' V * . I w ■ H Of*- My JY| My trpi TWO FINGERS ’pu^t is on her rscstion, trp^t*s awau fpr a week. My trpudt us in her vaearion ' wirile these damb keys pley hude and >*««•]. • 1 ! • Bren BucW bting back Oy, bnilff barj mub Onnie to me ti me; BHAng b-Uj. be-ng bica, I Aj, brogg brsk m— belnio-Imx. • kUk. dabit-dubit-dabit-dabit ! • Pi Phi: j*T was up every night till four durirfe vacation.** Chi O: pThat’s nothing. I went to ‘ bed with fhe milkman every morainic during mme!” , F I —Siren DICTATED ■OT NOT READ "Noar, Mias Blog,*’ boomed Jasper W. Whurtle. Of Laundry Co., to M I want you to you write a Whirlwind stenographer, that when I want it written r Wyatt’s Flower as dicttnd.and not the way you might be used to writing them. Under- hMddltn .»Jj "Yea, air." «AR|ntM' , tikdj a letter." A day later. Mr O. i! Squixz, of the Squiaa Flexible Soap and Equipment Company, received the following: K. or A^ J. something—see what th#.devil the old cod*, r’a name M ^idn^hint of the Squiaa—I would n't give g dog hat nan*—Flexible Soap CeMFftfcy—the <*♦"» gyps—Chi cago that'* in Illinois, ain’t it?" |Mr^ Squiaa: You are a helluva business man. No,' start over. He*s a crook b^t;! cant insult him or the bum will sue me. Quit chewing that pencil. It makes q* nervous. That last shipment of soap that you sent up was of inferior quality, ah, unless you can ship, durniah, thip, no furnish me with yodrlMfljnlarl *oap, you needn't »hip us no more period. Say honey, you are going to have to sit on the other knee awhile^ this one is about to go to sleep. Thp dam cigar is out again, pardon me, and further more whkfct |wpa I? I like those stockings you've got on, baby. “That soap you sent us wasn't fit to wash dishmy no! make It dogs, and we are comma sending'it back period. Bi^h qiy name to; that and mail It. ITlfjkMq at the carbon tomorrow. Say honey, you know/ my wife is out of tow®. H«w about you and me doing a little typing tonight?” Marine: "You -Urchin -mber when you 41 We Deliver Phone Bryan 93 rq men cured my .rheumatUm, Doc. a couple of year* ago and you told me to avoid dampness?" Doc: “Yes, that's right.** Marine: “Well, I*ve come back to ask you kin I take a bath?" —Urchin. /- Lynn Atkins idea of a REAL coed is one who “can get four hours sleep the previous night, go to eight classes, spend four hours st the hairdressers', study, dross, eat, and then spend six hours dancing and still be able to say 'good night’ to the doorman when she ladM. [ j. **' NOVEMBER. 1939 = i = QUALITY JEWELRY 1 HHHRM f i You’ll Say i- Merry Christmas for years to come if your gift is worthwhile quality jewelry .... and an early selection is urged. SANKEY PARK Diamonds - Watches • Silver "’-T> »i.4 I m ~ mmm Flash! Flash! Holiday Special EGG NOG ■ f ft t* i /•> ! i Ice Cream Ni