The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 06, 1940, Image 1

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    Graff Ballet Will
Appear Here Tuesday
Student Tri-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College
Official Newspaper of the City of College Station
The Battalion Wishes
All a Happy New Year
VOL. 39 PHONE 4-5444
Z725 NO. 36
Cinches Sugar Bowl for A. & M.
Above is shown the 14th point of the New Year’s Day Sugar Bowl game between the Texas Aggies
and Tulane University—the conversion that won the game, placing the score at 14 to 13 for the Aggies
where it remained till the final gun went off.
The ball is shown in the air, just after it had been kicked by Walemon “Cotton” Price, under pressure
as the game went into its final minutes. “Big John” Kimbrough made both touchdowns; Price made
both succeeding points.
This shot is an exclusive by Battalion staff photographer Phil Golman.
Entire A.&M. Band, 210
Strong, Enjoys Bowl Trip
Students To
Take Flying
Study Named
Actual Flying To
Begin In Course
With New Term
Actual flying, in the new aero
nautical course being offered at
A. & M. this year for the first
time, will begin around the first
of February, according to Dean
Gilchrist. Another item of inter
est is that a hangar is being erect
ed on the new college flying field
just west of Lake Shinola, about
two miles from the campus.
Out of approximately 250 appli
cants, only 40 were picked for
actual flying by requirement; how
ever, a few more will be allowed
to take the ground course. The
forty students have just recently
been selected. They are as follows:
Beckham, Charles A.; Bell, Jeff
E.; Brown, Sam Ed; Campbell, Lee;
DeFee, William H.; Duke, Frank
R.; Gaffney, John R.; Grady, W.
R.; Ilfrey, Jack M.; Ivey, B. H.;
Keeter, John J., Jr.; Kerr, S. E.,
Jr.; Koelling, Robert K.; Kopp,
Adolph; Knight, John C.; Krueger,
L. R., Jr.; Kummel, V. M.; Lea,
Alfred L.; Loggie, William D.;
Maddux, Norman F.; Melton, Wil
liam C.; Montgomery, William J.;
Murphy, P. L.; Osborn, Gray J.;
Oswalt, William H.; Propst, John
R.; Rollins, Henry M.; Rowland,
James M.; Salter Richard D.; Simp
son, Donald P.; Smith, James C.;
Stracener, James R.; Tabor, Claude
E., Jr.; Tate, James B.; Walker,
Frank E., Jr.; Williams, Luther
B. ; Bowles, Carey E.; Isbell, Jack
M. ; Pearce, R. B.
Work of Placement
Office Advancing;
550 Seniors Filed
There have been 550 seniors to
date who have filled out the blanks
issued by the Placement and Per
sonnel Division of the Former Stu
dents Association, stated Lucian
Morgan of the Former Students
Office today. This is fairly good
response; however, there are still
around 250 out of the 800 seniors
who haven’t filled out a blank. As
soon as the records for the class
of 1940 I/xve been completed, the
division will start on records of
students of past graduating classes.
There will be two records for
each student. One of the records
is filled out by the various mem
bers of the respective departments
of the students. In this record the
particularly strong points and
weak points of the student will be
recorded along with the rating on
scholarship, industry, aggressive
ness, common sense, accuracy,
leadership, appearance, ability to
get along with people, and char
acter. The other record is to be
filled out by the student, giving
personal data, scholastic informa
tion, and present and future ad
dresses. A picture of the student
will be also be placed on this page.
Consolidated School
Buildings Cost $81,000
Within a very short time stu
dents of the local consolidated
school will be attending their
classes in the newly constructed
school buildings in College Park.
Occupation is slated to begin about
February 1, with the grade stu
dents being moved in somewhat
in advance of the high school stu
The new school was constructed
to accommodate 420 grade students
and 200 high school students, and
only a small minor detail is at
present holding up completion. The
contractors are waiting for a ship
ment of hardware to complete the
The total cost of the plant is
set at $81,000 with $3,000 being
used to purchase equipment and
another $3,000 being paid for the
14 acre plot on which the school
is located. In connection with this
last statement it is notable to ob
serve that the funds used to pur
chase the grounds were raised
through public subscription, with
D. B. Gofer and J. W. Mitchell be
ing very instrumental in this work.
The 14 acres will supply a fat-
greater area for playgrounds than
was* to be found around the old
school. Included on the grounds
is to be a fully developed foot
ball field.
Featured in the building equip
ment is the loud-speaking system
which has been installed. The sys
tem is capable of carrying two dis
tinct programs simultaneously.
