is a noted lecturer over the state of Texas. He is spoken highly of by Lacy, who said “Frank has an excellent knowledge of the present European situation, and he has an interesting story to tell of it,” and by Edwin J. Kiest of Dallas, also of the Board of Di rectors, who said that Baldwin “Is the Waco Times Herald” and “Is the News Tribune.” An interesting evening is antic ipated for Friday night, when Baldwin will speak here. Those who heard the talk of Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., here last year may expect a talk of the same nature as Vanderbilt’s discussion of Eu ropean affairs at that time- Poll Shows College Students To Favor R.O.T.C. Training Should the United States have to mobilize, many of its Army of ficers will come from the ranks of college men, and a draft would cal' undergraduates at an early stage Long a subject of controversy in legislatures and in bull sessions, the advisability of military train ing on the campus assumes new significance with war again ir Europe. What is the tenor of opinion or the R.O.T.C. today among thost young people for whom this mil itary training is intended, whe will have to join the battle lines in case of war? National student opinion on this matter has nevei before been known with scientific accuracy. The Student Opinion Surveys of America, cooperating with The Battalion and nearly 150 other college newspapers, presents it for the first time. AN OVERWHELMING NUM BER OF STUDENTS—86 PEU CENT—FAVOR R.O.T.C. TRAIN ING. In its most extensive research poll the Surveys has yet attempted, interviewers from coast to coast were assigned to ask this question of a mathematical cross section of collegians representing every in stitution of higher learning in the nation, “Do you believe R.O.T.C. military training—either compul sory or voluntary—should be taught in colleges and universities —or do you believe it should not be taught at all?” The surveys found approval everywhere, with these variations: 1. Although a good majority are in favor in every section of the country, the largest number of dissenters—one-fifth in each case— was found in the East Central and West Central states. 2. Only 4 per cent more women than men are opposed to the R. O. T. C. 3. Military training is most pop ular in schools where it is volun tary, least where it is not taught at all. 4. Of students who approve, well over half believe it should be vol untary only. The national tabulations are as follows: Of all students, there: Men Women Both Approve 87% 83% 86% Disapprove 13 17 14 (Continued on page 4)