k .r ‘Ml nJ H m |\ IL I/ i - % I h '} f M '■ 1 <1; f i I btti of mo bit) of gin, cat, a litt moonlight^ % I y ,1 It A little A liitla A little cnf. * little gnl, A little midnight spin. A little bit of blarney, A little jolie risque, A little motor trouble, A little tin|e to play. A little Vi^, e little pres», A little pMee te perk, A little teitder feeling and A little p«M*on aperk. A little bit; of necking, A little huf: and *quee*e, A little tryj e little sigh. t, a little hoax. of kneea. wpfl gieyedl A little A little A little And there |rou have the aecret of How little girls are made. » L He: 1 prsyedj for you last night. She: Next titne, telephone. He: I've neyer seen »uch dreamy eyes. She: You neker stayed so late be fore*. I . ji Viil , A parrot wma , sitting on the salon of a luxurious steamer watching a m »di<*iftn do tricks. The magicinafgbrx- a4 notice that he was now going to do a triek never fcdp*«f MteaMaM. 1K< pulled up his sleeues and inMda a few fancy motions. At that mom. - - the ship’s boilers exploded and sank the ship. About ton minutes later, as the parrot came to floating about on a piece of driftwood, he was haaed to mutter, “Damn clever. Damn defer.” —Pelican First Freshman— (in the swimming class)—Are yot^a Delt pledge? Second Dope—No, I backed into a stove. It k! 1 She: Why do you always keep one arm free when you pet? He | Well, some day I hope t» own • e “j ii- i 1 ' i f • ; ‘4 i S I He: What wedtif you do if a fel low ciitkeised your figure? She: Well, I wouldn't hold it against him. 1 ROYAL'S Mew •r.#4» Wmk PsUrf typtesl Better tyrOtg' With MAGIC the Future. Am thto mrm E—y-WrtthW Ro>«l umt ...Try It..hGive It THE DESK TEST. GUY H. DEATON r Bryan, Texas ROYAL WOllO ! NO I 'VMWaiTIB I 4|LJ Beat Texas Turkey Day GOOD FOOD * hi S i- 1 it A. Make Van Noy’s Your HeadqiiarterH Before, During, And After The Game And Dance 1 There Is No Ffner Place To Gat irs THlt ' ^ •/ East Gate of the >f the ( oIN,. rH / ■ • .) . i. |(- 't r 1 T i'j 1 1 I f . ■iniHI 1 p- f! t - ir. ^ -.1