One more teacher will be hired
and the library will receive sub
stantial additions. The buildings
will be heated by gas with the
jacketed stoves completely venti
lated to the outside.
The arrangement and type of
buildings is somewhat unique in
comparison with other schools. Be
cause of the frame construction
the school was built in separate
units to avoid fire hazards and
possible fire losses. The architects
planned the school on the new
building trend which sets forth the
idea that huge one-structure schools
are things of the past. There is
a tendency in the building of mod
ern schools to segregate each divi
sion in a separate building. This
serves to reduce the floor area
of circulation facilities (corridors,
halls, stairways, etc.) to a mini
mum and thereby give more space
to instruction.
Student architects of the college
(Continued on page 4)
Construction on the new College
Station picture show at the North
Gate will be completed sometime
in the latter part of January or
the first of February if weather
conditions permit.
It Jiad been announced that the
theater would be opened after the
Christmas holidays, but unfavor
able weather conditions delayed
construction. The building is nearly
finished, and the aound and screen
equipment are to be installed soon.
By Bob Nisbet
“The best trip we have ever en
joyed as a band.” That’s the word
from members of the Aggie Band
just returned from the Sugar Bowl
Game against Tulane in New Or
leans. Truly the Band and all its
members were treated royally from
the time they left at 8:30 last Sat
urday night until they returned
Six coaches were reserved for
the Band, providing enough seats
so that everyone had room enough
to make a bed. Then the conductor
passed out free pillows and turn
ed what could have been a very
uncomfortable ride into a pleasant
In New Orleans the Municipal
Auditorium underwent a chameleon
change into sleeping quarters for
a small army. Toilet facilities and
showers were provided with the
beds, and transportation over the
city was accomplished by means of
eight special busses and a police
escort with sirens blaring.
For Sunday’s noon meal the Band
was the special guest of the New
Orleans Athletic Club, where a bar
becue steak dinner and all the
trimmings were served. Formal
serving of the meal put the boys
to a task to choose the right fork,
but the eating of the big steaks
which overlapped the sides of the
plates was no task at all.
Sunday afternoon was spent in
making music while famous track
stars, such as Glen Cunningham,
Don Lash, Wayne and Blaine Ride
out, Archie San Romani, Walter
Mehl, and John Quigley, broke re
cords and crowned themselves with
The Band also did its share in
helping the citizens of New Orleans
to make merry Sunday night while
the New Year arrived; and then
Monday morning had to leave at
10:30 for the Sugar Bowl where
the game started at 1:15. Monday
afternoon was the never-to-be-for
gotten football game with the
Band’s performance between
halves. The ride home Monday
night wound up the trip and there
are the activities of the Band, as
a group.
What each member did with his
spare time was up to him as an
individual, and some mighty tall
tales will be told regarding this
and that.
Sub-Station of Post
Office Opened For
New Dorm Students
The post office substation, locat
ed in the new “Y”, opened for
business January 1st. The substa
tion is in charge of O. E. Teague,
assisted by Rodger Jackson.
The new substation handles all
kinds of mail from packages and
letters to money orders. Although
boxes have not been installed at
the present time, it is hoped to
have between 1,500 and 1,600 by
February 1. The box numbers will
be larger than those at the main
post office so as to avoid duplica
tion as much as possible. Box rent
will be the same as that at the
main office. Letter mail will be
handled through the main office
until the boxes are installed.
Course In Fish And
Game To Be Offered
A. & M. students interested in
wildlife will have a chance to
study in this field, according to an
announcement made by the De
partment of Fish and Game of
the School of Agriculture. A
course in Fish and Game will be
inaugurated in the spring of 1940
for students who, while not intend
ing to major in fish and game,
would like to know something
about the field.
The course is cesigned to give
a sound but not too detailed in
sight into wildlife problems to
students in engineering, arts and
sciences, veterinary medicine and
the various departments in the
agricultural school.
The new course, to be known
as Fish and Game 406, will con
stitute a survey of principles of
fish and game development.
The Aggieland Inn has begun
the new year with a new appear
For some time huge scaffolds
have encircled the building and
painters have been at work. The
work in progress completely re
novates the building, which is be
ing repainted both inside and out.
All the woodwork is being re
finished, and each room is receiving
a new coat of paint, with atten
tion being given to a revival of
the appearance of the floors. All
the furniture will be renovated, and
the corridors will be equipped with
new rugs. And as a feature for
aiding the appetite, the dining
room has lost its old color of
tan and is now a pleasing green.
