The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1939, Image 10

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i •* J
a *
ddmd to just be colled Agries, whatever that is. Tbejr
be a pretty good bunch too aa everybody aeems to 1 link
they are all ricfcl / —
Shoot* down at the corner the other day all you
here was names , . Boyd, Robnett.
Sterling, Smith, shore they got a Smith boy, a
them. Conataer, Moser. They say that boy Moeer done
the heart away from one of them gals out thar in
They must be pretty smooth hounds. Some guy was
ing about some gal that done won a Hollywood
contest or t|>methin'Went off and left one of Um
faced hoys Just to be wid them A^k • - on the way
gold rush country. T
. ;fii i i i
Sam you know 1 wood kinda like to seem them
play a game of that football. We could pack «p i
down to the Brasos bottom in a couple of days if we
right pert.
May: “So things came to a bead when Jack got
jj drunk at four a. m ?"
Pay: “Sure, three va
td pans"
She: “Are you;a white collar man?"
°*‘ i He: "No, I have only one shirt."
a set of dishes and all the pots
Od. a corps trip br k.
At a football game without any liquor.
They say that guy Kimbrough can run over me
Jone's old stompur hull. Tbey say thar are some of —
boks can kick a hall about tha Mae of a molasses bjcket
from the gatepost to the corner of the huu»r.
. Sam I seat that boy of mine down thar to go to col
lege and he must b« gvttin a good wimstion, he
hack the other
stuff that we been readin about in the papers.
t !!; ! ii
In a new auto, on a moonlight night without a woman.
Taking a shower without sny soap
Enrolled la a college where their are o
Fish to blind dCte: "1 guess
ing fellows than 1 am, haven't
( /ouVi
(No answer)
ither day and got to talkin about this foo^baU Fi,h: “X. I r*** you’ve gw out wiU worse looking
we been readin about in the papers. Me knows f#,,ow# t ^ mn 1 * m kaven't you?"
all those big shots what has th#re pictilrws In iKc
dressed in them short pants. w
' *a# * w 1 1 ! —W's i*
T. S. C. Wian: **1 heard you the first time, I was Just try-
ing to thik.
rr 1
They ben talkin shout this Baylor football
they say it ia good too. They are goin to play them Ag-
gtos down at College Saturday. They play on a field
down thar that they named after a fellow that wee t to
school there once. They say he to a pretty good talk* r on
football himself, hut they got him stuck in an old o flee
Job and he don’t get a lot of time to inform us tax payers
about the team. They say they got 35.000 seats arhund
that field. Sam I didn’t know that that many peopla ever
got together anywhere except maybe in Noo York
all them Hitler haters are. -
' Vn ^ ' - 1 - ** 1
When Noah nailed the ocean blue.
He had ht* troubles same as you.
He drove and drove his arc.
Until h* found o place to park.
Jones, he used to be one of the best players they
said that tha Aggies could block, tackle, run, pass,
get along better, and be the best guys in the United States.
' ; §H
- Mary had a little plane
And in it she did frisk
Now wasn’t she a little fool
Her little *
“Frequent drinks of water," said the doctor, “will pre
vent you from getting stiff in the Joints."
"Yea, hut some of the Joints don’t serve Wster."
Usher: “How fsr down do you wish to
Lady: “Why all the way, of course."
Ill r y
my t
Wife’s allowance
Row to live on $1&50 a month
«*•*> d: .i
Car fare
- Pay next month
On the cpff
$3.50 i ,
. , 1.601
^ i.00
(Note you are $3.60 over your budget. Cut out wife’s ollow-
While In Fort Worth on the corps trip I was sitting tea *
rextwnw.i M.ntmg for my order. A customer tegia in, sat
clown at the counter and ordered a plate of hash.
J “Gentleman wgate to take a chance," the waiter yelled
into the kitchen.
"Waiter, I’ll have some of the same," sqid another cus
tomer. . j
“Another gsmblrr!“ called out the waiter.
lr l
| i / WRONG
A si
l !
■mall boy sate an elephant in his yard and tteei
the police immediately. “Chief," he said, “there’s a
animal out here te my back yard. He’s picking flowers
with his tail."
“Yea," said the Chief, “and what does he do then?"
“Never mtod," sra. the answer, "Yeu wouldn't believe me