After all this information has
been obtained on each graduate,
it will be reprinted and placed in a
booklet form. All the engineers
will be in one booklet, and so on
in the other departments. There
will be two books printed—one for
the student’s department and one
for the Placement Division.
The Freshman Class begins its
social activities with the Annual
Freshman Ball to b*' held next
Saturday night fr<- 'e until
twelve o’clock in tn T all.
Final plans were co ’ast
night in a meeting of l
man class. According to Fi
Rainey, chairman of the entt
ment committee, the Ball wili^, ^
held in Sbisa Hall with Tomim^.^
Littlejohn and his orchestra fur
nishing the rhythm. Seniors are
invited to attend. Scrip will be
From Cajuns to Debutantes, Jitterbuggin’ to Football,
Aggies Spent a ‘Great’ Weekend at Annual Sugar Bowl
By George Fuermann
Hello . . . Hello . . . Yes, how
are you? Got back at 11 o’clock
Tuesday morning. No, the foot
ball “special” arrived a couple of
hours later.
only mildly expresses it. From
Cajuns to debutantes, Tom Col
linses to Ramos’ Gin Fizzes, foot
ball to jitterbuggin’, and from
gambling to con games, we spent
an unforgetable weekend in New
Oh yes, most of us went by
in, but many of the fellows
'ged to talk the family out
t car and, as usual, some
the thumb.
., the truth is, the trip did
have its dark moments. Many of
us left on an early train, believing
■that we would arrive several hours-f tree
early, but the thing finally pulled
in to New Orleans six hours late
because of a train wreck at Orange
which we had to detour around.
You’re right—housing facilities
were scarce and expensive, but
were we ritzy! We lived in a $10
hotel room—no less! There were
five of us in the room and the floor
was none too good for the two who
drew the shortest matches. We
learned later that the New Or
leans C. of C. turned the municipal
auditorium into Aggie sleeping
quarters for $1.50 a night. Most
of us didn’t do much sleeping,
I wish you could have seen
the thirty-odd cadets who did what
little sleeping came their way New
Year’s night under the Christmas
in the lobby of the Roosevelt-
Hotel. There they were—sleeping
away covered with glistening arti
ficial snow thrown on them by on
lookers. It really cost some of the
fellows, though, because some rot
ten thief managed to swipe four
or five wallets while they were
Yeah, that was a shame; but
one reveling Louisianian woke the
boys up at six o’clock that morn
ing and bought all of them forty-
cent breakfasts.
Is New Orleans a fine city?
YOU BET IT IS; One of the
swellest places any of us have
ever visited, and those people real
ly know the meaning of Southern
Hospitality. And as for celebra
tion and gaiety — Louisianians
know the real meaning of the
■words. We Aggies will never for
get the New Year’s Eve we spent
in New Orleans.
Sure, there were PLENTY of
dates. Anything from Sophie
Newcomb-coeds to French Quarter
Cajuns. Yeah, and best of all,
they weren’t golddiggers, either.
What’s that? Well, it’s hard
to describe it. There were thous
ands of people milling around
downtown New Orleans—it seemed
as though all Louisiana was on
Canal Street waiting for Mother
Time to have her annual blessed
event. The noisy din was inde
scribable as the mingled noises of
toy horns, whiz-bangs, firecrack
ers, and gay shouting and laughing
harmonized with the city’s color
fully decorated stores and streets.
(Continued on page 4)
Town Hall Presents Graff
Ballet Here Tuesday Night
Assets of A. & M.
Run to $16,239,281
State Auditor Tom C. King has
recently listed the assets of the
Texas A. & M. College at $16,239,-
281, exclusive of its one-third in
terest in oil royalty endowments
of the University of Texas, and its
bonded debt at $3,257,960.
The valuation was contained in
a report of an audit of A. & M.
and its branches.
The college’s bonded debt for
1939 increased $1,288,460 over the
previous year, due in the main to
a $2,000,000 RFC loan for twelve
new dormitories and a mess hall.
John Tarleton College had as
sets of $1,781,276, while bonded
debts amounted to $56,000. Assets
of North Texas Agricultural Col
lege totaled $1,161,574 and the
bonded debt $56,000. Assets of
Prairie View were listed at $2,026,-
Edward L. Jones, junior stu
dent in petroleum engineering at
A. & M., died December 31st at
Baylor Hospital in Dallas as a
result of injuries received in an
airplane crack-up south of the
Basso Airport on the Madison-
ville road. The accident occurred
last December 16th in the late
afternoon in a plane piloted by
James Cashen, also of A. & M.
Jones was a junior In D Infan
try, 21 years old, and was from
Buffalo, Texas. He died about one
o’clock on Sunday morning from
gas gangrene which started in his
leg as a result of a compound
fracture received in the crash. The
leg was removed in an attempt
to save his life.
Jones was in the plane with his
roommate, Cashen, who acted as
pilot and who also was very severe
ly injured in the fall, which oc
curred in an attempted turn short
ly after the take-off of the plane.
Cashen is now in a hospital in
Houston and has been reported as
doing very well with the probabil
ity of being able to return to
school in the fall.
Jones was buried in Buffalo on
New Year’s Day. A. & M. cadets
acted as pallbearers.
Yesterday afternoon Virgil
Mercer, manager and owner of the
College Inn Cafe, made public his
transactions with J. C. Penneston
for assuming part ownership and
management of the new College
Courts Coffee Shop, formerly
known as Vannoy’s.
The cafe, after its closing Thurs
day night, is planned to be reopen
ed in about one week. While it is
closed over $2,000 is to be spent
on repairs, remodeling, and en
larging. The dining room, which
previously had a seating capacity
of 36, is to be enlarged so that
it will hold 76 people.
The coffee shop is to be re
finished throughout and, accord
ing to the management, promises
to be one of the most modern
cafes in the Southwest when it is
New Magnolia Station
Opened at College
John Bravenec is opening a new
Magnolia service station on High
way 6 this week. The new attrac
tive station, which is located in
College Hills Estates and faces the
New Main entrance to the college,
is one of the most completely
equipped stations in the county.
Bravanec will feature one stop
service and will include auto re
pair work.
Grace and Kurt
Graff, Directors,
Accompany Group
Ballet Represents The
Trend of Modern Dance
Grace and Kurt Graff, directors
of and solo dancers with their
brilliant company the Graff Ballet
now on tour in the east, will visit
A. & M. for the first time under
the sponsorship of Town Hall.
Their performance, which promises
to be one of the theater highlights
of the season, will take place at the
Assembly Hall next Tuesday at
7:30 p. m.
The Graffs represent the best of
the American and European trends
in the dance today. Grace Graff,
formerly Grace Cornell, is an
American of pioneer stock whose
family was among the first set
tlers in Chicago. Kurt Graff, a
German of French ancestry, was
born near the Beethoven House in
the city of Bonn on the Rhine.
Behind their present engage
ments lies a severe routine of train
ing both in the classical ballet
and modern dance, for each of
these dancers was a soloist in his
own right before collaboration.
After studying in Chicago,
Grace Graff, then Grace Cornell,
went to Paris to study ballet from
one of the imperial exiles, and with
the great Cecchetti of Italy. While
in Paris, she made her debut in
the Champs Elysees Theatre. Re
turning to America, she appeared
in a series of performances at the
Booth Theater in New York, in
Philadelphia with the Philharmonic
Orchestra under the direction of
Stokowski, and in many of the
major cities in the U. S.
Her interest in the modern ballet
became aroused and she returned
to Europe to study with Rudolph
von Laban, the instigator of the
(Continued on page 4)
Delivery of New
Equipment Delays
Water Supply Here
It will be a matter of only three
weeks now before the A. & M^
students and residents of College
Station will receive a promised
new water supply, according to
City Manager Scott of Bryan. The
delay to date has been caused by
the waiting for the delivery of
several necessary transformers
from Schenectady, New York.
These transformers were to have
been shipped yesterday. The water
was promised before by the city
to be furnished before or shortly
after Christmas.
This new water project promises
to be the finest in the state on its
completion, as the machines, pumps
and piping are reported to be of the
latest type. The water to be fur
nished by this new system has been
analyzed by the United States
Geological Survey and has been
announced “unbelievably pure.” It
is an enormous improvement over
the water now in use which con
tains a very high percentage of
mineral matter.
Maintenance For
January Due Monday
Monday will be the final day
for payment of January maintain-
ence, according to an announce
ment made by the Fiscal Office.
Fees for the month will total $30.
The Fiscal Office will remain open
until 5 p. m. Monday to afford
opportunity for students to make
The fees for the second semester
may be paid by old students any
time after February 1, the office
announced. The fee for entrance
at the second semester for dormi
tory students will be $55.50, with
out the YMCA Privilege card.
Those who wish to purchase a
show card will pay an additional